Just finished watching Alita
10/10 Movie, Cameron did it again.
when sequel bros?
Just finished watching Alita
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Judging by the amount of Alita threads on Yea Forums I take it a decent torrent is available?
No thanks. I'll wait for my 4k UDH to arrive.
ye, blurays dropped
I had to watch the movie 5 times back-to-back. Its so perfect in every way.
>10/10 movie
>organized stealth /alita/ thread
fuck you, your faggot bluray release doesn't validate these shitty threads
go back
But staples of this site like sneedposters like alita. The guy who made the video of him screaming about Sneed cosplayed as an alita character
>terrible Twilight tier romance
>laughably bad dialogue and awful acting for the most part
>main protagonist is a spoiled brat
>action straight out of a PS3 game
>sequel bait ending that will go absolutely nowhere
How do you faggots consider this a 10/10 movie? Give me a few good reasons.
Dude, people like the movie. Get over it and go post in a thread about a movie you like. I highly doubt you are here to talk about movies though.
get the fuck out disney shill
>comfy Alita thread
>retards show up and immediately shitpost
kill yourself faggot
Was Ajakutty in the bar getting his ass kicked by Alita?? I read something in the art book about it but i dont remember seeing him.
All of his points are true though, but of course your precious waifu cannot be insulted, apparently
Alita poster admits they would organize a raid on Yea Forums if their general is removed
Alita poster admits they have a janitor who has told them he is a janitor
Mod/janitor from the discussion in the linked threads above leaves up discord advertising while multiple users admit they have reported it.
Thread full of wiped posts while the discord advertising link stays up
Discord posters admit they plan on organizing raid threads
Same mod/janitor leaves up discord link while post exposing them not even a minute after is deleted
Also he hasn't been fired which means its time for more Yea Forums and /pol/ levels of mod/janitor bullying
wish they would make a new Alita anime
I'm glad we gave your life some meaning.
>the spambot again
It's a copypasta. Lurk more faggots
the bad kind of autism
Look how they massacred my girl
10/10 ? dude...seriously?
yes the movie was pure Joy
Why are people so militant against alita? Is it just revenge for this board banging on capn f*ngus?
I mean, critically its a 7. But compared to the other shit we've been getting it felt like a 10.
This. It isn't perfect but it has nice development of a character that I actually cared about. It also has something most other flicks don't have -- a soul.
They cant find joy in movies anymore and get mad that other people do.
it probably really comes down to this
Because its reylo2.0 and even has a janitor protecting them like reylo did Also this ignores the proof that all alita shitters aren't from Yea Forums and how the proof was censored by the mod(images get upload fail)
But you can keep pretending to be dumb, tourist. During mod downtimes your info(and all the other spics and trannys)will be posted today
Sure buddy.
this is what mental illness looks like.
Some scientific research about a phenomenon known as "Cute Aggression" just showed up on my radar. As I was reading into it, numerous light bulbs started flashing in my head. It explains so much about what we already know about the differences between the liberal and conservative brain. The Amygdala! It is also heavily involved in the reaction to cuteness and is involved in reward processing for behavioral responses. If you have an underdeveloped amygdala, you are more vulnerable to cuteness overload which activates an aggressive response wherein you want to attack, hurt or destroy the source of the cuteness.
I think Cute Aggression warrants some more investigation by interested parties here on /pol/ and elsewhere, I think it can directly compliment some of our strategies going forward. Cute Aggression turns out to be more prevalent in young girls and feminists. I bet you could predict which girls are more likely to become rabid feminists by analyzing their response to cuteness. Why do we get so much flak from leftists and even some people who claim to be right-wing (neocohens, cuckservatives) about using anime avatars and posting anime memes–it's because they have underdeveloped amygdala. Why are most Western cartoons and AAA games so ugly, with the exception of say French cartoons or stuff derived or influenced by Disney classics: because the Jewish producers and art directors tend to become aggressive with cute artwork, they really don't like it. Why do the corrupt leftist and globalist elite partake in child sex trafficking, rape and torture? Why has child vore emerged in Jewish occult practices? Why do Jews run the worst of the hentai and porn industries? Cute Aggression and the brain chemistry involved explains it all.
Even the fact that Yea Forums started as an anime image board ended up acting as a filter to select for those who tend not to be aggressive to cuteness–it selects for those with normal to well developed amygdala. It explains a large part of why /pol/ and the alternative right emerged from image board culture, the other part of course would be anonymity selecting for INTJ/INTP personality types who tend to score lower on narcissism. It explains why whenever we got floods of new posters from reddit or elsewhere, complaints about anime would always follow. It explains our relative power against leftists on image boards and why /leftypol/ can't seem to grow without bots, as less of them tend to like cute things and hence avoid anime.
Cuteness can be used as a wedge in our strategies. Aversion to anime is a litmus test for the underdeveloped amygdala and the liberal brain. We can use cuteness in our memes and campaigns to attract like minded people into our fold and keep out the unwanted. All of these things we've already been doing inadvertently, but now we have comprehensive theory as to why it works and what we can do to really hit the pressure points. Best of all we can call people out for not liking our anime smugs.
Here's some links to get you started, but by no means is it complete. There's a lot more material available if you search for it. If this gives you any interesting ideas, please share them.
