He died way before his time; his career was on a roll

He died way before his time; his career was on a roll.

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so was his car

What was his final thoughts?

He passed away peacefully in his Jeep.

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The coroner estimated that it took about 2 minutes... which still probably felt like an eternity when your rib cage is broken and you're trying to scream for help but can't... shitting yourself as the tears roll down your face while you realize this is where you die and you're still in your 20s


He was balding fast anyway

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Cheki braki.

>should have bought a german car...

he honestly probably would have been a pretty good actor

he had a good balance of taking artsy/challenging roles and stuff that gave him more exposure

he died in a pretty funny circumstance but i genuinely liked him in most of his roles


Pretty much. His career was going uphill.

aw i was just thinking about him. he was a great kyle reese, who is one of my favourite characters of all time and the reason i didn't watch terminator salvation for ages because he was the only part i cared about, and he was the best thing in the film. really was looking forward to what else he was gonna do.
he was great in the fright night remake also.
RIP anton you burned bright while you were here.

don't man he was a real person, it's awful.

I think he at least pounded this qt before die

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I've noticed a lot of anons obsess about hair loss. I think it's because they think that once they end up with a receding hairline they will forever miss an opportunity to lose their virginity, which isn't true because nobody would fuck you ever, even with a full head of hair.

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>"Keptin, I left the wessel in N for 'Not going anyvhere,' so it should be fine."

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He was really good in Green Room

Poots, Felicity Jones, Olivia Cooke, Anya. Anton had them all. And he sold his soul to do it. When the devil comes to collect, he doesn't do it by halves.

Skynet got him. He was number one on list. Furlong survived. Bale is only one who survived Skynet curse. But he is also Batman.

Ohh Dave.

This mother fucker died slow and he suffered a lot in the process. He got crushed and pinned between his car and that gate late at night and wasn't found until late the next morning, and the report said he'd only just died from his injuries by then. He could have been saved if anyone had walked up his driveway sooner that morning. He had a really long time to think that night. I wonder what he thought about while he slowly died. I bet he felt pretty silly about spending his life wearing makeup pretending to be someone important.

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His life was short but he spent doing what he loved. Many people remember him, and reminisce with sadness that he left us too soon.

I wonder, will anyone remember you after you die?

Odd Thomas is the worst movie I've ever fucking seen. I beg to differ.

Just your mum, son.

What a dumbass.

Sorry mate I'm married. Nice story though.

>This is what I get for buying a Jeep made in China.


Stupid deaths annoy me. Knew someone who died rolling out of their driveway. Such a waste and all because of some small detail.

Because it's fucking ace to have a nice full set of hair. People used to touch me whenever I went out and my hair would be a topic. It was defining for me, like my hair was an outward carrying of my set of belief (which is stupid I now). Now I'm a aging balding fuck and I need an actual story to tell. Hair gives you a free ticket basically.

Did they replace him in Star Trek?

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Tom Holland isn’t dead.

i'm pretty sure OP was making the same joke

He an heroed to stop JJ trek, he set it up as an accident so his family would get the insurance shekels.

don't even breathe that into the air you shitheel, that kid's going to save superhero movies you shut the fuck up

Why would rolling out of a driveway kill you?

Huh, just found out apparently he had cystic fibrosis, but kept it a secret from the public. Guess he wasn't going to live a lot longer anyway.


Hee Hee


Being jacked is the answer to everything except a really horrid face. No one will care about a bald head if you're reasonably muscular.

holy fuck so much this, came here looking for this

why would you post this. fuck

He died like 3 years ago and were still talking about him. Meanwhile I haven’t had a phone call or a text message in months

I’m married now but my wife, then gf, used to love twirling my hair and running her fingers through it. Now it’s thinning as fuck with barely any volume to it

what kind of retard parks their car on a steep driveway without using the parking brake lol

Thanks user

Who knows if he was fully conscious those 2 minutes though. Heavy bleeding like that and your main artery being crushed shuts the blood flow to the brain up real quick.