Oldboy (2003)

This is by far my favorite movie and I believe it's one of the best movies of the 21st century.

Now fight me you fucking coward bitches

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babby's first korean flick

Babby’s first Yea Forums post

I've seen a lot of them, but this is still my absolute favorite. I also think it's the best out of the trilogy. Personal preference I guess.

there should be a babby's first asian flick list

battle royale
ichi the killer

kung fu hustle

good for you op

It's generally people's first, yes, but most of them don't really surpass it.

>what you love that movie? that's only because you haven't seen blablablablabla

No. I have seen a lot of movies. A lot of Japanese movies, a lot of Korean movies, when I was living with a dude studying film-something who collected movies. I still love Oldboy by far the most.

Asian movies in general are so unnecessarily overdramatic that they feel like fantasies of edgy highscoolers. Some are more or less self-aware and/or stylised and manage to make their drama work, but Oldboy is not the case.

Because they have a different perspective on movies, it's not supposed to mimick reality. It's an artform for them, or entertainment. Oldboy is also based on a comicbook, of course it's overdramatic. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Every 16 year olds favourite film, it's the first foreign film you've seen we get it. The most Reddit part of the film is the long take and then directly after the elevator scene. The door opens and all the bodies around him fall out. That killed any lingering hope for integrity and honesty in filmmaking.

it's literally the only mistake in the whole movie. apart from that it's one of the most integer and honest movies you can find.

>the most reddit
that means nothing except that you're retarded

I prefer the far superior Indian remake:

>Asian movies in general are so unnecessarily overdramatic
it only feels like that to you because in comparison modern american films are all jokey and quipy and reliant on irony to diffuse any dramatic tension that might cause the audience to have some kind of emotional reaction beyond the soi face.

you shut your whore mouth up about kung fu hustle

India is the greatest enemy of cinema

I've been watching a lot of Korean movies lately, mostly thrillers and crime. JSA Joint Security Area has stuck with me most.

it's extremely entry level

It's even on Netflix

perhaps, but you say that as if its detrimental to its caliber amongst asian films when in fact its one of the best

name one

ichi the killer is the first pleb filter.

what? korean movies? what about lady vengeance? or I've seen the devil? Or all the weird Takashi Miike shit from Japan?

What the fuck does this prove? Are you aware I'm sitting on a device with google access? Are you fucking 12? Why are you so fucking pretentious?

Then you don't have good taste.Asian cinema is so vast and better than American cinema you shouldn't go back to ever watching an American made movie.

Still, asian cinema is just a gateway to the wonder that is Europan cinema.

Now go and watch The Wailing if you haven't seen it already.

Personal preference is right because you’re wrong Mister is the best of the trilogy.

>yadda yadda don't like this you're not cool like me if you like this you pleb yadda yadda

>oh no! you tricked me into fucking my daughter! woe is me!
What a pathetic anticlimax. As if every father doesn't daydream about grooming his daughter into the perfect nubile fuckslave. Absolutely killed my immersion.

Thanks perfectx

>w-why are you making fun of me, i-i have indeed seen many asian movies you know, ugh there is Oldboy of course, then there is the one with the detective, I watched the one with the girl coming out of tv, American version but it still counts!

Can't believe I'm wasting my time trying to converse with actual retards.

fpbp. Now its a total noob bait.
>The Wailing

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Isn't that what's Yea Forums about?

Yet you're here. I bet you're watching Yea Forums all day to wait for an opportunity to discuss cinema with wise, educated and well weathered gentlemen like yourself, huh?

Oldboy or I Saw the Devil?

I'm here for sneedposting.

>-why are you making fun of me
If anyone really cares that some neckbeard freaks on Yea Forums are "making fun" of him, that's the smallest problem that person has

Indeed! Your assumption is quite fitting old sport. I presume you are a gentleman yourself?

OP's favorite hong kong flicks are definitely shanghai noon/knights

Recommend other kimchi kinos like this movie pls

The version I saw censored all nudity. Too bad because I like the wincest part.

Why did Woojin sit next to naked Mido? Did he rape her? I thought he only lived to take revenge?

>babby's first
I hate this retarded thinking. The fact something out of a certain genre is most known is usually because it is the best. I hate fags like you that need to fond some very """hidden""" gem in everything they do so they can feel super elitist about themselves. Might jot work for everything but certainly applies a lot to Yea Forums


>most known
it is most known among netlix onions like you. Thats the problem. Its like saying "Iam into sci-fi because I like StarWars"

plebs mad

was it a aunti bahbee with open vagene?

Oldboy is one of the quintessential "think it's a masterpiece in high school" movies. It is not a bad movie, but you quite literally grow out of thinking it is so awesome, and honestly after you know the twist of the movie, it renders rewatches practically worthless. Ultimately an overrated movie if anything.

the only underrated oldboy is the american remake

Also daily reminder that Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance is by far the best in the trilogy. There really isn't even a comparison to be made with the other two, the first is the best.

comic book movie

>Not Lady
imagine being such a pleb


>names the worst one of the three


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>modern asian '""''"cinema"""

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>Personal preference is right because you’re wrong
are you ok

Name 3 better movies

If any of them are black and white movies you should kys

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you have a very surface level taste in film user. it’s honestly embarrassing

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I was memed by teevee to watch asian movies. The VVitch complete shits on this sub's recommendations

Anime adaptations have never ever been good.
Manga adaptations are good maybe half of the time.

Live by these rules.

>this sub
Fuck off already.

Having seen a lot of Korean films after beginning this trend by watching I Saw the Devil, I've yet to see anything come even close to Oldboy. So with your super contrarian high tier knowledge of Korean movies, recommend me a Korean film that is better, since it is apparently entry level trash. I guarantee you'll just recommend shit you autistic weeaboo bastard.

