I guess being WOKE doesn't pay that much huh?
I guess being WOKE doesn't pay that much huh?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Witcher is going to be kino
check the catalog before posting
It gave us the best series to date and that was all that mattered.
Fucking retarded zoomers.
The bubble is about to pop. They expanded as fast as they needed too to survive, but now with all the woke bullshit and getting shit wrong for diversity points, it's going to start a loss in subscribers. It's all about to end, and it will be magnificent. Next will be the Disney, DC and HBO streaming wars and it will end when Reddit and Sois have finally had enough of comics.
I canceled mine a month ago.
I got tired of paying for basically 1 or 2 new movies a month.
>being WOKE
Yeah it's probably /pol/ buzzwords, and but price hikes that made them miss AQ
I love this delusion. No one thinks like this except for you autists
>people unsubbing
>disaster of a witcher show just around the corner
is this the end for Netfucks?
>Trump gives Netflix billions in tax cuts
>They still hike up prices
>Yea Forums: “CaPiTaLiSm IsNt BrOkEn”
I don't know what normiebook edgy friend sent you here, but you need to go back. Average people are tired of all this mis-casting gender/race swapping bullshit. It serves no purpose but to placate morons and stir up controversy for free advertising and as a vanguard against a failure. 'Oh it failed because of Racism/mysoggyknee/incels"
Netflix doesn't exist to make money.
>I have to spend 13 instead of 12 dollars of mommy's money every month to get more entertainment than I could ever consume
Oh the humanity
killing threads is their goal, user
what does it then?
>Entertainment prices increase
>“it’s only a couple of dollars”
>Insurance premiums increase
>“it’s only a couple of dollars”
>Grovery bills increase
>“it’s only a couple of dollars”
>Utilities payment increases
>“it’s only a couple of dollars”
>Cost of goods increase
>“it’s only a couple of dollars”
See how you’re retarded yet? If everything individually increases by a “couple of dollars” then it’s a fuckton of money. But go ahead and keep voting against your economic interests.
>Average people are tired of all this mis-casting gender/race swapping bullshit. It serves no purpose but to placate morons and stir up controversy for free advertising and as a vanguard against a failure. 'Oh it failed because of Racism/mysoggyknee/incels"
Once again, no they're not. Only you autists are
>best series
its litterally swedish Stranger Things, its just as bad.
The only good thing they done is going out of business.
>The Witcher is going to be kino
how does raising taxes lower prices?
Imagine not having $13 a month to spend.
man, i knew cuckflix was dead in the water but i still wasn't smart enough to short it. it's probably not too late 2bh
You have no clue about my economic interests user.
>liberal chapocel thinking their opinion is ubiquitous
No one really likes the race swap bullshit. Blacks liked Black Panther, because he was always a black man. He wasn't raceswapped in because Hollywood thinks they can just cast a nigger and call it a day for diversity. When all it shows is that Hollywood thinks black original characters cannot stand on their own.
Dissemination of propaganda.
>bitching about /peel/
>complaining about capitalism
>le epin ironic altering caps 'message you should disagree with'
we got sóy inbound
how does voting affect this stuff? just chose not to buy it.
You should get out of your twatter bubble.
This, but people surely but slowly is not falling for it's propaganda anymore.
whew lad you need to step off social media or a university campus for a change. people are fed up with it.
Because you tax the rich so the middle and poor class don’t have to pay as much. Also means more money for fundamental programs.
Netflix is $16 a month. Imagine not having basic google skills.
>”It’s my economic interest to be poor so corporate overlords can afford their 3rd yacht” - user, 2019
>your brain on r/theDonald
You should get out of your /pol/ bubble
>you're automatically /pol/ if you feel estranged/disenfranchised from blatant virtue signaling in the media
they could charge me $50 a month and itd still be less than cable in my area.
>N-no u as a retort
Imagine caring what netflix costs.
>if I gaslight an obvious tranny post as thedonald it will totally own those conservatives!
Yeah, because you had such a compelling argument to begin with. Don't reply to me again, retard
It has nothing to do with /pol/ you fucking brainlet.
>it's because they're woke
how does raising taxes lower the cost of netflix?
>the middle and poor who now have to pay higher taxes ontop of paying more to cover losses for the rich who provide said services
basement dwelling /pol/ autists are the only ones that care about this so called "controversy." What about that do you not understand?
communism will never work chapotard
>You lived to see the death of Netflix
feels good man
>It’s my economic interest to be poor
Not everyone's a poorfag you commie fuck.
Despite the loss, I did enjoy NETFLIX-produced Unicorn Store
How western civilization hasn't started throwing you creatures into mental institutions yet.
