Cast them

Cast them

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The Rock and Tom Holland.

Idris Elba


Dave Bautista and Finn Wolfhard

GoW was one of my favorite game franchises until they absolutely ruined it with this piece of shit. Dumbed down gameplay, cinematic movie game.

Worst of all they absolutely pumped it full of hard left politics since of course everything even remotely masculine must be feminized beyond recognition. My dad wasn't around so Kratos was something of a role model to me growing up. That single minded focus and fury has always been a part of me. Now to see him as an emasculated so.y bearded Clinton voter type, it breaks my fucking heart.

I would watch it

>Now to see him as an emasculated so.y bearded Clinton voter type, it breaks my fucking heart.
What the fuck are you on about? It's a game about a man raising his son while they both have to make it through various trials and tribulations. It's anti-deity, as usual, not anti-male. What's onions about any of that?

what the fuck are you talking about lmao

Your dad wasn't around because he hates you.

Jordan Peele and Jaden Smith

Christina Hendricks and Sadie Sink

if i was your dad I would leave too

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I would tell you to dilate but I’m quite sure that’ll cut it anymore

Nicholas Cage and Erza Miller

sneed formerly chuck


Idris elba + kevin hart

People recognize a false flag.

He didn't even play the game, its probably the most traditionalist game in a long long time. Its a strong father figure teaching a naive son about the world. Every time the atreus thinks about trusting some stranger, Kratos is right to be wary. Every time he gets emotional, kratos picks up the pieces.

The female characters are well done, with the major one being the witch who doesn't go toe to toe physically with kratos but is driven by love for her troubled son.

Kratos is not much different, the story basically takes a note that the rage is in his nature and he hopes his son will be different.

He is troubled by his past but that was present in every previous game and is the driving motivation, including up to trying to kill himself in 3.

Pete Postlethwaite & ellen degeneres, lori petty as stunt arse for the latter.

Aryan god bad
Farmer gods good

Based Sony, shitting on Aryan scum. Last time Kratos killed all Indo-European Greek gods with the help of pre-IE titans. Now he will kill Aesir scum with the help of pre-IE Vanir.

His name is Atreus you cunt

seething fatherless incel

>this post

Yikes. Imagine being so stupid you can't even understand the plot of God of War.

Playstation was always about turning white people into whiggers

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based basque poster

straight into garbage

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?? For one it showed even middle tier norse gods as formidable. Kratos cut through greek gods with ease previously whereas baldur and even trolls are a pain.

It also characterizes them as much more well rounded. Sure the same story is at work that 'odin/zeus was decent enough then found something out and became corrupted' but still the greek gods were all degenerate and letting the kingdom fall apart.

I've basically resorted to only playing fromsoft games due to how pozzed this generation has been but GoW was genuinely a great game.

>My dad wasn't around so Kratos was something of a role model to me growing up
kek i was kinda with you until you said this. no one should draw their moral compass from fiction, even as a kid.

the least greek looking anglos

the boss fights in this game was some of the laziest shit ive ever seen. its just the same stupid troll with a big rock fight every time

Alpha Destiny and Jeff Nippard.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about with your own dad and stuff but yeah the game was overrated, repetitive, half-baked shit. It couldn't even hold a candle to RDR 2 or Spider-Man and yet people acted like it was the second coming because people were suckers for the daughterfu meme for a while in video games, so of course they would be with a son too.
>B-b-b-but muh one continuous shot

Spider-Man was more repetetive and overrated than GoW imo. I like the main story well enough but I was absolutely sick of every mechanic by the end.

Flat out hated the game by the time I was done grinding out all those random crime encounters.

if the makeup was done well, Chris could still play kratos

The most boring videogame i've ever played and believe me I'm into this kind of cinematic horseshit .

Idris and Dane de Haan

Leslie Jones and dan bilzerian as the child

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what politics you crazy abandoned bastard? I hate your meme post.


that guy from wolverine origins and his son

I'll admit that I'm a bit biased when it comes to Spider-Man because I've been a Spider-fag my whole life, but I personally found it to be a lot more engaging and challenging in its core gameplay. I also felt like it forced me to change up how I encountered fights, where in GoW it allowed me to do the same strings repeatedly and get away with it.

Giving your lead character (who is something of a misogynist icon) the nu-male beard and having him play babysister is absolutely political. Think back on the days you were mashing X to fuck thots. You're telling me there's no difference?

Ouch. Event with all his money he is biggest beta on photo.

Vin Diesel and Ellen Page

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I found more challenge and satisfaction in the harder Valkyrie fights than any of the combat in Spider-Man honestly. By the time I was getting towards the end of Spider-Man I was just abusing the same overpowerd suit abilities and gadget combos to get through each encounter as quickly as I could.

Do you want Dad of Son greenlighted by Hollywood or not?

Seth Rogan and Micheal Cera

I never did any of the extra content like Valkyries because I was so exhausted with the game already

Go back to Russia, commie!

t. dan

This is the biggest case of YIKES I've seen today.

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Fuck you Dan. Not going to apologize for autocorrect mistake. Buy some height daddy boy.

Lmao this is pathetic. Dilate

It's the fans of this piece of shit who need to DILATE.

>My dad wasn't around so Kratos was something of a role model to me growing up

Literally laughing on my couch, you queer.

The direct said kratos was holding back by a large margin so i dont think they made him weak

>calling anybody else queer


>dumbed down gameplay
Compared to already gameplay?
>hard left politics
There was actually zero politics. No gay issues, no race issues.
>Kratos as a role model
Dude kills half his family and kills an entire race of dark elves.

The game was over rated is your only valid argument. Other than that you're full of shit.

I also prefer the original games but come on the gameplay wasn't that deep still more interesting than the remake, holy shit I hate that camera and all the slowmo, same thing for the lack of ennemies and boss variety
It's way more cinematic though, too much of that sony exclusive walking & talking & climbing section. Story was alright though and I don't see how Kratos is not masculine or leftist here, he takes care of his own son, live innawood and fuck shit up not enough though, fuck the lack of gore and all those orange juice zombie, at least the werewolves finisher was rad
Also if Kratos was your role model you are a retard

You are so far out of touch with reality it's amazing

Your leftist idea of "reality" is so out of touch with the reality of blood and bone that it's amazing.

You've lost the plot with this one, mate. It's just a shorthand way of displaying wisdom and age for a bald character. Kratos is still hyper masculine throughout the whole game. Seriously, think about what you're typing next time.