Holy based thetakeout.com
Holy based
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Is he going to blame the effects of heroin addiction on eating a chicken sandwich in this one?
>durr Super size me is wrong beause when I ate Mcdonalds I didn't gave as much weight!!!
havr sex
I hope that's not a real poster
Please tell me one of you fuckwits made that
cope and seethe mcshill
How's it going Spurlock?
seethe more fatty, time to get btfo for the second time
>I ate too much for 30 days
>Ronald McDonald man bad
no he ate how the average american eats
Did he ever release anything regarding his daily diet or literally any notes or health reports? Or did he eternally keep that shit under wraps because it'd prove that the fastfood wasn't doing any of the immediate damage but instead it was the gallon of fucking soda he was drinking every single day?
Morgan Spurlock lost his show because jews literally freaked out on him and it raised too much awareness
Why are you two pretending to be retarded? Please, I want to know why you're pretending to be a shill for Spurlock for FREE.
reminder food and psychology """science""" is largely useless and is dependent on the individual. these scientists choose to ignore the fact that people are motivated on ideas and choose instead to make wide claims that are anti-science in nature.
the seething is fucking palpable lol
>"NOOOOOOOOOO HE'S A RAPIST WHY IS HE STILL GETTING WORK" says seething food addict site #2
america is literally over lol
he is going to destroy your life for a 2nd time lmao. what will he remove from your precious 400000 calory diet? free refills? regardless, you're getting btfo and there's nothing you can do about it. based spurlock will literally ban fast food in your lifetime
This is what most people don't get and it's unfortunate. Fast food, especially if you only have burgers or wraps and the like, don't do shit compared to soda.
Chill out fast food hater. When your done spending $20 eating some tasteless noodles at some second rate """healthy""" food chain, you can join me and the other fast food chads. Maybe I'll introduce you to a couple McBabes behind the counter ;)
burger i love how you legitimately can't think of ways of eating food that doesn't involve wasting your money at restaurants, that's why you're so threatened by spurlock, you think he will ban food
It is about how chik fil a is homophobic and evil or something?
Oh I see, I'm arguing with a housewife. Sorry mam and by the way you're doing a great job, you guys are the ones keeping the economy afloat! Unless of course I'm speaking to some neet freak who never leaves the house and always has time on their hands.
Looks like FAST FOOD is back on the menu boys
imagine being an adult and unironically priding yourself on not only not being able to cook, but being a massive wageslave that has no free time
hint: everybody outside of america has time to cook because we don't allow workplaces to whip people into shape, wagecuck
Bro the guying Super Size Me straight up lies about how much he's eating. You can just do the math yourself and see there's no way he could gain as much as he did eating what he said he did.
Well if your not still worked up you think you could whip me up a sandwich in the kitchen? I'll tell you a couple stories from work, I'm sure you get some cabin fever being holed up in the house all day.
imagine being so utterly dumbfounded that normal non-americans have free time lol, what the fuck is wrong with americans? this is why you hate spurlock, he is literally pulling the jew-pieces out from the jew-nga tower and your stockholm syndrome tells you everything is fine
God I feel bad for neets like that person (and you). You can just tell that the person had been a neet their whole aldult lives and it's slowly dawning on them that they need get stable income but they haven't got skills or connections to begin a full time career so they need to perpetually work in these shitty entrance jobs the rest of their lives. This is the fate waiting all neets, including you.
Imagine being a schizo who harps on about "muh JOOS" and expecting people to believe your can hold a full time job and a plethora of hobbies in between taking your meds.
hint: there are hobbies other than cooking
Europeons are mentally ill.
>"stop eating fast food"
why does not eating fast food trigger you so bad, and what are you gonna do when spurlock bans the mcchicken
another yotta-cope from the american, you literally cannot believe that everybody outside your crazy house cooks healthy food for themselves because they have human rights
>Going after chicken
Wtf I want to live in filth and squalor now?!
you already do, burger
thats not surprising, but you should stop posting and get back to work now. someone has to pay for our national defense lmao
Uhh did you miss by any chance? I don't cook for myself I have others cook FOR me, including by YOU. Bring your chopping board you twink fu/ck/ and I'll let you sit on my lap while I tell you what me and my coworkers did that day.