It doesn't. That poster's a retard and thinks taxes will subsidize literally everything.
That said, Netflix will only lower their prices or offer pricing promos if they see mass subscriber exodus to backtrack on increased prices. There is no future for Netflix's profitability, though. I don't even see them paying back their investors. I do see chapter 11 bankruptcy in their future, though.
>erecting a strawman this hard
>Don't buy insurance, food, utilities or clothes
>literally "need mo monies for dem programs"
lmao you fuckin nigger
>hmm this seems like something all of /pol/ would hate
>even though /pol/ is full of wildly differing views
>then I'm going to say that only /pol/ cares about it and completely ignoring the people who aren't /pol/ and who don't like netflix just the same
This is such a logical fallacy it's unreal. What you're saying is complete and utter nonsense. First you set up a strawman, then an "Either or" statement. Fuck off nigger.
Netflix has been in debt for years. As much as it hurts me to say they will keep shilling their garbage everywhere. They still have stranger things,mindhunters,13 reasons why, daredevil,you,ozark,narcos,the punisher,altered carbon,the oa
Were not almost there but I believe were still getting there
I wonder the same thing about you retards
>even though /pol/ is full of wildly differing views
why does every fucking netflix production look so cheap despite costing a fortune to make?
Ah yes the typical, "i'll just post this shitty NPC meme because I can't refute" thanks for you concession.
Unironically hiring people with little experience.
This. If I don't like it I skip over it. That's it. Only /pol/-tier people are stupid enough to rage at some shit you can just skip over. Why anger yourself by seeking vile?
You don't have to wonder about that, we outnumber you ten to one.
Seething communist. 5 more years :)
Disney cancelled Daredevil, Stranger Things is shark jumped shit and literally no one gives a fuck about that other shit. Plus the earnings are now mathematically too slow to catch up to the debt they're in and we haven't even reached the utter bloodbath that'll happen when they lose Friends/The Office.
>b-b-but the debt and the subscriptions don't matter!! debt doesn't work the same way for tech companies! excelsior!!!
netflix lost. deal with it.
You can't possibly believe that
More delusion
>I have no idea what /pol/ actually is
You got fascists vs natsoc vs neo-cohens vs paleocons vs shills vs german cucks vs those weird masochistic lefties that love getting btfo vs the few remaining lolbergs vs t_d boomers vs q fags vs purpleanonfags. Just brazenly assuming they're all the same is a complete oversimplification.
>71 posts
>34 posters
Lmao you can stop samefagging any time
*saves netflix*
The problem with turning the entire internet into a libtard hugbox is that it really detaches you creatures from reality.
It feels like original garbage shows are cheaper than obtaining the licence to decent existing shows. Fuck netflix.
Whoa settle down im on your side guy
Go outside
It's hot and raining.
Are there going to be mass suicides when trump wins 2020?
> Why pay attention to a legitimate agenda being pushed. Why do you care that not only fictional characters are being re-written to have fewer Whites but big tech is going all out to diminish White history if it's positive. It's less about the fact they want more non-whites in their shows, but write whites out / replace them to meet a quota.
Google White Couple, White Inventors and Famous Europeans, click images. Then Swap out White/European for Black and African.
" If there were such a thing as a superior race, it's men would receive no sympathy or concessions. It's women would be highly sought after and people would demand to settle in its homelands.
>scrotum armor
Hes right tranny and you know it do us all a favor and kill yourself
Netflix and none of the other 30 would be walled gardens springing up in its wake are going to be profitable.
It feels like it because that is the case. Especially now, with an increase in these niche streaming services cropping up from the networks that own the licensing to these shows to begin with, they can essentially hold the property for ransom. I can't even imagine how much Netflix spent on holding onto The Office license for as long as they did versus one of their more average original shows.
*saves Yea Forums*
t. misogynists and sexists
the fuck do you think? it'll probably be civil unrest AGAIN, and Black Bloc will probably show their stupid ravenous faces once again
>execs think of it as a streaming renaissance
>everybody else thinks of it as "Siri, how do I pirate The Office?"
Woke has nothing to do with it retard.
it will probably recover a little bit from this point, it did last time it crashed
>kills DCEU
>kills Netflix
Is Cavill cursed?
They're just starting to pay the price of not owning most of their content as more companies end their distribution agreements with them. Their entire buisness model was not created for long term sustainability.
of this
To be fair he's going to win like 70% of the vote and most people are sick of this shit and will kill the rioters themselves.
The canary in the coal mine actually came before this. For the first time in years bittorrent rose as a percentage of overall web bandwidth instead of continuing its long decline.
