You're homeless, paki

>you're homeless, paki

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>t. Incel who lives with his mum and signs on

i own 2 properties :^)

>I have a statutory declaration so piss off you dirty kuffar

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Paul Bohill?

Yeah I know him by that name. Hell, I worked with him in small-claims. Back then we called him 'Paki Pulveriser' Bohill because he never came out of a property without a scalp, an ear, or covered with blood.

Most would call him insane, but that is why the High Court trained him. They saw potential. It wasn't until they learned his methods that they truly realised what a monster they created.

You see, most enforcement agents try to reason with the defendent. Not Paul. No, he used knives, clubs, pliers, you name it. After a few jobs I got a chance to talk to him one to one. He was wearing his blood stained hard hat, sunglasses, and stab vest, smoking a cigarette and drinking Johnny Walker Black Label. It was only 7AM, but you NEVER told Paul what he could and couldn't do.

I asked him why he used such violent tactics. He lowered his head and took a long slow draw from his hand rolled cig, pulled off his sunglasses and looked me right in the eyes, piercing my soul.

"I do it out of respect. Respect for the white race. These goat fucker scum bags don't deserve the mercy of a British council flat, but the slow torturous death at the hands of a British man!"

In a flash he pulled out his weathered, but razor sharp knife and stopped just short of sticking my gut.

"The look in their eyes when I slip this baby into their swollen, curry filled bellies is reason enough. To see the last lights flick off in their heads as they see a real High Court Enforcement Agent at work."

Yea Forums's bootlicking mentality has once again lead it to worship a decrepit, cringy wannabe badass who enforces facism and authoratisanism

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>Please, move into my house and share my wife's bed, it's only the gentlemanly English thing to do

Body pillows aren't properties user


Dude just like pay your rent on time lmao

Too bad for you guys, I also have a black vest. You have to do whatever I say now.

My granda is Pakistani. We own 7 shops. White English are lazy fucks, only successful if they have been born into money.

Guess who the richest man in the UK is. I'll give ye a hint, he ain't white

I was on a business trip in the UK and after 23 episodes of 2 and a half men I found this show
how the fuck is it getting aired as entertainment? Its soulcrushing. Is it meant to be educational?


it exposes just how little luck has to do with the """""""unlucky"""""""

>My granda is Pakistani. We own 7 shops.
Good for him, gotta pay for those medical bills from the inbreeding/cousin-fucking somehow

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God I want to fuck Chino bros.


in the Sims

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I hate the ones where they are a genuine family that have a big problem, but the ones where they are obviously lazy bastards or have a secret motive (IE: Turning the apartment they rented into a brothel) are entertaining.

>Recovering debts is fascism


i have a black cock and your mom does whatever i say

We like seeing feckless Somalis that leech off our country getting their just desserts.

>Guess who the richest man in the UK is. I'll give ye a hint, he ain't white
James Ratcliffe isn't white?! Based shit for brains cousin fucking paki

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ive sen the ep with the autist kid and his dog who are tenants where they arent supposed to be
fucking ending said he lives in a homeless centre because hes too anxious to get shit done and his dog was taken away


This is pure headonism

Medical bills? My uncle is a doctor m8 we fucking run this country

>He thinks ratcliffe is the richest
you've learned to trust the first result in Google. Good boy. Now jog on to the job center cuck.

>My granda is Pakistani.
And so are you

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Hahaha alri Rasheed, yeah I'll have a pack of ciggies as well as the crisps thanks la

>White English
The white is redundant here. You Pakis can call yourselves British as much as you like, but you'll never be English.

You know what the official language is on the pakistani government? you know who built your railway, roads, and telegraphs?

>Grandad owns 7 paki shops
>W-we fucking run this country kuffar.
Have you married your cousin from Mirpur yet?

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We run this country. Now jog on to weatherspoons while I fuck you sister and buy your mams home

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What's the next step of the plan after turning England into a shit hole like pakistan?