>Yea Forums reminds me of the Spongebob Movie
>look up the gas station scene
>uploader is a political autist
What the fuck is this insufferable faggot's problem? This is why people hate anti-circumcision activists, you do shit like this that pisses everyone off
Reddit is ruining Spongebob
Hi American
What'll it be fellas? Feed? OR SEED?!
Spongebob seems to be really popular with minorities on twitter
Sneed chuck fuck feed
Hi eurocuck, enjoying being raped by Africans?
>Be American
>Even have to give the doctor a tip
Being against genital mutilation isnt a political stance, its common fucking sense.
seething cutfag
To this day I am unable to see who defends circumcision
>right hates it because muh jews
>left hates it because muh mutilation
And yet so many people have one, even today
How does that happen?
Do you guys just not wash your dicks or something
Circumcised Penis
Formerly Unmutilated
>being against ritual infant genital mutilation
>being against baby foreskins used in female skin creams (without compensation, let alone consent)
>political autism
clown world
>Implying I'm european or white
Spongebob is the shittiest cartoon ever, literal trash for millenials
I'm convinced the only people in favor of circumcised dicks are people who are cut and feel insecure about it
Your dick got mutilated haha
>Americans have to leave a tip when they're born
it's no sneed
Nobody is forcing you faggot, its recommended by health professionals
>muh mutilation
lmao pussies. Is getting your teeth pulled out also """mutilation"""?
seething anteater dick
proven to be better for your health. There's a reason that Americans practice it
>clown world
fuck off underage
opinion disregarded
I prefer the aesthetics and not having smegma
>proven to be better for your health
Only if you never wash your dick
Hundreds of millions of people don't get circumcised and the health detriment is seen only in third world shitholes
Or do you go months without showering?
Well its also jews and pedos. Some overlap there too of course.
Have you seen when Ben Shapiro has a tantrum over circumcision banning because of muh religious rights?
Thats a problem too.
There are also women who defend it saying uncut dicks look ugly which is the most retarded shit ever. Every woman who supports it should have her tits cut off and labia removed, jarred, and placed on her night stand as a reminder everytime she goes to masturbate with her walmart "massager"
>And yet so many people have one, even today
this is an american and semitic problem. not many people have one, but many americans.
there is some deep-rooted, perverse pleasure a jew gets from cutting up a babydick and then sucking it dry.
also, american horror-medicine. foreskin-creme is pretty expensive.
Fuck off kike fuck
Found the jew
Nah even if you wash it it smells off and cheesy. I have a friend who even got cut as a teen because of phimosis
And Shapiro is right that people have a religious right to it
>I prefer the aesthetics of a disgusting penis scar
>I prefer to mutilate body parts so I don't have to wash them
>I prefer to use expensive lube every time I fap
>I prefer to have my dick being smaller with less volume and less effect during sex
>I prefer my dick to dry out every day
I'm Presbyterian and the men in my whole family are circumcised
Its done for health and aesthetic reasons
You are a brainwashed cuckold
>even if you wash it it still smells
Why are cut cucks such desperate liars?
Although you might be referring to the natural smell of dicks, which dried out cuts don't have
>trusting american health companies to have your best interests in mind
>oh darling our baby's dick needs to look more aesthetic, let's cut it off
Lol I'm obsessed with baby cock? Its anti cut sperglords that are obsessed with what other people do with their babies. Foreskin fetishists that think not wanting smegma is a fucking grave sin
Circumcision has a higher chance of complication 10 fold then what your chances of needing circumcision due to phimosis are.
Fuck you all for mutilating my dick.
Lmao fucking cuck
>obsessed with what other people do with their babies.
Yeah so people against child abuse are obsessed to? Kys you kike fuck. It should be illegal. This isnt about muh free choice with muh chao its fucking child abuse, and a violation of that persons body.
You are fucking scum worse than anyone on the entire planet to defend the act of genital mutilation.
You mean they had a circumcision done to them.
>penis scar
my dick isn't scarred
nice buzzword
Cut dicks look larger because they don't look like a dead anteater. Women prefer cut dicks.
>dry out
Again, wrong.
>How do I prevent mah son to never get an infection through his hand? I know we cut em off at birth brilliant
Can you fuck off to Europe if you want socialism so bad. Parents should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want with their children. They're the parents not the fucking state.
So we should let parents transify their kids too for muh freedoms?
kys just fucking kill yourself
All cut cocks have scars you filth. Im fucking mutilated and my cock head will get friction burns if not for the doctoes giving me a fucking half done job leaving me with loose skin there that acts as partial foreskin. The head keratonizes you moron thats what dried out is and it happens to all of us mutilated fucks.
Most people dont even have a frenulum like i have because these hacksaw quacks cut far past even.