No, they'll chimp out and break some windows and set some trash on fire. They're so useless that even suicide is too difficult for most of them.
What will happen is we'll see more of these services begin to struggle, shutdown, be bought or merge with others. When it's down to two or three that own the brunt of catalogs people care about, they'll jack prices way up and include advertisements to become profitable. My guess is on Prime, Disney and maybe one of the US telecoms for sticking out long enough to become a victor
Unironically kill yourself Gen Z roach. If you don't have the guts for suicide then remove yourself from the gene pool in other ways, e.g. chemical castration.
What did he mean by this?
See what I mean about projection? The tranny gets triggered and immediately thinks of suicide, as if the people who disagree with him would immediately jump to that "solution." Endless mental illness.
Damn sick comeback mate
Castration it is Gen Z roach.
No one is ever going to tax the rich lmao you are delusional
Its because they jacked up their prices.
>is best part of the DCEU
>was kino in MI: Fallout
More like blessed
>that pic
>stealing Dennis Hopper's lines from Waterworld
>you tax the rich so the middle and poor class don't have to pay as much
Lmaooooooooo a take so retarded it's actually based
Invite me to your discord you trainwreck
Cut off your dick roachie.
>triss is a mutt
>yennefer is half poo
>fringilla negro
Knew she couldn't hold a candle to the Vidya even with proper makeup
>tax doctors and pilot's more so college educated bartenders can afford Netflix
unless you really don't understand what the difference between income.and net worth is
?????? Invite me
they probably could have gotten more midwestern rural voters by not making 100% of their content so disgustingly liberal or coastal for lack of a better word, they already tapped out that market and are just doubling down instead of making God's still not dead
I'm not even part of generation z you delusional freak. Stop fantasizing about violence, it's not healthy and is going to get you hurt someday.
She can be an good writer and have this views, of course, BUT evidence shows that when an artist/writer/director is THIS obsessed with ''wokeness'' it'll show in their work and 9 out of 10 times is a detriment on the final product.
Now this is next level projection.
Normal people don't want to cut off their own body parts. That's a symptom fairly unique to your mental illness.
to be the only people who can make money
Why are you leftists complaining about raising prices?
The only reason prices are rising is because of central banking.
Anti-free market, anti-capitalist policy resulted in price increases.
This is what you wanted.
Why are you people so incredibly dumb?
Why do lefties like this try and gaslight by saying nigger or tranny when they are the ones that are holding the globohomo beliefs? Are they trying to fit in by saying nono words that would get them banned from reddit? Chapotards are so fucking cringe god damn.
Exactly. Zoomers aren't normal people.
>muh doctors and pilots
fuck them, if i can survive off $50k a year so can they
If you get upset about these words then you might be the lefty.
You commies are seriously mentally ill. Get help.
Theyre running out of things to say
That is an excellent way to drive qualified, talented and educated people out of the country.
Because they don't understand how monetary policy works and just believe taxing people more will solve everything.
Anyone who disagrees with me is mentally ill.
I also have that photo saved.
>expecting people to do one of the most demanding and dangerous jobs for the same pay as a hospitality worker
Lack of creativity / attempting to fit in.
>greetings fellow normal people, wouldn't it be cool if we all cut our dicks off today? niggers am i right?
I don’t. I’m asking why discord trannies will call an obvious right leaning poster a tranny. I guess shopping maga hats on npc memes carries over to text as well. The left literally can’t meme.
Bold of you to assume someone who calls you a tranny is a tranny himself.
Slightly better quality.
Interesting. For how many years have you been here, Not-Zoomer?
The final blackpill is that genetics are everything. You can give an inner city school 1 billion a year and hire the best teacher on earth and they will still have their shitty 80 IQ and nothing will change. Egalitarianism was the biggest lie ever told and we are still paying for it. The people make the culture/civilization and not the other way around.
That's because they are catering to the BLM, trannies, leftists sucks and minorities in general. Amazon prime is better. less white guilt/black movies
No I assume people who post in favor of communism, diversity and general globohomo bullshit trannys.
>Amazon prime is better
I agree and that's not even about agenda. They actually make quality shows
Yeah, it's cause they catered to SJWs, it wasn't
>competing streams
>losing Friends and The Office
>having a price hike
I assume someone who conflates anons is painfully new.
Realistically if netflix is losing any money the obvious reason is because of other companies like disney pulling movies and shows off netflix so they can start up their own paid service.
But this is Yea Forums so you have to pretend that anyone at all gives a fuck that black actors get put in movies and shows other than Yea Forums shitposters.
