Watching Stranger Things just makes me sad, very sad

Watching Stranger Things just makes me sad, very sad.
>season 3 begins
>opening scene is two kids kissing

God, why didnt you let me experience childhood love, teenage love? Why didnt you give me a group of best friends to grow up with? What did I do to deserve this shit life?

I just cant continue watching this show although it is great

t. 32 yo boomer

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have sex

Too late, it wont give me any joy

user, I'm asking genuinely, how old are you? I'm not trying to attack just want to know

Your life is still way, way better than most people alive and in history. Go watch a documentary about Liberian civil war or something. Go watch the Act of Killing. People just die for no reason, people get murdered, eaten alive, burned to death.

Life is meaningless. And as hard as it may be to see right now, you're very very lucky. Like as lucky as it gets when you take the whole world into account. So don't feel bad. Appreciate what you've got, your life, your health, a home, a computer, internet access.

No one has everything they want. Even people that have the things you want end up wanting other things. So just enjoy life. Enjoy being alive, find something you like to do. And think about how lucky you are!

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He said in the OP, 32.

just be urself

Are you retarded?

based truthful user

missed it since it ended up beneath the picture at my resolution. Thanks. Won't even bother responding to the op at this point because if he's 32 and still this immature it's useless

It's never too late to experience childhood love, specially with modern slutty little girls.

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Op, listen to this guy.

I don't say this to condescend, but as someone who experienced teenage love, there is a huge downside to it. Women on the whole are immature and stupid as fuck. That is only significantly worse when you're a teenager. Women have no fucking idea how to operate and they are so fucking emotional at that age. In retrospect, that relationship was just a fucking chore. Just find an "emotionally developed" woman and you'll be gucci and can still experience true love

even with friends and romantic relationships, all the misery and insecuritys you experienced would still be present in your life. its easy to get jealous of a manufactured, romanticized version of the world. In reality, relationships are messy and a prime source of drama. and you won't get a satisfying lesson at the end of the day that friendship is the most important thing, or that you where able to find your true love or something like that.
that shouldn't discourage you from trying to better yourself and be more social. you can propably strive for a more fulfilling life by getting along with other people. but don't get depressed over an artificial TV show. Its just a product, user.

Why are you talking to God here? There is no God on Yea Forums

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Season 3 sucks and almost no one has a good childhood romance, most boys are too horny and undiscerning so most of us wound up tongue darting absolute pigs

Post feet or gtfo

I don't have feet

fuck off phone posting scum

I'm physically repulsed by the ugliness of the kids. They all look so greasy, lanky and badly proportioned.

I felt the exact same way, but I'm only 19 so there is still some hope of turning my life around. If it doesn't turn around this year, I will die.

I want Will to have a blond blue-eyed boyfriend.

Based and cunnypilled

Perhaps you just didn't try hard enough. I was a pretty shit-tier kid until I hit high school, at which point I realized I had to put in work if I wanted friends/a gf/a good life etc. It's possible to turn it around now but you're definitely right you can't get back your childhood.

this, imagine if some peasant from 1000 years ago saw the shit we have now, tv/internet/cars/games/fucking electricity, they would think we are living in paradise.

We take way too much for granted. It's our nature as animals, we're greedy and short sighted, it helps us survive but makes us always look for the next thing, the next accomplishment, the next goal. It's hard for us to relax and enjoy because in the jungle that meant death. Even just a few hundred years ago it meant death, in Africa now it means death. We are so lucky to have the ability to relax and enjoy ourselves and we can't even do that right because it's the opposite of what got us here. But maybe it's to remind us to accomplish things and make the most of our short existence. I'm not quite sure, I just know feeling bad is a total waste of time and energy.

You can't change the past, but you can change the future. You can choose, right now, to stop doing your terrible daily routine and start trying to advance yourself and achieve your goals.
But we both know you won't.

I feel this

>change the future
not much can be changed apart slightly better paying job. he's not going to experience teenage love or have childhood friends.