>you live in squalor
>here's an unrelated info-graphic that proves it... somehow
You sure showed him, Nigel.
Reminder that you don't have to eat fast food three meals a day, seven days a week, and fast food is fine in moderation (once every one to to weeks).
I thought he got #metooed and this wasn't going to be released?
the american's latent faggotry draws near, a consequence of a diet of globohomo agitprop
>I have others cook FOR me
hmmm that's why you defend mickey d's, i'm glad this definitely was the case for you before july 17th, 2019 at 7:57:01 PM
Wasn't this guy metoo'd the other year?
Yeah, I get 12 weeks of paid vacation a year. What is your gay chart supposed to prove?
I can't, I'm on vacation right now.
working 365 days a year is bad, burger, work is a compromise and it's your right to have time off work
In America you have fast food.
In Europe we have NO food!
Fried breading is literally poison. The worst edible thing you can eat besides charred meat for your body.
Ironically a breaded chicken breast is worse for you than a burger even though the chicken itself is healthier.
Supersize Me was all bullshit though he would've had to have been eating 6k calories per day. Three super sized meals per day would not even get you that high.
open your wallet not your mouth paypig
> gallon of soda
And the bottles of scotch
This film is going to really open my eyes. I'm never eating again.
>Eat a lot
>this thread
>Fast Food Makes You Fat: Electric Boogaloo
Oh great. Can' wait for Water is Wet.
this will be the actual argument from americans
this argument will summarize the american lifestyle
Wrong. Lack of self control makes people fat.
that's nice burger, do you realize your employer could take that away and there's literally nothing you'd be able to do about it
Fuck this faggot - everyone in my hometown was excited about this new healthy chicken restaurant that was going to open but it was for this bullshit movie.
Do yuropoors legitimately think fast food is the only food here?
People are just annoyed because Spurlock's crusade did nothing but put in shitty regulations on food that didn't solve the issue at all and just made fast food taste shittier in the long run.
>yuro doesn't understand how contracts work
Holy cow.
I welcome any and all reminders of how obese and pathetically weak minded the average American is.
Uh oh the schizo's off his meds. You better start making sense before you go posting random dates again. I've got to say though, I always thought the OBSESSED meme was exagerrated but I truly see where the Americans are coming from, I haven't mentioned being American once and you've called me one in every post when I'm a european. I think its the brain rot from taking pol unironically and the shitty food you cook lol.
>Do yuropoors legitimately think fast food is the only food here?
You have to understand that these are people who haven't left their home village in 1500 years and have had their minds warped by countless generations of incest.
wanna know how i know you've bought a big mac in the past day
I've been with Microsoft for 10+ years, user. They could also light me on fire and rape my family, but that doesn't mean they will.
Sorry, I'm afraid using the term "fatass" is a violation of Article 50 and you must surrender your internet privileges now.
>just made fast food taste shittier in the long run.
This. They have no understanding of the world outside of what their state media tells them.
I prefer Taco Bell, honestly. Fast food is fine in moderation, just like everything else. Grow up, queer.
what about the other 150+ days, what are they doing then?
>They could also light me on fire and rape my family
and they would get punished by the law for doing that, they wouldn't for making you work 100% of the time
Reminder yuropoors have this as their incoming leader
>more misinformation!
This is now a Live Mas thread.
>soros funded hit piece against a christian chicken restaurant
t. vegan faggot
Removing beef fat for vegetable oil made fries taste like shit
What is it? Some sort of wrinkle monster that lost its comb?
But the definition of moderation varies.
The average American's moderation is 2 liters of soda and fried chicken sandwich with a fistful of fries and a ice cream for dinner after they ate pancakes and syrup and butter for breakfast
What is your point? Do you even have one?
>I prefer Taco Bell,
i don't know what the fuck that is burger, if you know more than one fast food place you're too far gone in fatassery to realize what's wrong, fish don't know wet
>Fast food is fine in moderation
says the man knowledgable on 50 different fast food chains
>Big fried chicken sandwich bad!
Thanks, Morgan. I'll try to stay away from the bread and fried food now.
>Maybe moderation is okay
literally you right now
>the definition varies
>here's a definition I made up
You're retarded and obviously baiting.
no you're not, you are a burger which is why you're triggered when the burger industrial complex is threatened
>eat nothing but trash for a month
>get sick
>amerishars act all surprised
Woah, whould've thought....
Taco Bell is an international chain you retard, do you live in Somalia?
the point is you need laws to stop companies from violating your rights, and somehow no american has ever thought of doing that in the past 300 years of your country
Moderation has a definition and it's vague so it varies from different people and cultures
Did that help soothe your autism or do you want me to speak to you as if you were a child?
Do yuropoors unironically believe this?
I genuinely can't tell since they seem uneducated on this site for the most part.
>i don't know what the fuck that is
They sell tacos.
what the fuck are you even trying to say
I think you should get back on your meds. I thought europoors had better mental health care than us burgers?
>after they ate pancakes with syrup for breakfast
Do yuros not approve of pancakes for breakfast?
why did the american populace get triggered when based spurlock banned the supersize option
"supersize" is intended to be an occasional gimmick, yet americans by and large exclusively ate supersized meals, they got mad because they were literally starving, their bodies got used to it
I'm American and that's literally what people eat daily.
He didn't even mention the bacon and eggs with the pancakes and the dinner portion people now eat for lunch.
>this coming from the continent that passes a law to criminalize people for posting copyrighted memes and any non-Mainstream opinion
You know, just because you're incredibly ignorant of something doesn't mean they don't exist. Like American labour laws.
>do they not approve of wheat cakes with butter and corn syrup (carbs on carbs with fat) for breakfast?
I want to actually live til 40 without heart disease and diabetes.
no burger, normal people don't know what this is at all
Reminder that Warren Buffett (easily richest man in the world if he didn’t donate so much of his wealth) eats McDonalds for breakfast every. single. day. Also drinks five cans of cherry Coke per day.
Reminder that President Donald Trump (easily most powerful man in the world) eats McDonald’s at least seven times a week, as well as had a special call button installed in the Oval Office to summon a butler with a Diet Coke.
Remember when the yuros had geologists criminally charged because they didn't predict an earthquake? Those people are primitive savages.
Why do Americans refuse to acknowledge they're fat and this is a bad thing?
Are you THIS brainwashed?
Traditionally you use maple syrup on pancakes.
>yet americans by and large exclusively ate supersized meals
[citation needed]
Even Spurlock admitted few people actually ordered a super sized meal or even ate fast food on more than a weekly basis but don't let that get in front of your weak /int/ shitposting.
we are literally talking about how burgerland is the only country in the world that has no minimum paid leave
Fucks sake euros are stupid
Imagine destroying your own continent twice in world wars and thinking you're smarter than anyone else.
Your perception of American moderation is both wrong and hilariously sad. Despite what you think, most people in America don't eat portions that big. Most people meaning non-illegals and resident fatties.
seethe, burger
Schizo-kun, this isn't healthy. Thinking your "fighting" against someone across the internet isn't healthy. You aren't fighting against "the american" in every thread, you'll come across people from a variety of backgrounds.
Thinking that youve "fought" me so many times that you can picture me exactly is very worrying.
Please schizo-kun, get some real meat in you, go to a McDonalds and get yourself the chicken select.
March 10, 2000 April 30, 2001 June 7, 2005 February 4, 2009 August 8, 2010 September 4, 1992 November 1, 1995 April 17, 1997 January 1, 1999 May 18, 2006
Not everyone lives in Mississippi like you, user.
Traditionally you're not a fat nation but guess what it's not your current reality.
Your "maple syrup" is 3 bucks for a quart, uses artificial flavorings or natural flavorings from different tree saps all with a giant corn syrup portion that makes up 80-99% of it.
Why is this obese guy making a documentary about how McDonald's isn't bad for you?
The fuck are you talking about? I got a 5 day paid leave and went to vegas.
resident non-fatties*
>go to a McDonalds and get yourself the chicken selec
imagine thinking you have an argument when you literally think people that don't waste $10 + 33% tip on poison to help corporations get more money are insane
Nope. I get proper maple syrup.
Wrong and cope. I live here and you sound like a tryhard low IQ loser that eats Taco Bell for dinner and drinks more soda than water daily.
