Has anyone here tried watching actual tv lately? The commercials are so fucking out of hand. The /vast majority/ of the show is commercials, sometimes I'll forget what I'm watching because they've been going for so long. How did we get here?
Has anyone here tried watching actual tv lately? The commercials are so fucking out of hand...
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think about who is watching cable/atenna tv these days, old boomers, geriatrics, and middle aged house wives
thus all commercials are ASPCA (fuck you), medicine commercials, MESOTHELIOMA, and seen-on-tv cheap chinese shit.
somes ONE commercial has a 2min airspace so all you see is that one before the show comes back
There's certainly more of those types lately, but it's still adapted to the station itself (toy commercials for cartoon network and stuff). It just becomes so disturbing after a while that it's standard for people to sit and have giant corporations fish in their pockets for entire eight minute slots of time
I mean if you watch 50s and 60s shows you'll see even then they were about 22-24 minutes long, so youre figuring 6 mins of commercial even then...
The platform is eating itself up (and that's a good thing)
Speaking of Cartoon Network, the last straw for me for TV as a whole was when they started putting commercials not just between segments, but literally in the middle of already only 11 minute long cartoons.
Not only they're a lot in quantity but some of them promote jewish leftist propaganda like race-mixing.
One of the few things I watch if I turn the tv (well, not anymore since I moved out and don't have cable) is watching south park on Comedy Central and they had the nerve to cut the episodes right before they end with other comedy central shows commercials (almost always the obnoxious female stand-up, and the Key and Peele show)
It also affected youtube videos. There are more commercials and last more too.
I was watching a south park marathon and they came back from the between show break, played the theme, and then went on break again and if I didn't use cspan for background noise that would've been it for me
I know I'm going to get tons of flak for saying this, but I've actually started watching archives of video game streamers on my second computer monitor for background noise. They're like six fucking hours long and one guy comes out with three or four a week. Then you can just pause it and turn on things you actually want to watch without worrying about losing the plot or whatever.
Might want to consider how you're dividing your attention
I got rid of cable because the only shit I watched was sports and I couldn't justify spending over $100/month for sports
Yeah, I'm sure my Yea Forums posts are suffering for it. I turn it off when I'm actually doing anything, obviously.
>But your brain did
You can find kike propaganda on about sixty percent of commercials nowadays I'd say. It's ALWAYS something whether it's an interracial couple, a strong woman who don't need no man, or their favorite: a wimpy beta white male who doesn't know how to do something and has to be taught by the intelligent and rational black man who uses the product the commercial is for
I've always found it very interesting how 'cutting the cord' is less "Cable companies are horrible and too expensive and I want to watch less TV anyway" and more "There's just nothing on TV I watch any more so I might as well just cancel."
>White male does something stupid/outrageous
>Sensible woman or minority shows him product.
>White male either acknowledges the wisdom of the woman/minority or continues being an ignorant oaf, leading to embarrassment or injury.
There, that's 80 percent of commercials today.
30min long show is around 20-22mins long
so almost 1/3rd of it is commercials
1hr long show is around 40-43mins long
again almost 1/3rd of the show is commercials
I remember when they tried to bring back Toonami, after watching downloaded shows marathoning entire season in one sitting with no commercials. And you pay about $100 a month for this commercial-infested trash.
That's the dilemma if you watch little tv but you really enjoy it. You start questioning if it's worth it paying for watching only a few things, while all the rest is garbage
>background noise
What the hell kind of NPC behaviour is this? Every low IQ moron I work with has revealed that they literally have some form of media blaring at them every waking minute of their lives. They are on their phones the second their coffee breaks begin; you have to navigate around them because they aren't watching where they are going, I've even seen these fuckwits bump into doors. Their radios are always on in the car, then I found out from some of them that as soon as they get home they put the TV on for "background noise". I mean god forbid you have even a few minutes a day to ruminate about life and think about your situation, plan ahead, what you could do better. Instead we drown out our brains with multiple inputs of media at a time.
