When you came pulling in here did you notice a sign out the front of my house that said dead nigger storage?

When you came pulling in here did you notice a sign out the front of my house that said dead nigger storage?

Attached: deadniggerstorage.jpg (220x243, 15K)

No it said Jimmy’s Feed and Storage (formerly Dead Nigger)

Yeah I did actually

Why does he think he's black?

it was the early 90's. The virus of SJW'ism had not infected society just yet, so a white person could say nigger on film

he was literally the low point of the whole movie

what was the point of this character/scene?

It honestly just seems like it was written in so Tarantino could appear and say nigger a lot

QT is an awful actor. The idea that he would shout at Jules Winnfield is laughable.

>great it's another racist thread on Yea Forums

Seriously go back to /pol/ with this shit

God what a retarded post

i can't tell if quentin is the biggest cuck alive or one of the greatest trolls

/pol/tards literally clap and howl like seals at repetitive recognition-based humor on an obsessive basis, no different from hogs cheering at "Bazinga!" or a toddler babbling along with "Baby Shark"

Fuck off, overly sensitive nigger faggot. Back to your reddit hugbox.

Which is pretty based if you ask me

>The virus of SJW'ism
yikes @ that vocabulary

i too don't know what literally means


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Because his mom slept with lots of black guys and they were the closest thing to a real father that he had. Not even bullshitting you or memeing here

it's comic relief. the goal was to have a long movie with lots of weird characters (and rip off Wild at Heart a little).
not everything has to have a point as long as the movie is overall entertaining and successful (which it is)




it was controversial back then too dumb zoomer


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You're a fucking idiot. Kill yourself.

Was "nigga" not in use back then?

Most black people I've heard say the n-word use that instead of the hard-r.


Saying nigger isn’t racist. Saying that all nigger are subhuman and should die is racist. Simple as that

what the fuck is dilate? i've seen it several times the past few days. is it the new chuck and feed?

As a white person, I find his use of the N-word extremely cringy and it makes it hard for me to watch his movies beyond the point of being juvenile. Everyone likes tits. Who doesn't like gratuitous sex scenes? But it's different with nigger. You can't just plaster them all over your movies and expect to be respected. Samuel told him to steer clear from acting in his own movies.

Are they good movies? Yes. But it's hard for me that the use of the N-word and feet are being thrown around just like that. It's Shlock. and he would be insulted if you callet it just that, but it's his own fault people are not willing to look beyond.
dude lmfao. That's what he did.

I roomed with a football player in college (P5 school) and, since he rode the bench and was out of the public eye, our apartment was kind of a party house. He was a black dude, but usually pretty mellow until he got some liquor in him and went apeshit as niggers often do. Anyway, we were at a party at another apartment complex because the police starting staking out ours and he knocked some other nigger right the fuck out so everyone dispersed because they just witnessed manslaughter so we were stuck with one broke jaw unconscious sack of black potatoes. My roommate, who began to panic, asked what to do.
>stick him in the dead nigger storage
>nah, he's alright, just throw him in the dumpsters
Got away with it, too.

Attached: Copy-of-Copy-of-Be-positive-1.png (1200x628, 481K)

Imagine being such a chad that you write, direct and star in your own movie, create a scene solely for the purpose of repeatedly saying the word dead nigger to Samuel L Jackson. You finish the take and decide you want to do a retake over and over again. Dead nigger storage. Cut. Action dead nigher storage. Cut. Action. Dead nigger storage. Cut. Nope let's do it again guys, hey Jackson look me in the eye when I talk to you next time. Action. Dead nigger storage.

Samuel Jackson will do just about anything for a paycheck, despite what the Family Guy joke might be, so I'm pretty sure he's cool with it.

You're welcome

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these things tend to go hand in hand

>a scene where Tarantino could say nigger a bunch of times


No, uh... sorry I said I was looking for dead Janny storage? For that, there is a sign.

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Jesus fucking Christ.

Sauce on this meme

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