Here you go

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It's not that. For some people a "good" life is not enough to feel better. Many people are traumatized, emotionally dysfunctional or mentally damaged. The idea that prosperity and happiness go hand in hand has been refuted consistently by all philopsphic-mythic-religious thought for millennia.

I am 24, can I change anything?

somewhat salvageable but it's uphill battle.

His longing for childhood is just a symptom of his general maladjustment. As to what can help such a condition I can't say. I've been planning my suicide all week.

>imagine being this dumb

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what's the reason?


well, yeah? That is the point. Well done.

I ruined (another) relationship by being toxic and abusive, we have a kid together and now she has a restraining order against me (I threatened to kill myself and her whole family with a knife) so I can't see either of them. I was black out drunk at the time, so I'm actually still in love with her and want to be a good dad but my son will likely forget my face in the next 2 years (the length of the order) while I just become a paycheck or some vague entity in their lives. I could look forward to better things but with my personality disorder and chronic binge drinking/suicidality, it is likely i will never actually be able to develop loving relationships. I feel love for people but I don't know how to love them because my complete lack of trust and fear of abandonment leads me into delusion and self sabotage always. The pain I would feel and cause continuing to live would almost certainly outweigh the grief caused by my death. I say that as someone who lost their brother/best friend to suicide.

we've gained a lot in materialism but lost a lot in community, purpose and spirituality. the latter appeals to me more but I'm sure the grass is always greener


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>lack of trust and fear of abandonment
me in a nutshell. but I know this was done to us. of course we're gonna lack trust and fear being left alone when divorce rates are so high, men are often left by themselves, communities aren't half as strong as they used to be, etc. fuck the elites. I'm sorry you lost people to suicide and have had such a rough life.

Damn I can relate to this in a couple ways even though I never screwed the pooch this bad. Suicide may be on the table for you but that doesn't mean it's the only thing you can do. I think, from what you said, that your life may still be salvageable:
Stop drinking (No seriously, I get that this is hard but it's insanely necessary - I've done it myself)
Rather than tell your former relationship that you have changed and are a better person, SHOW it by only doing things that show you are better. Then, and this is the hard part, actually do the things over a long period of time. For how long? I do not know, but have hope that it will work.
Finally, don't let your son grow up without a father; it's fucking rough dude and he doesn't deserve that.

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You take that experience for granted because you had many after that but you don't realize how it helped you develop

>(I threatened to kill myself and her whole family with a knife)
Were you with her when you did this? If not why were you broken up?

you could stilll get a 15yo

You can change the trajectory of your life at fucking 80. There is no excuse for apathy at any point in a man's life. At 32 you still have decades of being mobile left to live. Stop being a defeatist cunt and kick yourself in the ass already, you've fucked around long enough.

Social collapse and global ecodeath are definitely on my mind, like they are for so many of us, although I can't tell if these are not only poignant metaphors for our inescapable despair, maybe they are manifestations of it.
I've been going to AA every day, and I'm going to try antidepressants before actually going through with it (I decided this morning); but if my son only has a dad who is kept at a distance and chronically unhappy while Mom rides the cock carousel hoping for a miracle, I'm not so sure if it would be better than having a dad who died in tragic and mysterious circumstances.


Yeah we were together. This was like 2 months ago. I just hope I can stop constantly thinking of her soon. I doubt it.

>someone who lost their brother/best friend to suicide.
was he also similar to you?

i quit stranger things in season 1, around episode 3 or 4. my mom is watching season 3 and i've been in the same room. the kissing scene was the only realistic part. my first girlfriend, when we were 15, we did nothing but make out in her room. the door was open of course, but her room was on the 2nd floor so we'd always hear if someone came up the stairs.

How old are you? She left you and got a restraining order just because you said that while drunk? Why did you say it? Why were you upset at her? How old is she?