Like holy shit are you faggots so afraid to be alone with your thoughts that you need to turn a night light on to keep the shadows away? Try enjoying one thing at a time and taking a couple minutes inbetween activities to actually THINK and maybe you'll process some information and become an actual thinking, self aware being instead of a gluttonous digital animal.
It's all gambling commercials here in Norway, often back to back
That or female hygiene
Wow, you've changed my life user. Thanks.
I don't like having emptiness to ruminate on what an awful piece of shit I am thank you very much user
>Like holy shit are you faggots so afraid to be alone with your thoughts that you need to turn a night light on to keep the shadows away?
Unironically yes. Most people aren't ready to face the shadows yet, but a fool who persists in his folly will become wise. There's a turning point for everyone
They have all been trimmed down or sped up to fit more commercials. Yes, they always broke for them, but never to the current extent. They literally can't run uncut original speed shows from the 70s and before anymore.
I see you haven't taken your pill this morning user
>which causses less people to watch TV
>so they increase commercials
>which causes less people to watch TV
>so they increase commercials
they really need to figure out something else to do
it's absolutely dire
>implying the next generation of marketing hasn't already started with targeted adverts
TV adverts are old trash shit, now you can advertise directly to people who are very likely to buy your product
>Like holy shit are you faggots so afraid to be alone with your thoughts that you need to turn a night light on to keep the shadows away?
I was forced to do this a while ago and it was tough. Sometimes I sleep better and easier with all lights and devices off, other times its the other way round. It's weird.
Fortunately I got gf that sometimes comes over and sleeps with me, this kills that anxiety that sometimes appear caused by the dark and loneliness. Furthermore it made me appreciate more the space I have when I sleep alone, especially considering I have a small bed
imagine being so dumb you literally cant think while watching a tv show
I’ve noticed some shows that have been on for a long time (ie COPS) are not only shorter per episode when compared to older seasons, but the intro/theme will be shortened and sometimes even sped up in order to fit more commercials in. Despicable.
i like throwing on kitchen nightmares while i shitpost, gets me in a bantering mood
I watch cable tv, but I do it through pvr.
Who the fuck watches commercials?
Blame the networks. Price of cable hasn't gone down because the networks force ISPs to bundle their channels together instead of letting people pay for only the channels they want. These same networks have their hand in streaming which they have more control over, so they benefit either way. Pushing people away from cable probably benefits them more which is why they're doing it.
The thing about shadows is that they disappear once you look at them. Sure it may be terrifying, but if you look closely enough you'll realize their insubstantiality.
Your consciousness is like a flashlight that drives away the dark. Nothing can hide in the shadows if you turn on the light.
i cant stand people who walk down the street with their phones out. like watch where you're fucking going dude
Didn't watch actual tv for ~10 years now desu.
I can't watch live tv anymore because of ads. Its obnoxious. My parents unironically watch tv a day late because they just record everything and then fast forward through ads.
I have no fucking idea how much bullshit ad agencies are feeding to people to keep companies paying them millions for something so useless and hated. IIRC Facebook itself got into trouble because it was vastly overstating the value of its ads to businesses.
What the fuck do you know about consciousness mother fucker?
this cunt is acting like he is floating above the rest of us with his wisdom and insight, get the fuck out of here
What get me is the adverts inside of an advert. Shit makes my blood boil, it's mostly an advert with a product that somehow shoehorns in a movie advert.
Dont own any sort of cable package at home, mostly rely on streaming services/dvds to watch stuff. Theres a used entertainment chain across the street from me that has thousands of dvds/blurays, most are pretty reasonably cheap.
My favorite thing to do whenever I travel is getting in my hotel room, turning on the TV and letting the shit roll. A&E, AMC, Discovery, TNT, whatever. Theres usually Law and Order or some shit on one of them and I just marathon until I sleep. Commercials are one of my favorites, because I usually only see them every 5-6 months and its a whole new batch. Shit is wild sometimes, but i cant imagine being forced to see them everyday
Local news stations for me during travels. Get a lot better sense of the area
yep I feel you on this, when you haven't watched TV for ages the adverts are so fucking weird
I always end up laughing at the stupid funny ones, but imagine seeing the same ad for the 20th time
>The thing about shadows is that they disappear once you look at them
Lmao i bet you thought this was a fucking intelligent comment or something. Fucking hell. You mean shine a light on them. Jesus christ what a cringe post.
