Why is Japanese television so weird?
Why is Japanese television so weird?
damn, so those koreans were trying to look like the superior japanese all these time?
the only bits of foreign TV that we're exposed to is the weird shit
imagine if other countries judged American television based only off of Dr. Pimple Popper, Naked & Afraid, Extreme Love, and Married at First Sight
Was Toshiro Mifune part Jomon?
fuck off with your nuanced perspective
>imagine if other countries judged American television based only off of Dr. Pimple Popper, Naked & Afraid, Extreme Love, and Married at First Sight
haha yeah imagine
Japanese acting.webm
>be christian japanese
>kids start looking european
What did god mean by that?
Feel like he was the perfect mix of Ainu, Jomon and a bit of yayoi.
That would be a valid judgement. Those shows are huge.
>visit Japan
>only interesting show on late at night is a show where they arrest foreigners that are there illegally selling drugs and shit
Based. Other than that it was just non stop panel variety shows and crappy kids anime. There was one comedy sketch show that was fucking hilarious though.
>Ainu, Jomon
Aren't they the same?
Nah, if Jomon was native americans, then Ainu are the fucking aliens left behind during the mining operations. They're so distant genetically, they're proof that with boats and enough hardheadness you can go everywhere.
we wuz white n shiet
Retard. Ainu was the native, they're the abo of Japan.
Shut the fuck up late night anime and AKBingo are god-tier
oh jesus there's enough of this shit on /int/
keep it there
I had to sleep early and the only anime on in the day and afternoon is shitty kids stuff. I was asleep by the time any late adult anime aired.
What's this program about? Finding the cutest and ugliest kid in the country?
It's funny how the entire world admires European features and yet the entire world want to wipe us out by flooding into our countries.
Left one is cute
I wanna fuck her right in the cunny
none of those in the picture look european, incel.
>European features
So even when they are found in other peoples they are considered european? How does that work?
Child on the left has Caucasian eyes and the child on the right has Mongoloid (East Asian) eyes.
For me, it's imouto.tv
How do I get an ainu gf?
They have the puffy abo eyes you fucking we wuz nigger
Make hapas, make more Jomon.
this girl