>people can only have profit oriented motivations
bugman thought
There is nothing really to watch on netflix, they need to start picking up or making good shows. Almost every new show they get on there is some C tier garbage.
One of Comcast and AT&T will be the leader of the big streaming bundle. Each has built itself a vertical integration model to disseminate their material. I think AT&T might be the winner if they can continue to get people on their cell phone plan and include DirecTV plus all the shows and movies WB provides.
I don't remember. Back when movies and television weren't a complete lefty trainwreck.
What are some kinos about voting for a guy who turns out to be a massive failure?
High functioning countries that American liberals idolize often have low taxes. Switzerland, Belgium and New Zealand dont even tax capital gains.
But you all sound the same. It's a side effect of worshiping a collectivist ideology.
I subscribed just to watch Midsomer Murders and I repeatedly re-watched that show but it's not worth it for that anymore
So not that long. Please tell us more about the customs and rites of Yea Forums, Zoomer.
I can guarantee you, not a single options investor ever said "get woke, go broke" and these are the whitest dude bros you can ever imagine
They will have their same hysterics as last time which will ultimately drive voters towards Trump
Reminder that book and game is not same
There are a lot of trannies on this website.
You mean The "We finna eastern yuros" Witcher?
Pretty sure it's a form of narcissism on Yea Forums's side.
I'm with you on AT&T, too. They've made the most moves by far in this market.
Obama gave Iran 150 billion
I see you've never been on r/wsb
So, you also have shit taste in entertainment.
Netflix hasn't made a profit yet.
Fuck the industry, they should be pushing physical copies, not charging for fucking digital distribution
>you all sound the same
Unlikely since I'm not a leftist. Did you know that having difficulties to tell people apart is a common sign of autism? You might want to get yourself checked, user.
They cloud it in fanciful language to get by HR. "Not meeting the market" is a common line that means pandering too much to women and homosexuals.
Shut up tranny
No one will admit this is the reason and focus on the politics of Netflix.
>I'm not a leftist
Why do so many leftists try to make this claim? Do you actually think it's fooling anyone?
What autism led you to this non-sequitur, Zoomy-kun? Enlighten uns.
no one on r/wsb gives a shit about SJWs. Only the spill over from The Donald do and everyone on wsb shits on them for the trade war.
There hasn't been a decent movie out in at least ten years.
He unfroze rightful Iranian assets in the US, it wasn't a raw payment of $150 bln from US taxpayers
Show me one thing I posted ITT that is even remotely left of center, you fucking autist.
What is it with you Gen Z mongs and blind tribalism?
It's an industry term that said they told their investors that they would have x subscribers by y date, but instead had z, which is less than x.
except they're not losing subscribers. just not gaining as many as they expected
all of those things should have been incorporated into their subscriber estimates
More over, anyone who actually knows about investment knows about the white girl index. A group of companies that succeed despite any market failures BECAUSE of SJWs and white women who spend money even when they are in financial disarray like SBUX.
There you go with the gen z nonsense again.
>ten years
>he's a Boxxyfag
As I said, Zoomy-kun, please share more of your wisdom.
It's this and the shitty catalogue of originals
that's literally not how it works, they had an estimate, they missed it
They really just have a horrible selection, how they pick shows is probably related to them going woke or how they write shows to be woke instead of good. Obviously there are some other factors, but the people making the decisions for netflix in what to pick up and what to make are doing really really bad jobs.
Maybe I was wrong about the lefty thing. You might actually just be retarded. Probably both.
I fucking wish. I bet you're phoneposting in this very moment.
Now show me the leftist shit I posted ITT, I'm curious.
Not the person you're talking to but just for the record every /pol/ poster i have seen acts and sounds exactly the same as SJWs it's hilarious.
>wtf there are no people of color in this movie this is an affront to LGBTQ people let's kick up a shit fit and refuse to watch the movie
>wtf there's a nigger in this movie? Fucking jews forcing propaganda this is an affront to white america let's kick up a shit fit and refuse to watch the movie
satan confirms, Witcher will be shit and Netflix is ending soon
Are you just grabbing random buzzwords to try to fit in?
Damn 13% seems knee-jerk as fuck, but the market is definitely not as Netflix dominated as it once was.
>y-youre retarded!!!
The newfag lashes out once struck.
Lel. Which one of my words was a random buzzword?
Have you tried addressing the actual post or are you going to continue posting non-sequiturs? This is getting tiresome.
Tech companies are inflated to high heaven, the expectation isn't that they hit the estimates, it's that they beat them. So missing them is a double whammy.