For me, I only watch local channels in foreign countries.
Went to India on a business trip and was lifting while watching incredibly over the top indian soap operas. Fucking hell they were bad. But it was so ridiculous I ended up spending like 10 minutes between exercises because I was engrossed by the thousands of reaction cuts at every revelation (and there were lots of revelations)
Was that such a radical proposal that you had to get mad, like I was talking down to you? It was simple advice, to be taken or disregarded, based on my own experience. I'm the same as everybody else, which is why I have no reason to believe I can do anything that you can't
What do you know about human consciousness? Do you have any fucking expertise in this area or were you just grandstanding like a twat
Expertise? If you mean professional insight, any honest scientist would admit we don't have a clue what consciousness actually is. I'm not pretending to have an answer to that at all, so I'm not sure why I suddenly have to defend myself here. All said is what happens, in my experience, when I direct my attention towards things that are unpleasant to look at. I've spent years trying to get to the bottom of myself, and I'm sharing one of the things I've found to be true (for me). Like I said, advice to be taken or disregarded. If I appeared to be speaking in some professional capacity, that was not my intention
>having/watching TV in 2019.
i havent watched a commercial since like 2005? 2006?
It's the nielsen system in action. People with nielsen boxes are going to watch TV. Then you take that number and multiply it by the number of TVs. If people really weren't watching TV that would show up with our nielsen families right? When obviously it fucking wouldn't. But since there somehow still isn't a way to actually measure things past that, it perseveres.
it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't start using the most annoying music with volume somehow amped up to 5x your normal tv volume. i had an idea for a smart tv app that could run in the background that would mute the volume when the commercial went on. the trigger would be the volume change
>Like holy shit are you faggots so afraid to be alone with your thoughts that you need to turn a night light on to keep the shadows away?
yes i really enjoy my inner monologue reminding me that i fucked up my entire life 24/7
yeah, try spending half your life with no other option fucko
this needs to be talked about more often
almost everyone has turned almost full tard
Between commuting, working, basic hygiene, socializing and sleeping there really isn't much time to keep abreast with with current news in re of politics so that I may make an informed decision when I get to vote lol without cutting into my sleep, let alone acquire an education lol.
after having gotten accustomed to netflix and the use of the PS4 to view youtube and shit, ive become intolerant of regular TV because the commercials are fucking irritating
i dont want regular tv except to get the local weather
>to get the local weather
there's an app for that
i don't mind ads when its free like over the air tv but i mostly use streaming stuff anyways
I only watch cable when I go back to my parents house but even I only use it for sports never actual programming unless reruns of Seinfeld are on.
Learn to differenciate between "you" as a stream of thoughts" and "you" as a observer of your own thoughts, like when you say "i cant stand myself anymore" there are 2 different "you" there.
You're right.
They all have streaming services coming out. Cable will be dead by 2025.
Ironically, "They all have streaming services coming out" will actually drive people back to cable. It'll stop being cheaper and more convenient when people have to subscribe to ten fucking services.
>Thinking you can make informed votes when every piece of information you could glean from media is controlled
Nigga just don't vote, let's see what happens when participation is
Then the cable assholes with coordinate streaming bundles and we'll be right back in the same old mess, just with new names for the old channels. Then they'll start adding commercials back in.
My favorite is the heart medicine commercial where the father is healthy enough to watch his daughter marry a negro and end his bloodline.
It's because they're never in deep thought. They're also uncreative and can't think for themselves. They are conditioned to be consumers 100% of the time.
I never understood kids who could listen to music or tv while doing homework. They were morons.
I haven't watched broadcast TV in 15 years. Yes I'm that cool.
I wouldn't mind it if they weren't usually two minute long PSAs about adoption, diabetes, and trannies
If you're oh so intelligent, wtf do you have to show for it. You're a fuck up who has to cling to something arbitrary and retarded just so you can feel superior to others.
