How do we fix immaturity in young men? It seems all the media they're into, including video games, movies, books, shows...

How do we fix immaturity in young men? It seems all the media they're into, including video games, movies, books, shows, etc. are extremely shallow and meaningless.
An entire generation that's attracted to nothing but bright colors and no depth.

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What incentive do young men have exactly?

"Young men"
Eric Butts is in his 40s.

I don't think you understand why his pic was added there. The implication is that he is just like that boy, a dude who never grew up from his childish fantasies.

Youtube money

Society made it not worth it because of feminism ect. Enjoy the collapse!

>stop enjoying things REEEEEE you're destroying society
lmao don't you retards ever get tired of being like this
looks exhausting

It's not about that, you pleb.
Do you actually enjoy capeshit being the most popular movies? Or videogames all being shallow shit since at least 10 years ago?

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See, if it's not one lame thing it's another though. People always swing hard from one thing to the next. Whatever replaces this soft manchild thing with that demographic will be just as insufferable in another way, and you'll still be complaining.

Just focus on the things you do like. Don't worry about everyone else. Let them be. Most of it isn't that bad anyways, you're just being snobby. I'm a snob too, whatever, but just be kind as a rule.

Beyond based

Don’t worry about others bro

Yeah I literally give 30% of my income to them every year and I have to live with the consequences of their actions


Because it's hard to find meaning in a meaningless world, video games, movies and more allow an easy escape. There are other, more productive, escapes like career, travel and fitness, which are arguably just as meaningless, but they require more effort.

>it seems

not everyone posts what they are into on twitter or instagram. i like gardening. i can fill my spice rack with my back yard. i also enjoy golfing, but me and hundreds of thousands of other like me dont share my hobby online.

oh, just realized you are talking about media. well i like to watch cops and live pd, and family guy i guess. the only thing that makes me cringe on tv is those talent shows, where people play easy songs on violin or guitar. no one is impressed by bumblebee or czardas.

audiences on americas got talent go :o when someone plays a high note on violin or tremolos even though its easy as fuck. the asian talent shows are savage though, if you play a note or two wrong, the judges will cringe, and after tell you how bad you are

He was pissed that george killed his character in the first episode

>How do we fix immaturity in young men?

holy shit breh are you seriously trying to get across the idea that you're not immature?

You're a sensible user. That's weird to see here.

>he says posting on Yea Forums the home of immature "men" who talk about capeshit constantly and whom cry about star wars constantly

Nobody is stopping you from starting a revolution

He left out the best bit, which is how desperately people like the OP need to feel as though there's someone - anyone - towards whom they can take a snobbish attitude.

videogames have always been shallow lmao


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>shallow and meaningless
If you think they are all shallow and meaningless, your views are shallow and therefor meaningless

It's hilarious that you faggots want to discuss maturity. You are some of the most backwards, ignorant, immature, pathetic sacks of shit in the world.

What happened to men in their late 30s/early 40s, what turned them into the biggest cry baby fan boys in all known existence?

I can't. There's a stawberry field in my way.

people have always been like that, but now since we have the internet, we get to see that shit daily.

The difference is they don't broadcast it to the world and act like the victim when people call you out for your repulsive behaviour and unkempt appearance.

Not to be pic related, but the more things go banal and more garbage dominates the media the more incentive the next generation of people and their media has to be like that. It's pretty hard to ignore stuff like this when his sewage oozes from from the mainstream outlets 24/7.

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the lack of self-awareness by this board is hilariously sad


>Yea Forums doesn't act like the victim
that's why this board has seethed about women actresses for years now

that post is so ironic Alanis Morisette is using it to create a sequel to her song Ironic

I love when soibois come out of the wood work to defend their consuming

>user with no self-awareness whatsoever calling other people on their lack of self-awareness

>don't you ever get tired of not being entertained by retardation

What a silly question.

That is shallow and meaningless opinion.

>reddit gets mad when they are called out for being on a capeshit board where most users are virgins or underage retards

As a man child myself (I suppose) I have a few suggestions.

Basically, to understand the problem, you have a culture that has basically tried to de-masculinise men (toxic masculinity etc) while trying to raise women to basically be toxic masculine males. So many resources have gone into propping up women and "empowering" them that a lot of guys simply wandered off into the wilderness of the internet and escapism to find ways to express their masculinity and understand life because, where else were they going to do this exactly?
The problem is that they have become isolated and thus not integrated into society, and have basically become a pack of feral wolves on the outskirts of society that suddenly became a major political player with the mainstreamification of the internet.

A lot of this shit will sort itself out, but going out and making an effort to make in-person friends and basically live more like a video game character (have skills, go on real quests, collect resources, learn to fight ) is an important first step because you're going to need to fucking learn how to do this in person. Pro-tip, it's not as hard as you may think. Exercise also helps and try to avoid the alcohol/drugs crutch. That basically is the dark side of the force.

What's wrong with being a virgin?


Everything, it means you're probably a loser and a retard who shouldn't comment on anything let alone films since you've barely experience life.


This. This place is filled with angry, bitter kids that think they're better than this weird looking fella even when they consume the same drivel as him. It's ridiculous.

It honestly is and it's been like this for years and years, this board is so fucking gay and hypocritical
Still constantly posting about marvel capeshit because they are so fucking pleb

People have always and will always seek escapism from their lives. There's just more ways to do it and now they tend to be better at keeping you enthralled. Sports, literature, music, film etc. All of it is designed to engross you and keep the existential dread away for another small while. The average storytelling session around campfires throughout history was probably a lot more similar to SW and Marvel films and other escapist media than we'd think.


Here's hoping. I've never felt easy on that score.

Yeah, probably.

>when I was a little kid, video games were deep and meaningful!

>Basically, to understand the problem, you have a culture that has basically tried to de-masculinise men (toxic masculinity etc) while trying to raise women to basically be toxic masculine males.
The irony is that you become an irredeemable badman if you meet an insult with force, but there's nothing wrong with being unbelievably catty, petty, emotionally abusive, and mendacious.
Most feminists have the same schtick: they absolutely blindside you with hostility and disdain so that you're immediately thrown off and defensive. Then when you get reactive it's suddenly your fault and you have egg in your face.
It's one of those things that I have basically hurt my brain trying to get. They say they're against toxic behavior but they don't seem to have a frame of reference for any other kind of behavior than toxic, crazy, self-important behavior. They are what they claim to hate all the way

haha butts

Twitter and facebook are basically their Yea Forums, the difference is that they are also allowed to post here, but they literally can't handle the bands.
They are basically eternal 2 year old children that are oblivious to their own bad behaviour.

Why are you going after men specifically?

Kill the k*kes

Genuine Class

where do
you think you are posting in

In my roblox server

Jeremy's Iron

>It's fine when Alita fans do this

Just more proof this board is hypocritical and gay

Nah, I don't hate men for being immature, I genuinely feel for these types of dudes. I want to help them out.
They used to be much better, yes. Early 2000's was the peak.

you are here as well, aren't you?

I only post here to call others plebs and retards

what a chad