Aziz Ansari - "Right Now"

What went so right, Yea Forums?

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Poo in loo

How many times does he shit talk the demographic of people responsible for building the country he currently lives in which is not flooded with shit

I watched it, and honestly all I could feel was bad for the guy. It played exactly like "White People Be Like" jokes at the end of the 90's: stale as fuck, and it was clear most people in the audience were kinda just rolling their eyes.

The whole "WOKE" thing really is all but completely wound down at this point. It made his whole act seem stale and "yesterday."

I hate how metallica is used as some fashion bs now, not even a huge fan but i feel bad that these degenerate sluts and faggy foreigners use it to make themselves seem trendy these days. The lead singner litterly left la to get away from these faggots

Trust me, if This guy ever met face to face with James, James would probably have more than a few choice words to say to him. The guy is a patriot through and through.

great stand up

Hes one of the most genuine "rockstars" or whatever you want to call them now, i know its not much of a competition but hes surprisingly honest and open about what he thinks and believes despite everything hes been though

>toilet witch wat do?

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he was the shittiest member of Human Giant

yeah seems like a blast

Sick of this shit being shilled at the top of my Netflix page, is there any way to remove these things, like an i dont want to see this button.

Watched it and it just felt like an excuse for Aziz to brag about his White roastie GF and boast about how in general Asians and Indian guys are now stealing our women.

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yes, you unsub

based. fuck netflix

I hate how indians hate their heratige and only make fun of it.

They are all so ashamed to be like their aunties and uncles, but why? So what if they have an accent? So what if they own a convient store.

How dare they be ashamed of apu! Shame to them and karma will deal with them.

he's being more authentic than he's ever been at least. that's not saying much

>dude I hate how people are appropriating metallica
niggers what, it's one of the most popular rock bands of all time. It would be like you trying to call out someone for wearing a kanye shirt and going "you dont REALLY listen to kanye"

Because they shit in steets, burn their dead in a river as well with all their trash then proceed to bathe in said water, do you know anything about india user? Stop talking out your ass. Hes a faggot but theres a lot to be ashamed of

made me think of this

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Did he actually say he never listened to them? Indians listen to white people music

>it's one of the most popular rock bands of all time
I guarantee this little poo-loo has never intentionally listened to a single metallica song.

Some gay black 19 year old at work asked me if I paid 50 bucks for my master of puppets shirt...I hate people.

so you seriously don't think he's ever heard this, one of the most iconic riffs of all time

He pulled all punches on that chick who through him under the bus. That was disappointing and sets a fucked up precedent.

Think about this for a moment. A grown ass woman goes home with him, with total consent does some sex stuff, then goes home, and feels icky about it, so she goes public and tells "her story" as a contribution to the me too moment. She put him in the same box as rapists, for doing absolutely nothing wrong, and he has had to publicly hide in order to avoid harassment and accusations of being a predator.

But he "just feels terrible". Fuck off with that virtue signaling shit. She publicly called you a problematic sexual aggressor for doing literally nothing wrong and you APOLOGIZE for it? Fuck right off. She is wrong.

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It would be literally suicide to do otherwise

Yes, if i dont like a band or person why would i wear a shirt of them? And metallica probably isnt even in the top 100 these days. How is this hard to understand? Are you a complete corporate sheep who wears what celebs wear? God damn thats pathetic, idc what people wear but i at least assume they know what theyre wearing. If i were to wear a shirt with snoopy on it id want to know what the fuck that was, not just wear it because some slut wore it

>throw other men under the bus for "muh feminism"
>get thrown under the bus yourself by feminism
>"wtf bro this is so unfair"
little prick just reaped what he sowed

Have sex.

They have hundreds of millions of views on YouTube lmao jesus fuck

Ive never heard of a comedian as honest, genuine and funny as norm. The only comedian that actually cares about comedy and didnt want to be a shitty actor

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based and doghousepilled

Intentionally, as in he said to himself "I want to listen to some metallica today" and sat down and played metallica? No. I would bet that he hasn't. He's undoubtedly been at some sporting event taking selfies with an instagram thot who will later accuse him of sexual harassment and faintly heard enter sandman in the background, but intentionally listening to it as a fan? Nope.

