Best case scenario, it makes big money opening weekend...

Best case scenario, it makes big money opening weekend, but then starts dropping off once people realize how inferior it is to the original

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>once people realize

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Best case scenario is it will have a lower audience score than the original on RT and IMDb. I am still waiting for Toy Story 4 to drop to at least an 8.2 on IMDb.

>People want me to see this with them

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How can I prevent my gf from going to see this?

Unfortunately there's no chance of that
People are STILL watching Aladdin, parents literally don't give a shit what they watch with their kids as long as it shuts them up for 2 hours
They no longer have any cognition beyond "oh well my kid liked it,so it was a good movie"

Ask her what her favorite part was and then tell her how the remake ruins it
There's a spoiler thread up here somewhere

my gf wants me to go with her and her sons to see this because she loved the original lion king movie when he was young and she wants her kids to have that same feeling but i keep telling her it looks awful but she keeps saying that it doesnt and even if it did, it wouldnt matter because its a kids movie and im just sitting here like .... because i really dont wanna go see it, but it looks like im going to have to

>your gfs sons

And even if Aladdin wasn’t still making money, it’ll still make money because of the Cult of Beyoncé

You mean like what happened to Alladin? Lol

>aladdin becomes a hit and this flops
any chance of this happening?


Going by the audience reviews already up, it may also see an audience score of 57%, with an average score of 3.3 stars out of 5.
That may change with "verified" reviews but so far it gives me hope.

comparing live action with animation oh fuck

>even if it did, it wouldnt matter because its a kids movie
She watched the original. Why doesn't she just have the kids watch the original than waste $40 to see an inferior remake?

a couple of years ago I might've thought so but I don't think disney can ever lose at this point

i honestly don't get the hate. the reason why is that the original was average trash. take off your nostalgia glasses you faggots. it was literally never a good movie

best case scenario Disney goes bankrupt, but that's not happening

Spend 25 bucks and buy the original on Blu-ray


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Can't wait for the behind the scenes bit where they talk about how the CGI animals look so "alive" and "expressive" and how the programmers are "geniuses" and how it's "groundbreaking".

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>gf wants to see this in theatres
>she unironically used the word "incel" when referring to the bad reviews
Send help.

Force feed her the red pill


I already hear bits of it at work everyday because of Noovie lobby ads.
>"It's not about reinventing the story, it's about reinventing the medium."

>opening weekend
what day do parents take kids to movies? i would have thought like tuesday night

What kids? The ones getting dragged there by their parents so they can vicariously re-live their childhood?
Most kids hate live-action and find it boring

>"We're moving the boundaries for what is possible in the world of cinema."

>Pomba isn't even voiced by a fat guy.

its seth rogen isnt it
one of the fattest pig like cunts out there

I am actually angry that this pile of shit is going to moonwalk past the billion dollar mark. Every single clip and thing I've seen from it is at best an inferior ripoff, and at worst a tarted-up Animal Soccer World.


He's heavyset. I want full on fattie.

best case scenario is it does mediocre opening weekend and drops more and more every weekend

>a tarted-up Animal Soccer World.

Looks good to me.

Attached: Timon.png (972x984, 524K)

>grown men arguing about the artistic merits of a kiddie flick.
Kids laugh at poop and silly faces, you dweebs.

>silly faces
>this movie


>make apu movei instead!

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i was ready to reply cope moar but you get a pass for namechecking this masterpiece

>those comments
There truly is no hope. They're gonna rake in so much money from this.

I hate that it's a soft 't' in "matata".

When did they decide to give Timon the big gay?
>inb4 Nathan Lane

It's not gay to use the softie

Beyonce's performance is literaly identical to her turn in Austin Powers despite them being totally different characters.

That's because she's not an actress and doesn't know how to emote when even being a VA

>when even being

this is fucking terrible and the voices are fucking miscast

you do better?

all hail to the yes
