Which is the most kino?

Which is the most kino?

Attached: 1_blKrq0EGaq7Fc-VJttQUVA.gif (576x631, 55K)

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Depends on the cut but as a rule medium rare.

well done because it makes cucks seethe

Attached: 1561989266957.jpg (3000x3000, 1016K)

If you eat steak medium well or well you may as well eat a fucking hamburger you tasteless pleb.

Medium rare, but a minute more or less is fine

Well done

the bottom with ketchup on it like my president

The rarer the better

Attached: 1361500278070.png (431x336, 266K)

This. Wagyu/kobe is an exception.

Only brainwashed NPC mental midgets would cancer cook good meat.

Medium well.
Anything else is just vampirish.

I always get medium

There are no steakhouses around here that aren't chains though unfortunately

My preference is medium but I go well done most of the time just to dab on the s.oy boys

medium rare is the patrician choice

Whichever one won't give me bowel cancer. Oh wait, they all will!

medium well with ketchup

dumb newfag meaningless reddit summer buzzword

Well, Medium-Well. I don't care if it's lame

What a terrible pic, every single one of those steaks are badly cooked. They look more like pork chops not steaks.

Anyway pic related is perfect.

Attached: steak-medium-rare.jpg (450x284, 59K)

"Let the Chef decide."

>putting ketchup on steak

the meat in your country must be terrible

Spotted the nog.

>tfw live in a 3rd world shithole with likely contaminated meat

Always medium and above for me.

Medium rare, anything cooked more is an insult to the chef.


Attached: CD5uan4.gif (480x270, 2.41M)

Rare. Always rare.

It's a Chad move to use ketchup on even the most expensive cuts. Let's face it. No one who is autistic about the sanctity of their steak is getting any pussy. It's fun to dab on the steakcels.

Well done of course. I'm not a barbarian.

Who cares about the chef, it's an insult to me eating it if it's a dry shoe instead of a steak.

You're meant to say "surprise me"

Well done, but I leave a few seconds more. Like very slightly burnt.

Well if you're not a savage

Attached: 1556373685288.jpg (390x365, 23K)


Well done is the tastiest

This is getting out of hand!

>trying so hard to look like an alpha that you kill a steak

you're a savage user, plain and simple. coping hard too

Attached: 1562649267264.jpg (500x500, 75K)

>when someone makes you a rare hamburger

Attached: absolutely_disgusting.jpg (435x326, 237K)

Wrong as usual pol

>be mutt
>have absolutely no idea how to make food
>"just don't cook it so we feel natural taste"

Im laffin

Get dabbed on, steakcel


Well, medium well for women. Those on top look absolutely disgusting and unhealthy

Well done with a crunchy carbon coat is the patrician choice

Medium rare duh.
Everyone knows that.

Well done with ketchup is the Michaels

then you must be a Britbong those are the only other people i know that cook the ever loving shit out of their meat

Fucking RARE

every other answer is given by either a nigger, a faggot, or women

If it's at a proper steakhouse rare because they will defiently cook it correctly. All other scenarios would be medium rare.

What the fuck is wrong with this board, bunch of children with no taste buds.

Well is the white man choice.

well done with A1 steak sauce, served with a loaded baked potato

Jews aren't white.

>trusting a man you cant see, make you food

As you say, Shlomo.

Why yes, I always order my beef well done to avoid a premature death by Toxoplasma gondii and Taenia saginita infection, how could you tell?

Attached: 1558688155916[1].jpg (1068x601, 65K)

it has been well over a decade and up to this very day I'm still looking for the steak that cypher ate.

I just can't get what it would taste like. It has to look the same, cut the same and my imagination would think that it would be so delicious. I'm thinking I'm going on an endless journey but I still go out and try steak restaurants across the states.

i was told by /ck/ it was 2 different steaks, the one that was shown was different to the one that cypher ate

Attached: cypher steak.jpg (1920x1080, 128K)

medium well is best

Rare or blue is the objective choice for good meat

Beef is a nigger food.

Ketchup is the absolute nigger of condiments. The minute somebody tells me they put ketchup on something, my opinion of them lowers. I have never known anyone to ruin a steak, hotdog or equivelant with that barbaric sauce who wasn't a basketball american or white trash retard. Imagine having such a sloped forehead and under-developed taste buds that the only way you derive enjoyment from a delicious cut of meat is to slather it in sugared tomato cum so that your faggot brain will register it as pleasurable. Fuck ketchup.

The most genuinely alpha men I've known have all got their steak cooked medium or well done. It's always the insecure tryhard types who go rare. As if getting their meat cooked that way proves anything.

Since when is chicken called beef?

How come steak is the only meat where you can not cook it the whole way through and it still tastes good and doesn't make you sick? Chicken, pork, lamb, duck etc all need to be cooked through entirely.

Rare but beef is shit anyway

Nope good old american

What meat would you recommend?