When Too Cute Is Too Much, The Brain Can Get Aggressive
Dimorphous Expressions of Positive Emotion: Displays of Both Care and Aggression in Response to Cute Stimuli
The Affect of Cute Animals on the Human Phsyiology
Nick Carter from Backstreet Boys became an Alitafag lmao we are getting stronger by the day
We'll start with your favorite alita tranny from a country with strict internet laws(technically its illegal for HIM to browse this site)
Take it away viktoria(formerly victor)!
What movie did u see user? That doesnt sound like you have watched Alita at all. Ok now bend over and lemme insert a 4K Blu Ray of Captain Funguns™ copy up your hairy ass
This and the fact that they have been suckling Disney's cock for too long to be able to appreciate any movie that isnt a soulless remake or a shallow capeshit
Bump. Why are alita fans such plebeians?
pay close attention to the discord tranny's inability to refute any criticism about this hot garbage movie
all you niggers do is deflect shit by saying "muh capeshit"
you are so dense, have you ever taken into consideration that some people are smart enough to dislike both?
>implying i'm not a russkie user who came here from Yea Forums in 2015
Fuck trannies too
hey look weeaboo fucking horseshit
Give a genuine criticism about the film and i'll attempt to refute it
Horry sheet good post
>all you niggers do is deflect shit by saying "muh capeshit"
Because that's all they watch besides flavor of the week shows like game of thrones and walking dead. Look at the one here being replied to in
>bad coloring
>bad aspect ratio
why is BR a thing?
So did Alita rip off GitS or the other way around?
GitS would have been so much better if they didnt cast the Jew fridge
I mean the GitS movie could have been as good as Alita is if they just didn't cast a wrinkly Jew fridge.
neither. battle angel is a mediocre anime from the 90s
It was great.
Yeah, but GitS came out in 95 and had the same "everything torn off except arm" thing. So did the original manga/anime of BA rip off that?
it was fucking shit, would have been better if the protag wasnt some old kike cunt
No, I really liked seeing Black Widow as Major.
she is old and busted and looked like shit in the movie. doesnt fit the major role at all.
If they made the Major a real qt the movie would have been more successful.
I don't think it's in the original at all
Stop trying to bait me, OP.
>all my female characters must be as cute as Alita!
why not?
who enjoys watching ugly cunts on screen?
I sure dont and I'd say every normal man would agree.
just look at the box office numbers, compare GitS from 2017 with Alita. hmmm I wonder why nobody wanted to see GitS?
Its clear who the audience prefers and it is not a wrinkly old Jew cunt which hit the wall 20 years ago.
Good moobie
Why are Alitabros the ones making normal posts and the haters are spewing copypasta? Imagine being this triggered by a movie, like dude just close the tab lmao
I also watched first time just a few hours ago. The regrade version with no yellow filter is a fucking wonder.
Also, I really liked her character, which is strange since I usually don't care about female MCs.
It's because she's pure and kind-hearted. And she's authentically badass. She's a female MC like Ripley or Sarah Connor, not like Rey or Captain Toe Cheese.
>she falls in love
>her facial make up changes
Little details that make a lot of difference. This movie really have a lot of soul.
Just like Bladerunner2047, I really regret not seeing this on the cinema.
This, if you want me to watch female characters in movies, make them cute, make them benevolent and kind. Make them the kind of person I would want to see succeed. Make them a real human bean and a real hero.
I noticed that too, they put soul into this movie.
>I really regret not seeing this on the cinema
pls don't remind me of my sins
I wish that chocolate bar was my penis
BASED. Brainlets BTFO.
You want a cyborg to bite a chunk of your peepee off?
Not in a million fucking years, was good on its own, read the fucking mango or whatever you call that jap shit if you want the rest of it.
Yes. Anything to make her smile.
someone have a torrent link?
It is the regrade some user posted, without the yellow filter.
Before you do, clean your fucking room, and take a shower though.
>clean your fucking room
KYS Jordan Peterson, leave my filthy alone.
this really explains why BR2049 and Alita were such a success for the Yea Forums crowd but normalfag brainlets with underdeveloped brains couldn't understand it and got angry at it.
>when sequel bros?
maybe if they
>hire bonbi and save millions in big eyes cgi
>put it on netflix before it closes.
>hope for the best
>hire bonbi and save millions in big eyes cgi
>put it on netflix before it closes.
haha no
I'm already buying 15 blurays this better be enough for based Jim to make a sequel.
>haha no
>I'm already buying 15 blurays
unless you meant 150k blurays, you can say goodbye to your sequel
I'm not alone, there is a whole army buying Alita Blurays
I will also gift them to friends and family
I missed out on seeing it in theater. I didn’t know how wonderful the movie was until I pirated it on a whim. I will be buying my Blu-Ray for sure.
>I missed out on seeing it in theater. I didn’t know how wonderful the movie was until I pirated it on a whim.
same, wish I could have seen it in 3D
Seen it in 3D, IMAX 3D and 4DX. Shit was cash
I will probably watch it in 3D on my oculus rift, I know not even close to the cinema experience but better than nothing I guess
Same. I guess I was just fed up with poorly done manhating mary sue female protagonist bullshit, and thought Alita was in this category as well. How wrong I was.
I already bought a Blu-Ray, even though I don't even have a Blu-Ray reader.
If only I had seen the light
Good to hear, but a very sad tale, user.
No. But originally the manga was a edgy rip-off of Astro Boy