Why aren't you killing pedos, user?

Why aren't you killing pedos, user?

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I want to live a long happy life

being pedo is not a crime

Why would I?

They're too rich and powerful

Because murder is illegal and I'd hate to fight crime with crime.
Pedos need to be put through the legal process and face proper execution.

Underrated show. Ep 5 and 8 are kino.

I have no fighting/combat/weapons skills. I'm not strong. I'm not smart. I've lived a very sheltered life.

You do that and then a wild Sean Penn kills you
man, that movie was depressing

That would imply interacting with people face to face at some point.
I don't do that.

show name?

Look how they massacred my boy

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Pedos did nothing wrong.

>trying to solve mental health issues with murder
great plan

Too Old to Die Young

I don't live in America.
I don't have easy access to a list of where paedophiles are living.
My life isn't a tv show, my actions would have consequences.
I don't really want to go to jail only to discover that the "pedo" I killed was actually just a kid who had sex with his 15 year old gf when he was 16 himself

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>Why aren't you killing pedos, user?

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You're right, a law needs to be passed specifying that the killing of pedos can never be classified as murder as murder is the unlawful killing of a human


>Got an idea for a high budget 8 part HBO Documentary
>Hanesn as the host
>Is called Searching for Schnider:Dan the Foot Man
>Hansen is tasked with hunting down Dan following clues throughout Hollywood
>has to talk to big Tex to understand how pedo minds work but along the road trip they become good buddy's
>The trail of dirty socks leads him into the seadiest parts of Hollywood where he sees that this goes all the way to the top.
>also will have the cute decoy as his sidekick, you know the one

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Pedo killing kino

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Keep them coming

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It's against the law for some reason. Weird shit.

Pedos are the good guys

Same with gays, trannies, commies, etc

reminder that if you consider attraction to pubescent girls and up abnormal and immoral you are a pawn of roasties worldwide and barely sentient

if you kill one pedo, the number of pedos in the world remains the same

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>killing all pedos

so you want a world with only women?

I don't want to die yet

suicide is scary

Who am I to kill anyone?

Just wear a mask, then it won't be face-to-face anymore