yikes....can we please boycott RLM
Yikes....can we please boycott RLM
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm firing up twitter right now ogm
>gets angry at them uploading a video
I'm literally shaking right now
Their opinions on the Prequels are awful too. Just because Anakin is vulnerable and open about his emotions.
let's unpack this folx
Do they have Yea Forums screencap threads on Resetera?
Resetera is a special place.
You would probably get banned for it.
ya'll cant behave. LOCKED
In what sense?
No one likes captain Marvel and no one cares about captain Marvel
>unironically going to resetera
You really should just kill yourself right now
and I bet that person is white mald
That bleeding mangina doesn't deserve Lord Humungus as his avatar.
inb4 404
in the same sense a kid who tries to jab out another kids eye is
User was banned for drive by posting
>mad max avatar
Uh, why isn't this sexist banned for supporting rape?
what's so different from you guys getting angry at a black mermaid
and I thought Yea Forums was fucking garbage
Those are discord trannies and they have been raiding Yea Forums for almost 4 years now
A mermaid should be able to swim
one is a youtube review video, the other is a massive corporation changing a beloved character just to be seen as progressive. It would be like making Alice in wonderland black, they are just pandering to crazy people. Also they need to stop fucking remaking everything.
Water is just racist user.
in the "special" needs kind of way
They have a point. That 20 minute long rant on feminism and idpol was cringe
hahaha what the fuck. how high can these people's horses be? i've literally never seen a collection of such subhuman trash, what is that shit site
>Ghostbusters video clearly explains using facts and numbers from youtube that the angry comments are only a small percentage compared to total views and how most of the outrage felt manufactured and overblown
>Somehow only picks up two comments from the video and now they're wrong
>Gets mad that they see right through the suits at Disney promoting diversity mainly for profit and only uppity dipshits care (OP fails to see the irony)
>Gets mad at Rich for doing his fake Chinese talking that even made the Canadians lose their shit
>Rich drops some thoughts on the whole crying about Trump all the time is not helping them win people to their side
>They all like Jack
>The few people with reasonable comments got banned
[Banned: 16 days][Concerned trolling]
Wasn't there some sort of scandal that came up with Resetera recently?
The fact redheads will be extinct soon gets me so fucking hard. Do you think one day people won't even believe they ever existed, like elves?
>They all like Jack
That's how you know someone's a real piece of shit. Jack's the absolute worst.
Yeah, their discord is a CP trading ring and pedo hangout or something.
The Max Landis curse has struck again. They're next.
>Jack's the absolute worst.
>not beardfat
when jack is based he's very based
He had some moments when he got absolutely plastered during one of the Halloween BOTWs because he thought he wasn't going to host and then Mike forced him on camera at the last moment
Which scandal? They're always getting into shit. Trannies literally cannot resist starting drama.
>1 billion dollars later...
Christ what a shithole. I have to struggle to picture that that there are real, actual human beings behind those posts. They typed it out. Fuck
gingers are a genetic mistake.
they don't know about stuff like this, right?
I like how this came up right after Jay referenced HP Lovecraft as a horrid reecist
They have to be the most pathetic website on the entire internet. I have never seen so many (literal) estrogen-pumped crybaby faggots in one place, it's genuinely amazing to me how far they will go to whine about something
fake tickets, disneytranny
Those people man...
>I watched their videos until they disliked The Last Jedi, then I stopped.
>When did you realize that Mike Stoklasa was absolutely wrong about absolutely everything?
They do know Jack has an arsenal of guns, right?
people were mostly talking about captain marvel for it's politics, pretty much every reviewer did the same as RLM
thanks china
Jack is based
is2.Yea Forums.org/wsg/1563406631899.webm
Reminder that Jack was the only one man enough to stomach watching a deer get gutted because he grew up on a farm unlike the rest of those city-slickers at RLM.
They really think boring middle of the road RLM is problematic for saying Captain Marvel wasn't very good & it's politics were questionable?
