He's right, isn't he?
He's right, isn't he?
No, the real story was already leaked.
Why do zoomers love time travel do much?
It's the laziest thing you can do
The dumb time travel theory existed long before Mike made that video.
this. it started as soon as TLJ did the FTL kamikaze attack.
What is it?
He was right before the reshoots
Give me the leaked story lads, i need a good bedtime read
Dunno, movie didn't came out yet
yeah I remember hearing about on here before too.
Time travel was leaked months ago, he obviously just read it. What he failed to realize is they planned time travel all along and that's why they hired Rian originally because they were going for a Looper style plot and they needed someone who seemed to understand time travel. Except Rian dropped the ball and now JJ's left to do the time travel stuff
Johnson was hired to subvert expectations. Meaning, the story isn't actually going anywhere and is getting rebooted via time travel eventually, so he had free reign to throw out as much wild and unpredictable shit as he saw fit. The only thing that The Last Jedi had to be was an entertaining stepping stone for dumb audiences.
Bullshit. they didn't plan Rian doing his own spin. They left him to do anythign because they thouhg this experiment would work. Now JJ just trying to damage control entire Last Jedi and retcon it
another thing they could do if they must erase all that to restart is to pretend it was all a fable, sort like mad max, told in the far future so the details are shakey and inaccurate. "it was all a dream" basically.
everybody gets cucked
I came up with my own sequel trilogy ideas to see whether or not I'd come up with something better than what Disney would come up with. I was under the assumption that they were going to knock it out the park because, how could you fuck it up?
So um, yeah...
What is interesting is while vastly different, some of the beats are actually there. For example.
There is another galactic war going on, but, a lot of it was caused by a schism within the rebel alliance when the new republic tried to re establish itself over systems that wanted to be independent and supported divided powers. The new republic is kinda like the empire and heavy handed.
Luke has gone missing, but it's because he was "assassinated" at Leias command when it was discovered that he was the son of space hitler. The Jedi have been all out banned by the republic.
So, kinda similar, but different.
Time travel was another thing I played around with further down the line, but it's a bit more about time overlap and the sheer immense power of the force, (which is the main theme of the trilogy). Recurring themes and echos, also the way that powerful force users can read minds, see into the past and see into the future. Not really time travel per se, but basically with someone fully commanding and understanding the force, basically they have god like powers, and the force is trying to sort itself out through the medium of the physical. The force is basically fighting itself. It's basically like a sentient super consciousness etc.
The story ends with the force balancing out, due to intervention by Anakin on a supernatural level, who was an aspect of the force, and balance being achieved, with the force fading into the background, but not fully going away.
The survivors have won, but they live in a semi destroyed galaxy. The star wars fade into legend. "a long time ago" etc.
According to the leaks, the mcguffin she has in hand is a recording of Luke Skywalker bolstering on the rebellion, and they're going to the crashed Death Star to broadcast it across the whole galaxy.
Hence the "rise of Skywalker", of his message.
Yeah I know how shit it is.
But yeah, my point is that it's strange that a lot of people came up with similar shit independently.
I think what Disney did was basically terrible, but, they seemed to have some sort of concept of what you logically would need to do to justify another (unneeded) sequel trilogy to the franchise. It would have to be anakins story, so just what more could he possibly do?
Mike even said "the force disappears". I'm the only one that I know that came up with something similar, and it's inspired by a mythological motif of magic temporarily leaving the living world and humans perhaps degrading over time. The world becomes more material, and mechanical, and less enchanted, but maybe with the possibility of it returning one day, when people need it or perhaps deserve it?
>The Jedi have been all out banned by the republic.
Back in 2015, when I was thinking of how I'd handle a trilogy of my own, I was thinking about this too. They brought down the Last Republic, and were basically a martial elite by the end of the wars, so who would want them around?
And the trilogy would consist of the Jedi coming back into the good grades of the Republic, but more as a decentralised group of monks, etc...
Endgame had a horrible time travel story and Mike ate that shit up.
