Childhood is shitting on family guy and saying it's for stupid people with random cutaway jokes unrelated to the plot

Childhood is shitting on family guy and saying it's for stupid people with random cutaway jokes unrelated to the plot
Adulthood is realising it often has comedic brilliance and can be hilarious

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based and beterpilled


Family Guy is pleb filter of the highest magnitude. Only a redditor would shit on family guy to "fit in".

Elderhood is realizing that the later seasons have an incredibly subtle and wicked humor which trumps every other season before it.

manhood is realizing it was only really good before its first cancellation in like 2003

Really? I got really sick of it around season 7, not that it was necessarily worse but I'd just watched too much. Might be time to pick it up again, along with American Dad.

Childhood is liking Family Guy, Adulthood is realising it was only good before the cancelation in May of 2000.

I never stopped watching Seth's shows. Cleaveland Show was shit though and deserved its cancellation.

The most recent family guy joke I laughed for some reason was one of the star wars parodies when Boba Fett is walking Han to the ship and says "put him in the cargo bay" and the other guy goes "duh". idk why I thought that was funny though.

Honestly what the fuck was the south park guys problem? South Park is shit, they aren't any better than FG. And hating on FG for doing comedy a different way is beta as fuck.

The mouse and their cock sleeves shit on family guy because it shits on Disney regularly.

Childhood is loving Family Guy.
Adolescence is hating Family Guy.
Adulthood is thinking Family Guy is okay

>it often has comedic brilliance and can be hilarious
Much like the simpsons sign gags. Sneed

yeah, first 3 seasons were the best.

too far, reddit

Never understood this joke

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it's really subtle when they explain every joke after the punchline

Holy crap Lois! I hate niggahs!

Disney is bad because they make music that panders to little girls and makes them feel funny but doing a episode about craig and tweek being gay lovers is cool and a good thing fanart is cool

Family Guy is made for mentally retarded people. Often times characters literally turn to the camera and explain what the joke is supposed to be, so no one left behind.


i hate the youths

formerly chuck's

Adulthood is not giving a shit what children think and loving the show BECAUSE it's stupid and has unrelated cutaway gags.

That’s early onset senility not adulthood

go masturbate to your david lynch movies, kiddo.

And you only discovered this upon seeing the orange man bad episode. dilate.

season 16 was the last good one