>why yes I do have Bionicle: The Mask of Light on DvD
Why yes I do have Bionicle: The Mask of Light on DvD
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Lel now do Axonn next.
this image had potential...
>just ask for a date to that truck it always works for me
based. check em
off by one
I remember the growing disappoint I felt as a kid that I never got a sequel to this.
It even ends on a tease, but the kept going into prequel territory.
Wooowww he's so nice!
There were only two prequel movies, the one with the Glatorians were after Mask of Light.
Someone do Axonn. They were brothers in arms.
By that time I was too old to give a fuck
10/10 user, well done
The perfect thread?!
Based and redpilled
>not on VHS
>OP only making/posting Brutaka and not Axxon too
Fuck this brings back memories.
Why were the 2000s so damn comfy ,bros?
Why was MNOG so good, bros? Now I have to replay it again
We were all younger, stupider and just more naïve back then. Such is life and age.
>Why were the 2000s so damn comfy ,bros?
It wasn't. Much like the 1990s, it was a decade which will only be remembered for bad political decisions and a culture centered around mass consumption.
they really just copied all their language from maori
>that dancing
>untrained chad vs gymmaxxed incel
post more sexy bionicle males they so handsome.
>Brutakoff and Bogdaxxon
I never did like the redone character designs for the movies, it would've been fine if they had just based them off the sets.
>wide childbearing hips
nah pohatu is a fag
kopaka is the real chad
>mfw gali used to be my favorite
>mfw one of my friends told me he was a she
Never felt so humiliated in my life.
For me it's Web of Shadows
For me it's this nigga
You were a child
Bonkle lore was unironically the deepest.
yeah I'm thinking based
Bump. If this shit doesn't happen we're getting /toy/ to come through.
I think I can still remember all of their names
i know nothing about the universe other than having had some of the toys as a kid, but there was a thread a while ago where someone mentioned that the archipelago is all pieces of a giant deactivated bionicle
unironically deep as fuck
Gali and Onua are the only correct choices
Hooks>>>>swords and shit
This list reads like a boomer trying to name pokemon
My headcanon was that it was all allegorical to a man dying from cancer
The bionicles were like the t-killer cells sent to eradicate all the cancer cells,
And the infection spreading was shown by us going “deeper” into the body with every new generation.
Daily reminder that Mahri was peak Bionicle.
I had one on the left,too bad his head got chopped
The lore for Bionicle was really great considering it was just a toy set made for kids. There were some really cool revelations as well, like the fact that the Bohrok weren't so much bad guys but, a safety protocol that was released in order to clear off the debris from Mata Nui's body so that he could operate again, hence why they ran around destroying the place. The islands that everyone lived on prevent him from functioning.
The flash game was the fucking TITS
I have it on VHS.
off by one
Even better, the telescope you can visit right at the start of the game revealed shit that had yet to happen.
>The true nature of Mata Nui himself is foreshadowed in two of the Telescope's prophecies: one depicts the Great Spirit Robot, while the other is a closeup of its face.
what the heck is that true?
Ahhh this brings back memories, I would roleplay as a psycho that would dismember a bionicle while the others were tied up and forced to watch, I had 4. Sometimes I would sit them around in a circle and play spin the bottle, where the one at the pointy end had the honor of being dismembered and beheaded while the others get to watch, just imagining the sheer terror and desperation of the bionicles as they prayed desperately for an end to the pain....hmmm. Ofcourse their prayers were answered when my whore sister went and told on me and that caused me a lot of bother but it was sweet when it lasted.
>metro nui has 2 suns because its actually inside the head of mata nui and the sun shines trough the eyes
Oh my is this the game I think it is?
I remember trying to play it but it was in English, a language I didn't speak so I asked my parent but they didn't understand either, I was so frustrated I couldn't progress in the game but loved the visuals.
For me, its Lehvak
fuck outta here you plebs
I'd say we are the final generation to have a proper childhood. I'd even take it a step further and consider it the best years to grow up in, because you kind of got the best of both worlds in terms of playing outside, but also having some technology to mess around with.
Kids nowadays are predominantly glued to their screens, so the balance is lost.
Toys have obviously become shit too, and the market is dying (just look at what happened to toys R' us). The real toy collectors nowadays are adults that treat it as a hobby. Kids care more about building PC's/having the latest gadgets. Sports are obviously at a decline too.
I agree. I feel like even food has had a drastic decline in quality as opposed to when I was younger. In a lot of ways we are going two steps forward but three steps back it seems.
Strange times ahead of us.
The thinking man's model. Plebs need not reply.
*blocks your path*
Friendly reminder that you wouldn't exist without me.
Used to watch these on repeat
yes retard, that's the joke
they kinda look similar desu
TFW you realize Mask of Light is just Lord of The Rings.
Literally untrained chad vs gymmaxed incel
nothin personnel
*blocks your path*
>mfw i got the same krana with my lehvak as the one used on lewa in the comic
that made 10 year old me so happy
>mfw americans actually call slizers "throwbots"
Where the fuck is this?
Is this the point and click adventure?
I got stuck really early, IIRC I was trying to lower a bridge to cross a river and the only item I could find was flax
Some Costco knockoff selling Lego knockoffs.
*blocks your path*
Nothing personnel kid
this is just bioncle after hours
No, this is bionicle after hours
I think the one you're talking about is the sequel which sucked
Here's the original, good one
5th movie will stunningly and bravely portray Mata Nui as a strong trans Piraka female who needs no Toa
Were the little worms evil? Always would put these guys up with the 1st gen models.
did any of you care about the actual stories? I'd usually read the blurb on the box/instructions once and then stop caring about the bigger lore behind all the stuff and just smash them into each other, pretty much the same as any small lego figure
H-ha of course not. It's just a stupid toys series
I wasn't intending to mock you, I wish I wasn't so boring and had actually cared about all that as a kid
Kind of but it sucked not having all of them so I would just mix them with some of my power rangers, godzilla, or and just make my own storyline.
hello rebbit
So, like now
>not on VHS
Underage faggot spotted
>Why yes, I do own every single Bionicle model up to 2004, how could you tell
Bionicles were for turbobrainlet kids. If your parents loved you they would've gotten you normal lego.
Bionicles saved lego from bankruptcy iirc.
It was a stroke of genius at the time, extremely poseable and highly customisable action figures, with a unique aesthetic most of the first world would have no exposure too.
Maoris are based as fuck btw.
>his parents didn't get him both
>he didn't build set pieces using normal lego with Toa action figures acting out your autistic story lines.
I remember combining stuff from the Dino set and castle set to simulate Ta-koro under siege
Unfortunately most of the lore things were in English so as a kid I couldn't get into it.
I still remember watching a movie about a blue guy and a golden mask and another film about dudes fighting a spider invasion.
I also played the Bionicle game on PS2 and the first stages of that point and click flash game.
Daily reminder that Makuta did nothing wrong.
why are bionicle threads always so comfy bros
what was the big silver black colored bionicle bad guys name? i remember having it among with the other smaller ones, but the big one was kind of expensive.
Did he have a bigass spider as a mount?
If yes probably Vezon and Fenrak or something
>never could play that mini-CD game because of some bullshit compatibility problem
Web of Shadows is the best because of the mommy insect wife
no his mask was black and his weapon was some kind of spear but it had blade like a sword
Makuta Teridax if you want to be an asshole about it.
it came to me, it was this, makuta.
it's not just your headcanon, shit was intentional, right down to them coming packaged in "pills"
>not VHS
am i the only one that ripped these chuds apart and made the combined dragon set with their parts? shit was cash
You can play it now, just google for it
I used to love reading the books. It was frustrating not being able to find them most of the time, all I could really do was get the collections from school book fairs. The arc where they went to the bottom of the sea was the coolest.
Nostalgia flood god damn it
They were customizable action figures that you built yourself. Regular legos are for autists, the kind that would later latch on to Minecraft.
Epic bro, epic for the win
Fuck I remember being dropped of at the neighbours/friends house and I got this one because I did well in school or something. Laying on the floor, knees hurting, rain against the window and spending all day building this thing. Where'd all the time go.
>built this shit like 15 years ago
>found it in some dusty box recently
>still sturdy enough to stand upright
based lego
>Why yes I do own every LEGO space set ever released including foreign releases
should i pop 'er in, Yea Forums?
Anyone remember this bad boy?
I think it was part of the last generation, at least last before Glatorians
No, 2008 was. 2007 was second best though.
>all those kids movies in the back.
god you’re fucking stupid
BASED and Bioniclepilled
>Why yes, I did like Bionicle G1, how can you tell?
Based retard
.t brainlet who wasn't smart enough to build his own bionicles as a child.
Also large scale terrorism.
Nocturn was from 2007, bionicle ended in 2010. 2007 was the second best year for bionicle (after 2008).
The lore was kino
Who else /Dark Mirror/ here?
>dem commercials
>t. AFOL
I'd like to FUCK Gali if you know what I mean :)
Only good post in thread besides pic related
>articulation mogs you
what do
Proud owner of every single Barraki and Toa Mahri reporting in
Do this again but with the one large where you have to combine three sets.
thats lehvak kal you retard
based kaita chad
whoever made this edit is retarded, tahu kaita combined with lewa and gali fucking mong
These were cool to play with since they had the disc throwing functionality but it sucked that the arm loosened pretty quickly and that you often lost a ton of discs when playing outside. They should have made the arm move with a metal spring instead of it being all plastic.
Anyone remember this bad boy? Definitely one of my favorite toys as a kid
Zoomer gtfo
I actually had first Bionicle movie on a VHS, heh.
Checked. Bionicle thread is truly blessed
Tahu and Lewa
>Little sisters
>Real Ass Niggas
Pohatu and Onua
Absolutely fucking based.
Based but wrongpilled about lewa
Fuck u
Reminder that Krika did nothing wrong
sup ace
Damn, another /biog/ user
>Well, well! Look at the Metru slicker rolling up in his fancy gukko!
fuck off skull
>Real Ass Niggas
>Pohatu and Onua
You know these two were bros to the end. I always imagined them being best buds.
Fucking how! Everything is fucking racist!
>t. school shooter
Why did the movies look nothing like the toys?
push him over and watch all his greebles fall off.
rhakshi is the alpha-chad bionicle.
Where are my Nidhiki bros at?
I always wanted one of these, but I only started collecting Bonkle in 2005. I had to settle for the shitty stripped down one that came with the final line.
the people in charge of g2 were retards
a fucking autist on devaint art made better sets
He’s memeing
Reporting in, fuck tuyet
Looks like an ultraman.
I don't know the first thing about Bionicle lore, I just had the original Toa toys and the Mcdonalds ones, I think a couple of the little midget ones with the staffs and one or two of the monsters with the little slugs inside.
Fuck, I just realized I have no idea where those sets even are right now, I'm sure I kept them in storage somewhere but I've lost track.
Oh....ohhh my.....ooh my oh my.
That is possibly one of the best jokes I've never gotten until just now.
based and real
>The arc where they went to the bottom of the sea was the coolest.
Yes, that shit was so rad
*rolls into your path*
FUCK, he was my favourite as a kid, the way you could move his legs and how strong his claws closed, this MF really had a good grip to crush my little lego figures. Also the disc shoting was nice I guess.
>muh jetpacks and wings
fuck off, mahri had far more to offer. 2007 is the superior year
Get a new tv, damn
fuck off weeaboo or I'm gonna set you on fire
Basic bitch
Don't open.
also: checked
Toa + Exo Toa anyone?
Went digging and found my old box of bonkle stuff. Some of it looks incomplete and I don't remember any of the names, but the instructions and posters are still there. I can't find any of the slug things that go in the tall bad guys.
I remember really liking the McDonald's ones and combining them different ways into bigger bots.
anyone ever build this?
>unironically thinking millionaires browse Yea Forums
lol i actually had it when it came out.
Never watched mcu
guess chads never change
is this genuine retardation or god-tier bait?
*fades into obscurity*
Police Legend, can't you read?
That made me laugh for some reason....
Mutherfukkin feet of kings
бeйзд eнд peдпилд
I sucked the lore in like a black hole. Since I'm not Murican, I even ordered the books online and shittily translated them for other kids who didn't speak English.
The elaborate lore with 8 years of buildup and foreshadowing to the big twist is still fucking amazing. The people behind this shit legit poured their hearts and minds into everything and even attempted some philosophical allegory about how creation and destruction are two neutral sides of the same coin and that the heroes eventually have to destroy the island they defended to save their people, but of course Lego and the guys who made the movies had to dumb it all down.
I made up my own lore. Sometimes it was pretty similar to the real story. Other times I just imagined the bionicles were like Space Rangers and the Borok and evil ones were aliens or something. I would also make different guns for them