Why do you hate this dude so much holy shit...

Why do you hate this dude so much holy shit. He's not even the worst thing about this show; to be frank he's pretty good. You should be the ones who understand well, that not everyone can be 10/10.

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i feel sorry for him, hes trying so hard but hes going to become the next jonah hill at best

He's physically repulsive and the literal embodiment of the "mutt" and "56%" meme, he never had a chance.

i feel sorry for him, after doing that pranked show about teasing unemployed people, any day now i expect to hear about a jobless dude punching him right in his fragile little goblin face.

He's a kid having a blast with others on the set. You don't have to 2nd Clark Gable to be succesful in life.

I honestly don't even dislike La Creatura. Him and the black one were the only kids who weren't insufferable this season, and all the best moments of the show were with him, steve and the lesbian.

I felt very sad for him at the snow ball scene. Fucking g-d, why do you have to create some people much uglier?

>physically repulsive
He's not lmao
You're just blind with rage incel

A blast in his face

>You should be the ones who understand well, that not everyone can be 10/10
>everyone is me

he's a fuck ugly little goblin, its normal to hate things that are sickening to look at

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Lol what

You don't even think like that in your heart, I can't take those posts seriously.

>Yea Forums is full of ugly fat losers

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he looks like meat at the end lmao

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Prove me wrong loser.

dios mio...

la inceldura..

Actually liked him a lot more this season. The duet kinda solidified his basedness.

if you were good looking yourself you would understand. only ugly fuckers don't mind seeing other ugly fuckers on their tv. sorry to break it to you

What race is that? I would never watch any movie or TV series with that thing on camera, it's just unpleasant to look at.

He just has no teeth

Talentless and unattractive. At least the other kids could act or fuckable
He’ll never get a breakout role in a movie after this

el americano

Post face
Post jaw
Post body
Have sex

Still? He is a millionaire now, can’t he get brand new perfect teeth?

he's not even really ugly. With fake teeths he would be a very normal guy. You, otherwise, are bound to be a morbid obese incel forever living in your parent's basement in the outskirt of some small town in Kentucky.

Why did you reply to me? I said I liked him.

I don't hate him I think he's fucking great and I think he's quite funny

this guy healed my jungle fever, i don't hate him

Yeah he's an alright dude

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Aww he was a cute babeh I would hug him and say hes gonna be ok

Probably has more money than any one of us

He's worth 50 million dollars almost as much as tim pool

Based skinny froggo boy

But nobody will ever love him.

you mean more than the combination of everyone posting on Yea Forums right now

is it released yet?

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normal for muttland maybe. nice projection user, you seem really upset by us picking on el goblin, do you know him personally or something?

If you read up on the prank show, apparently they only call people in for temporary one day gigs and pay them for the day anyway.

Meh I I like him he's no Jonathan Brandis but he has his moments


I dont think he is that annoying, one of the better child actors on the show. Finn on the other hand looks repulsive

whats the prank

Justin bieber post here daily also pol he's very Christian

yeah, I'm starting to think it's all deliberate to create a fake outrage to lure people in

American, a majority of them

I said right now, justin bieber must be sleeping now :)

He has a genetic defect which fucked up his skull shape. In reality it has nothing to do with le mutt memes

>it's all deliberate to create a fake outrage to lure people in
the standard marketing strategy right now

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seething 56%er

Get fucked waggle

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Looks better than original desu

>a brownskin with genetic defects
>i-its n-not about race though

cope harder hippie

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Man these kids are really punchable, where did they find them
Millie and Noah especially need to be smacked in the face asap

The pranks had nothing to do with their employment status. It's just that people who take 1 day gigs are usually not employed anywhere so somebody got their knickers in a twist.

>"mutt" and "56%" meme, he never had a chance.
that is what sells nowadays. The white race is over bros

What if a whiteskin has a genetic defect?

Why are theses 5 unduly smug zoomers taking pictures with the Jewish janitor of their building?

ITT: 56% mutts seething over people calling their champion a fugly mutt.

So this is what it has come to, hating on literal children.

Damn they grow up so fast. Is this them in their college years?

Everyone’s ugly standing next to Finn tbf

>redhead dressed like a 20yo rug muncher
>the other chicks dressed like a wealthy old slut that gets fucked by the help

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Finn is ugly. Looks like a rat. A jewish rat

Anons being hypocrites and criticizing another man for their appearance

his face looks like cgi

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>ugly ginger
>soi boi
>bong genes

just shoot them all

what has he been up to?

Why are you being so rude to children?

its always been this way. Have you been hiding under a rock or something?

accounting or i think

>The 'Stranger Things' cast on 'Carpool Karaoke: The Series'
Apple have gone too far this time.

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That finn boy has become more handsome lately

nah, just average looser, like 4-5/10
this kid is a 2/10

Solid 4. Which is why you hate him so much lol

>el goblin is a solid 4

go to an eye doctor user

Are they going to be in separated cars or something? Cause I’d watch Sadie and Finn, maybe Gaten with Caleb too

Is finn Really handsome now he finally looks like a young healthy boi

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Why were they insulting each other?

Dustin, Steve and Robin storyline from season 3 was by far the best to watch, and he is actually the best kid from the cast. He is actually funny to look at, the others are just annoying.

He’s a bit on the skinny side otherwise he’s insanely and restlessly handsome

>Dustin is the best kid ever he’s so much better than the other kids he’s so funny and handsome!!
Imagine being a gay pedo over that muppet

Wavy Disney channel hair come in nice cute face he gets better looking

If you're going to samefag can you at least learn English first?

Embarrassing, schizo poster

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Well you were either a samefag. Or all Woflhards fans are European paedophiles who learnt English from watching anime. Either way. Do better.

Cringed. Better just delete your posts and pretend it didn’t happen

seething creatura
6'2 god here

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Ugly pimpled face and weak underbite chin

>actually posting face

no need to plove yourself to random people online user

bro you look bland

He doesn’t seem that bad. I’d hang out with him and Finn and the black kid for a fun bro night

I didn't know Frodo had so much goblin ancestry.

Imagine actually believing that the show wouldn't be scripted with paid actors

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oh shit im sorry

Thanks lad

could warwick davis take him out though