Show me a picture with more class and talent

Show me a picture with more class and talent.

Attached: esq060119cover005-1558014802.jpg (2800x1867, 694K)

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Attached: E597F9A5-AA8F-4802-A4ED-2F1427766337.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)


They took a picture of Tarantino at such an angle so his hairline doesn't look freakish.

Attached: hoffman_463783915.jpg (970x546, 41K)

Attached: 1562264259753.jpg (719x695, 55K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190718-235231_Chrome.jpg (513x623, 304K)

Attached: tarantino.webm (600x1080, 2.36M)

Based and ciapilled.

Attached: MV5BNzNiNjRlYTUtZDhmYi00YmNjLThiNmEtNGEzMWE2ZmE4ODU0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODE1OTI0Mjg@._V1_.jpg (1920x1080, 237K)

Attached: 1563046861804.jpg (556x702, 125K)

Does anybody really think DiCaprio has class?

Attached: 235346234.jpg (700x525, 67K)

Attached: 1519504089539.jpg (1080x809, 72K)

Subtle off white coloring adds a whole new layer of depth to the movie.


Attached: D86FBiTWwAEqQ-a.jpg (1200x588, 101K)

Tasteful thickness to the beef screen
Holy FUCK I'm glad I switched from glasses to contacts. Not that I was as bad as any of these creatures even with glasses but it's good to put as much distance between the comparison as possible


Attached: 507A41F200000578-0-image-a-8_1537485589878.jpg (306x542, 44K)

Attached: 1553788103815.jpg (724x563, 27K)

Attached: 1561340479381.jpg (720x1280, 288K)

Attached: dl.jpg (1860x1013, 396K)

Radiohead: The Bends

I'm not going to post my face on the Internet.

Btw, that picture you posted OP:
One was molested as a kid, one is bi-sexual and the other has a demented foot lust.

Why not? Its already in the pedophile database?

Is this movie about Charles Manson? I have no idea what the plot is.

Beauty only goes skin deep. You kids have a lot to learn.

Nah. I'm too pretty. And the kikes are likely looking for it, so... not going to happen.

Attached: image.jpg (658x358, 50K)

Attached: Yul-Brynner-Mercedes-SL.jpg (800x1168, 203K)

Came hoping for this

Attached: 1469283835243.png (286x217, 110K)

Attached: mod rally.jpg (968x681, 122K)


Attached: Paul_Dano_Deauville_2012.jpg (463x509, 51K)

>thinking anything in this car represents class or talent

Attached: 5jHlqhZPHKz_ML9XoREk1cnlhmMt1yYK3D1-oFedraU.jpg (625x552, 71K)


Attached: sickening_it_leanening.png (614x676, 565K)

Attached: Hindenburg_and_Ludendorff.jpg (456x600, 65K)

Based and Dolchstoßpilled

The guy in the back seat looks like some sort of pervert mongoloid

The cross over I want but will never get

Attached: 1555382287946.jpg (1332x2560, 746K)

you don't recognise Uno Farto?

I am shutting your butt down, alright?

Fuckin kek

Attached: 1530927092559.jpg (716x724, 32K)


Attached: boy-meets-world-logo-2.jpg (650x482, 252K)

No feet? 1/10

Attached: fullhouse.gif (365x274, 1.53M)

Attached: FearAndLoathing1.jpg (550x300, 40K)

they did a poorly played stream together

>Director in the backseat