Melissa Benoist As Chronic In New JAY & SILENT BOB Movie


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>JAIDS and Söylent Bob

jesus christ

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it's actually better than the new supergirl costume

>new jay and bob movie
who tf asked for this?

who's playing bluntgirl?


why is slient bob so thin?

kevin smith's daughter

Why does Kevin Smith make the same exact pose and facial expression in every picture he's been in for the past 30 years?

I think Kevin Smith had a heart attack and changed his lifestyle

he chased amy

Insecure about his facial appearance, thinks wider eyes make him look better

She's going downhill pretty fast


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>Is Kevin dying?

Almost died. Had a heart attack a year ago and lost weight. He just looks like shit because of excess skin. He's basically just deflated. He's much healthier than he looks.

She was wasted on that shitty CW show and she'll be wasted here

Only Clerks is good.

question I've always wondered about blue and green screen
if the point is to chroma key it out and replace it in post, how do they control for any colored reflections that the screen could cast on the set? look at the rock to her left to see what I mean


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It's a dude. I actually think it's Affleck.

Would only work if it's Fatfleck


This is the only reason he agreed to direct episodes of Supergirl

Good equipment is very precise, so the green light reflecting onto the props won't be enough like the greenscreen to have the CG overlay appear on it, and the green tint can be corrected later.

Dude just needs to upgrade his wardrobe to stop looking like one of those starving african children commercials.

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Watch s8 Game of Thrones if you want to see what happens when they forget to factor in green reflecting

He had to become a vegan after his heart attack

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only amerifat retards would say
>is ___ dying
when they someone loses weight
retard amerifats think that the only way to lose weight is cancer or drugs

I don't want skinny silent Bob. And don't fucking tell me that's Jason Mewes.


you can tell jay is getting real sick and tired of kevin smith's bullshit

So old

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The west is dying

this is one of the most retarded things I've ever read

Is this JAV?

>Muslim girl
No thanks

Pretty embarrassing desu senpai

You must be new to Kevin Smith then. That's not even top 20.

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>crows feet

>has her arm over bob while the other guy is just stood there awkwardly

>"Hey, Sweetie, would you mind doing that take one more time with more emphasis on the word 'fucking'? 'kay, thanks"
He's worse than Will Smith, trying to stuff his untalented offspring into every movie he does.

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How fucking old is Smith now? This is pathetic.

Stupid faggot pronouncing the p in pwn is fucking xbox live kiddie speak twisting the term. You don't pronounce the p in pwn unless you are a bitch halo cowadooty babby.

It's the Iceman

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Why does he always make that face

>wanting to watch this tripe

it was funny 10 years ago because it was edgy, but now they're making a movie that is more tame than 50% what's out there

Insecure about his face, so he makes a goofy, exaggerated expression so if he looks bad, it's not his fault because he wasn't trying to take a good picture or anything like that.

48 years old

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Jesus the timing on every joke is completely off. What the fuck?

Unironically: zero thoughts on this

>presenting Jay and Silent Bob to the zoomer audience
Jay and Silent Bob was great at the time but I can see the zoomers touching this

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>Kevin smith and Quentin Tarantula were suppose to be the saviors of American cinema when they first hit the scene


She's so fucking hot

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Imagine the smell

is that the ugly lil niglet from ST3?

what happened next?

Can't remember. It's a shitty story he never got to finish, thank god. It's best forgotten

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she took dick on camera

The bigger surpise is that Ben Affleck actually talks to Kevin Smith again and is in this piece of shit

Who the fuck is that?

This. More impressive even, is the fact that this gossipy bastard kept it a secret.

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Val Kilmer

lol yea why the fuck does he still dress like that

can someone post the pictures of her getting fucked pls

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Fucking zoomers

Legit looks like Robert Iler kid brother.

It's that Indian guy from Mystery Men.

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Lmao this is based

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my thoughts are: why does she make her boyfriend rubber up and not get on the pill?

wtf ally mcbeal is in a superhero tv show?


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Recovering meth addicts

Why does he always make that face? Someone should have told him that it looks silly at this point.

at least have form fitting pants
like yoga pants


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Is she walking funny because her butthole hurts?

More of her hindquarters?

She had a date with Jimmy the night before

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He says she was the Penguin. I honestly don't know what it means.

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Things nobody needed or wanted to know.

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The old one was great. This looks trash


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>loses wife
>loses batman
>comes crawling back to kev

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How can that material keep sticking to her crack that closely and not get sucked inside?

this girl deserves better projects. she must learn, fast, wich cock to suck - its hollywood, the criteria to get roles is this, lets not fool ourselves.


Is Mewes wearing dentures? That’s not a natural looking mouth. How much fucking crank did that fag smoke?

I have never seen Supergirl
anyway here I got with my Melissas

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fwiw, this was confirmed to be a (lost) bet between them.
unless of course that was damage control.

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>Melissa Benoist
post them

nice, tight

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I think I'd rather she take more pictures of herself getting dicked by her boyfriend.


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the bangs look SO FUCKING STUPID

Jay looks so fucked. I mean I'm sure he's far healthier now but christ.

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kek thought he has joints behind his ears

Jericho is actually in this.

nice, tight


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stop dude i can only beat off so much

she looks so much like my highschool crush on that pic. more with that style?
>tfw I never spoke a word to her

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I don't know about that. Don't get me wrong, I find her hotter than just about anyone, so much that I've watched seasons of Supergirl, and even some episodes of Glee, but she's really not a good actress.

Yes? I'm not confusing him for Kevin you retard. Jay looks aged as hell from all the drugs he has consumed.

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do they not have port-a-potties on the set ?

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how can i get myself a supreqt bros

Supergirl looking OLD.

...guess it wasn't the bangs after all.

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She's never looked better than she does there. Absolutely perfect.

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oh dear god my dick


Nice, tight

Jay and cancer patient Bob

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>only interesting lesbian pairing in the show
>never happens

It's just like my fetish Pornography where girls get trapped in various perils that are ripoffs of the original batman series.

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That was kinda depressing to watch. Seems really cringy.

Really. It seems on par with other amazeballs past their prime sequels like Zoolander 2 and Dumb and Dumber To (both films I walked out of).

Is Benoist the most breedable actress in the biz currently?

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I don't know what I'd sniff first.

Nice, tight.

feet, pussy, then ass

Jason Mewes especially looks to old to be doing this kind of role. It's just weird.

I don't know man, i need to ponder a little bit more on that.

Who has neck?

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post all you have nerd

Yes. I just wanna mating press creampie her every day. Pregnancy scares dont exist with a chicks like her.

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she's literally flawless

>CW whore

I want to see her naked
(no not the old pics, her new thiccer body)

>does the same power stance that Brie Larson uses 100% of the time she's Captain Marvel
>actually pulls it off
Why is Brie so shit?

Because she actually looks fit, like she could do 90 min at the gym without meme girl exercises. She's also legit pretty.

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>wearing a bra 3 sizes too big
come on Melissa your tits look good no need to pretend they're giant

Give Melly gf

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you got issues

way better than with that stupid lipstick all the time

>its a SLUT thread

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oh dear

I see Melissa but no icloud pics

Not how bras work, sport.

>has never seen original Tomb Raider

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Wtf I hate my life now

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Everytime I see her face I get flashbacks to her ass getting pounded by some dude when the fappening happened.

Kevin Smith was a good director once.

she looks like the penguin from batman

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15 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand