Why isn't nepotism working for Rumer Willis? Bruce Willis and Demi Moore are still very famous.
Why isn't nepotism working for Rumer Willis? Bruce Willis and Demi Moore are still very famous
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I mean, just look at it.
You'd think they'd have the resources to get her chin ground down a half a foot.
If she got a chin reduction, she would be super hot. What a fucktard.
Post the Oblivion edit!
Nepotism is a huge leg up but it's no guarantee of success (especially if you're ugly).
What really strikes me is that Demi and Bruce are both attractive people, and yet the combination of the two produced such horrific results.
It would just reveal her disturbingly long neck.
I knew that was Demi Moore and Bruce Willis' kid before I read anything LOL.
What a cruel joke of god.
she does look a lot better now that she got her lips done though. and with the hair and the bling bling in her nose and ears as distractions, she doesn't look that bad anymore.
btw, i remember a thread on Yea Forums around 2010 where we were tlaking about her, and some user who went to college with her posted, timestamp included. he said she's incredibly arrogant and obnoxious.
She probably can't act for shit
>not based
Demi confirmed for cheating on Bruce with based Robert Z'Dar.
Doubt it. They clearly look like their dad
man those genetics did a number on all three of them
>have daughters
>they all look like you after two years of HRT
Most of the time when two different phenotypes reproduce it looks/is some kind of abdomination.
>You'd think they'd have the resources to get her chin ground down a half a foot.
they did, that's the before. She was on DWTS. She's still a monsterface.
How did he get such strong genes?
>Most of the time when two different phenotypes reproduce it looks/is some kind of abdomination.
My mother is of pure northern Germanic phenotype, my father is from Anatolia. I have a face like an elf, more beautiful than adonis himself.
>he doesn't live flyover lyfe and doesn't know that german-irish blockhead girls are a diamond dozen
It's like the tops of their faces look like Demi and bottom of their faces look like him.
y i k e s
Good or bad time to say roach?
God it's like a mad doctor sewed Bruce's chin to Demi's face
Not to play doubles advocate, but maybe you are the true asshole in this
It's like God took of while making their faces and an alien Good took over, not understanding the nuances of how genes work.
They each look like Bruce in drag at different ages
Picture being a girl whose mom was one of the hottest women on the planet but your face came out looking like a shovel
I'd hate my dad forever
Bruce and Demi having kids should have been a genetic slam dunk, but they managed to breed a pack of mongoloids.
Did brook have any sons?
It's all a game. If ugly people had only ugly kids and 80% of people are ugly, then everyone would be ugly in a few generations. A manly man with a daughter can be a disaster
Yes, and he seems to look more like his mother. Also looks like his sister could easily beat him up. Weird.
I literally don't see any difference in those pictures besides the hair. And what did they timestamp?
>Daughter gets Brocks genes
>Son gets sables
What a fucked up world
Brock is pretty ugly though.
Yeah but his facial features are still more attractive on a boy than they are on a girl
I'd fuck all of Bruce's daughters.
>Imagine getting chinned by all 3 daughters
Even Rumer?
I'd fuck a willis daughter just to be able to brag about it
that's because more can go wrong. If Willis is attractive for being masculine, then if the daughter inherits his masculine traits, it'll be bad. Normal people won't have as much variation to deal with
>yo dude I fucked Demi Moore's daughter
>holy shit dude. I bet she's crazy hot, lemme Google
If Demi Moore was your mum and you ended up looking like that you would be bitter and twisted too.
She has more chin than a Chinese phone book.
Go mow the lawn, dad
Virgin Willis genes, chad Stallone DNA
That's just because his facial features look good on women
they all rook average
Demi Moore and him would make good looking women.
True but his physical build and facial structure are peak testosterone masculinity
>All those flat chests though
Me in the back
what the fuck
demi moore never had a weak jaw herself. those poor girls were doomed from the start.
there is nothing more virgin than having only girls
what is that chin
She's too ugly. Even with nepotism you need to at least be a 4, she's deformed
I heard she'll be playing this guy's daughter in Samurai Cop III.
How could they genes mix with such results?
Stallone had a son, he didn't fly so good
So sad for her. I wonder if she's angry about it. Meanwhile, talk about a kid who hit a home run into the gene pool.....
Id marry her and love her forever.
Why does he have that tormented look in his eyes?
It’s like looking at Warwick Davis’ family. Even Bruce kinda looks like a fully formed Warwick what the shit??
i didn't even know the right one existed
If they ever get around to making that Die Hard prequel she could easily play a young John McLane.
They really are pushing Jonah hills sister Beanie Feldstein she was in what we do in the shadows (awful show) even Marc maron was talking about how good of an actress she is etc. Load of bull crap Jewish people love to help one another.
>Beanie Feldstein
>not wanting to have a harem
So this is the power of Slavic genes
Just like Arnold's sons
who are you quoting?
i wish i could murder you
>thinks it's "chad" when your facial features make your daughters look feminine
>thinks it's "virgin" when your facial features make your daughters look like you with a whig
>calls others retard
by his logic a sister being attractive doesn't increase the probability that her brother will be attractive
Bruce doesn't even have a huge chin/jaw. What's the deal? His daughters actually mog him hard in that department.
oi oi genetics thrread?
I made that joke like an hour ago. With a picture. Lurk moar.
Is that Weird Al in drag?
discount billie eilish second from left, looks like she's the only one that somewhat escaped a terrible fate
she could play Flabber's daughter in the Big Bad Beetleborgs soft reboot series coming to Netflix in the fall of 2021
I don't know if it's shooped or what, but she looks downright normal in this wedding shoot
Post the spic son
interestingly my dad's family is some weird german/scottish goblin race who all have weird ears and squat faces
they really look horrific
my mom's family are all bleach blonde (claiming to be irish) with gigantic noses and beady eyes
somehow I got the big eyes and lush hair from my dad, but the long germanic face from my mom and look relatively normal
she looks like a beanie
My God,what an unfortunate combination of parental features.
Fuck off Brock jesus fuck
>thinks brock is shitposting on Yea Forums insulting his own daughter
time to take a break from the internet
wow so epic
because putting your penis in a vice is a very specific fetish
Cringe. It's time for you to return to.. you know.
>fuck off brock
are you retarded or something?
She’s actually pretty cute compared to his other daughters. I’d hold her hand desu.
By god, they must all hate him with intense passion.
>b-but /pol/ told me that racemixing is bad
le 9gag army unite amirite
Olivia Newton-John and her ex-husband are pretty good looking, yet their daughter looks a mess.
she looks perfectly fine and like the daughter of her parents, what are you on about
heres his son who died of heart disease
>she looks perfectly fine
its honestly just luck of the draw. two objectively attractive people can have an objectively unattractive or plain looking child if they inherit all of their bad features. truly good looking people just tend to have better looking kids because they tend to have more attractive features and fewer flaws but even then if your daughter inherits all of your manly features, even if they are beautiful, instead of her mothers womanly features its gonna look weird.
>Drugs are a helluva drug
she unironically has a killer body and that's all i care about
wish she was in more rolls
Admit it, you'd be happy with a rumer willis gf
I can't remember any time in my life where i was ever happy, not with a girlfriend, not without, not even as a child. I don't think Rumer Willis would change that.
>naming your son after a fucking herb
I'd die of heart disease too.
Even the ugly one is cute
>naming your son sage
>like you literally want his thread to fall off page 10
>even the ugly one
they're all pretty dumbass. you could say that about the willis bunch, but these? hell nah
his other son is called "seargeoh" and has autism. i think its supposed to be sergio but he spelled it like a pokemon for some reason
i would
Opposite. Only chads have daughters.
jesus goddamn christ they look like a modern manson family
*clears throat*
Stallone SAGE his own son. Get SAGED and dies.
you might even say he... saged his family thread
This couldn't be further from the truth user. Think about it logically.
Because she's fucking hideous and has a ridiculous name. Who the fuck names their kid Rumer?
because spelled backwards its "remur" which rhymes with lemur which is bruce willis's favorite animal
Elizabeth Debicki proves you can be a Giraffu and still be attractive.
still looks like shit
Straight up dude, i only ever saw her in those “It’s you! The hero of kvatch!” threads and i thought her face was shopped
She looks like Gene Simmons with that ridiculous mane.
He's seen some shit.
Her daughter looks like she's about to unleash a nerve gas attack on Gotham city.
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
He does. Its just that hes a man so you dont really notice it. Its like seeing shit in the toilet and seeing shit in the sink.
Based pasta.
>people on Yea Forums talking about cucks
It's like /pol/ talking about degeneration. The big irony is that there's nothing more degenerate than posting on /pol/. And there's nothing that screams "loooooooser" louder than being a regular Yea Forums poster.
