This is what Yea Forums considered the magus opus of anime

>this is what Yea Forums considered the magus opus of anime

I watched the whole 26 episodes in one sitting and let me tell you that the beginning episodes were so slow and having Shinji being such a whiny fag didn't help reeling me into the story, in fact, I didn't care about it at all not until Rei first appeared. She was great when the show was focusing on her, but it wasn't enough for me. Not until episode 8 when Asuka Langley Sohryu made her debut. She single handily carried the entire show for 10 episodes. Imagine watching the beginning 8 episodes enduring Shinji faggotry only to be completely caught surprised by Asuka's personality (at that moment), and also having one of the first best battles against an Angel. Felt like I watching a completely different anime. I was enjoying every single episode after that. That is until episode 18 came and planted the seed which almost made me forget about it because episode 19 had that great reveal. The rest was just painful to watch with not pay off. Why have this massive build up if you're not gonna fucking deliver it, no the series had to bury it with more monologue and destroy every character to make Shinji not look like an asshole.

Congratulations for wasting my time Yea Forums.

Attached: Congratulations..jpg (1443x1079, 244K)

Other urls found in this thread:

if you wanted robot fights try watching gundam or the fucking ending you faggot
the end of evangelion

Anno is a sellout hack, examples are the rebuild movies and countless other fanfic tier spinoffs

>magus opus

Stopped reading right there. Shit thread.

>this is what Yea Forums considered the magus opus of anime
You are a clearly complete idiot,

>it gets better in the sequels
Ok, bub.

I dropped this series after the finale. I'm not going to waste my time with Hideaki's work. The only reason I invest my time on this is because of this site sucking it's cock. It's now that I can look and say that waifufaggoty it's what kept this series relevance for 2 decades like most anime in the 90s.

>magus opus
>"Reddit" spacing
>Hideaki's work
Why do I just know you are fishing for (You)'s?

>Yea Forums poster is a retard who can only focus on the surface level plot


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the asukafag fears the avant-garde piano solo lp

End of Evangelion has been BTFO:

>depressed middle schooler with a harem and mechs
it was made for incels like Yea Forums

All these nitpicking about a word and still no points on why the show is any good.


If you're not baiting, you really should watch End of Evangelion - Instumentality happens and is the reason for what's happening in the last two episodes, but End gives you the actual context of what is happening. As far as I am aware, 25 and 26 are the way partly because of budgetary constraints. I do think that episode 26 does serve as a good ending for Shinji's arc as a character, which was more nuanced at the time than it is viewing it for the first time now

Sure, dude. Just wait a few minutes.
I'm in the middle of composing a detailed list of reasons why you should watch a 25 year old anime that's been historically lauded as one of the best animated series of all time even though it's considered an entry level option to get into anime (that doesn't stop people from having hundreds of theories about every little thing).
A franchise so controversial their creators got death threats and that to this day, it's still relevant. So relevant in fact that the largest streaming service in the West decided to buy the rights and make a new dub for it.

You and not the literal hundreds of dummies who didn't like the show and have posted about this on Yea Forums and Yea Forums deserve our attention now. OP's naive little rant convinced me to invest some time to explain why it's a decent work of fiction. Just wait a little more, bro, it's coming.

It’s the movie that’s considered the masterpiece you retard

Go watch it

I've also read all over the internet that this anime was suppose to be one of the best, like top 3 animes of all time. It was suppose to so profound and special.

If this was not the magnum opus to them then what is?

Why don't you fucking complain to shitlord and stop posting this garbage

Ebichu the housecleaning hamster

still no points on why the show is any good

It has cool bio-robots punching monsters. I think I like it because of the atmosphere and music.

based /m/

Yes, please don't slide the Sneed, BLACKED, and bait threads. We don't want Yea Forums to decline in quality.


the last episodes dealt with the DMT trip you get before you die. I just assumed that the last episode was shinji dying and was okay with that ending

I like the theme song

Attached: cotton.jpg (1920x1080, 83K)

I think they like it because there is a little weak boy who has daddy problems and mommy issues and the boy gains power and becomes the hero. Also theres that one girl who abuses him and that other shy awkward girl that he becomes friends with. I think they relate.

If anyone cares don't watch the show instead watch the films so you don't get to waste 9.5 hours of your life.

Are the films just the show redone into movies? I could have just watched the movies instead?

And there is a different better ending then just congratulations! Right?

Death and Rebirth would be shitty introductions to Eva.
EoE is a must watch.
The rebuild movies are not finished yet. The retard is talking out of his ass.

>this is what Yea Forums considered the magus opus of anime
where the fuck did you get that idea? from Yea Forums? lmao

>let me tell you that the beginning episodes were so slow
>I didn't care about it at all not until Rei first appeared
Which happens in the very first episode.
Congratulations, you didn't watch a minute of it.

umm, bro
is this way, nigga.

Yes, it was. That's the point of the show.

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I fucking hate these zoomer trash with their retarded opinions pretending anyone actually cares... hear me OP? Nobody fucking cares.

If you hated shinji and couldnt emapthize with him, youre probably a shitty person.

>Pilot Giant Masha
>live with a harem of bitches wanting the dick
>two close friends
>cries and complains that things are hard sometimes

Men are meant to struggle, Jap "men" are just fags

Lol, fag

Thanks Netflix for flooding the board with 10,000 Evangelion threads a day as all these zoomer faggots discover a 20+ year old show...

LMFAO at all these zoomers watching the shitty Netflix dub with no contextual knowledge of the series then gettting pissed when they don't get it.

Pffft Shinji is an hero everytime the nigga steps up to the plate, while being depressed as fuck

>Men are meant to struggle

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Asuka was a fucking annoying anime trope as well. Rei is another 2deep weirdo stereotype. Basically all the main kids fucking suck.

>this is what Yea Forums considered the magus opus of anime
As the ambassador for Yea Forums we actually consider OPM the magus opus purely because it has this beauty and her fat titty sister for those that love the farm life.

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Asuka started that trope (disregarding a handful of underdeveloped precursors) and Rei was a thematic device used to make fun of the weaboos that worshipped characters like that.

Episode 19 is my favorite example of this.

The tv series ending, while dumb, was still better than EoE which was a clusterfuck of "just because it's cool" religious symbolism and WTF edgy moments. It's kind of fun but also fucking stupid.

Reminder to wake up and watch this:

Evangelion is not nearly as great as you think it is.