Yeah. They are literally a cult of psychic police/assassins and to the galaxy there's no real difference between the jedi and the sith. When golden boy luke turns out to be darth vaders son, why the fuck would anyone want this guy to set up yet another squad of psychic creepy super cops?
Also, why would anyone believe Luke had any connection to the Jedi? all the jedi masters he was trained by literally vanished and were thought dead prior to that. He's the only real witness of this. The other guys are a talking dog and a career criminal pirate. He can't say "well what about my sister the princess" because that would destroy her life and likely new family with han.
Luke would have to "die".
But on the outer rim, he'd survive, possibly scarred up from assassination attempts. Luke a light side looking version of vader in a sense, perhaps kinda crusader looking armour and a cloak. He'd be still sticking to his mission as a Jedi, and trying to do good for the galaxy, though more incognito.
I think stuff like that is quite interesting because, that's probably how it would go down.
>is a recording of Luke Skywalker bolstering on the rebellio
Even for them that does sound stupid, 99.999% of the galaxy has no idea what Luke looks like. Never mind milk drunk hobo Luke, they could just grab an old man off the street and go hey everyone Luke is back. I guess he was a hero and public figure at one point, but it felt more like a legend rather than everyone knows and really respects the guy.
didnt everybody forget what the force was and luke?
how the fuck does that work
>the 30 year old crashed remnants of the the Death Star is the only way to access the Holonet
Just end it
>hired Rian
>needed someone who seemed to understand time travel
That is literally so bad it cannot possibly be real.
That's some Mike Zeroh bollocks isn't it? They can't do that
It 'makes sense' in that they've JUSTed the story and universe so much that a literal reboot is the best option they have... Whatever else they would do would be even worse.
>Rey beats Kylo for 3rd time in a row
>*teaser for moar Jedi moar Sith in the future*
>the end
That is so fucking boring.
maybe Jaylo wins to subvert expectitions
rey will beat kylo by making him join the lightside fulfilling the generic female fantasy of turning a bad boy into a good boy
How would a giant section of the Death Star land intact on Endor without creating a gigantic crater and annihilating all life? Even the old "Endor holocaust" scenario floating around years ago was based only on a rain of debris.
cant stop the signal, mal
because fuck you that's why
black and jewish males have sex with white women
white males are evil
the end
mike is right. it explains the different radar dish on the falcon.
it's so fucking depressing. yeh its a kids movie, but it's part of our culture and they're ruining it
>Feminist self insert gets fucked by Kylo Ren the mass murdering White supremacist space Nazi.
Yeah, that's pretty much the way this shit goes down. All of this feminist shit ultimately fucking backfires and ends up being right wing propaganda indirectly.
This. Lucasfilm is run by women. The force is female, remember? The women dislike JJ and love Rian and that is how they got into this mess.
sounds based
>I came up with my own sequel trilogy ideas to see whether or not I'd come up with something better than what Disney would come up with
I think everyone did the same. Then I rewrote the trilogy after TFA, then I redid it again after TLJ and I'm not sure why I and most people can come up with better stories than these hacks at Disney
>it's part of our culture
do americans really
But so do the Brits with Harry Potter
and the French with Jules Verne
And the Polish with the Witcher
and the germans with david hasselhoff
>I think everyone did the same.
Not the normies, but this seems to be pretty fucking standard amongst star wars fans.
>I'm not sure why I and most people can come up with better stories than these hacks at Disney
Because they aren't actually fans and literally do not understand star wars even though George Lucas has repeatedly tried to explain the fundamentals of why his "crazy fantasy with a space theme" idea worked so well for people.
I had a bad feeling about the whole thing when they kept saying "this is star wars for a new generation" because, there really aren't new generations. That's the fucking point.
and supersized buttplugs.
The death star was pretty obviously shown as being blasted to smithereens, but if a chunk of it with a noticeable curve slammed into any planet it would destroy the biosphere. A texas-sized rock is enough to kill everyone on Earth.
dude just like
turn your brain off bro
stop making any content at all for 5 years, them make all Nu Wars not canon and star again adapting EU stories
>dont wanna close my eyes, dont want to faaaaall asleep
Yep, imagine fucking up so badly you have to time travel to fix shit, clever, it's gonna work.