Anyone who defends this is so fucking much more fucking retarded than i can even comprehend
kys kys kys kys kys kys
I don't get why people say that natural penises look different than cut ones. The skin pulls back and the two look the same (other than the surgery marks).
No they shouldnt you scum fuck religious tard. Its always the dumb fuck religious people who want this.
You shouldnt be allowed to mutilate. your kid. Thats what we are talking about. Not the parents right to show them fucking r rated movies or some shit. Fucking mutilation.
No because people kill themselves because of that. Nobody kills themselves because they're cut. If you do kill yourself because of such a trivial reason the human race doesn't need your weak ass anyway
>god made us in his image and we are beautiful from it and must respect are bodies
>except for that accursed foreskin!
Shrieked the kike bitch
How do you do it then?
>Cut dicks look larger because they don't look like a dead anteater.
The only difference is when not erect and then they look like erect micropenises hanging down like sad sacks instead, so big win indeed.
>women prefer cut dicks
>actually believes this
Also just prove how I am wrong instead of saying I'm wrong how about that
Imagine being American and having your genitals branded like cattle
People do kill themselves over being cut. Have you ever seen the photos of peoples dicks that are so mangled they cant even piss properly due to botched circumcision?
Kys kys kys you fucking kike shill piece of human trash.
>americans leave a tip
Imagine trying to stop it and having the majority of the country mock you. Its disgusting and depressing. Men are treated like absolute shit from the minute they are born.
They literally are smaller and just look "bigger" when not erect. Ever wonder why the average American dick size is smaller when compared to most first world countries
How does it feel to practice something done by the most barbaric people on Earth?
Why is it prevalent in australia? I remember seeing several cut traps from there who I assumed was American at first.
They want to forget the Big Emu Cock
I guess we can all agree americans are no better than thirld world shitters
centrists aka conservatards aka evangelists love it because jews
>practice is admittedly done to discourage adolescent boys from wanking
>hurr durr it look better and cleaner
Are Sneed and Chuck circumcised? The answer may surprise you!
Imagine being such a redditor that you call everything reddit because reddit is the only thing you know.
Australia is a heavily western society and is influenced a lot by America/UK.
All I can say for sure is I'm glad my parents are decent human beings.
i lost hope when an old childhood friend told me that a news article saying "city councils are overwhelmingly white" isn't racist, and that color blindness/equality cannot happen as "we" have too much to make up for
part of me died
This is the real answer. Americans are insane and religion is a cancer. Men are treated like shit because fear of human sexuality and retard mothers.
how's that botched circumcision, alien dick?
subtle sneed thread
free speech was a cuckold decision.
>religion is cancer
>whoa whoa why are they pushing LGBT everywhere i'm sorry religion was actually based please let me into the church christcu- i mean christbros
Don't underestimate the roll of the father in the act because of muh traditional values.
>t. Literal cuckold
i know its a custom in pacific islands
most filipinos do the dorsal cut done by some old man and a bolo knife
so you support the fake news media?
Yeah, i actually didn't get my cock ritualistically and forcibly cut/mutlilated as a young child during one of the most important developmental period of a person's life, and I gotta say it feels pretty good
Kill yourself bootlicker scum
>Jesus said it's literally not necessary as sacrifices and flesh offering won't save you from sin, as everyone is a sinner, only way for saving yourself is knowing Him and through Him you know the Father
>Furthermore the Council of Chalcedon confirms this, mainly because of Greek butthurt since they saw the very act as a barbarity and literally had tons of Jewish riots because they wanted to enforce a ban on it
>No Catholic or Protestant country encourages this today
>All except (((America)))
>Somehow this is a Christianity problem
mmm really steers your wheel
foreskin is an easy way to tell who is a cuckold and who isnt. no woman will ever want you with gross ant eater flaps.
fucking leftist shills are getting dumber and dumber lmao
mega coap
have fun sucking off jamal, libtard
>being against government censorship is bad
Shit bait, kill yourself dumb faggot
maybe in muttmerica where everyone's brainwashed to believe mutilated dicks are normal
Holy fucking cope
Op confirmed shlomo
Jesus was a jew. Christianity is a jew religion.
we get it you love cnn fucking leftist
Ameriburgers seem to be under the impression that uncut dicks constantly have the foreskin over them
During erection it retracts and looks almost exactly the same as a cut dick, except with double the sensation
Eat it you jew slaves
its a fact that non circumsised men are liberals.
He was a good Jew.
Tell me, why did they kill him? Why do they keep denying him? Why most of them have a burning hatred towards an otherwise "fabricated character"?
if you dont support jews you dont support donald trump
To get the goys to defend him.
sucks to be you idiot, mines perfect. you could become a woman, thats pretty fashionable these days :^)
People do, children don’t. They can have their bodies mutilated at 18 if they want. Should parents be able to remove fingers or toes for religious beliefs?
