IT CHAPTER 2 Final trailer
IT CHAPTER 2 Final trailer
>boy i sure can't wait for all those sweet jumpscares
mcavoy will make this work though
My wife Sophia Lillis is so cute.
Not always, but the first part was ruined by them. They were all cheap and predictable. Still an entertaining movie though
Why yes, I do enjoy jumpscares. How could you tell?
>yfw they wont adapt any of the stories mike collected
Can't we just once talk about something instead of just throwing around memes? Even if it's something like jumpscares?
They actually did it, the absolute madmen
Looks like it ain't Mike
>2 trailers
>none of them shows the jew
What the fuck are they thinking? Is Raimi behind this?
I thought Stanley an heroes?
>McAvoy kino on the menu
Yeah but I thought they would mix it up a little
>McAvoy and Hader
Yeah, I'm thinking it's kino
Hader's gonna Hade
Outside of changing the year it takes place the movies have been pretty close to the source material as far as plot goes. They just omit excess things, they havent changed any major plot threads
>No Mike Hanlon kino of finding out the origin of it and interviewing the town populace
Glad that it's atleast looking like he will play a bigger role in the second one. I barely remember him being in the first one.
Just to fuck with us
beep beep Richie
Part 1 really overdid on the jumpscares, though.
>no shoot-out scene
>no bar fight scene
Garbage incoming, sadly.
How come he looks 5 years younger in this than in Stranger Things?
I thought he filmed st first
Who is your favorite of Its' minions? Mine is Witch minion
jumpscare kino
thing is I know it's not going to scare me really but I like the imagery and it looks like they nailed the casting for this one too so I'm sure it'll be fun
Is that the gay dude who gets thrown off the bridge?
Looks like it.
They fucking better include the court case that follows in the movie.
They're not minions, dumbass. They are It taking a different form.
Then explain the Zombie minion
Wait they only made half a movie in the remake of IT? They split it into 2 movies?
Both these freaked me out.
They made him look older in ST before he was supposed to be a teenager
In it it was set right after the first movie
Is there a child gang bang scene?
Yeah. That's what they did with the TV special as well.
The book is long as fuck
great makeup but they shouldn't have pulled their punches. I wanted this dude screeching about sucking the kids dick for a dime, that's what made it so freaky in the book.
By the trailer we can expect another Kino movie, right?
the book is essentially two gigantic stories. Its like 1100 pages long. It would be ridiculous to attempt to smash it all into two hours and also its free money to make it two stories.
The adult portion is undoubtedly the weaker of the two though. In the book, it alternates segments between the kids and the adults, telling both stories simultaneously. This makes the adult parts tolerable. I have higher hopes for this movie because they're clearly bringing the kids back in to pad out the adult story and also they had enough of a budget to have a phenomenal cast for the adults.
Part 1 was far from perfect, way too much cgi cheese and jumpy scares for sure, but still the best adaption of the book to date. With the AAA budget they have I'm looking forward to a faithful recreation of the cosmic horror of It's true form. I just hope they don't focus test retard audiences who think its too dumb and scrap it. I want a fiery galaxy of despair and reality rending jaws of demonic spider gods and all that good shit.
Agreed. A guy looking like that, proposing something so vulgar and wrong to a lone young kid on the empty run down side of town while running at him was really creepy.
clown kino time
Yeah, the first film was alright but didn't quite reach the heights that it could have. It just had a few errors with the sceenplay being underdeveloped, but the direction was pretty good aside from the over reliance on jump scares. Hopefully they deliver with this one
I said they omitted shit
Zombie Minion is mine
The starting parts of the adult story archs in the books where peak kino. It all went to shit as soon as they got back to Derry, though.
responded to wrong post
ahegao time
Looks like IT has many more minions this time around.
This new Pennywise has to be the scariest movie monster we've seen in years. Literally years. There's two scenes in this teaser that absolutely sent shivers down my spine. First when Witch-Minion runs naked and finally get to see Pennywise's face at the end. its scary and epic.
The movie itself seems to capture that 80s feeling we've seen in Stranger Things and other important work. Do your part and see it in theaters. Be a part of history.
well its does look better than part 1 and i REALLY like the casting. its spot on.
im not expecting an masterpiece though.
So they doubled down on the BWAAAAAAAAAAW.
the story where the legion of white decency burns down the blackspot was kino
yeah you're right. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the screenwriters find that stuff too isolated from the derry setting that they cut it though. I don't even remember anything about the adult parts of the book other than those establishing scenes before they reunite and also the crazy final confrontation. A lot of wandering around the town researching the chud ritual or whatever I assume.
But they got a good cast, good direction, lots of fun haunted house setpieces to deliver scares. I think they could do another passable job making a relatively fun, goofy movie with the budget to accurately recreate the gonzo finale.