Laugh at the end of the new trailer, Round dish on the Falcon, the lightsaber, it's habbening.
>A texas-sized rock is enough to kill everyone on Earth.
depends on the relative speed
>Laugh at the end of the new trailer, Round dish on the Falcon, the lightsaber, it's habbening.
they're actually dark towering star wars for lack of ideas, hilarious
Well I mean it's really for little kids so who the fuck cares, as an adult you should be enjoying adult scifi shit anyway.
>who the fuck cares
not the fans anymore
disney made sure of that
>Well I mean it's really for little kids so who the fuck cares,
Oh yeah, Galantia was literally designed with little kids in mind. This is exactly what Disney have been doing with these movies, producing all the kinds of things kids just absolutely love such as gender identity politics, completely pointless representation and self admitted feminist self-insertions.
>you should be enjoying adult scifi shit anyway.
Like what?
Star Trek? aahhahaha
I swear some of these people must be disney employees that are pissed off.
The fuck should I know, scifi drama and shit, you know, adult shit, this is pew pew lasers for children you ugly doofus.
oh please tljs target audience is fat tumblrinas with dyed hair
Summarize what you thought the trilogy would be like when they announced TFA
Well then thank God you're not one, let them fuck up their $4b on their own.
>this is pew pew lasers for children you ugly doofus.
This series of movies are literally inspired by the careful analysis of mythological motifs, the ambiguity of morality and military history. This is why star wars fans can spend so much fucking time talking about star wars lore and themes and why it resonates so much with people long into adult hood.
>The fuck should I know, scifi drama and shit, you know, adult shit
Like what? SJWs have absolutely destroyed everything and degraded it into absolute idiocy. We're dealing with people that believe in gender theory...
>Time Travel
>EU is restored
>Kyle fucking Katarn is back
It's over Mouse, we have the high ground
No, user. It's real because it's so bad.
>Rise of Skywalker is just broadcasting Luke everywhere
Where's Sam Raimi when you need him?
I just realised that Disney are literally doing a Simpsons poochie lol
>The Plot twist of the Rise of the Skywalkers will be a Time Travel/Groundhog Day scenario.
>There will be a point in the movie where it is revealed that Sheev, Rey, and Ben Solo have repeated episodes 1-9 several times.
>This is alluded to in the Last Jedi when Rey has that trippy tunnel vision of echoes of her future and past selves.
>Whenever the final “confrontation” between Rey and Sheev occurs, Rey and Ben are forced to cause the Groundhog Day scenario to occur by disturbing some Sith Magic/Artifact/Ceremony.
>The time loop always takes Sheev, Rey and Ben back years before Episode 1.
>Sheev Rey, and Ben, being at the center of this loop, are the only characters that know of it.
>When time resets, Rey goes to Tatooine to fulfill her role as Shmi, Anakin’s mother, with Ben Solo as the father.
>Anakin’s status of Chosen One is due to his lineage of both Dark and Light side force users.
>In each loop, Ben always abandon’s Rey and Anakin to face Sheev himself and die.
>Rey Resigns herself to her death on Tatooine, so that Anakin can fulfill his destiny.
>Rey hopes that her future self will figure out how to break the loop.
>Anakin’s story arc from Tatoonie to his sacrifice to kill sheev is a necessary step in breaking the loop.
>Sheev’s easy manipulation of the Jedi Council and the Senate is due to his many repeated loops.
>One issue Sheev always faces is that no matter how he corrupts Anakin, he always betrays him.
>Luke acts like an angsty teenager in the Last Jedi, because he is being confronted by his grandmother (Rey) to take charge and responsibility.
>This also explains all of the different versions of episodes 1-6 that George Lucas has made.
Cursed thread, abandon all hope
I really fucking hope that's not true. That's how you end the second part of a trilogy, not the final installment of the entire saga.
i will allahu akbar jj abrams and disney if this happens
Spread that truth, mein neger.
I hope it's true because it's so bad and disney deserves to be laughed at.