This is an actual edgy youtuber
The wokest of the woke left NeoGAF—already a progressive haven—to go found their own even more progressive (read: even more ban-happy over minor bullshit) site. Turns out it's full of pedophiles who post in a secret Discord.
>while they are upset about harmless words
The funny thing is that everyone of their ideas for improving the movie were really good.
Excelsior is a highly protected tranny/mod pet. Arguing with it will get you banned quickly.
Isn't resetera full of genuine pedophiles? It's like Yea Forums on steroids.
>Yea Forums on steroids
Like some kind of internet hate machine
The ban reasons always get me the best. They’re making the fuckin jannies look good over on FaggetEra
stop advertising this outrage whore nigga
>talk about fragility
>”why do we allow it bawww”
lmao at batgirl
A lot of the internet is basically a hate machine, but, the difference is that Yea Forums/4channel actually allows for more diversity of opinion.
Liberals are basically always shit posting on facebook, tumblr, twitter, etc but they are so delusional and completely fucking oblivious to their biggotry that they don't see the problem yet they freak out when they discover other opinions online and get frustrated when they can't silence everyone.
What the fuck even is resetera and why is everything I see from there so fucking gay?
That's where the gamejournos go to cry when people make fun of them. Jason Schreier and Stephen Totilo (Kotaku) are mods on RetardEra.
is this what too much onions result?
haha whoops america was a mistake i guess?
that wasn't as bad as I thought it would.
In fact he's mostly right
Personally i think their review was fair and accurate, i did not care for captain marvel.
(banned for denying sexism, denying racism and trolling)
imagine being upset that RLM didn't like captain marvel
True story I got a warning from my employer because me saying it was awful was “unbecoming” of a HR professional.
>Big yikes, can we make them a banned source?
Sometimes I take the freedom in this place for granted
Critical Theory was a mistake. Thanks Frankfurt School!
no, America is a continent and the USA have always been a mistake
Daily reminder that Yea Forums is slowly being turned into Resetera, every time a mod deletes a thread critical of diversity stunt casting under the pretense that it's not Yea Forums related or /pol/, they'll even ban random users within threads for posts they arbitrarily consider racist or transphobic. How is this any different than Resetera?
>I watch Half in the Bag regularly and I haven’t caught much of that except for the Godzilla gender joke.
>And that joke is not bad enough to not watch these people again.
>They’ve reviewed the film Pink Flamingos and have been very respectful of the transgender character in that film.
>User Banned (Duration Pending): Dismissing Concerns Surrounding Transphobia; Prior Severe Bans Related to Bigotry
hahaha WOW!
i'm glad they are not in actual power because i literally don't understand what he said was offensive?
i hope this is not the future.
Friendly reminder that RLM videos about STD are banned on the official trek subreddit.
>They all like Jack
Of course. He's exactly like them.
That thread was all in agreement over their hatred for RLM. It was fucking creepy. At least here we have people who try to find a reason for why people think differently from them, or some lighthearted irony.
Their butthurt at the Star Wars video is especially funny given that Mike also called them on being too afraid to portray an interracial couple.
They're both bad.
remember all the reasons Yea Forums hates reddit?
multiply that by gay and you have resetera
>t. anally annihilated mestizo
Just learn how to evade and fight the faggot jannies n mods with guerilla shitposting warfare and liberal use of the nigger word. This site has been occupied territory since at least the goobergate/luggage lad fiasco and the only thing that's kept the community somewhat afloat has been the constant efforts of shitposting, ban-evading warriors.
lol, of course the woman puts herself on top of the oppression totem pole
i never understood why white women get to be the most oppressed class these days
I hate reddit so fucking much and you know they only do this because the narrative isn't going the way the mods want.
also people seem to forget he played fucking fuckbot 5000 who raped both mike and jay, and has also made jokes (like the girl sucking "only three dicks" to get the gig in one of their teen music videos). no idea why they want to paint him as some over sensitive sjw
Wasn't there a screencap of them discussing Yea Forums and which boards they thought was the safest for them and how much they hate /pol/?
