Which was the better show?

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The Simpsons S11E05

ATLA, well and truly.

ATLA can’t hold a candle to SU

Neither, cause I'm not a faggot.

Avatar by a lot

I watched Avatar as a kid, I haven't seen Stephen Universe because I was too old for cartoons at that point.

Every time
I just feel SU explores deeper stuff than ATLA did.

like faggotry



t. tranny

>t. Weeb

ATLA was about redemption
SU is about homosexuality and bolshevism

>Muh tranny show is deep because it turns kids into faggots

Only faggots watched either of them


>muh weeb show is Deep because martial arts

you guys need to be 18 to post here,

You're obviously too stupid to understand even the on-the-nose themes such as
>How can one combat violence with non-violence?
>Redemption arcs
>Adolescent love
>Growing up and finding yourself in life

Which SU does better in every single way.