It's already destroyed lol
The time portals were introduced in Soï Wars Rebels so that Dave "furfag" Filoni could bring his waifu back.
Read a book. Watch Solaris. Have sex.
Mike's pessimism is getting old
it's cynicism and it's because he's getting old
Realistically, it's a little adventure to spread Luke's legacy, and nothing in it makes sense or adds up.
Nu-Wars murdered Star Wars
>Read a book
>Watch Solaris
>have sex
>...to my best knowledge, the book was not dedicated to erotic problems of people in outer space... As Solaris' author I shall allow myself to repeat that I only wanted to create a vision of a human encounter with something that certainly exists, in a mighty manner perhaps, but cannot be reduced to human concepts, ideas or images. This is why the book was entitled "Solaris" and not "Love in Outer Space". ”
>—Stanislaw Lem, The Solaris Station (December 8, 2002)
I don't think you could've failed that post harder. The literal author of the book slammed the movie due its fixation with sex instead of other concepts.
You liberals are literally useless at debate lol.
What does he have to be optimistic about?
>THIS TIME they'll get it right.
Who would be dumb enough to believe that?
It’s afraid.
No it didn't, unless Mike was the one who wrote it.
yeah and that shit EXPLODED. it was also right next to endor. An entire moon sized base exploding that close to Endor would have destroyed the entire moon
>We needed someone who seemed to understand time travel to make a movie that had nothing to do with time travel
>They are literally a cult of psychic police/assassins and to the galaxy there's no real difference between the jedi and the sith.
Fuck off, Karen Traviss.
>Endor is a moon
>The Death Star is the size of a moon
>3 months of reshoots
I'd watch that
I'm not anti jedi, but if you look at them literally, what else would you call them?
Zoomers have low brain capacity because smart phones do most of their thinking
YOU CAN BET MONEY THAT WILL HAPPEN!!! Cocknose is an SJW asswipe, so of course the leads will be a black male (BP) and a white female (CM) while their most popular and endearing male character (Spider-man) will be made into a twink fuckboi.
There's no fucking way this doesn't happen!!!FACT!!!
>Star Trek?
at least ST was sci-fi, back in the day, like it or not
Yeah, it's not like the galaxy has had Leia blaring her message from a position of prominence for close to 40 years
a little known hermit who did nothing for 30 and is indirectly responsible for the first order is not going to inspire people, especially if the reputation of the Jedi hasn't been rehabilitated since the rise of the empire 60 years previously
it's like expecting Hitler Jr. emerging from Argentina announcing the holocaust was fake to change things
SW died when the original triligy was over
Paramilitary organisation in times of war, peacekeepers in times of peace. In either case they never seek domination over galaxy like the Sith do. It's just as retarded as
>le Batman and le Joker are literally the same because some cherrypicked out-of-context bullshit
I literally wrote it years ago in Yea Forums
Star Trek is dead, it was killed by JJ and Kurtzman is raping the corpse.
There are different sizes of moon. A gas planet's moon like Yavin 4 or Endor are going to be larger than a solid planet's moon, which is what the Death Star was compared to.
And since the one in TFA literally was a planet, that's the size comparison for the death star as moon.
I don't think the death star necessarily would have destroyed Endor's moon though. It was full of combustible material and hollow, rather than solid rock.
I swear this happens after every RLM prediction show, writers are fucking obsessed with that lot.
I'll take Natalie Mars over that mutt from nu Spider-Man any day.
>SW died when Empire was over
Star Wars and Empire are masterpiece's but I can never get over how shit Jedi is. Can you imagine if George Lucas had hired Ridley Scott, coming off Alien, and brought the sort of style he did to Blade Runner?!?FACT!!!
specifically it's the size of a small moon
You mean the one where Palpatine's ghost cannot possess Rey because she's too "pure" which ultimately destroys him?
JJ Abrams can't work on the MCU because he has a $500 million deal with Warner.
Which movie writers besides Rian Johson have talked about RLM?
>Star Wars and Empire are masterpiece's but I can never get over how shit Jedi is. Can you imagine if George Lucas had hired Ridley Scott, coming off Alien, and brought the sort of style he did to Blade Runner?!?FACT!!!