16 year olds watch this movie expecting Kill Bill and end up hating it

I've been here for 2 years already, incel.

Learn to read dipshit. He's saying you're right to say it's personal preference because you're wrong. Stupid

oh poor sweetie
>Yellow river
>Memoir of Murderer
>The truth beneath

as expected you just posted shit that doesn't even come close.

ok. You are that kind of poster

tfw no My Sassy Girl gf

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and you're a contrarian faggot

Good but has atrocious pacing like virtually every gook film in existance. Japs got a better hand for pacing movies that are 2+ hours long, see Eureka, Hara-Kiri and Love Exposure as some quick examples (and that piece of shit All About Lilly Chou-Chou on how be even worse than Gooks).

Go rewatch Odboy on Netflix pleb

Hana-Bi (entry level as fuck and a great film)

>Memoir of Murder
Everything wrong with korean film making in one bloated package. Not shitting on your other choices, though.

you're the type of person who stops liking music you like when it gets big because you can't deal with the fact that the only thing that constitutes your "personality", the fact that you like stuff that is more obscure than most people like, is no longer obscure. it makes you feel so fucking bad. kys

Everything right you mean

Oldboy is interesting and one of my favorite Korean films.
I think it has to do with every time I rewatch it, it’s with someone who hasn’t seen it before. It’s not a movie I think you get much out of rewatching it by yourself.
Now Attack The Gas Station, THAT’S PURE KOREAN KINO

If any user only has watched those three as first entries in their asian kino trip and liked it, they are good enough. Go fuck yourself with your patrician mannerisms.

>Reddit tourist getting triggered: The Post

>Calling people tourist
Imagine being this consumed by media


>I've been here since 2017
Whoah, a true oldfag.
Himizu is garbage. Read the thing it's adapting.
>Everything wrong with korean film making in one bloated package
That's The Wailing.

>I think you get much out of rewatching it by yourself
I actually did for around eight or ten times. Every time I noticed another small detail, like the scars on his fists in every scene later in the movie, or other small details. I just love the movie, there went so much love and expertise in it's making.

The elevator scene is the only mistake I have ever found in the whole movie, and it's not thaaat bad as it's still based on a comic book

>You're not allowed to like a movie for it's themes or the memories you associate with it, you either like this list of movies because they are OBJECTIVELY good and patrician or you're not cool and a fucking pleb

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Memories of Murder
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

Harakiri is like best film ever made, besides Pierrot le Fou

>ichi the killer
I didn't get it, same with Tetsuo the Iron Man (?? the first one)
Someone help

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>Himizu is garbage
Pleb-tier opinion but thanks for letting me know it's adapted, gonna pick up the manga in a hot minute if it's translated. Just saw Himeanoru is from the same author and i liked that film adaption as well.

Terrible, terrible film. Once again, kimchi niggers are trying to emulate japanese cinema and failing miserably.

Nah u rite


>The Wailing
>everything wrong with korean filmmaking

Filtered pleb

Happy 14th birthday, user

What’s not to get? Yakuza boss gets brutally massacred and his right-hand man wants to find the killer, but he’s also an extreme masochist and his obsession with the killer begins to resemble a crush due to his sexual fixation on violence.

Why is it so revered/recommended, why was he a ghost
It's been at least 3 years, is it worth a rewatch?
>some people are over from church
>one girl says she likes horror movies she can handle really gross and gory ones
>o-ok I heard this one was bad (was recommended within some Japanese horror list either from here or /t/
>that first scene where the semen spells out the title
I had to watch it later by myself, we watched something else instead

I can see how the ending would confuse people. Just take it at face value though.

No shit, it was adapted from Tatsuya Garon's manga.

This guy just won the palme d'or. Listen to him.

>voting poll of 177 film critics from around the world
>30. Oldboy
Sure, bro.

>The elevator scene is the only mistake I have ever found in the whole movie
What's the mistake with the elevator scene?

that top 10 is embarrassing. shit list.

what kind of fool would take this list seriously
>4 Spirited Away
>5 Boyhood
stopped reading there

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>Read the thing it's adapting.
At chapter 22 right now, it's excellent. Thanks again. You're still a fag for saying the film adaption is garbage, it's easily one of Sono's best and probably the best Shota Sometani acted, next to Touching The Skin Of Eeriness.

Color me surprised that an aggregate of worldwide views from accredited people isn't parallel to your limited and uneducated perspective

I like it. They're so fucking bizarre and over the top and it feels like I'm watching a play. It does not translate well at all when they direct westernish flicks like Okja though


Once again the most based post get ignored
Korean films are honest meanwhile american can t take themselves seriously.
Look at snyder he tried to infuse some form of honesty and got ridiculed for it.
Capeshit is for F U N

absolute cringe, the nisekoi manga is a piece of shit too. guess they didn't have much to work with either way.

So basically, other people said it's good so it must be because there's absolutely no way entertainment journalism is completely compromised from the start or anything

The 1960 or 2010 version?

>I believe it's one of the best movies of the 21st century

No taste whatsoever. I pity you.

Sion Sono is a hack director with less hits and more misses than Miike at this point. Himizu is pure trash. It's laughably stupid.

You didn't get it because the director took a great heist story and changed it to make no sense.

Sure, there's plenty of evidence that film criticism and film academia is entangled in some sort of global conspiracy to.... prop up the all powerful arthouse and international cinema industry or something?

remake is better

just watched The Chaser

pretty good desu

Now watch The Wailing and Yellow Sea

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