Hey user what kino are going to watch

>hey user what kino are going to watch

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Im gonnna be watching body double. Your only gonna be watching my dick as you suck on it you goblin looking whore

why are russians so fucking ugly ?

You filthy happa slut, we're going to watch Synecdoche New York and you'll love it. We will be watching every single minute of it and I'm going to pause it every now and then to explain core themes to you and engage you in a discussion about them. You little yellow skank, my sweet princess, you will have to endure three hours of kafkaesque melodrama set in the most degenerate city of entire America. Kaufman's genius will be blasting your eyes as you sit down on my lap and call me daddy. I will not let you speak to me until you come up to some interesting philosophical conclusions regarding the very concept of time and mortality as understood by Kaufman. I will be examining your knowledge of various thinkers who could've influenced him and you will gardle on my dick, not knowing what to answer. This will be extremely painful... For you. You better grasp why the movie is shot the way it is, or else you will suffer, you and your little fetal-alcohol-syndrome-shaped head. Trust me. I will not tolerate pseuds behaviour.

Stop the rude pls.

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Why do Yea Forums lusers when they become obsessed with a roastie have the need to incessantly spam them everywhere?

what the fuck. based, I guess?

She's Dutch Jap hapa


>Go back to the basement russian slut!

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I assume people don't use this gay term in public, right? It's like the word "futa" where you can say it online, but would never dream of saying it in real life.

>ywn cuddle and watch amelie with an art hoe

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Art hoes are the söy version of goth girls.

I want to slowy cut and slice her


I want to do that to OP

Those girls tend to cut themselves.

high quality posts like this are why I keep coming here


>Red and black beret
I hope she was a commie, because then I won't have to feel bad

100% based

They do in europe. It's german for cinema, and we in the netherlands also have a cinema called KINO, so...

what does a gf feel like bros?


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like no money and sometimes smell

>what kino are going to watch
>are going to watch
How about you are go the fuck out that door you dumb bitch.

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