RotJ was the weakest one for sure. The Luke-Emperor-Vader parts were good. The ewoks parts sucked. Space battle is a rehash of the first movie.
this. is. epic.
He's the only one retarded enough to broadcast that, he should have known better. Everyone watches RLM.
Captain kirk just went around shagging aliens lol.
No, it was shit.
>Paramilitary organisation in times of war, peacekeepers in times of peace.
> In either case they never seek domination over galaxy
Their "peacekeeping" is domination.
>le Batman and le Joker are literally the same
That's not a retarded observation. Batman is self righteous and is responsible for not decisively killing people like the Joker because of his moral hangups.
shit doesn't stop orbiting when it explodes, it just orbits in small pieces, see for example the Saturn rings were a moon at some point until it exploded and formed the rings
than again, this is Magic Wars in space
ESB was an incoherent mess. It even contradicts the plot in the opening scrawl and luke is a big doofus.
>luke skywalker is the leader of the rebellion
>luke is not the leader of the rebellion
>le want to save my friends from danger
>le go to degobah instead of regrouping with my friends who are in danger
>i need to stop my training because my friends are in danger
>they were already in danger
>"darth vader is obsessed with searching for luke skywalker"
>"darth vader is looking for the rebel base"
It's an incoherent disaster with some great scenes.
fuck off zoomer.
liking capeshit an pew pew space fast&furious is not ok
>character has more than one motive
>wow it's literally incoherent
simplicity is good sure, but you seem stupid no offense
>JJ Abrams can't work on the MCU because he has a $500 million deal with Warner.
He sold his company. We don't know the fine print and if it allows him to Direct elsewhere. Also, he's not stupid, another reason why he went after Episode 9 is because it boosted the value of said company. But do you really think a ladder climbing parasite like him is going to saddle himself with WB when he can work for the biggest entertainment company on the planet?!? He knew WB would be desperate and stupid enough to shell out 500 mill for that asswipes mystery box company?!?FACT!!!
Who knows what "zoomers" like, even, as far as big mainstream stuff goes? All that stuff is made by Gen Xers, projecting their own shitty, dead tastes onto them. We are yet to see what Gen Z will produce. It'll be a while.
I mean look at ANY shitty schlocky capeshit or reboot hack movie, they're all directed by despicable, geriatric Gen Xers.
something about dilating?
So it's literally the Firefly film?
I'm not even memeing the ABSOLUTE STATE of Disney holy SHIT
nice headcanon there, retardo
I feel many Britons really don’t care for Harry Potter anymore, it seems more American now especially with those new prequel movies I didn’t see
How does Jay feel about the fact that the first RLM video to make it into top 10 trending on YouTube was the one that didn't feature him?
Uh, it's Gen Xers who forced all that identity politics shit into the media. Not Millennials. Not Generation Z.
How is saying that Luke is the rebellion leader when he obviously not anything other than incoherent?
There's also a key scene in that movie that has been retconned to high hell where the emperor talks to vader about their "new enemy" in luke skywalker to try and make the plot less incoherent. Originally vader is clearly just hunting down rebels only to be informed by the emperor that luke skywalker could destroy them and then says he could be converted to the dark side.
So, how did Vader know all along? wasn't that worth explaining with a key scene?
Then there's the inconsistency of luke. So this "leader of the rebels" just decides to fuck off to degobah and not regroup with his friends who are being chased because their base literally just got blown up by the empire, forcing them into hiding aka putting them in serious danger, only for him to abandon his training because his friends were in danger?
Wouldn't it have been better to just have luke leave for degobah BEFORE the invasion so that it didn't look stupid?
Lucas himself says that the Sith see themselves as right and dominance is dominance, no matter how you dress it up.
It seems that liberals struggle with these kinds of concepts. "it's not killing when I do it".
he's very upset.
This, I don't really know anyone whoo cares about HP any more. It only really comes up when people are reminiscing about their childhood.