>with total consent
She didn't say yes. This is not consent. Anything other than enthusiastic confirmation to the affirmative is not consent. It's really not hard dipshits and then you're 100% me too proof.
That's half on you for messing around with crazy who inevitably was gonna pull some bullshit anyway, but at least you know you're in the clear because you had definitive affirmative consent.

>lmao jesus fuck
Imagine being a smug cunt and still missing the entire point? Blue oyster cult has hundreds of millions too, but no one decided their shirts were a trend and a bunch of vapid celebs didnt decide to use their image. But no, im sure Kylie Jenner or whatevers a huge metallica fan LOL

Jesus christ, theyre called POSERS. Caspere and Euronymous knew that.

found the rapist.

lol Boomer

Euronymous is an edgy faggot who died like the little bitch he was

Here's a lecture I really like that argues for a more narrow and sane theory of consent.


Maybe where you are from they do things like that but not here in America.

Calm down Count Grischnakh. Euronymous is elite, iconic.

Really? They dont shit in their streets, pollute more then any race but maybe the chinese, and burn their dead in a civilised country thats not run by Indians by coincidence? Holy fuck, stop the presses!

Maybe to a bunch of beta faggot like you. You dont need to jerk of to varg to know Euronymous was a bitch

>an hour and a half
Literally what is wrong with not having sex until someone gives a verbal affirmative to having sex? Sure, there's more wiggle room in a relationship or cases where you know the person you're being intimate with really well, but give me one good reason why an enthusiastic yes shouldn't be the baseline for sexual activity?

>Anything other than enthusiastic confirmation to the affirmative is not consent.
I and every other sane person would consider her sucking his dick and allowing him to go down on her to be "enthusiastic affirmative confirmation" aka consent, and when she did finally tell him no to penetrative intercourse, he said ok and stopped. that's not rape nor nonconsensual in any shape or form, which is why her claims didn't go anywhere.

>That's half on you for messing around with crazy
nice victim blaming, champ.

tldr: rape should require force. there are various theories including rape by deception, rape by coercion, etc, but the problems of affirmative consent are absurd. In law, there is delegated authority and an assumption of consent that occurs after initial consent. For instance, if I agree to let you in my house, you do not need to ask for permission to be on my property every minute of you r stay. Trespassing is not dependent on the property owner feeling icky after a person leaves. If you invite someone into your house, the duty is on you to invite them back out if you don't want them there.

In addition, if the chick at Aziz's place did not ask for affirmative consent to be on his property, to have him say yes to her being in his private space at every consecutive moment, was she trespassing and violating his rights?


>start having sex with no objection
but der wuz no verbal permissionz

For those of us who actually have sex lives, the idea that we have to whip out legal documents and go through this dry procedure in order to petition and express explicit verbal and written consent to each specific line item sexual act in a contract defeats the entire purpose of the emotion of the moment, and the kind of person who would expect these kinds of procedures sounds like a fucking awful lay.

If you don't want to fuck, just say no. Implied consent is not a difficult or vague legal concept and never has been, not in sex nor other areas of the law.

based 9/11 man

and its its funny cause james eventually got tired of the bay area too

consent needs to be enthusiastic now, rapist

she was a 23 year old photographer living in brooklyn who thinks red wine goes with seafood. You know exactly what she is like

I'm sure Aziz is just wearing the shirt for fashion, the band is simply too obscure and challenging to appreciate

I watched it, he goes on a surprising amount of clown world ranting, not that I would call it funny. Decent crowd work though if you're into that

But I'll still watch it I guess.

I felt bad that he had to start the show with that shit, but to his credit he worded it nicely, he didn't really admit to anything and "feel terible" can be interpreted any way you want ie "I feel terrible some dumb bitch almost ruined my carrier"
but considering who his core audience is he had to say something.
anyway, good routine overall, I personally enjoyed it and i hated that little fagget in parks and recs.

He still got lucky. When he was accused the whole metto shit was dying down since more and more people realized that more then half of it was either made up or not even close as bad as they made it look like. Otherwise he wouldn't have a career anymore.