How does America find it so easy to make Europeans break down and start crying like little girls?
>hurr this isn't common it just happens in one state
How do you explain why America is so fucking fat while every other country isn't as fat?
With not destroying my own country in two world wars?
Yeah feels pretty based, you're welcome for the Marshall Plan friend ;)
I just opened my pantry and looked at my maple syrup.
>Ingredients: Pure Organic Maple Syrup
Come again, retard?
>Morgan Spurlock: "Fast food is bad."
i hate fat people so fucking much
>I do this so everyone else doesn't do something different
>getting maple syrup from anywhere but wisconsin and vermont
Not like I'd expect yuropoors to actually know any of our states
They don't eat too much
that's cause your employer allowed it, he didn't have to give it to you at all
>your thing is x
>my thing is y
>well other peoples thing is x asshole!
Did you miss the post I made where I said I eat Taco Bell sometimes? I only drink water and tea, user. Why even make retarded assumptions like that? I'll just assume you're a huge faggot and also a pedophile.
lil guys just got hunger headaches is all
pic related is why so many american celebrities are dying at 50-60
The chad fattie vs the virgin skinlet
>Holy Chicken
Is he going after Chick-Fil-A now?
>go to America: there's fast food restaurants on every corner
>go to Europe: ...there's the exact same fast food restaurants on every corner
What's the difference at this point? It's the same exact culture.
>...it also ultimately operates on the flawed assumption that fast food is inherently bad. That’s to say nothing of the leering, condescending way in which Spurlock and the film treat his weight gain throughout, as though no worse fate could befall a human being.
lol 15 years later and this clapper journo is still mad as fuck because a documentary said that being an unhealthy fat slob might not be healthy.
>drinks more soda than water daily.
>mfw I did this today
Oh woah you're so fucking badass with your organic syrup lmaooooooooooo I guess everyone else gets this special label syrup and not the most bought versions like Mrs. Butterworth and Aunt Jemima
I guess those sales are just artificial and organic syrup is the #1 selling syrup in America now. kek
I mean... I guess it's technically an addiction, but it's not a drug, so you're wrong.
I didnt think he was insane for eating home-dug dirt, I thought he was insane for talking about jewish globohomo (although the two are probably linked) although it sounds as though your the sort to ask the gubment to coddle you so you don't accidently overindulge like a child.
no burger, normal people don't faint from not eating for over an hour
Yuropoors are stuck in a perpetual cycle of feeling the need to prove themselves to the world while their continent's relevance has been slowly dying since the end of World War II, it's sad really.
>It's the same exact culture.
Come on, now. Europeans haven't been inundated with American culture like you say. It's not like you'll find large groups of them on English imageboards talking about American media all day lo...
Oh, shit..
Why are you calling Europeans stupid when 15 percent of the Americas adult population are illiterate and America is one of the least educated industrialized countries in the world? Also around 2500 people die from CVD in the US everyday, that's almost the same number of people who died in the 9/11 attack.
When is McDonald's getting you that check to pay your hospital debt fatties?
>Oh woah you're so fucking badass with your organic syrup
This, but unironically and without the gay lisp.
>I didnt think he was insane for eating home-dug dirt
yes, you quite literally did in the following post
>special label syrup
user, it's just syrup. I wonder why the cheapest fake syrup is also the best selling, though????? You're dumb.
>I guess everyone else gets this special label syrup and not the most bought versions like Mrs. Butterworth and Aunt Jemima
You mean like the majority of consumers in every country? Jesus imagine being this retarded.
It's kind of disturbing, the level of insecurity Europeans have.
They'll just take any opportunity to associate their tiny country with an entire continent and then compare it to another country.
>15 percent of the Americas adult population are illiterate [dubious][citation needed]
provide sources, also provide source on CVD deaths in euroland per day as well
seems like the obese guy and mcdonalds are in cahoots
What do you expect? He was educated in yurup, the poor starving bastard.
>it sounds as though your the sort to ask the gubment to coddle you so you don't accidently overindulge like a child.
Amerisharts still triggered over good laws, kek.