That's not even how that meme works...
I agree, all the videos on Jewtube shitting on it is going to be kino. So it's going to be kino indirectly.
Thank you for proving my point newfriend.
You're really, really bad at this.
>“CaPiTaLiSm IsNt BrOkEn”
Back to Twitter, nigger.
What a pathetic response. Try again.
It's mind boggling that people actually get paid for this.
This honestly doesn't bother investors nearly as much as when the realization that projected market shares for some of these tech companies won't meet the hype. Uber and now Netflix have been really hit hard.
You're not fooling anyone.
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
Thats what they do. And theyll keep going until they get the last reply in. Whether theyre discord trannies or some weird leftist group trying to “raid” they dont stop. And after this thread is pruned or archived theyll go to the next one with the same fucking pictures and the same stupid mentality
Well missing estimates usually pairs with lowered guidance
It's embarrassing watching you try and fail to fit in.
How am I trying to fit in moron enlighten me
I'm absolutely going to swing this, tendies on me tomorrow boys.
I don't get why they don't just hire someone to program them a bot. Even a half assed one would sound more like a human being.
Im waiting..
It's literally true. SJWs are extreme left and /pol/tards are extreme right, both are complete retards who make no sense and just get triggered over inane shit nobody cares about.
The only people who would disagree are /pol/tard types as SJWs contrary to popular belief, don't actually post here.
inB4 George Soros throws a ton of cash at Netflix like 3 years ago.
It's painfully obvious that you have no clue what you're talking about. It's quite sad really.
Not even a human being they sound like they dont even fit in here and I wonder what theyre endgame is because theyre not changing anyones views on politics here or “scaring” anyone off the site.
Its both really. Some idiot at netflix is focused way too much on politics because too much of the original shit is focused on such a small target audience. They are making too many politically motivated original shows but the main problem is nobody is interested in them. If they were a business and operated like one they would have cut back on them instead of doubling down and adding more of those elements to popular shows and running the risk of making them less popular. Only someone who was motivated by political goals and not by money would be doing such things.
Netflix had it in the bag. All they had to do was keep the shows everyone kept watching and greenlight a few very positively and generally marketed originals. If they wanted to get political they could have thrown in one show every cycle but they went full retard with it and totally forgot the casual and boomer audiences in favor of I don't even fucking know.
It's your kind who doesn't fit in. Tell me you haven't been here for less than 5 years.
You repeated the exact same shit you said in the last post but with different words you still havent answered my question
I have been here for more than 5 years actually. You idiots or idiot are really running out of shit to say
>another literal ‘no u’ akin to shopping a maga hat on an npc meme
Again, why do you discord trannys try and say nigger to fit in? Is it banned on your discord server? You aren’t fooling anyone, you’re a leftist screeching about zoomers to try and fit in and then you just project insults that don’t make any sense (calling right leaning posts trannies for example) to try and look like you aren’t on a raid/been on Yea Forums for 6 months. Nobody is falling for it and you’ll never be a real girl.
And you still haven't answered my question from 15 minutes ago. Curious.
I only paid for it because I was in a relationship and women would rather you get kiked by Big Jew than watch pirated shows/movies for some reason. Netflix offers nothing worth over $5/month.
Wrong on all accounts.
My turn: you're a Gen Z mutt who's posting from his phone right now. Am I correct?
>SJWs don't actually post here
You know that this is one of the most popular places on this internet right? Its top 4 places people post online about random shit. Every political ideology is represented here in one form or another even fucking ancaps and I fucking hate ancaps more than I hate communists.
Keep shopping maga hats on memes or shopping stonetoss comics with commie shit. The left literally can’t meme and it’s 5 more years of tears for you axewound, go fap to contrapoints.
I just got in this thread you werent talking to me but point at your post lets see your mind bending question
My line of arguing has been pretty consistent actually. It's you guys who keep deflecting to trannies, lefties and shills. You're just throwing shit out and hope that any of it is going to stick. Keep trying.
Been here since 2008, 100% white. Try again ‘ma’am.’
Are you even trying?
>deflecting again
Swing and miss, Zoomer.
I mean maybe some do and i am sure some browse but we're at the point where people act like 50% of the poster population are females or trannies which is just ridiculous.
Any chicks, trannies, or SJWs that post on Yea Forums are a tiny percentage at best but they're treated like some boogeyman that is always here and consumes the site.
>tfw you owned 10 grands worth when it was at 100 3,5 years ago. Fuck my life.
Because you’re a lefty and got called out.
You definetly fit at least one of those if not prove me wrong
>voting against your economic interests.