It backfired pretty badly cause the first recorded Jewish genocide was during the Crusades.
Americans worship the jews as gods
Fuck you. I am SICK AND TIRED of being labled a bad guy because of who I posted for. I'm tried that I'm now considered a Cityslicker with a fancy german car and gucci loafers because I posted for Sneed instead of Chuck's. I'm tired of my family and I being looked down upon everywhere we look because we did what we thought was right. I'm tired that the few things I enjoy in life are being used to insult me and my beliefs (formerly compliment and respect my beliefs). I'm tired of the jannies putting down people who don't agree with them and there old simpsons place.
>jew worshiper seething this hard
If you think any of the powerful jews died in genocides you're a fool
I'm going to circumcise my daughter and you can't stop me.
It reduces sexual pleasure to almost zero, so she'll never masturbate and go out whoring like whitoid christcuck women
lmao fucking underrated
Oh boy another retarded lefty raid thread
Did you know that a child's brain before and after circumcision are markedly different? After the operation, the child's brain never returns to the "default" state that they were born with and they develop signs of extreme emotional trauma that are visible when examining their brain. My parents cut me, I feel almost nothing in my cock, I can pinch and twist the skin and feel nothing. I didn't allow it to happen to my son when he was born. Even as a retarded 22 year old kid who knocked up his girlfriend, I had the sense not to mutilate my son's cock. The doctors pushed really hard for it too.
Imagine spending 9 months in the warmth of your mother's womb, the only environment you've ever known, and after a traumatic experience where you're pushed out into the real world, the first thing that happens to you is a big man in a white coat collects you, straps you down, forces a pacifier into your mouth and cuts your penis apart. That's circumcision. Anyone who does it is a subhuman who should be gassed.
>tfw Australian but circumcised
I wish my parents never fell for the lies of the Burger and Isfael
Whatever you say heathen
Literally only leftist babies cry about it. Real man accept it.
What the fuck, can't believe MLK actually said that
Only leftist cucks hate jews
Good goy
It was his last years when he realized X was right all along and he turned white
That's why THEY killed him
John 8:44
I don't read the Torah
Severely fucking underrated
that's because niggers can't read
>begging for (You)s
Have a little dignity
what a terrible thread
congratulations to everyone involved
>fucking kek'd
>am american
>be cutfag
>waiting to get shot any day now
Shut the fuck up you child. SpongeBob was for retarded baby zoomers and literally caused autism. It's embarrassing if you are an adult who looks back at SpongeBob as if it had an actual weight in quality. It was a children's cartoon
>right hates it because muh jews
What does this even mean? You do know most right wing people are circumcised because they average amerimutt serves the Jew like a rabid dog
it's all over the place
Cringe based
Allow me to rephrase
*the non-boomer right
This happened because the child had severe phimosis, it is child abuse to not correct this
>waaaah i have no foreskin waaaaah
Lmao so lefy /pol/ loves jews and normal /pol/ hates them? Am i in bizzaro world?
boomer retards who will die before they admit they were duped and genitally mutilated their children
It's the only reason to be in favor of it
lmaoing @ ur life kid
Based uploaded
>opposing circumcision is somehow exclusively left-wing
you are retarded
spongebob is popular with every normal American of a certain age. Probably the only thing that unites us all.
remember that cut dicks are abrassive for the pussy walls
What did he mean by this?
user, only leather dicks boomers are ok with circumsicion, right wing poltards are not down for sand tribes flesh sacrificies
>Liberals are the true anti-semites!
>3 will develop post-operative phimosis, skin bridges, adhesions etc.
who else in the 3%?
skin bridges souns very lovecraftian
well currentlty yeah
God this literally makes me want to kill myself. There is no way to cope with what happened to me. Even if the girl likes you it still doesn't matter.
yeah pretty much
it's like a bit of skin on the shaft is attached to the tip on the under side
the gap was filled with what I can only describe as a "puss plug" until I was ~5 or 6 when I popped it out
Have you ever had a gf? I need to know if it's a deal breaker for them for the sake of what's left of my sanity.
I've been married for 6 years and have 2 kids
it's not so bad
Really happy for you user
Who else here is /cut/?
We're all gonna make it
This is always the argument that kills all debate. Having foreskin is like having a convertible instead of having the roof cut off of your car.
thanks m8
just find a good christian girl
I was at a friends house during the first episode premiere. We watched it. A couple years later it was so insanely popular and I never understood it. Was I too old? I was only 11, and everybody up through high school still loved it.
He is right tho. It's not even a political position.
seeing circumsized men defending their forced mutilation is such maximum cope. it's funny but I also almost feel bad for them.
jesus christ, how is this not on the top of r/Yea Forums?
OP is a faggot