She was a cunt and Ross shoud've stayed married to Emily.
She was a cunt and Ross shoud've stayed married to Emily
The patrician choice
>not a cunt
Mona was best Ross gf
Who gives a shit
>"In a way I judge her for not breaking up with me sooner"
He knew it as well.
i do
she was the hottest, not the best overall
Mona was the biggest cunt. Ross should’ve stayed with the black chick
>jungle fever
just no
thank you, gentlesir
But she cared about dinosaurs like Ross
no, she cared about nobel prizes
She's the one that left him so it's not as if he had any choice to stay with her.
Reminder that Ross and Rachel would have never broken up if Joey and Chandler had the balls to dp the copy place chick that night.
>dping the copy place chick instead of spitroasting her
get a load of this guy.
Nah she was way into Ross and left them as soon as he appeared.
the chad paleontologist
the virgin bert and ernie gay couple
Ross and Moncia should have went to the Zionist entity and lived happily ever after.
I really liked how she got Ross to dump Julie, and then broke up with him the next day over "the list" that said she was a waitress.
I never understood why Joey was the chad. What we see of him flirting he's just as awkward as the other two, plus he's broke and stupid.
tells you all you need to know about how much of a spoiled skank she was
haha, okay, now this is based xD
fuck off, Rachel
julie was a cutie
He’s cuter and more charming.
The 'We were on a break thing' is, to me, very one sided in Ross' favour. It got flanderised as the show went on obviously but for the event itself everyone tells me it's a great example of how women and men view similar situations - which a lot of the show was about
But I really struggle to sympathise with Rachel:
1) The reason they fought was over something pretty trivial - that they weren't spending enough time together. It DID turn into a fight about her spending lots of time with that dude from work, which fair enough pissed Rachel off, but
2) She literally told him they were on a break and left. As far as he was concerned it was over
3) He STILL fought for her though, and called her at the bar to apologise and try and make it work. But then he found out the dude from her work - the very reason he was jealous - was at her apartment. He rightfully hangs up, at this point assuming she's fucking him as well
4) The copy chick hits on HIM. He doesn't initiate the kiss, they make a point of showing it.
Dude was dragged along on this ride and then copped it for 6 years afterwards
I'd say early on Chandler is just as good looking and honestly for someone who's supposedly awkward with women he was able to turn awkwardness into humor pretty well from what we've seen. I guess he just wasn't as confident.
Yeah he was still dealing with his high school insecurities. All the things you said were true, he just didn't project enough confidence. Probably would be alright actually if he wasn't best friends with a charisma machine (Joey)
Emily is the only person I hate in the entire show.
She was a cunt.