Nah. After reading TLJ that turned out true, it's so bad that it has to be true
The worst part about this... is that it could so easily be how this all goes down
Zoomers never produce, they only consume.
Bongs love arry potta.
>dominance is dominance
>being on Senate's leash id dominance
nice headcanon, retardo
>He sold his company.
No he didn't. His Bad Robot deal with Paramount ended last month (no more kelvin-Trek shit), now BR is with Warner.
>another reason why he went after Episode 9 is because it boosted the value of said company.
>do you really think a ladder climbing parasite like him is going to saddle himself with WB when he can work for the biggest entertainment company on the planet?!
He has a foot in Marvel Comics via his son (they're co-writing a Spider-Man book). His former production assistant is now VP of the live-action division of Disney LucasFilm. He also has undirectly control over Star Trek via Alex Kurtzman.
The man is everywhere.
Such a boring old person thing to say. And the first of them are barely leaving their teens right now so you can't even comment on what they've produced yet... except actually they HAVE created probably more content than any generation already just going by social media.
Hating on these times is PEAK geriatric Gen Xer.
Please, KILL YOURSELVES, you waste of a generation. Die.
>Luke Skywalker bolstering on the rebellion,
Except the entire univeserse knows he is down with the rebellion hence he fucking leading it and killing Palps.
IDGAF if he disappeared that doesn't mean the universe forgot he was down with the Rebellion.
>imagine defending your internet friend this much
Also the circle isn't nearly as big as Texas, not even fucking close.
>just going by social media
Instantly dropped. Social media is the bane of humanity. You and your faggot zoomer ilk never produce, but only consume like the leeches you all are. KILL YOURSELVES IMMEDIATELY, YOU ZOOMER FAGGOTS. DIE NOW.
this is too elaborate for Disney
>luke skywalker is the leader of the rebellion
The opening scrawl says the forces on Hoth are lead by Luke, not that he is *the* leader of *all* forces. From the roles they play in battle, Leia seems like a general while Luke is a something of a field commander. In other words, he's *a* leader, not *the* leader.
>Then there's the inconsistency of luke
His mentors wanted Luke trained to be a Jedi for the greater good (which would be benefit to the rebellion surely, i.e. facing his father). Luke tried, but it turned out he couldn't let go of his feelings or ignore the present dangers.
Wow, the main character shows an internal conflict, how dare a story have that? It boggles my mind how inconsistent and incoherent and literally so so confusing this is. In fact the story should have written such that the conflict is resolved immediately, that way there is no conflict and I think that's better!! Conflicts make people look stupid!!!
>"darth vader is obsessed with searching for luke skywalker"
>"darth vader is looking for the rebel base"
these aren't inconsistent at all
That was k-kino.....?
Moons can be different sizes
>Jay in five years
>JJ Abrams and Alex Kurtzman do time travel story for Star Trek
>Alex Kurtzman repeats time travel for Star Trek Discovery
>Chris Terrio was setting up the Justice League movies to be about time travel
>Disney just did time travel with Endgame
>Even faggot Rian Johnson did Looper and he may still have influenced the plans for Episode IX
>"Fuck it"
It's gonna be time travel
And I'm going even further: they'll do a soft reboot of the OT a la X-Men and have new actors playing Leia and Luke in new adventures, along with the already cast young versions of the cast
but Gen X-ers are running their gender experiments and sissifying Zoomers, not cutting their own cocks
He's living his gay life and doesn't give a fuck.
also the cartoon series did time travel to retcon Ahsoka dying and cartoons are part of canon now see darth maul being in solo
>This also explains all of the different versions of episodes 1-6 that George Lucas has made.
probably means the special edition edits
He doesn't care, he's too busy sipping his sóy latte.
>"assassinated" at Leias command when it was discovered that he was the son of space hitler.
but Leia is the daughter of said space Hitler
mike should love the time travel story, it's basically 90% of star trek
fucking lmao if this is true
>the final installment of the entire saga.
oh sweet summer child...
>jay after George Lucas injects his soul into jay's body
God, this is so bad. lmao
>Leia seems like a general while Luke is a something of a field commander. In other words, he's *a* leader, not *the* leader.