How about trying to feel superior based on concrete and relevant factors, like genetics or something.
I can never shake the feeling of how out of touch I feel being the only person who doesnt have shit to look at on their phone during downtime, or a lull in the conversation. I have no facebook/twitter/etc. and I really don't know what else to look at on my phone so I usually just sit there and think, or take a look at the scenery while I wait for the people around me to turn back on and say something. I feel alone even surrounded by friends/family.
>doesn't improve his life and instead puts on flashing lights, bright colours and funny noises to make his conscious go away
i can't think of a single commercial like this off the top of my head. i guess they don't stand out to me because I'm not an insecure incel.
I hadn't watched Yea Forums since around 2010 until recently, when I discovered some weird NBC affiliate channel called Heroes and Icons on channel 6-3 (six dash three). It shows nothing but late 90s and early 2000s kino like Nash Bridges, House, Monk, and at night they have one episode of every golden age Trek airing back to back with each series in chronological order. They're all in 1hr time blocks so there's no more advertising than when they originally aired, and the commercials are all class-action lawsuit commercials and "as seen on TV" products aimed at boomers.
I typically watch a movie, market futures, read journals / manga and browse Yea Forums all at the same time with 4 monitors :d......
also do sleep with the light on because unironically shadow people .... ;_;
On one hand I like the idea of watching shows live. I grew up with it and am pretty used to it. But trying to watch TV now is unbearable because it feels like the amount of commercials has doubled.
>look at all you idiots breathing and walking at the same time, are you really incapable of just standing still and breathing? You really have to be moving all the time?
You are literally mentally handicapped.
my brother is like this, we give him shit for it all the time. he has adhd but I don't know, it's creepy. like he has CNN blasting while he goes from one outrage click bait article to the next, gets blackout drunk and does it all again the next day.
it's always on at the parents house, or at asian restaurants, or in the car mechanics lobby, etc... i can never escape.
live television is really fucking weird after you don't watch it for some years. it's so fucking LOUD. like, even if you turn it down, it somehow still cuts through.
Von Neuman used to blast TV in background while he worked and he was smartest dude ever.
can you, um, have sex?
I wish they were required to list out what is and isn't a paid product placement or whatever in movies because movies are fucking full of ads too. even the avengers movie features an e-tron paid product placement and they edited the sounds of the vehicle to make it more pleasing to the audience so not only is is a paid commercial but it's a misleading one at that
Most Nielsen boxes are in retirement homes. Hence why all the ads are for SPCA, AARP, class action, and prescription drugs.
I bet this guy doesn't get high 24/7 either
been friends with a dude for over 2 decades so past the point of giving him shit about his life when i'm not around, but one night i went over to his place to find that he had CNN and sports muted on one monitor, a youtube video with audio and twitter on his other monitor, and was playing the spiderman game on a tv off to the side of them. how the fuck people got to this point i will never understand.
You sound just like a friend of mine.
That spoke to me on a deeper level.
The sports suck, tv news sucks (all they can do is harp on the same undeveloping story for 8 hours), the youtube video sucks, and the video game sucks. But all four at the same time distracts from how much each of them suck.
Myself I’m usually playing a video game, watching something, and posting on Yea Forums.
Honestly, I only care about the commercials that play into my fetish.
I mean I agree with you, but what the fuck else am I going to do on my break or while driving in my car? I hate driving with no music, and when I'm on break I'm not just gonna sit there like an autist doing nothing.
I just need to hear the sound of someone elses voice sometimes
I remember watching a video about a social experiment (an actual real one in a lab by doctors and not a zoomer street prank) where they found 60% of people would literally rather electrocute themselves with a painful shock rather than sit alone in a quiet room for 15 minutes with nothing else to distract them from their own thoughts.
I guess in 2019 you're the abnormal one for NOT being miserable.
>Looking up info on Nielsen families
>Website says they've been doing this for over 90 years.
>Been using the same exact technology for TV ratings since the fucking 50s
Jesus Christ. It made sense back then when there literally was no other way but how the hell are nielsen ratings still a thing?