>this commie meme again
But I don't want to give all my money to brown women.
>since 2008
Prove it. What's the deal with walkingjuno?
Also post a screencap to prove that you're not phoneposting. The fact that you ignored that part is highly suspicious.
It's like it saw someone mention gen z and phone posting one day and decided to incorporate it into its script.
imagine spending $13 a month for netflix
>let's unpack this
Why do they all say this all of a sudden? Even tasteless on his broodwar casts have started doing it.
>implying this isn't how the fucking world works
holy shit you're naive
>did research on knowyourmeme before shitposting on Yea Forums
To be fair I canceled mine when it was still $10 or 12. But imagine not having $13.
You mean, tax white men.
I have a pair of balls as wrinkly as my grandmother's face, I didn't vote for a leftist party in any of the three elections I've voted in so far and no, I'm not getting paid to argue with you autists although right now I wish I was.
Imagine being triggered enough to make this image. And you hypocritical /pol/tards call others "snowflakes".
>he does it for free
These people you are arguing with literally worship the new age nu-religion of blank slate egalitarianism. They honestly believe all inequality between groups is socioeconomic and that a rat born in a stable is a horse. Until they shake off that false axiom they can start having real world beliefs. They have the chicken/egg paradox backwards when it comes to brown people being poor.
Ask me how I know you're not nearly as old as you say you are.
Invite to discord please
Holy fuck knowyourmeme trivia with a discord tranny.
Once you go Woke you go broke
Unfortunately so, but so do you.
Isn't this subversive kike 90 now?
Only subhumans and the mentally ill pay for digital distribution.
Wow that was hard to find first result on google!!
90 centuries since his blood pact
don't get too excited, his son takes after his father.
It really is a religion huh? Idpol is fucking cancer.
It’s going to be very close again.
Invite me please boomer how hard is it to send a link
funnily enough that headline is before he sold a shitton of his shares later that year
That's not the deal with walkingjuno but nice try, Zoomer.
Next time you're larping try saying you've been here since 2015 instead. It's easier to fake.
More like some serious competition is starting to crop up now and Netflix will be losing out on the Office by next year too
Im still waiting on that discord invite though
Normal people don't have discords, Zoomer.
Yeah but you do you crusty old fuck
The moderates and the apathetic are all voting trump in 2020. A lot of people didn’t even bother voting because of muh 99% chance of Hillary winning. The left has just got more insane in the past 3 years and moderates like me who didn’t vote in 2016 will do anything to make sure a candidate who literally wants illegals to have free healthcare or campaign in mexico never gets into the whitehouse.
I'm afraid I don't. Good luck with getting that invite though, you sound very eager to join the trannies.
Probably has less to do with going woke and more to do with their content and quality management being terrible.
Amazon has better movies, better shows, better originals, and more reasons to subscribe like the music and ebook shit as well as the order discount and free shipping shit.
SJWs are pretty fucking common. People just call anyone who defends trannies a tranny but their actual number is small and dropping by 40% every few years. There are virtually no women though. Plenty of people come here just to argue with people that disagree with them. You say that SJWs are some boogeyman and I've seen twenty posts that say /pol/ is a boogeyman and Yea Forums has always been primarily left.
There are plenty on both sides here and are never going to stop arguing until one side kills the other.
Yeah the *thought bubble* is going to burst. All these talking heafs, alt right, alt left, their platforms.... Its going to lose its novelty, people will lose interest in the nonsense and already are. Once that happens their value and the value of those platforms will be reset, same thing happened during the tech pop during early 2000's. There will be backlash against the constant out rage bait culture and everyone will just want to settle the Fuck down, kind of like the 80's after the 15 years of civil strife
Its cyclical really
Awww yes you do cmon don’t be like that grandpa
>Free healthcare for illegals
Its funny that is what made me decide I was voting Trump too and I didn't care up until exactly that point when I was at the gym and saw that shit. Its like they want me to vote against them and I really did not want to vote Trump.
Youll be dust soon you might as well share
There there Zoomer, let it all out.
If he didn’t behave like a retarded man baby every day then your 70% might have some merit. All it takes is for him to shut his yapper to boost his approval ratings.
What would the tax cuts have to do with Netflix's pricing strategy? As a corporation their literal only objective is to maximize shareholder value, they can't just be little faggots and make less than they could potentially just because their dominance makes soiboys mad
imagine having a fucking netflix subscription in the first place, anyways
It's more like every other major company is taking back their stuff and starting their own streaming service. Can't wait for this stream bubble to bust and all of them to die.