>a group of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker has established a new secret base on the remote ice world of Hoth.
> Luke tried, but it turned out he couldn't let go of his feelings or ignore the present dangers.
The present dangers were already present. Their base, the base he was THE LEADER OF got blown up. His friends were all on the run again. This was a huge amount of danger. Even some dialogue of him being told it's ok for him to leave would have been enough, but no.
>Wow, the main character shows an internal conflict,
Where was that internal conflict when he was like "lol, we just lost the war maybe but I'm gonna fly away hehe".
As I said, it's an incoherent movie with some amazing scenes. Vader vs luke, kina, obiwan, yoda and luke, kino, astroid escape, kino, hoth battle, kino, even the wampa was kino, but lets not honestly pretend that this was a very consistent script.
>these aren't inconsistent at all
"im obsessed with finding skywalker! who... i don't really know about? but um, i'm looking for the rebel base, and why am I obsessed with finding skywalker? what?".
Are you familiar with the scene changes in the special editions etc? It's not a surprise as to why that emperor/vader exchange changed so much.
You're gay.
I'd rather have time travel desu
I'm gonna be pissed if they don't have Rey end up being Shmi Skywalker and Ren is the father
Kathy would never allow her Golden Girl to be killed by Tusken Raiders.
you're beyond saving
I've never said this to anyone before but:
have sex
>Leia seems like a general
laughable. women cant be leaders
Yes. Yes she is.
Her new family, political career and the survival of the new republic that she now basically has a major role in, that is, in her mind, "the common good", will all be jeopardised when people find out the truth. Luke keeps the secret, because it's luke, and she tells him that he's not going to be just "investigated". He's going to be killed, and that she's had to give the order for obvious reasons.
He green lightsaber is brought back to her by mercenaries. She thinks him dead.
Other people/things are destroyed to suppress this information, and it's occurred under the purges against imperial remnants. Han and Lando assist in this and it kinda puts a strain on their relationships and their self respect because they now have blood on their hands and they are basically becoming increasingly dirty.
In the time period it's set in, Leia is semi-villainous. Wears white robes, reminiscent of Sheev. She uses the force, but mostly for manipulation because the end justifies the means. Lando knows what's up and she has kinda bust up his political career, he loses votes a lot because of Leia's mind control, but he keeps their secret because "old friends".
Also, various rebellions have been put down with blunt force for not supporting the new republic, and the power vacuum of the empires collapse has allowed a lot of alien empires to emerge that aspire to invade the rich core systems.
The strongest rebel faction are ex-alliance rebels that are wholly disillusioned and quite brutal in their outlook.
The galactic republic is easily the strongest faction, and it's technology is a mixture of alliance and imperial stuff. They have "stormtroopers" but they look a bit different, more like old republic troopers.
The backdrop is designed to be kinda bleak and complicated and desperately in need of hope/jedi heroics queue lukes return etc.
Think post ww1 and late rome if you want to get the idea.
The opening scrawls in all the movies read like pitches written for studio execs before the screenplays were finished. Calling ESB "incoherent" because the scrawl overstates Luke's position of authority is pretty weak sauce.
The actual movie makes clear that Luke lead Rogue Squadron and not much else. By ESB, he clearly was not pursuing a path of traditional military command. The alliance let him come and go as he pleased because 1) Leia liked him and 2) he basically had superhero powers.
>and they needed someone who seemed to understand time travel.
Are you fucking retarded? Or are ou
b8ing with this implication that you need to be a rocket scientist to write one of the most common, tired, braindead trope in popular fiction?
>someone guessed something among the millions that guess things
Yeah, whatever.
Those somebodies weren't people who matter.
I mean that quite seriously actually. As we have more samples the probability of guessing right increases. If we limit ourselves to 'expert' or otherwise special source opinion we've narrowed substantially.
RLM is about the only review channel I find palatable so I'd say it's n=2 from my POV (me and him).
I don't have friends
>someone faceapped my jay-david lunch hybrid
What if David Lynch granted RLM an extended interview but only wanted to talk about Star Trek with Mike and ignored Jay the whole time?
