I pushed away all my friends in my early twenties to be edgy and"indepedent" and now find myself with no one to share...

I pushed away all my friends in my early twenties to be edgy and"indepedent" and now find myself with no one to share my thoughts with except this shit board while having chronic distraction problems due to loneliness and unfulfilled social needs
I turned 31 yesterday

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happy birthday faggot


nice blogpost

Shut the fuck up retard
I'm trying to sleep

Have sex

at least you are not me
>Mechanical Engineering degree from University of Toronto
>Been NEET for 7 years with no friends
>literally can't go outside anymore
im about to be homeless soon with an engineering degree

happy birthday bro

maybe you kill yourself? Then you would do us the same favour you did those good people 10 years ago.

yet youre still a normalfag lowlife cunt that has fucked multiple girls and, pretends he doesnt interact with people, and, has money. get the fuck off of my board reddit frogposting tourist newfag cunt

Happy b-day user
My 30th was last month.

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>31 yo crying for friends
Get a job

I cant thats the point
Its been so long since I got my degree and I cant do other jobs since my leg is fucked up from MS

I'm 24 and sometimes I feel like a total loser but then I see posts like this and realize I'm not as much of a fuck up
Thanks op

>not playing the physically weak but mentally strong disabled man to get job money a qt leftist arthoes
To dont get jewed you have to be the jew

see you in 7 years

no one cares about your thoughts here either
kys narcissistic faggot

This'll be me in 9 years.

Kek he fell for the "depression is kinda cool and poetic" meme

>chronic distraction problems
>no one to talk to
heres how to fix it just park somewhere in your car and talk to yourself. get over the self-consciousness. gently interrogate to yourself in an authoritative voice that you will recognise as your proper self
>so - what are you doing?
>are you doing what you're meant to be doing?
>uh i dunno im uhhh i dunno what i'm 'meant' to be doing..
>well think back. when was the last time you had a goal

after spending my free time on /g/ and other fav's boards i delete my socials and now i only have true friends it feels alright

do this for like 2 hours btw. don't leave the car until you get your head straight that day. by which meaning, in a state so that when you get home you aren't going to reach straight for your vices
go every day if necessary

I have been getting pretty bad moments lately where I fully realize how much I miss my childhood friends. Why didn't I stay in touch?

I've done the same but I'm only 19 years old. I finished high school over a year ago and I have no friends, gf or any social life. It's been months since I had a conversation with anyone that except my parents.

>to be edgy and"indepedent"
You can only blame yourself for your retardation.

Message them. At worst they'll ignore you and at best they'll be happy to talk to you again

Who wants to be my dru fren?

well you're not alone with that, i'm 29 and it's similar. although i don't care enough to make a thread about it. i feel like i'm used to it now. aren't you?

I'm pushing my friends away now to be independent. Not for being edgy, I passed my edgy psuedo intellectual phase quite a while ago. I don't want to get close to people anymore because people tend to hurt me and I'm quite a sensitive guy. I still interact with people day to day but then I get to return to my apartment alone. I'm shy and people don't like me when they hang around me for too long as it feels like I run out of things to talk about. I'm better off alone

>I'm quite a sensitive guy
>my apartment
how do you have an apartment when you're 14?

Happy birthday m8, you need to put in the work to get it back. It's a long hard road, I'm halfway there and at the point where I only post here occasionally. Not really happy but it's better than crippling loneliness and social dysfunction in old age.
Good luck pal.

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That hurts my feelings

you're only 19
get a job even if it's minimum wagecuckery.
I'm a wreck still but my first job taught me how to talk to people

>pushed away every girl that was ever interested in me because I was either too anxious around them or too autistic and in my head
>became basically an uncaring edgelord
>looking back and realizing how hot and kind they were and how stupid I am

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Most cringe “insult” in the history of Yea Forums.


based you dont need them. happy birthday faggot

For anyone growing older and having an existential crisis I highly recommend turning to philosophy. People who lived hundreds of years ago have gone through very similar experiences to your own and hearing it be put into words and how to deal with it can be very comforting.

I highly recommend Blaise Pascal, even if it just some cliff-notes on the internet. He basically argued a huge reason for why people are unhappy in life is because they think they deserve better, that happiness and success is supposed to be the standard for a human being. He instead argued that life is fucking shitty and terrible and that you should learn to accept that as the norm, so that when life isn't completely fucking shitty and terrible you are happy and don't take it for granted. He write this in the framework of his christian belief, which you can either take or leave, but the underlying message is still very strong and inspiring.

Basically, be happy over what you already have, because millions of poor sods definitely have it worse somewhere else.

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