Ok pangloss

>You can change the trajectory of your life at fucking 80
sure if you magically find meaning in do all of this.

Yeah our family is completely dysfunctional actually
I'm 33 she's 28, I said it I think (I was black out at the time) because I was afraid of her leaving me and I was willing to threaten her to stay. Keep in mind my mom had died a month before and it was mother's day when this happened. I'm not lying when I say I tried very hard to be sane and provide for her, and did a decent job like 90 percent of the time, but the stress of being insane and bad circumstances became too much for me and I snapped. I didn't actually harm anyone thank God. She just can't be with me because I'm insane. Or I don't know why really because I haven't been able to talk to her for months. When I left jail, she had dropped off my stuff at a friend's, and she left the engagement ring I gave her with it. No letter or anything.

you're useless too

stupid blog

>being insane
>When I left jail, she had dropped off my stuff at a friend's, and she left the engagement ring I gave her with it. No letter or anything.
Why were you in jail? And it sounds like she was fucking another guy while you were in there.

I was in jail for threatening her. Maybe she was fucking someone else, I've considered it. I would like to ask her but I am not allowed contact and it would probably do me no real good to know the answer.

>I was in jail for threatening her.
Okay, what? Why did you do that? How did you end up in jail? She called the police? What did you say?

>I was in jail for threatening her
fake story. nobody goes to jail for threats unless you threaten the president and you actually have a weapon when they search your place.

I already posted the circumstances above. It doesn't matter. Everything is as hopeless as possible. I'm only really afraid of dying because it would hurt my dad.

No man. Terroristic threat is a big boy charge and I was facing time for it. Luckily I guess I had a good attorney and only did 2 months while waiting for court. I can also never own a gun now.

The "meaning" is being homo sapiens and not a dumb fucking monkey or nigger who can't see past "today" and look into the future or think in abstract terms about the direction his life is taking him. For instance I can look into the future as an 80 year old man and see that if I keep sitting in my rocking chair, drinking beer and eating burgers I'll be fat and immobile until I die in the hospital, or if I start exercising my muscles and joints more and eating my greens every day I'll be able to stay mobile, play with my great grandkids, ward off alzheimers and cancer, and maybe even squeeze in another decade of life. As a human being I can think and plan. I can plan 100 years into the future. I can plan for what happens after my own death. I can think about how my generation's actions will affect humanity and the planet 5,000 years from now. You are operating on an animal level where you take action based on impulse and instinct, based on coping mechanisms/what feels good at that very moment. It is a subhuman, lower level of consciousness. Snap the fuck out of it.

How are you going to kill yourself? Does your girl think you might do it? I think it's crazy for her to get a restraining order and have you arrested for a drunken rant while blacked out. What were you like to her before this? How long have you been with her?

Bro you're going to die. The planet will die. The universe will collapse on itself.

We were together for 3 years. I've threatened suicide a lot so it isn't crazy for her to do it actually. I can't stop being this way I guess. And I think I will finally do it by intentionally overdosing on fentanyl.

Same age user from texas here. Did you never go nigger knocking with your friends and made phone calls to the radio station for son requests and shout outs? What exactly were you doing at your age?

Where do you get fentanyl from? And what did she tell the police when she called them?

She told the police I threatened her and I had a knife. Fentanyl is readily available and since I used to be a junky I know the kinds of people and places to seek out and find it. It is killing a lot of people now so I would just be a statistic. "Oh he relapsed and died"

where can i buy it? i want to kill myself that way too.

did you literally have a knife? how fucked up are you for your wife to think you were really going to do it?

>but if my son only has a dad who is kept at a distance and chronically unhappy while Mom rides the cock carousel hoping for a miracle, I'm not so sure if it would be better than having a dad who died in tragic and mysterious circumstances.

Anything is better than having your dad kill himself when you're young.

here we cope

Did you try contacting your wife to apologize? Or telling someone that can tell her how you feel?

who cares what happen after your death.