You're a mouse shill
no u
It does look like execs and maybe Lucas last minute but it is incoherent and the plot itself is quite incoherent as I've demonstrated.
>The actual movie makes clear that Luke lead Rogue Squadron and not much else. By ESB, he clearly was not pursuing a path of traditional military command. The alliance let him come and go as he pleased because 1) Leia liked him and 2) he basically had superhero powers.
The opening crawl contradicts it though, and the film also shows that Luke is vulnerable as evidenced by the Wampa scene.
He doesn't mention going to degobah to his friends, he fights in the defence of the hoth base and then just baits and switches only to then bail on his jedi training.
That's all rather whimsical, but the movie looks so good and has so many amazing scenes that people forget this.
Of all the movies, this is probably the most incoherent.
I would pay to watch that interview.
>David Lynch and the RLM chad force having film theory debates.
bullshit, i've seen this here countless of times, even one or two articles
Fix'd. Now he's 100% accurate.
That’s the plot of Serenity, that firefly movie.
You sound like a jerk.
>two hacks from Milwaukee and one of the greatest filmmakers in history talk about movies
Too bad this will never happen.
I assure you I'm not, now put on your big boy pants, and stop caring about children shows, go unfuck yourself or do something productive.
Need a nice smiley Mike.
of course he´s right..
I want to have a beer and talk shit with Rich Evans he seems like a fun dude.
Why that’s just rude!
They are sand people, OK?
Sand people that worship space allah.
I'm sorry, son, but someone had to tell you. You need to move on.
Yup. Time travel is right up Star Wars alley, though, so not sure why all the bitching. Star Wars was based on Flash Gordon, for crying out loud.
aidsmoby is cute
Then a naked Bobby Ewing gets out of the shower and shoots JR.
>just like muh animou
Here's your time travel, bros:
So that you can see Jay die inside frame by frame?
>time travel
>on a critically acclaimed and financially successful movie
How out of touch are these people?
Red Letter Media is such fucking cancer
Toppen von Kek
Is this considered as canon?
The eyebrow guy in the thumbnail looks like young Mike.
Yes it is, in fact I think season 3 of Rebels came AFTER TLJ.
My belief is that I think Lucasfilm/Disney knew they fucked up big time with TLJ and were testing the waters to see if time travel could "work" in SW
No, He's wrong.
He really isn't, and I'm sorry.
Urge to call out jews...rising
JJ said he threw out all thier plans for 9 and started from scratch
As awful as it was, SW Rebels is canon.
I think it's just Dave Filoni who did this to bring his waifu back. What he hasn't realized is that time portals can destroy the SW universe way more than the ridiculous kamikaze hyperdrive from TLJ.
it had been speculation for a long time, only ramped up because of Rebels final season
no. the falcon dish gets blown up in the last jedi (see pic) and that's why they go back to the round dish. rey also had both pieces of the lightsaber that broke in half at the end and presumably fixes it offscreen (kinda like kylo's helmet).
the reason all this shit is coming back (e.g. the medal, palpatine, death star) is because jj is redoing the nostalgia bait AGAIN and no one has any new ideas.
Honestly I'm all for the awful time travel story
The ST is fucked, we already know it, nothing interesting storywise is gonna come out of it anyway, so the only thing I can hope for IX is to be entertaining and with a lot of fanservice. That's exactly what a time travel story could give. Yes it's retarded, yes it might ruin the OT and possibly even the PT, but who cares, the movies will still be there after IX comes out.
If they do some dumb shit like going to different eras, with throwbacks and cameos from the previous films, or going to a completely new era to set up the next trilogy, it can at least be really stupid type of fun
What I would really hate is if it turns out to be something like this Now that would be extremely boring and not fun at all.
I'm actually hoping it's gonna be time travel. It's just the only way this movie can be entertaining at this point. Any other scenario is gonna be boring. The prequels may not be the greatest movies of all time, but they were entertaining, especially III.
If you're unable to write a good story with compelling characters, at least make it stupid fun.