What are some great boat kinos?

What are some great boat kinos?

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Battleship Potemkin, Lifeboat, Master and Commander, Jaws and (somewhat) Das Boot. Now fuck off.

no i only wanna watch das boot

Movies women don't understand?
or does her boyfriend like Speed 2?

Pirates of the Caribbean
The lifeboat sequence in Unbroken was pretty kino
In the Heart of the Sea

We have this thread literally every day

This is literally the 2 minutes hate for incels

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Does Apocalypse Now count as a boat movie?

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Das Boot

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>highway patrol
>fucking machine guns on the boat
How can I get this job

That navy movie with Kelsey Grammar

Perfect Storm

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yo dawg I heard you like guns

top movies your girl wants to watch
>Whore Whore Whore
>Whore finds a Chad, cheats on him, they get back together
>The Office again

Master and Commander and - somewhat overlooked - All Is Lost ft. Robert Redford in silence on a sinking yacht for an hour and a half. Fookin top film.

Don't women love Life of Poo

>Apply and get hired on at a PD with a marine patrol unit
>Do 3-5 years as a line officer
>When there are openings for specialty positions like marine, off-road, motorcycle or other apply for it.



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the bus that couldn't slow down 2(starring a boat)

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A Night to Remember
African Queen

ghost ship

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>only 3 flicks made before 2000
>almost all movies are American
>almost all have a budget above $20 million

Its true, this is a thread for venting against the most oppressed class in society.

Its an evil activity

i dont get it
literally children

Cutthroat Island

Also has one of the best Pirate/Boat soundtracks ever composed.

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>Top Movies Your Girlfriend Wants to Watch
>whatever is on the Screen while she checks her insta on her phone
>whatever is on the Screen while she sleeps

Yup. The big difference between male and female power fantasies is that men want physical power (being a hero, leading an army) while women want social power (Having two men fighting over them, becoming an unofficial [key word there] leader)

It's one of the reasons why female oriented media so often have a love triangle while male oriented media have a single girl that the hero eventually wins over.

>action film
>superhero film?
>adventure film
>another action film
>period drama
Are we going to act like superhero films don't have a HUGE female following?

It’s Boat a Pixar Film?

Sounds like a shitty Cars spinoff

I wish they were in HD quality

But when you like an indie film or something less known

>wow user, those movies look so pretentious and boring

Boats is my favorite movie desu.

Those rude pouches are sticking their tongues out at me >:(

Just found the movie she was talking about

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Polish film Rejs
It's about two con men who take over a cruise boat and mess around with the passengers.