Daily Reminder
Daily Reminder
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Based. Daily reminder that violence against LGBTQABRAAAP+ members is hilarious.
I don't get it
I'm a transgirl and it's hilarious coming to these places where it's so obvious your "hatred" and cruel images are posted just because you're angry that you're sexually attracted to us.
Post feminine benis? :3
I dont really hate you I just think it's funny
y-you take that back
There shall not be an article (keli) of a man upon a woman, and a man shall not put on a wrapper of (simlat) a woman, because everyone doing (who does) these (things) is an abomination of (unto) the Lord your God.
to me personally the sheer abstract horror of it all is kino
Does this apply for when girls put on their boyfriends shirts and jackets too?
>I find trannys disgusting
>So I'm a nazi
Is this why Hollywood pushes that in every movie and tv show? Are the satanists aware of how it's frowned upon so they try to fool people by pretending it's normal and everyone does it?
This shouldn't be a question, look at who's running the show
I fucking hate your degeneracy and how you are constantly trying to hijack internet culture, especially chan culture. You are more often than not, cluster B personality disorder menaces from leddit and tumblr with unironic socialist and communist beliefs. Don't you think that's enough for people to hate you?
>no u
Wow you sure know a lot about us. Your obsession is so obviously sexual in nature.
You literally wish this were the case
>Transgender women are almost always portrayed as victims, with late-transitioning white computer programmers in the Home Counties weaponising the deaths of Brazilian transsexuals to bolster their standing in the oppression stakes. This insistence of vulnerability plays into a sexist stereotype of femininity, and in my opinion is part of the fetish.
it's noticeable to anons yes
>late-transitioning white computer programmers in the Home Counties weaponising the deaths of Brazilian transsexuals to bolster their standing in the oppression stakes
>Still projecting
Imagine projecting your autogynephilia this hard
I always laugh when they point out the tranny murder rate cause it's 9/10 times either black guy killing a black tranny or a 3rd world prostitute tranny getting snuffed
The middle class commie trannies that have catgirl avatars arent being so much as touched but they cant join the military and srs costs money so they are like TOTES OPPRESSED U GUISE
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.
it's a piece of fabric bro lmao
>your God
My ancestors aren't Jewish
Bring back Pop posting. I hate the women on this board and the trannies even more