How the fuck would we know? Maybe you should have sex before asking questions
Yea Forums has tranny mods and mods from reddit. Blame moot who appointed these deviants
>trump told me to go back to somalia
maybe they got Jack mixed up with Josh?
kek also literally 90% of the replies are deleted
Reminder that the absolute best tactic to fight these retarded losers is to pit them against each other, ie. stoke up black women's resentment and entitlement against white women, pit TERFs against trannies, etc. White women will either cuck out or get mad/disillusioned with that political current, happens all the time. Blacks also hate gays and trannies, so pitting them against each other works wonderfully. Their politics are chaotic and divisive by their very nature, despite the most important foundational rhetoric being nominally "inclusive."
are you really expressing your real opinions? are people as wrong as you really in existence?
Why would you subject yourself with this shit? Fucking cucks
its about time they got metoo’d
This is like a contest of who the wokest person is. Not a single disagreement, literally the perfect echo chamber.
I hope they die. They're boring and cringe as fuck.
George is a genius he just can’t write dialogue or direct. A New Hope only worked because he wasnt seen as a God and people actually gave him input. I saw a video of George explaining an outline of the prequels and it was amazing. Even the stupid tax federation is cool it was just excecuted in a very boring way.
Jack puts on his pretend-shocked face at Mike's politically incorrect jokes and autists think it's sincere
Goddam right.
...That's your takeaway? Did you fall asleep during the video?
I still don't know what a drive-by post is
Fucking lost.
sounds racially charged to me
Oh yeah, that has to be it.
The mods over there make our mods/jannies look straight, white, and well-paid. Jesus.
Yea Forums isnt becoming resetera, reddit, or any of your other retarded boogiemen you faggot. Yea Forums is actually going too far to the othet side, which originally began as shitposting and being of a satirical nature but has let actual idiot 20-somethings thinking theyre in good company.
>yikes....can we please boycott RLM
How can I boycott something that I've never seen (and probably never will) ?
elves never existed you dumbass
you start watching it then you stop, dummy
t. resetard
>user banned
>Dismissing representation as marketing
very problematic
mods please ban him
Jack is fine now
imagine if Yea Forums mods were that b& happy, holy shit
>'just le same' talking point strikes again
>somehow a place you can talk whatever you want is the same as the one you get banned for not agreeying hard enough.
these HRT pills must be killing your braincells.
I’m gonna being 100 here. Resetera is worse than Yea Forums by a metric fuck ton. Not only are these guys in a much more obnoxious hug box but it’s like they are all robots who quiver at the slightest thing that they perceive as racist/homophobic etc. that place needs to be purged as the shit heap it is. I’d rather be in a place where people are screaming nigger than in that cuckshed.
that's a reddit screencap
replying to someone's autistic effortpost with a simplistic dismissive reply.
youre not fitting in, queef. lurk for 5 more years.
Everyone who isn't a far-left lunatic would move over to cripplechan i'd imagine.
imagine posting somewhere were nobody ever disagrees with you and if someone does they get banned lel
No theres a reddit screencap but also a pedoera screencap too. They endorsed Yea Forums and Yea Forums while saying they hate Yea Forums and /pol/
Did you have a brain aneurysm? What the fuck are you even saying here you fucking mong?
>Mad Max pfp
>Bone reference name
>sjw buzzwords
>Oh what a surprise he's misrepresenting the argument.
Well what if someone posts something that is even more woke than you in an effort to 1 up you and you disagree? Then you get banned instead. Sounds like an awful place.
So basically it's just an arms race of who can say the craziest wokest shit.
Yes, newfag. You'll grow up eventually, but you'll never belong here.
It wouldn't be a problem here. The problem with resetera bans is that they want your phone and work contacts and really personal information with a long process to sign up, and sometimes they won't even let you join unless you're invited and vetted by an established user. So a ban + arduous process for an account means they have complete control over their users' thoughts and discourse, enforcing the groupthink/echochamber to an insane level. Here you can just ban evade in 10 seconds if you know how. I've been banned over 9000 times idgaf.
Shut up tranny
i misread as "is becoming" sorry i had my defenses up and ready.
also been laughing too hard at some of the posts, having a gay old time.
Imagine of a /pol/tard mad about black mermaids could shut down all discussion they disapproved of and ban anyone who disagreed with them on command.
I have seniority over you, animigger.
>resetera hates centerists
>/pol/ hates centerists
horeshoe theory proven once again
>one side gets mad over thing, the other side gets mad too, therefore they're two sides of the same coin
The horseshoe theory is possibly the dumbest political fallacy manufactured, please quit regurgitating it you nigger kike
Good to know that they don't bother to research anything before calling someone a bigot
what they call centrists are actually human beings with composure, temperance, and restraint
You don't get banned here for being a trip fag nigger with shitty opinions, that's the difference.
they don't care, they're miserable people
>Defending that an adaptation should be faithful
>dismissing all criticism as bigotry/racism/muh phobias
wow no difference at all, thank you enlightended horseshoe man.
/pol/ hates centrists but they don't get banned for being centrist. Hell you won't even get banned for being a commie and there's even a commie flag you can use. Why you'd go there as a commie and get your ass kicked I don't know, but you're allowed to do it and say what you want. That makes /pol/ morally superior to resetera even though they're both annoying as fuck.
I'm more of a pretzel theory proponent
Why anyone would subject themselves to this just to post in that shithole is beyond me.
>rationalizing bigotry; dismissing representation as marketing
That's gold
holy fuck it must be so easy to make money off these shitheads
shit tier attempt at gaslighting, dilate tranny.
suck a dick and your dick shall be sucked
So the same thing everyone else here calls a cuck.
half in the bag? more like half in the trash ahahah
They aren't human.
How is bigotry bad?
Exactly. So any leftist faggot that wants to whatabout and claim the right doesn't value free speech can look at fucking /pol/ to see even the far-right having free speech in their echo chamber.
their idea of boycotting is booting up their twitter account and annoy people untill they give in and do whatever they want
That's the point, I suppose. Only the most insane mouthbreathing mongoloids would do so, and anyone that somehow made it through the process but isn't part of the groupthink, who says something slightly outside the pre-approved correct thought structure/echo chamber is immediately banned with no recourse. It's a perfectly manicured herd of parrot goyim.
no, not all, that's someone without the confidence to tell crazy people to go fuck themselves
RLM are just a bunch of "liberal" white dudes, they live in a bubble of their white, straight, male world and do little to think outside of it. And that colors their opinion on everything as they view all attempts at "diversity," especially celebrating diversity, through their cynical lens. The only member of the crew whose not like that is Jack, but Jack isn't in much besides BoTW now that PreviouslyRecorded is dead. Jack actually tries to expose himself to shit outside his bubble and be more of a liberal advocate.
Everyone else is just cynical, white "liberal."
I still watch them. But, I keep this knowledge in my mind when I watch their opinion on anything.
This is true. Pol allows all sorts of faggots flags like canadians so is not even on the same league as resetera.
Feels good to be on the side of free speech.
If you can't get people to unsubscribe to a youtube channel with this evidence, you can be damn sure they won't do anything to address their asshole friends and family either when they casually spew bigoted bullshit.
>user was banned for this post: anti-elven shitposting
Epic bait. Heres a (you)
I used to be obsessed with them, especially the Plinkett Reviews and BotW but they're just too yikes for, me to go back to now
Like this:
Have sex.
Now I close the thread and walk away while you seethe
Kek, what a bitch
kek no, people have gotten permabanned for saying "i hate niggers" around here.
jannie get him
>user banned for....
Place your bets please
You're probably gone already but I doubt such an overused insult gets that kind of impact anymore.
>humans breathe
>dogs breathe
>humans = dogs
Almost everyone who isn't an election tourist hates /pol/.
That's a good point actually, why did James review the other remakes if they were also shitting on the original? Just because he didn's suck the remakes' dick doesn't change the fact that he did review them, unlike GB 2016.
>i'm glad they are not in actual power because i literally don't understand what he said was offensive?
Disagreeing with the mods is by itself a bannable offense on R****era. I'm not telling a joke here - that is actually how the place works. On every single topic, in every single detail, you must agree with the mods, and if you fail to do so with enough conviction, they will literally make up some excuse to ban you.
Do you hate /pol/ or do you just hate right wing politics?
Cashgrabs are one thing. Getting branded as a scumbag for not liking a cashgrab is another. This is good enough reason for me if I were him.
>someone says something negative about trump
>threads about it for years
yeah, great opinion diversity lmao
James stated a very simple reason "If we don't watch bad remakes anymore, they won't make them anymore" and just very calmly stated that he saw the trailer and decided to pass on it.
he said "get that shit, look at- you got a nice collection" not "get that shit nigga"
It all feels so... Soviet.
Special being the key word
>t. election tourist
Trump is being pretty based for the most part lately. Didn't he tell those 4 foreign subversives to leave if they don't like it in Burgerland? That Somali cunt literally committed immigration fraud, got citizenship then immediately entered politics in order to push her agenda of getting more people like her to mass-immigrate. I'd be pissed about that too
Right or wrong that at least is a tangible rule.
Is that what this guy did then?
It would be less confusing if they just said banned:wrongthink.
It's like the Leninists after they killed all the Trotskyites.
It wasn't enough they were crazy, they had to wipe out all the people not quite as crazy as they were too.
Not him but I've never seen anyone get banned for saying they hate niggers
fuck niggers desu senpai.
Anything else is clear sympathy for counter-revolutionaries comrade.
If you look carefully you can see that there is a shitload of "drive-by posts" calling rlm trash (most of them also admitting that they have not watched a single video of them).
Strangely enough the only "drive-by posts" that get criticized/banned are the ones that defend rlm.
He also voted for Hillary (I think) and complained about trump sometimes on Pre Rec so they like that about him
99% of internet commentary
OOF, that's gonna be a big yikes from me, sweetie. Can we not? This.... this isn't okay. We need to unpack this.
It’s about being on the right side of history you NAZI
Yea Forums acts of they don’t do this same dumb shit with anything that isn’t within their political views
[User banned. Reason: Dismissing concerns of transphobia]
You realize that people are incessantly being banned and the mods only put (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) for maybe 0.0001% of bans?
I personally have been banned for saying nigger at least 3 times over the past 2 years. Before then it never happened.
Also, around the same time I remember there was actually someone on /fit/ that got a (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) for saying nigger and everyone called the mods fags.
Jay's take in this video is actually pretty far left, which tells me a lot about these people.
I hate niggers and white trash both of which infest that board.
Doesn't matter. He dared to criticize a woman and since he is a white male that is an inexcusable crime.
>Yea Forums acts of they don’t do this same dumb shit
>Yea Forums
>I don't like this, fuck this company
>I disagree, I think it's cool!
>I like it, please don't ban me, I don't know if we should be mad about this or not
>user banned: not condemning discussing lynchian themes
Alright fair enough. As long as you aren't the type of faggot that would be ok with /pol/tards if they espoused different political views.
You get banned on Yea Forums if you don't support the trannies.
underrated post
why was every old forum taken over by sensitive pussies?
>Only posting 15 examples.
Careful and meticulous subversion by leftists.
Blank slate egalitarianism is a lie and you are a useful idiot for the globohomo agenda nu-religion. You are literally the boomer from 20 years ago who thinks the world is 6000 years old. Congrats tranny.
Maybe you're just a shithead?
>no, it's not me, everyone but me is wrong
>ghostbusters breakdown was just about numbers showing the media and fox were using it to advertise the movie
that corporate programming really worked on these people, they are still suffering from the effects 3 years later
yes user, 2+2=5 because big brother says so.
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of the internet is turning against them.
ResetEra has more influence on the industry than all of /pol/ does despite being a very small website. What should we do?
wow look at those chads
These guys look like fun guys to hang out with. I'd take these cringy kekistanis over some far-left or tranny lunatic any day.