>tfw we still haven't pulled out of NATO yet and let these smug leeches pay for their own healthcare and defend against slavs
Feels bad man, I know we have to play babysitter to prevent yuropoors from blowing up their own continent again but this is getting ridiculous.
reminder that this guy made this documentary and then said the diet gave him weird liver problems, then it came out just recently that he is a raging alcoholic that was drinking while making this movie
fast food is bad, burger
You know there are federal laws here for the first two things on your shitpost list right?
Doesn't matter, anything to BTFO amerisharts
Regional fast food kinos. Here's mine.
Something is wrong in america with how absolutely fat they all are, but I think it's stupid to solely blame fast food places. People in america are poor and no one lives off of fast food if you're poor, it's actually very expensive.
No, I quite literally didn't lol, you pulled up some random post talking about meds which wasn't even part of the same convo. This goes back to the schizo-posting i touched upon earlier. Also you talk as though you belong on twitter.
Not American.
>low budget, fat, balding man BTFO of million dollar Spurlock
What a fucking hack.
based bell posters
>yuropoors have to make up lies to get any sort of footing against the USA
Yes retard that was my point. Amerisharts hate laws because they are anarcho-capitalist in their heart. Last year literally only amerisharts were getting triggered over GDPR, a law that simply forced websites to tell you how they spy on you
Hola, europeos, cálmense y tomen una chalupa.
>More than 30 million adults in the United States cannot read, write, or do basic math above a third-grade level. — ProLiteracy
>The United States has a literacy rate of 99 percent. That's equal to Japan, Denmark, Finland and the United Kingdom. But in her new book, "Why cant U teach me 2 read," three students and a mayor put our schools to the test. Beth Fertig says that as many as 20 percent of American adults may be functionally illiterate. They may recognize letters and words, but they cannot read directions on a bus sign or a medicine bottle, read or write a letter, or hold most any job.
>According to data from the 2014 U.S. Census Bureau, 21 percent — or nearly 60,000 — of working age adults in the city lack a high school diploma. At the same time, 19 percent of adults cannot read a newspaper, much less complete a job application, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.
>About 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day, an average of 1 death every
38 seconds
>goes from Youtube to Samuel Goldwyn
was coming out good for his career in the end?
thank dog for the EU, without them every website wouldn't have a popup about cookies
>americans are anarcho-capitalists
Do yuropoors just think that any government that isn't fascist is anarchist in nature?
reminder that the US government spends more tax money per capita on healthcare than any other developed country while at the same time only covering 15% of the population while other develop countries cover 100% of the population despite spending way less
>federal study
Based yuropoor education
It would explain the last couple of hundred years.
Who eats WacArnold's every day of the week? I eat it maybe once every two to three weeks, it's delicious, and it doesn't have noticeably adverse effects on my health. I've even been getting back into Chick-fil-a too.
Yeah, and it has only risen since then.
>only covering 15% of the population
It's almost like we have most people on private healthcare plans AOC-kun.
fat anger!!!!
And here we have the example, a triggered amerishart getting mad at rights.
>EU: "People have the right to know how you spy on them."
Funny how the only sites protesting GDPR were amerishart news sites
[citation needed]
>38 seconds
And euroland?
Literacy claims look like bullshit as well, some of that is obviously illegals and dumb nigs.
nah mate that would be the constellation of drugs drugs drugs
If you think companies should be allowed to do anything and that regulation is bad, you are ancap.
Noone cares ancap
Good thing only about 0.00000001% of our population actually believes that then.
Your logic doesn't make sense. Why would you need to spend your own money after taxes on private healthcare when your own government spends per capita 10k tax money (which is double than most EU countries) while only covering a fraction of the population?
>be american
>school tells you to decide your career path for the rest of your life at 15 years old
>in debt from going to college for degree you don't need
>now have to go to work to pay it off
>only jobs available are in another state but there is no public transport (???)
>have to spend $500,000 on metal cage so you can go to work at all so you can pay for your car so you can work
>wake up at 4 AM, drive 2 hours commute
>get to work, have to do the dance and jig or else you get fired
>10 minutes lunch time, forced to buy poison meat at $20 + $20 tip, food is cold but you can't complain because the worker is underpaid and has the right to shit in your food if he's pissed off, back to work
>get out at 6PM, drive 2 hours commute (4 hours under heavy traffic because for some reason, despite your country being built around mobile wagecages, there's not enough space to put more roads???)
