ITT: Accidental real-life kino

ITT: Accidental real-life kino

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Nothing of value was lost.

No. Fuck you. Not this time.

Based incel saving us from moeshit

Weeb laughs at other tragic events but as soon it affects his anime shit it's offensive and out of line


moe genocide best day of my life

What even is this. Waco? People consider that a tradgedy.


OP here. K-ON! is the greatest anime ever made and many of the anime I've seen from KyoAni are in my favorites list. My post is tame as fuck compared to what I've seen on Yea Forums over the last 12 hours.


Some gook firebombed KyoAni (an anime studio) because they turned him waifu into a whore.

Is it true that this kyohani show ruined anime

Sneed yes

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Does this count?

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It sounds like a joke but that is unironically what happened. His waifu turned out to not be a virgin and he set the studio on fire. Fucking wild.

based but bluepilled

Weebs are SEETHING

Who was his waifu?

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>K-ON! is the greatest anime ever made
Fucking LEL

Paedophiles BTFO

>They made Dragon Maid

Is this meme or what actually happened? News reports say the relationship between the man and the studio is unclear. There are witness reports saying the man shouted "you copied it" and "you ripped me off," indicating he thinks that his works have been plagiarized by the studio. BBC News also mentioned KyoAni is one of the rare studios that pay salary instead of paying per frame drawn, and the studio isn't part of the widespread problem of wage theft and worker abuse in the Japanese animation industry. So, it's unlikely that the man was a former employee who felt that he wasn't compensated properly.

Based, this is what they get for enabling a generation of autistic shut-ins.

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I don't know, I'm trying to make sense of the sticky on Yea Forums but can't get the straight, simple facts. All I want is a quick rundown.

i cant even tell Yea Forums from that shit board /pol/ anymore

cant you storm weenies just heck off?

Yea Forums and /pol/ have always been allies

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No the waifu stuff was just some shit someone said on Twitter.

>cries and seethes over /pol/ incessantly
>presses enter two times when jumping a line, outing himself as a redditor
Like clockwork.

me in dead center

>kyoani burns down

good, fuck 'em, they haven't made a proper fucking anime in years.

I'm learning that he was a train loving /n/ autist that was upset that they used a song they play on trains there in one of their animes.

go back, tranny

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/pol/ is good for Yea Forums

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how did 33 people die? Just leave the building

It's amazing how just two years of his presidency have given us more kino photos than the last one ever did.

He was an NJPW fan seething that Haruhi reruns kept beating them in the ratings

Old building without sufficient fire escape paths. Fire investigation probably will reveal multiple insufficient fire safety precautions and code violations.

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There was basically no fire escapes/stair wells at all, old building that was never retrofitted with current building standards. And the few exits were being blocked by the dude with a sword (not joking) and would throw gasoline on people and try to push them in to fire.
It was a masicer.

That one bald dude's reaction behind him is fucking priceless


Apparently he locked some of the exits, and he was armed with knives so they couldn't really just take him down either.
Also, the widows were on fire too. I assume by the time they noticed their exits were blocked, the whole place was on fire.
The door to the roof was somehow never opened too (blocked?).
Either way, the place was a fucking tinderbox.

They tried to get out to the roof and the door was locked/blocked from the outside. Turns out going up to where the smoke gathers when people should learn to crawl in a fire is a bad idea.

>downvoted all the posts


Pic 2 sec later everyone is smiling

Reminder only normalfags care about this shit. It's proved how many riajuu there are on Yea Forums and /jp/, and this entire site

This. Just saved the pic n cropped it out. Also really gay how he blocked out the names

Anno warned about shit like this 25 years ago with Evangelion

For me it's the archbishop wiping the sweat off his forehead

>creator of lucky star and dragon maid died
good fucking riddance

maybe if they put out a good anime in the last 10 years I would care

Moe genocide best day of my life

The fire feels like karma tee bee ayech. They are one of the worst studios out there right now. They gave us K-On, which set back anime for a generation.

Fuck moeshit.


Hyouka is one of the best anime ever made...

>They are one of the worst studios out there right now.
that would be Trigger


West coast SHIT
My NIGGA ways attract girls that used to turn they back
Causing me to yank they arm and pose like I would do them harm
Now I'm saying thank you cause they tell me
My shit's the BOMB

sorry to post this but I have to

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Why is there no live action Free! movie


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I haven't seen most of Trigger's stuff, but I enjoyed Kill La Kill. Plus, most of their people are from Gainax, right? Gainax made a lot of good shit.

Hyouka was boring as shit. A poor man's chuunibyou

A guy who owned KyoAni before Hiroshimoot took it over or something.