It’s just you. 5 more years tranny! :)
>Reddit Letter Media
What does "fragility" specifically mean anyway? I'm not fluent in newspeak.
I like this pasta. It gets (you)'s everytime.
The black mermaid is forced, that's the fucking difference
It’s another newspeak term that only applies to white people. Don’t mention the fact you can type a capital N and every nigger in a 5 mile radius will rob a 7-11.
it doesnt have the lion
>The black mermaid is forced
Black people exist, user.
>Yea Forums regularly seethes about redditors and tells people to go back there
>thread linking to ResetEra is at 300+ posts
Literally everyone there has the same opinion
It's basically what they say when a white person objects to being vilified.
Responding to being shit on, basically. But only when white people do it.
You get banned from there if you don't have the correct opinion.
So it doesn't count when 14k people are outraged by a troll tweet?
Irrelevant. Ariel is not black. Ariel is white and has red hair. To claim otherwise is to be utterly wrong.
Yes because you'll literally get banned if you even hint at disagreeing with the mods.
They really do have everything figured out don’t they? Anything to dehumanize.
No, they'd say that's white fragility because something about not being able to stand blacks being given things they didn't make or deserve in any way.
The word that pisses me off the most is "whataboutism".
It's literally a catch-all term that is intended to destroy any use of experience or example. It's absolutely retarded.
It actually was a bit pathetic of them to spend more than half the review crying about someone saying something mean about movie critics. Just review the damn movie.
When you say nigger or post fbi stats and they chimp out is that black fragility?
Btfoing yourself.
Bans on Yea Forums are like drive-by shootings: you never did anything wrong, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The only real rule of Yea Forums is "don't get got". All rules are enforced so inconsistently they practically don't exist.
Meanwhile R****era is straight up 1984 territory. Bans there are an actual rigid form of thought policing, where your tone does not matter at all - only thing that matters is whether you agreed with the mods or not, and disagreeing will always get you banned no matter how apologetically you phrase it.
Holy shit yes.
>trump is putting kids in cages! concentration camps!
>obama is the one who started it, he also killed more brown people in the middl-
I might make an account just to start calling people out and turn the whole place even worse.
Thats not true, i shit on trannies on Yea Forums daily.
You have to have a student/company email and be vetted to be able to even post there.
No, because black fragility doesn't exist. Just like blacks can't be racist against anybody (even if they clearly are racist as fuck against whites, asians, spics and even other blacks). The worldview of the identity politico is built on the idea that certain groups are simply always victims no matter what, and cannot do anything wrong, even when they do.
black fragility doesn't exist. Racism towards whites doesn't exist.
Race is a marxian class.
Nah, you can't. They have a vetting process that would make Trump blush and have full control over anything so even if you didn't mean bad with just a average post, you will get banned for the dumbest shit. They also do the stupid shit with trying to pick on users with lower post counts
Not only you are correct but most of the people who get offended on behalf of blacks are almost always white sóy trannies and roasties.
Whataboutism is a real thing. It's an attempt to derail conversation of something bad X did, by asking "what about (bad thing Y did)". Russians are especially fond of this tactic. Not addressing the issue at all, just derailing the conversation.
It must take a very special kind of stupid to look at concepts like experience or example and say "totally worthless, nothing can ever be derived from what has already happened."
It's no wonder history is re-written so effortlessly these days.
>muh russians
>Not addressing the issue at all, just derailing the conversation.
We know what you're doing, thanks.
jesus christ 22 pages of the same sentence said different ways.
What the fuck, fun ruined.
>The Force Awakens Plinkett review: The Diversity Awakens. Claims that diversity is a forced corporate component that no one but cynical adults complain about. That kids don't care about it.
There it is, the old "corporations care about or issues over money!". The only time kids care about things like that is when they are told to care.
lol gottem
So you think casting an actress who is visually the opposite of the character the world knew for 30 years was just happenstance?
What was the title they came up with for Rich again?
something like "the most obnoxious shitlord on the internet"?
it was pretty clever, we should steal it
>that resolution
>that quality
Its a buzzword used to strawman people you disagree with.
