What are some zoomer kinos?

What are some zoomer kinos?


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Why are zoomers so much more fun than millennials?

This little nigga gets more pussy than you could believe

This, you can tell he fucks

Reminder that there is no such thing as zoomers.The term you are looking for is Millennials, which are people born between 1980-2000
>According to Forbes (2015), the generation after Millennials, Generation Z, which they defined as people born from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, made up 25% of the U.S. population, making them a larger cohort than the Baby Boomers or Millennials.

Here's some KINO

Attached: Bald boomer BTFO by fortnite scrapper.webm (640x360, 2.87M)


Attached: 1532726258822.jpg (630x841, 67K)

This video perfectly encapsulates why whites won't be a majority in the coming decades.

millennials had the harlem shake tho

zoomers are like half to 70% illegal alien anchor babies lel

>Millennials, which are people born between 1980-2000
which is obviously stupid, since someone born in 1980 is going to have a completely different life experience compared to someone born in fucking 2000

everyone knows that people stopped being born after 2000, and that generation """""""Z"""""""' are not """""""ZOOMERS"""""""

fucking hell retard, your parents dropped you on your head

Seething boomer

Is there anything more fucking BORING than retards who argue about generations?

Studies show the behavioral difference between milennials and zoomers is somewhere around the mid 90s. The major difference being milennials got the cellphones and social media once they were already mature and zoomers had it ever since they can remember.

The kid in the video looks like he was born around 2005.
Someone born in 2005 has sex and you don't.

Have sex

Spoken like a buttmad zoomer



>tfw when your entire generation will be remembered as the Starbucks sipping social justice trannie generation that never grew out of watching Disney movies. Oof

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Here he is with his gf

Attached: 64591010_533681523830907_7292528076466107521_n[1].jpg (1080x1350, 94K)

Good for him

Yea Forums virgins mock him and call him feminine whilst they've never had sex and masturbate to cartoons

>slaying prime cunny


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