Despite being called “The boy in the striped pyjamas” the boy actually never wears pyjamas...

Despite being called “The boy in the striped pyjamas” the boy actually never wears pyjamas, but instead a prison uniform.

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11 million people were murdered in a mass genocide over the course of 4 years during World War II


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He’s counting the Jews as people.

There are now 11 million illegal immigrants in the United states.


It was actually twelve. Thirteen gorillion people died in the massacre and that must be remembered accurately. Any whiff of revisionism or inaccurate recall of events will devalue the murder of those sixteen billion people.

reminder that this actually fucking happened

>11 million
Holy shit, what's wrong with Americans? Why doesn't anyone do something about them?

by your estimation that would determine that round the clock for those entire four years 313 jews were killed every hour non stop

>round the clock for those entire four years 313 jews were killed every hour non stop
If only.

thats a low end estimate by people who still call them "undocumented"

>313 jews were killed every hour non stop
based nazis

We need one of these movies for the crimes of the soviet union

Based and truth

Actually most estimates are probably around 11-15 million.

11 million estimate has been around for like 2 decades now. Real number is probably like 40 million by now

The holocaust still makes victims to this day. Jews whose family have been to the camps carry a gene that is passed on generation to generation. We can never forget this terrible crime perpetrated by Germany and Poland against humanity.

There's already a movie from One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

lolno most of the recent estimates I've seen are well under 20 million.

One jew every 18 seconds. That was fast. Can you imagine how hard it was to catch and transport all jews?

>Why doesn't anyone do something about them?
we legally cant

Adjusting for inflation it's more like 20 million now

Despite being an ‘undisputable historical event’ it is illegal to deny the holocaust in several european countries

It's also illegal to deny communist crimes in several countries.

Ummm that’s racist sweaty
No more borders