I'd like to see that study because I'd subject myself to the shock, but it's not about the "being alone with my thoughts" part that does it, it's the "wasting 15 fucking minutes I'll never get back doing absolutely nothing" part. Also 90 percent of studies like these that you see are conducted with college students as subjects, which are hardly representative of the population as a whole and a serious flaw with psychology and sociology in general.
I feel like you aren't playing the right videogames, oddly enough it seems like the games I like are getting better but that is after 10ish years of the Japanese game industry getting it's shit back together. DMC 5, MHW, RE 2 remake for Capcom. Platinum is going full swing about to have another Sauare Enix title that may also be a new IP. Pokemon is dying out so the Digirevolution has Begun, and Metal Wolf Chaos is coming out this year. Another recently successful Kickstarter game released with Hardcore Mecha.
Movies and internet videos is hard to speak for. Cinema is imploding, and internet videos fluctuate.
>tfw never even owned a cellphone and feel like the last unaugmented human in a cyberpunk movie since people spend 24/7 on them including literally during sex or in the shower
I'd want to torture myself too if I was an american college student
Sometimes I listen to electronic ""music"" with female singers because it's the only time I here a woman's voice.
I sometimes watch American channels or listen to the local US military radio.
You guys have super brains? The constant cuts and changes every second are insane, I can't keep up with that shit as a Euro.
>Imagine NOT torrenting in 2000+10+9
Poor boomers
It's 2019, gramps, if you're not on a private direct downloads forum then I don't know what to tell you.
>muh sekret club
Have fun depending on 3rd world brazilians to seed things to you at 20KB/sec
>have 1/3 of your time devoted to commercials
>speed up the show to make room for more commercials
>shove the credits aside and make them unreadable to make room for more commercials
>put ads at the bottom of the screen during the actual program for your own network's shows so you can make room for more commercials
>every show has about 5 minutes of actual content, with the rest explaining what's going to happen after the next commercial or explaining what happened before the last commercial
>cable providers trying to prevent you from skipping commercials on programs recorded on PVR
>have to pay an exorbitant subscription fee on top of all this
>have to get channel packages when you only want one or two shows from each
Who the fuck can unironically tolerate TV anymore
Jesus, just how terrified of your own thoughts are you?
Meanwhile, you (man)children watch youtube and streamers and capeshit and anime endlessly, which are all nonstop commercials shilling a product/toy/muhpatreon/game/donations.
Play/check your phone during adds like everyone else
Don’t know why you are getting downvoted. I’m guilty of the background noise thing only occasionally though. I mainly do it if I’m feeling lonely.
>watching the (((television)))
Literally me.
If we didn't hate ourselves so much we could be friends but we'd probably just suicide pact or shoot up a Wendy's or something
Do situps while you watch tv and squats during commercials
Worked pretty good thus far
>I don't like having emptiness to ruminate on what an awful pile of shit my species is
i'm not a background noise person, and i know there's nothing to to think about anymore. nothing to "figure out." you work your shit job at some shit company for shit money, have your shit family, pay your shit bills, worship whatever nothing shit that appeals to you, eat your injected shit food and drink literal shit water. you go from one shitty societal routine to another until you can't. what else do you actually believe there is?
>still watching television
>not torrenting the specific episode you want and watching it commercial-free
i only ever watch like 3-4 shows a year anyways
Think about it like a casino or a theme park. The whole thing i designed to overload your senses and lower your guard so you can be convinced to spend money. Blame Edward Bernays.
The only tv I've watched is My 600 lb life. But the season ended already.
Sounds pretty based to me. If I watched TV much, I would try to watch that channel.
Who the fuck listens to tv for background noise when there’s this thing called music? It’s noise designed to be pleasant to listen to. Try it sometime.
There is a solution to this.
Stop being American.
I cut the cord and use Pluto TV and it used to have short commercial breaks until Viacom bought it. The commercial break time is extended longer and they show these terrible SJW ads and a fucking CNN this is an apple ad, EVERY fucking break! It's a nightmare.