Democrats are literally brown people and the left wing fart sniffing ivory tower liberals who live in a 99% white neighborhood and think they are saving the world by letting in the whole third world. It’s funny, all of those antics fags are unemployed trust fund kids trying to get back at daddy. All normal people are sick of them.
>a candidate who literally wants illegals to have free healthcare or campaign in mexico never gets into the whitehouse.
What about a President who directly funds Islamic terrorism?
Funny thing is ive seen you argue here before old man. You said you were old and against /pol/ whatever the fuck. Why are you always here. No kids? Did your wife die?maybe you have no wife. Your parents are definetly dead so your here all alone talking to people 10-20 years younger than you. Kind of creepy dont you think
Oh no he said mean things :( that’s way worse than open borders and free healthcare we can’t pay for. Fuck the middle class orange man is mean :(
The rich vote Republican. Nice headcanon though.
>Its funny that is what made me decide I was voting Trump too and I didn't care up until exactly that point when I was at the gym and saw that shit. Its like they want me to vote against them and I really did not want to vote Trump.
I'm kinda stuck. On one hand, I like certain policies like free college. On the other, the Green New Deal is going to bankrupt the country.
What is a trad liberal to do?
Obama hasn’t been in office for three years now my tranny friend.
This is a prerequisite for the office desu
Y'all don't seem to get it
Everyone wants the alt left And right just to shut the Fuck up
No one cares
I'm 25, Zoomer.
Tell me more about the grandpa though, he sounds like hot shit.
Do you think open borders with a welfare state is good for the middle/lower class? This isn’t 1970 any more you politically illiterate retard.
>he's still in denial
You wouldnt lie on the internet would you? 25 is not even old. Yikes now your lying about your age too
I think all those words and phrases come from the gay and drag community
>spill the tea
Is a drag phrase
>25 is not even old.
Yeah it's not, at least I'm not a Zoomer though.
I think there's a difference between healthcare reform and a full-blown communist welfare state.
I said he was retarded. You can have someone against whatever buzzword word salad Fox is raging against who isn’t a fucking embarrassment and be content but nope it has to be this fat fucking dotard.
>free healthcare we can’t pay for.
Imagine actually believing this.
dilate tranny
deport all illegals and visa workers and indefinitely halt all future immigration. It would raise wages more than any other policy and lower the cost of housing, especially in places that need it the most like big cities.
The labor shortage or skills gap myth is propaganda that is pushed so companies can keep importing workers who work for less and have lower work standards. Something that I never see mentioned about immigrant workers is that they have lower work standards, an actual citizen can tell their employer to fuck off, visa worker has to work 16 hours a day if they are told.
AI and automation is supposed to remove tens of millions of jobs from the market in a few years, self driving cars alone are supposed to remove millions from the US market. Every extra person you bring in is going to make the damage done by automation that much worse than it has to be.
Most big cities would have a $15+ minimum wage due to supply and demand if my deportation and immigrant halting happened. Would corporate cock suckers bitch about the minimum wage being $15+ due to supply and demand with no minimum wage law increase? Of course they would! Wages are already depressed yet they are lobbying for immigrants and visa workers.
I hear conservatives say wages have to stay depressed so we can remain "competitive with places like China and India, the only reason those shit holes were able to get out of peasantry and become a threat is because the same people saying we need to keep wages depressed exported industry to China and India which gave them wealth and power and allowed them to become a threat. China now has the power to destroy the USA because the USA exported industry to them.
Mercantilist USA would have NEVER let China or any other country get better. Population might not be even half of what it is now too which would be more environmentally friendly than any other policy.
1 million new legals every year who would not vote for total deportation
Democrats are going to have a rude awakening in a decade or two when you have a Christian conservative Hispanic candidate that wins by a fucking landslide as he unifies both the remnants of the crumbling white demographic and the historically conservative and growing Hispanic demographic. Hispanics aren't like blacks. They didn't lose their culture and as soon as the have majority they are going to turn on the left because their values don't even remotely align its just that they currently benefit from the situation.
Are you REALLYYY 25? dont lie to me now i wouldnt want to throw your wrinkled ass in nursing home
This isn’t norway. We unfortunately have undesirables that are a net drain to society due to low IQ and 300 million people. It won’t work here. I do agree that our healthcare industry is a racket but free for all isn’t the answer.
I am, lol.
Well AoC and company are full blown socialist and they are starting to call themselves the real Dem party..
What are some good series according to you?
>They aren’t like the white conservatives calvinists who worship wealth but they still believe in hard work and improving the community through their faith
I don’t see the problem
>free college
Not needed. College should only be a thing for med students to begin with.