>get home at 10PM, back to sleep instantly
>do this every day for the next 30 years of your life before dying of heart failure
this is why based spurlock triggers them, the conditioning tells them this system is ok but no fast food means breaking it
He's a heavy drinker and didn't stop while doing his challenge. He will not release this data knowing he will be found out as a scammer.
Because our federal government is bloated and has only gotten worse with how much power it's gained since FDR took office? God I can't imagine how badly the federal government would fuck up universal healthcare if it were implemented (not to mention the $32 trillion price tag Bernie's plan has), private insurance here was great until Nixon and LBJ fucked everything up.
TL;DR Sneed
one of the worst things to ever happen to Yea Forums was allowing flags on any board, now so many threads immediately devolve into unimaginative shitflinging about mutts or arabs
In in UK and I see overweight people but not like the american cart-riders level of fat. Bu ttoday I saw one, in my home town. A super size me obese my 600lb life fat fuck. As I walked past, grimacing in disgust, I overheard it speaking.. in an american accent. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I though fish and chips at her to watch her roll around on the florr trying to get at the greasy morsels.
Why are Americans so bad at personal finance?
Holy yikes! I went to college for four years and I make $90k a year!
Reminder that if it wasn't for the US playing world's police you Europeans couldn't afford your socialist healthcare. You should be thanking us.
being fat is part of anglo culture, USA is just more prosperous and can afford food
>im 24
reminder that "donations" on this graph refers to americans donating to corporations for free, "reddit gold" is literally someone giving giant corporation reddit free money to upvote a post because reddit told them they need your help to pay server costs
>it wasn't Big FastFood it was Big Soda
Imagine being mad enough to type your strawman out on here
imagine being american
Please user, don't tease the menatlly handicapped
Feels good man
This fuck got the mountain dew machine and my cheese fries taken out of the lunch room so instead I just kept my lunch money and saved it to buy video games
Yeah if u eat mcdonalds burgers every day sure,
>donating almost as much as you pay in rent per month
>paying a cleaning lady when you live in an 800 dollar bachelor pad and eat out practically every night
>$825 rent
What fucking podunk town has rent that fucking cheap?
Aside from him mom's basement?
ma'am please leave
>Trevor is a confirmed /pol/itician
Based Trevor
i stopped watching the very moment that guy was so confident in himself at the start. he's fat as fuck, and doesn't consider himself obese because reasons..? i've only visited america once, and i was shocked at how fucking fat people were, so that "it took hours to find this footage" is total bullshit.
>oh shit the fucking yuropoors are making fun of us again
>I must defend the honor of McDonald's!
Thanks for your circumstantial evidence user
Praying, drinking, fighting.
The real culprit behind all of the weight gain is not it being greasy fast food but all the carbohydrates in the bread, french fries, fried breading, sugar, and anything derived from corn. Take all that away, just eat the meat and vegetables, and it's fine. Not ideal, but fine.
those were just the days you weren't required to work the lord's land, you still had to tend to your own
I just ate a giant chicken salad sandwich with a shit load of chips and lobster bisque on the side
Now I'm drinking Reed's ginger brew
Is this European approved or am I an Amerifat?
I've asked this once or twice before with sub-par results, so I'll ask again. What the fuck spawned the fedora + katana + trench coat + neckbeard aesthetic? How did those things come to be amalgamated into a popular look amongst the lower white castes?
So now it's cool to pretend Spurlock's experiment wasn't shady as fuck considering he has refused to release his health data which is the crux of his argument?
...in response to circumstantial evidence provided in the film. Considering the fact that he doesn't consider himself obese, when he very clearly is, it speaks volumes as to why he doesn't notice the obesity epidemic.