So what you're saying is we're very very unlucky to have been born into this meaningless cruel existence in the first place? I agree.


What the fuck does any of that have to do with making the most of your own life, and providing for your loved ones and your descendants? It is irrelevant and out of your control. Don't stress over what you cannot control - you don't see me whining endlessly about being unable to change the weather. Not to mention these are just theories. A few hundred years ago everyone believed Jesus was going to come again with the apocalypse, destroy the Earth and bring every believer into heaven, and whatever other apocalyptic/afterlife scenario the heathen cultures believed (apocalypse is practically a cultural universal). Cultural theories and perspectives change. They could be totally wrong about that anyway; when they discover new evidence, they will change their theories, as they have done many times before. And if the eventual death of the universe truly bothers you so much as to cripple your ability to act, just adopt a religion or belief system to cope. I personally don't need to but it helps a lot of people. Anyway I can't be fucked to sit here playing tiddlywink all day with you wankstains, get your shit together and good luck in life, I mean that genuinely.

Normal people don't think "well he doesn't really mean it" in those situations. They arent as callous as we are. Fentanyl is in pretty much all street heroin in the USA.
I can't legally contact her.
Well if you're just going to avoid the questions posed by mortality and futility then you'll be fine I guess. You're probably already happy and speaking from emotion anyway

I was 24, maybe 25, when I started to turn my life around.

and what did you do?

If you're going to fucking kill yourself who cares about the law? Say goodbye to her

I might but she probably just won't answer the phone.

First I lost weight by keeping all chocolate, sweets etc. out of the house and doing High Intensity Interval Training (5 minute sessions of short intense exercise, excluding rests) 2 or 3 times a week. Then I started weightlifting twice a week while drinking protein shakes. No gym or leaving the house required.

Then I did self-administered exposure therapy for my extreme social anxiety. First leaving the house without taking 3 shots of vodka was a chore. But now I've had two jobs and am making friends at my current one. I got obsessed with seeing myself progress, even if it's just a tiny bit at a time it's still a big victory and it all adds up to big changes you could never have seen yourself doing 6 months ago. In terms of self-improvement incrementalism works wonders.You could be a better and happier person before 2020 user.

>only had one chance at life
>not being born as a gen x american in a friendly county with lots of children around at the same age as yours

kill me. Boomers and Gen X in america had the best lives throughout the history

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You fucking weak faggot, there are children that grow up starving in slums, there are children that are forced to become child soldiers and watch their loved ones die in one gruesome way or another and if they survive and make it, none of them whine about how hard they had it. And here you are, an emasculate fucking queer, crying about how you didn't get to finger bang a preteen. Seriously fucking off yourself, the human race will be better of.

Thanks, user


why does that foot look like it stepped in a box of sugar smacks cereal?

I'm 34 and i had so many opportunities for love and teenage sex. In hindsight girls were practically begging for it. I even had3 or 4 girlfriends in high school but i was shy as fuck and did nothing. But in the end it would just be memories so who cares. At least i avoided knocking up some girl who let herself go on the her 20s and saved myself for my current wife who looks 1000x better than those girls do now. Didn't lose my Vs until i was 25 and now life of great. There's still hope dudes

>i acknowledge i have problems but i do nothing about it
>instead i cause other people pain and force them to suffer with me
you're worse than an NPC. you should never have kids.

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>is fucking nuts
>gets black out drunk at age 32

Holy fuck you are literal scum searching for sympathy. Not only are you 32 and drinking enough to get black out drunk you're blaming your psycho tendencies on alcohol.

News flash. Alcohol doesn't change who you are. All it does is give you the balls to say what you wouldn't say normally.

>try to watch a romance show
>have to pause and pace around my room screaming

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>gets lucky
>There's still hope dudes xD

based and realist pilled

Having leisure, products and calorie rich food doesn't mean you're happier than a chink rice farmer. Happiness comes from inside

4 girlfreinds and no sex in high school?