Make it so only US citizens can attend colleges and universities, doing so reduces demand which reduces cost.
Make it so the only classes required to complete a degree are classes directly relevant to the degree. A math major should only have to take math classes, an English major should only have to take reading/writing/literature classes. Doing so reduces the amount of classes needed which reduces the cost. People don't go to college to become "well rounded", they go because they believe they will make more money than if they don't get a degree.
Allow people to test out of classes at a greatly reduced cost. For example, if a programmer teaches them self the material in a bachelors of computer science program then they should be able to test out of each class and be able to get the degree without ever having to attend the class at a greatly reduced cost.
To implement my suggestions above, the government should give an ultimatum to public colleges, abide by the rules or lose all government funding and punish them in any other way possible, they might bitch and moan but they will abide. This wouldn't work on private colleges though
Unnationalize student loans so people can file bankruptcy on their student loan debt and so hopefully less loans are given out. A trick that current professors used is they filed bankruptcy once they got a tenured position, bankruptcy might not look good had a tenured position so it didn't matter.
Allow students to sue the college if they are not able to find a job or appropriate pay in their field after graduation.
Discourage companies from requiring degrees, most jobs that require a degree don't require one to be able to do the job, even high skilled positions like engineers and programmers.
Create a "bootcamp"(like the bootcamps that already exist for programming)system and bootcamp accreditation commission like there is for colleges.
>Well AoC and company are full blown socialist and they are starting to call themselves the real Dem party..
They're totally communist. Do the math.
In order for the Green New Deal to work on top of the government that we've got, we'd have to give 85% of our GDP for the next ten years to the government.
Even countries with almost 100% free Healthcare (Italy, France) are cutting back on it because most people are incapable of understanding that just because something is free it does not mean it is infinite and by extension worthless.
Idiots that have abused free healthcare for decades are destroying free healthcare. Guess what might happen in a country with millions of people that live a gibsmedat life and the highest obesity rate on the planet
>literal zoomer keeps calling people old enough to be his father zoomers
Maybe you should've shorted NFLX you fucking morons
Okay have a “free” health care service that young fit people pay into and use that old/sick people can also use that does not let overweight obese, alcoholics, illegal drug users in.
There is a that the countries full of them are crime riddled third world messes. They aren't particularly smart, easily corrupted and territorial. They have their good aspects yes but as shown it does not produce an effective society.
Zoomers are < 23.
american liberals aren't backwater retards that put no thought in, obviously the countries they idealize represent their ideology(simple logic) -- high tax rates nordic countries, canada, and UK. never heard someone idealizing switz, belgium, NZ, the scale is way too small to be applicable to US economy. may as well throw in luxembourg too. nobody brings these mickey mouse countries up
That is neither free nor universal as what you basically described was subsidized health care insurance.
How do Hispanics benefit from Republicans?
Dubs alert.
>american liberals aren't backwater retards that put no thought in
>free college
It's not. White men pay for it via taxes.
They don't. There isn't a group in America that Republicans despise more than Hispanics.
Those countries aren’t only 64% white and don’t have 350 million people.
They are naturally conservative and once they constitute more of the population then they will BE the republicans distributing benefits under the republic flag and basically depriving the democrats of their entire voting block because they don't align with their primarily christian and conservative values.
They also don't have America's GDP. What's your point?
Maybe make good shows, instead of cartoons about little girls looking at old naked women
>It's not. White men pay for it via taxes.
I know that, but it's a doable policy. ~$200 Billion per year if we contain it to citizens and their student debts.
That's a drop in the bucket when compared to $9 Trillion.
those countries are actively importing new races per policy
>They are naturally conservative
How anyone can look at hispanic countries and say that with a straight face is absolutely mind boggling. If anything, they are genetically predisposed to socialism and shitty government.
GDP != QoL you mong
Young hispanics are as progressive as their white/black peers. Cute power fantasy though.
>"liberals" aren't brainless morons
The reason college has gotten so expensive is because of existing subsidies. Your solution is to literally make it worse.
I have absolutely no interest in paying for the welfare of brown invaders. Kill yourself.
That means that they should be dragged in front of the taxpayers for oversight.
>I have absolutely no interest in paying for the welfare of brown invaders. Kill yourself.
Like I said, make it so that you can only be a citizen to get a free degree.
Oversight of what? You're throwing money at them.
Why do leftist white men want to give all white men's money to browns? How is that in their interest?
>Blacks are progressive
My sides. Real talk though no young hispanics aren't. Maybe the ones that group up in the same white liberal group that SJWs come from but every ground level hispanic I've come across has loved Jesus and been at the very least wary of gays.