What’s the most gruesome movie you’ve ever watched?

What’s the most gruesome movie you’ve ever watched?

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Army Dog
How the fuck did that get made

Jesus I didn't want to remember the source of that pic.


Porsche girl

Attached: I dunno.jpg (252x200, 7K)

She was in a horrifying car accident. The picture of the before and after would get posted in gore threads all the time. Basically her head was completely ripped in half and her brains and teeth and hair and stuff were hanging out the back seat of the car.

She was high on drug, riding her parent's portible and smashed her head into pulp

shame because she was kinda qt

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thot status: patrolled
digits status: checked

OPs face.

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>Btards used to send pictures of the dead body to his father

Disgusting times

yeah I hope they suffer in afterlife


That's fucked.



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You mean her, right? Or was that a....

I hate this place sometimes

Back then there weren't trannies. My English is awful sorry

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those were dark days. now Yea Forums is just /gif/2.0

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Grow up


>disgusting times
and people wonder why this place sucks now
its because you blubbering pussies aren't willing to go the extra mile and ruin someone's day


>riding her parent's portible and smashed her head into pulp

How fast is a portible capable of going?

Attached: 64991205_2365303093792281_566022241007016322_n.jpg (800x1270, 84K)

150+ mph

good times

You aren't a le ebin Yea Forumsro. Nobody gives a shit. Just grow up so you won't be a nuisance to us adults

Let's just say it was a closed casket funeral.

very nice


all cars are portable, user. that's kind of the entire point of them.


It can be extremely dangerous. For qts.


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very impressive

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Cocaine's a hell of a drug.

Kek i miss the old days lads

>Disgusting times
You're exactly what's wrong with modern Yea Forums.

You faggots destroyed this place with "morals". there was a time it was Yea Forums raiding not being raided

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Get fucked, foreigner.

>makes a "back in my day" boomer post as if he was an oldfag
>posts a cap from 2016

Been here since '07 you colossal faggot

>huurr durr been wasting my life longer than u!!

Have sex

Can someone source me on this girl posted in another thread. Image search came up with nothing

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>visiting the site between work means you're wasting your life
How retarded are you?