>the stars of the first movie were Finn Wolfhard and the kids
>the star of this movie is Jessica fucking Chastain
What a downgrade
Richie/eddie kino confirmed.
Oh god
Would be kino if they intercepted with the flash back scenes
>They just omit excess things, they havent changed any major plot threads
Ehhh I would say they changed one of the most important plot threads with why the kids went into the sewers in the end. In the book it's a decision they all make together in order to stop It from killing more children. In the movie they make it the cliche "oh no he's got our friend Bev, we HAVE to go now guys!!" if Beverly hadn't been kidnapped in the movie, they wouldn't have gone in. Whereas in the book they do it out of their own since of childhood justice.
>“It’s too dark,” Richie sobbed. “You know... it’s too dark. Eds... he...”
If they don't put in some form of the baby eating scene from the script, they are truly the losers. Skarsgård said that they filmed some of it for the first movie before it was cut.
I still can't believe they found the perfect actor for adult Eddie. It's almost uncanny.
DId the director say the Turtle would play a part in Part II or was I imagining that?
They’ve cast Idris Elba for the role
I can see everyone in the theater ruining that by laughing
Diseased leper, not a zombie
This image is going to be used in braap and foot threads, isn’t it?
>The movie itself seems to capture that 80s feeling we've seen in Stranger Things and other important work. Do your part and see it in theaters. Be a part of history
This reddit line singlehandedly made me decide to stop watching movies in theaters
don't you joke around with me like that
The pennywise fucker side of the fandom is going to be losing their goddamn minds
Based Ziggy
hes obviously trolling dipshit
Detective so and so!
That older Eddie is spot-on casting, holy shit.
Excited for Bill Hader, too.
I think this might be from the scene where Bill´s spirit gets flung through the macrocosm
Ohh you may be right.
Stfu buzz word poster
based Ray.
He is already the gunslinger in the Stephen King Cinematic Universe
when is the directors cut of chapter 1 coming out so i can finally watch this?
>It was aware of their oath, and had known they would come back just as a lion knows
the zebra will eventually return to the waterhole. It had begun to plan even as It began
to drowse. When It woke It would be healed, renewed - but their childhoods would be
burned away like seven fatty candles. The former power of their imaginations would be
muted and weak. They would no longer imagine that there were piranha in the Kenduskeag or
that if you stepped on a crack you might really break your mother's back or that if you
killed a ladybug which lit on your shin your house would catch fire that night. Instead,
they would believe in insurance. Instead, they would believe in wine with dinner -
something nice but not too pretentious, like a Pouilly-Fuisse '83, and let that breathe,
waiter, would you?
>Instead, they would believe that Rolaids consume forty-seven times
their own weight in excess stomach acid. Instead, they would believe in public
television, Gary Hart, running to prevent heart attacks, giving up red meat to prevent
colon cancer. They would believe in Dr Ruth when it came to getting well fucked and Jerry
Falwell when it came to getting well saved. As each year passed their dreams would grow
smaller. And when It woke It would call them back, yes, back, because fear was fertile,
its child was rage, and rage cried for revenge.
>It would call them and then kill them.
If the background for the end credits is just Eddie's one-armed rotting corpse floating alone in the dark sewer, then this movie will surpass kino.
True love kino is back on the menu.
the way King's writing veers into run on sentences of juvenile cynicism (and how every single character in every single book has the exact same jeering sarcastic inner voice) bugs me a lot but It's prose was total cocaine kino. Perfect mix of fun excessive bloody horror and sunny nostalgic americana.
Doing it for the sake of your friend is a lot better and relatable reason than MUH JUSTICE. What a fucking hack.
I looked and they have not disappointed
>“For 27 years, I dreamt of you. I craved you. I missed you!”
>#daddywise#ok I needed to hear that today penny#
I don't know, man. It doesn't look nearly as captivating as the first one, and a large (a fucking HUGE) part of that is the cast is now made up of adults rather than a bunch of endearing, foul-mouthed kids. I'm going to check it out regardless, but even the scary scenes they've shown here don't look as good as the first one. Fingers crossed either way. I loved the first movie.
>Doing it for the sake of your friend is a lot better and relatable reason
Doing it for their friend is cliche as hell. Instead of the entire group, Beverly included, making the decision to risk their lives to take down a monster it turns into: "oh nooo! Beverly's in trouble! We have to save her!" How fucking boring.
My favorite part of this is that It knows all about this pop culture stuff, which implies that It is spying on people as they watch Jerry Falwell and Dr. Ruth, probably while eating TV dinners in their living room.
The Turtle was already present in Pt. 1. Hints of it will be sprinkled throughout Pt. 2 for people who know what's up. They made a smart choice keeping it in the subtext, otherwise movie-only audiences wouldn't know what the flying fuck was going on. Despite criticisms, I thought the last movie handled the source material really well while also being considerate of new viewers.