>>Bruce doesn't even have a huge chin/jaw
lol oh yes he does
Flat chest and feminine body/face is best
literal pedophile
that's some scary looking creature
Its not pedo if they are legal! A grown flat woman's body is different from a child's
So this is who the Bogdanoffs are trying to look like.
She would give me the chaddest sons. I just pray that it's sons
He fucks whores for a living and is worried his daughter will turn out the same way
>His Italian father was born in Gioia del Colle, Italy and moved to the U.S. in the 1930s,[10][11] while his American mother is of French (from Brittany) and Ukrainian-Jewish (from Odessa) descent
lol he already knows.
Imagine being one of those dads that sees his daughter in Leo's harem. In a way, I bet they'd feel proud.
Drugs + the way she plucked her eyebrows
They look like him and you can definitely see the relation. But it's like an exaggerated version of him, they all have bigger, more masculine jaws and longer, stretched out faces... despite being female. It makes no fucking sense. It's like god was having a laugh at bruce willis's expense for no good reason.
He could be chad if he worked out more
>that time she was on the British Celebrity Big Brother
lol i bet he really thought an italian got famous in murica without jewish connections what a dummy
Look at that jaw, spic genes didn't stand a chance
>german-irish blockhead girls
someone post merylstreep and her daughters, they have exactly the same face
Probably lighting and her smile is larger which balances how large the bottom of her face is
Honestly I'd date any of one them. They're weird looking but not necessarily unattractive. Plus you won't ever have to worry about money
Dude if she was a dude he would have been the next Bruce Willis and would have done Looper much better wtf
Imagine being Bruce Willis' child, but be born female. JUST
they are all fuckable
this is 4channel (formerly Yea Forums)
all these plebs that didn't clone themselves like based Reese did
in light of seeing Willis's daughters, how did M Night get the casting so perfect 20 years ago?
MFW no reese to spoon with er
Nepotism is going to get your foot through the door but it isn't going to keep you in the room.
Fuck me, I could forge something that would keel on that anvil of a chin!
Pretty sad when you're so ugly even plastic surgery can't fix you
Still has Italian genes. Its a combo of Jew, Slav and Italian. If anything, the Italian side is stronger, being 50%
Why are his scleras so scarcely visible? He looks reptilian
>mark Hamill joker without the facepaint
Holy fuck, it looks like one of those “what would their kid look like” mash ups that are meant to be funny and obviously fake but that is a REAL being. What an unfortunate soul
How fucking OLD can you get???
No excuses.
that pic's a bit misleading tho, she doesn't look thaaat much like her
id still eat her ass
>Why isn't nepotism working for Rumer Willis?
That's the chick from Stranger Things, so it at least did something
It's probably one of the worst feelings in the world to have ugly children.
Someone mentioned my goddess.
Hormones make sure you think your children are beautiful, no matter what they look like.
There's worse. Seeing your loved one age 10 years in a single night because of your betrayal. There's also the woman of your life being married to another man.
On the left she looks like a stretched out Natalie Portman
Idk, I'd rather my kid be ugly than dumb.
Just imagine being too much of a stupid normie to post memes, how fucking grey would your life be
His son is handsome.
I get that, but there is most likely a creeping feeling from time to time.
I know the second feeling all too well.
Mind if i ask how the first came about? Sort of how a woman looks after crying all night and going through an abusive ordeal?
>Jay Leno
Seth MacFarlane’s early work is bizarre
>have first child
>can already tell she'll be absolutely gorgeous - perfect facial symmetry and luscious hair at birth
>have second baby
>she looks like an old man
feels bad
I hope she grows out of it
i don't get the joke
When will Apple get her big break?
Isn't that almost always the rule. Older sisters are hotter, more attractive?
is it? i don't know
I'll expound on this.
It is THE worst feeling to have a iredeemably unattractive daughter. Especially when the school kids give her shit and you are powerless to help. When our societies' beauty and coming of age events that celebrate girly-ness will in effect not pertain to her. So you blame yourself honestly, but what's worse? Bringing ugly into an already ugly world?
has that 6 year old gotten her lips done?
Has the girl had her blood?
That dude is in it for the money
In my experience, it is.
I've been seeing her multiple times every week. U jelly?
Technically, in a way it did. She's already been in tv and films and had ad campaigns (OP, Candies, etc) - she had her 15 mins, but could not parlay that into an ongoing career. Trust me, she was handed a lot of things she never deserved.
Damn, keep your chin up Rumour.
>they can't all look like sh-