Movies for this aesthetic?
Movies for this aesthetic?
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Someone either made this thinking "this is SO badass" or "this is SO scary", and they were wrong either way.
come on we all know whoever made this thought it was badass, this internet right is full of gaylords
Someone made this post thinking, "I'm a faggot." It was you.
Hate to break it to you, buddy...
are you saying america is NOT in danger of trump declaring himsel emperor and genociding all the brown people?
hate to break it to you, but communism stops here buddy
Unfortunately no.
"nazis" fighting "communists" while the country sink into an inevitable ww3, and thats a good thing
Anything homosexual
This is what "right wing death squads" look like IRL
Hitler saved Europe from communism.
tell that to the entirety of eastern europe you absolute retard
No, this is.
seethe more, tranny
lmao, nice larp there fatty
Eastern Europe too, indirectly and decades later.
You gays need some new material.
wierd for a /k poster to be here
they dont have, besides posting redditors they have nothing
Quit posting lolbertarians.
It is fake.
>not real right wingers
off yourself
we, aryans, are these lands rightful owners
move out niggers
You can't serve two masters you hellbound cretins
There you go. These guys would murder commtifa.
Jin Roh
Reddit isn't sending their best.
imagine looking at this creature and thinking
>yeah, now THIS is a superior human being
In an hour you're going to make an AAAAAAAA Gosling post complaining you can't get laid. This is the reason.
Nice cutie.
Just looks like a regular dude.
Girls love natsocs and white nationalists.