>Zoomers in their teens-early 20s who grew up on Bieber and Web 2.0 and don't remember any movies older than Harry Plodder can now walk and talk and are the vast majority of Yea Forums and the current internet
What do you think of this?
>Zoomers in their teens-early 20s who grew up on Bieber and Web 2.0 and don't remember any movies older than Harry Plodder can now walk and talk and are the vast majority of Yea Forums and the current internet
What do you think of this?
If you think 2015 was a long time ago, you just might be a zoomer
The future is now old man
y'know its attitudes like these that are the same reason everyone hates boomers, right?
Why do boomers do nothing but complain about zoomers, its pathetic
I think that you have some sort of mental illness that compels you to make this thread over and over. This is you too, right?
Because Boomers make up the old and ancientfaga of this site while you were still in grade school like the newfags you both are.
>If you think 2015 was a long time ago, you just might be a zoomer
This. Come back with a screencap you made in 2004 and we'll talk.
>made this thread on Yea Forums too
what a pathetic faggot
goddamn, I need to leave this place
I noticed the internet got really bad when the majority of fags were talking about nostalgia of playing halo on their xbox 360s and shit
old people always complain about the youth
go back
>cherrypicked anonymous posts represent millions of people
>tfw I'm probably posting alongside edgy, underageb& teenagers who were literally popping out of their mother's pussy while I was posting on /b
I was born in 2000. Can any older people give me a legitimate answer on why zoomers are a bad thing?
Is it because our culture is full of memes that old people won't get and with some degenerates? I thought the 80s was prime time for junkies and killers right but just because "we" have one rapper with tattoos, all of a sudden we're the worst? Serious answers only, please.
>our culture is full of memes
I don't think anything about it. Young people aren't static. They watch new things every day, including some of your favorite movies.
Not an argument
>and are the vast majority of Yea Forums and the current internet
>Can any older people give me a legitimate answer on why zoomers are a bad thing?
Because you have 0 life experience outside of viewing someone else do shit through a screen. Yet you think you know how the world should work. You're opinionated entitled little shits, that were spared the rod far too often.
i dated a girl who was 20 this past year, discovered that tiktok is the epitome of zoomer
completely repitive, low effort, deteriorating quality and adored by normal zoomers as well as the mentally deranged of all ages. That shit would make me hear 15 second loop songs all night when trying to sleep. I had to physically beat that girl into disability before getting her to do something else.
woah that got dark fast
In reality I don't have much thought one way or the other about zoomers in general, and have gotten along just fine with some zoomers who are half my age. If anything, what irritates are behaviors that are probably just common to teenagers across all time, like
said. The "I'm only 19 and found out about this thing within the past year, but somehow I'm more worthy of it than those who've been a part of the thing for ages and helped make the thing worthwhile, and as such I should be able to dictate how things should be" mentality. Basically another form of the normalfagification of nerd hobbies, I guess.
im just kidding she was already disabled. I did shame her for it and eventually she moved onto some gay ass animal farming game
I get anons calling me old for being born in 93 and it feels bad and I don't appreciate it.
So their no different then the average Yea Forums user?
haha you fucking oldie, you fucking washed-up amateur wreck, better order the flowers now so they'll be ready for the grave
92 :(
>So their no different then the average Yea Forums user?
Yea, now. It's gotten much worse. Before you zoomer numbskulls started filtering in here in the last 5 or 6 years this place was much more bearable and even fun.
I was born in May '95 and have been here since 2009 (yes, underageb& I know) and I already considered myself too old to properly relate to that crowd. A lot of the shit I watched and played came out in the early 90's. My first gaming console was a Sega Mega Drive, for fuck's sakes.