>meat + bread + mayonaisse
>americans call it a salad
I wonder why you're all fat
the matrix + anime + autism
>the matrix + anime + autism
Are you sure that that sums things up entirely?
no he pre emptively self-metooed which is like the genius judo way to get away with immoral behavior
ehhh, this scenario would really only apply to people with shitty jobs. if you do something smart you'll always find an employer who will give you time off as compensation. unless the entire US market crashes, i don't worry about not getting enough vacation time at all.
bro we are literally the fattest 1st world nation, you gotta take the L and realize the yuropoors get to dunk on us for this one
it is absolute US cope, plus realize only the fattest and most freakish US citizens are on Yea Forums
dumbass, and projecting about the schizo stuff imo
>expect jaw dropping revelations
like what eating fired chicken everyday isn't good for you
this line of reasoning makes no sense. So USA is the only first world country in the world incapable of providing healthcare for its people? Why is this the case? Does the 54% muttblood prevent you from running a functioning bureaucracy?
what did modern food mean by this?
they forgot leg day
No one has said fried chicken is a better alternative. Nice anti-chic-fil-a propaganda. I'm sure there will be something about politics.
>tfw get 5 days paid vacation every fucking 2 years
I mean the pay's solid and it's not like I have an actual fucking life or reason to take vacation so it ain't that bad but still
>be chronic alcoholic
>go to doctor
>he says your liver is damaged
>blame ronald
Woah. Dude. Fatty food bad!
>Counts every potential day serfs weren't working
>Ignores weekends which account for 104 days off per year by themselves.
>Serf work was seasonal by nature, you might as well compare office workers to mall Santas.
Haven't watched it yet, but prior to, I'll say that as long as you regulate your eating habits then eating fast food is perfectly acceptable. Most people just don't have self-control or discipline to do so.
>if you know more than one fast food place you're too far gone in fatassery to realize what's wrong
Do you take anesthetics every time you see a sign or commercial?
Have diet
It's really surreal to be a 130-ish lb hungry skeleton and have people call me an obese blob
It was designed to fail since he tacked on that rule of getting a liter sized soda with every meal.
He could've literally ate the healthiest food on earth and still fuck himself up.
On 30 Days this retard tried to live off of minimum wage, but took two days off of work to go see a doctor about his headache.
>"it took hours to find this footage" is total bullshit.
Agreed. I work in a superstore and could easily find several obese people at almost any time. This guy tries to imply that the footage is manipulated to make the problem worse than it seems while going to recreational locations on what looks like a hot day where people have to walk. If it's somewhere where food is then you can sure as hell find fat people.
>have diet
that footage wasn't taken recently
absolute brainlet here. the $32T price tag is less than the $34T we're already paying. read a book dummy!
looks shooped.
p much yeah that nails it
I know it wasn't but that would still hold true. He's just as manipulative as the "anti fast food propaganda" is
>you, several standard deviations from the mean
>"this mean is wrong because i'm different"
being raped and pillaged
If this jewnigger goes for chick-fil-a its over for him
It's not a mean when someone who is directly replying to me is calling me obese
Yeah, it's just plain mean!
Reminder that he lied about his calorie intake to make a more dramatic transformation. No combination of menu items added up to the calories he claimed to take in.
Bet he goes hard on Chik-Fil-A most of all like the lying libcuck he is.
Honestly this looks pretty entertaining. I don't expect any Revelations but I'll still watch it
Dreadful title though
I never knew the jewish brainwashing of americans was this bad. They will genuinely get angry defending the mass produced poison they get fed like slop by their corporate overlords
Damn, he must be really down on his luck if the dairy industry could pay him off to slander chicken like that.
thoes are some russled jimmies
>rent $825
>internet $20
Is this from 1995?
dude, this is Yea Forums. Genocide needs anything but moderation.
>we only hate fat people cuz we raciss af
This is literally an argument he uses in his movie. He's also a Jew.
>2 hour retort
no thanks i'm not retarded. super size me is a fucking movie i know fast food is unhealthy who doesnt
remember that time morgan spergelock drove around the middle east looking for bin laden and then just abruptly ended his movie? this man is a master of filmaking
no because non americans don't have giant tv screens in real life forcing commercials down your throat
Most people seem to think if they have money they should spend it. They don't save up. I know a guy who makes 85k/y and sometimes barely makes rent because he spends basically all his money every paycheck. Meanwhile I make half his salary and I have enough money saved for a down payment on a modest house.
So he's making another film with what is essentially the same message?