>Doing it for their friend is cliche as hell
Doing it for the sense of justice is 10000 times more cliche you retard.
What I don't get honestly is why so many so called "master" writers use the same prose that would be considered trash by laureates I'd think.
Like King and Cormac McCarthy both have segments of literally PAGE FUCKING LONG run on sentences that's nothing but overly descriptive adjectives.
Why is that style of writing seen as technically garbage and would get panned but is reserved for a select few that for some reason get a pass on it?
>Doing it for the sense of justice is 10000 times more cliche you retard.
If it's so cliche, name 10 books/movies/tv shows where everyday kids choose to put their own lives at risk for the sake of taking down a monster that's killed their friends and neighbors without needing an external "friend in distress" motivator.
I'm looking forward to old lady minion, she may be the first one that was recruited after the great spirit war
More like empathy, since neurotypical people generally care when they find out people are being killed. Autism probably makes it hard to relate to that though, so don’t feel too bad about not getting it.
>the ritual of chuck
Can’t wait to sneed it
Your hair is like winterfire.
Nice try, you don't get to limit the conditions yourself. It's cliche because doing something out a sense of justice is every fucking superhero ever.
Like it or not, doing something for a friend is infinitely more relatable than something people in real life don't do: having a sense of "justice". Or do you think everyone gives homeless people money everytime they walk past by them on the streets? Please.
Oh so doing it for a friend isn't empathy because...?
Suddenly his comments make sense. It must be hard to understand the concept of the kids taking down It for the greater good and to avenge all the kids and other people It has already killed, rather than specifically needing a cliche, damsel-in-distress to get them down there.
V team 2 anyone?
>It's cliche because doing something out a sense of justice is every fucking superhero ever.
Or every story about "we HAVE to stop the bad guy! they could take over x!".
Hypocrite, why are you acting like doing something out of something as unrealistic and broad as justice isn't far more cliche than doing it for a friend which is actually believable?
Your comment confirms 's suspicions. Autism at its finest. I'm sorry that you don't comprehend empathy.
>s-shit! I have no arguments! I know, I'll call him that insult that all the cool kids around here use all the time even though I don't even know what it means! that'll show him!
Thanks for conceding.
I hope we get to see the second final form of Pennywise
>mfw no post-stroke Tim Curry cameo in Chapter II
The fuck he’s in Stranger Things?
>Richie Tozier ...... Finn Wolfhard
Holy fuck
agreed user
He's right here, he even has the lazy eye
How else do you scare zoomers without loud noises?
The VVitch.
looks like garbage
not another god damn origin story jesus christ
dya reckon were getting the leeches m8s?
I don't think so. I think they're just calling back to the fridge because it's the one Pennywise stuffed himself into in Chapter I.
he can actually do that with his eyes, shit's crazy and based, that's no CGI
i am not much of a horrorfag but this legit looks like it will be fun as fuck in kinoplex with friends
>You fool, this isn't even my final form!
zero sign of the spider in the trailer, yeah its nots in
maybe is the delete scene where he eats a small child.
le scary clown
underage gangbang this time?
Are we actually going to get to see Bill Skarsgård act for more than 5 minutes this time or is all CG penny wise again?
Me neither, horror movies are 99% shit anyways. The first IT is like a scary adventure movie.
why would you want that if he is pennywise ?
go away reddit
The Jew is dead before anything really happens. The opening will probably be Stan's suicide.
in the book it's actually not the clown that's so scary, but the the what he's transforming into. They kinda shifted that in the first movie and just made him le spooky jumpscare clown, which didn't work that well.
thank fuck
your "wife" won't EVER acknowledge you digusting incel
To be fair, in the book and in the original Miniseries, Bill wants revenge, for George. He kind of begs them to help him. They go along, because they know they'll get picked off one by one if they don't, probably. In the book they also get chased into the sewers by Bowers and his goons, so the confrontation with IT is almost forced on them.
Seems like they went back on the decision to change the "researcher character" from the black kid to the fat kid in the first one
A lot better, since the black kid had literally nothing to do in the first one except be the one that has the high-pressure sheep killing gun (which may as well just have been a normal gun).
>eddie corcoran and victor didnt manage to join the losers
>no teenage gangbang
best worst grinder hookup
Or they dont want to spoil it
fuck you and your stupid minionposting
Will it have the child gangbang scene?
Will Finn bang Sophia’s disabled brother?
reminds me of the dog filter on snapchat
amazing that they didn't use CGI for that since Bill tonge is already like that
I hope they use some of those unused concept art for reference
I would honest to god prefer an IT adaptation that isn't a 'horror' movie.