>What? You don't like being called sexist?
>What? You don't like being called racist?
>us white girls
>hispanic man hand
> It's an attempt to derail conversation of something bad X did, by asking "what about (bad thing Y did)"
look faggot, it's not derailing to contrast two events. If something is bad it's bad. You don't get to say that one thing is bad when you let an identical thing by someone you like slide. That's called being a fuckwad.
It was a troll tweet
>what? you have sickle-cell anemia? BLACK FRAGILITY!
and black people can't swim
Don’t forget Israel-Palestine, conservative/orthodox Islam vs LGBT, ancoms vs tankies
It mean they should feel ashamed and if they deny it then they are coping.
Something is going to happen eventually. I don’t remember everything being hyper-political like it is nowadays. It’s like pressure is building and something is going to explode soon.
Its a dishonest word to avoid engaging your arguments by completely dismissing them as result of a surface level irrational emotion.
i love how /pol/ traumatized you guys
Then where are black stories written by black people? why do they need to get inserted into stories made by whites? are they really that inferior?
>smug frog.png
>heh they will never notice its me
"4 chan ban logger" homie
check it out, it happens all the time
mods save public executions (user was banned for this post) for special occasions these days
there was one on Yea Forums like 6 months ago
guess what it was for?
Just another way to try to shut down conversation. When a low IQ person cannot respond to something they will use a buzzword like that or "mansplain" because they cannot actually argue their position.
>hating /pol/
this chart never fails
is there such this as an ancom?
i thought that was pure meme ideology like anarcho monarchists
Being a fucking NIGGER.
You should replace the JLawrence with brie to update it.
Remember when based Todd Howard posted there and BTFO them?
The fact that you're not currently banned for drive-by posting and arguing in bad faith and for one.
the virgin centrist vs the chad Apolitical
How would ancom even work? Do they think people will just work together out of the goodness of their heart and split everything equally with no leadership whatsoever?
>black people
Well there's the issue. Blacks never even had words for "the future" or "promise" before we met them.
it happens quite often,
in Yea Forums for example is almost automatic since they have a black mod and they are unironically reddit,
the only boards that give you that freedom are Yea Forums and /pol/.
They think once the government kills you off it will dissolve and they will all live in paradise.
That retard who firebombed the ice center was an unironic 60 year old ancom. That’s shit you outgrow at like age 14.
It is derailing. If the topic is X doing something bad, "other people did it too" is an invalid argument, and frankly niggerish logic. "They did it and got away with it, I should get away with it too!" No. Don't bring up anything in defense of X that isn't related to the actual thing he did. You can say he was forced to do it, or show evidence he didn't do it at all, or anything like that - but you don't get to say "well Y, Z and W do bad shit too so who are we to judge X".
They don't age mentally beyond 13.
>How would ancom even work? Do they think people will just work together out of the goodness of their heart and split everything equally with no leadership whatsoever?
Yes, and that is exactly how several real-world religious organizations work.
Sneed is the chemo curing Yea Forums.
Today, 'comfy' Simpsons threads. Tomorrow, capeshit.
>It is derailing.
It's a counterpoint. If a single counterpoint derails your argument then you have a shit argument. It points out a double standard. You're arguing that double standards are okay? that's why you're a fuckwad.
The argument is "X did it as well, and you never said shit about X doing it, so why should we take what you're saying about Y seriously? You can't have it both ways"
And this would work in a country with 300 million people with various ethnic groups/races/beliefs how? That’s assuming the commie regime that overthrows the government doesn’t become an authoritarian dictatorship after they are done, you know, the thing that happened every single other time in history.
>How would ancom even work?
Its literally used when a man(specifically a white one) gets angry and responds in a rightfully heated way to being called racist, sexist, transphobic, or other misused terms. Thats literally it.
If a white person isnt remorseful and apologetic of every little thing, AND if they refuse to be treated as a collective entity, than they are racist or sexist. If they reapond to this in a way that isnt apologetic than they are a fragile mad white boi incel manbaby buzzword.
For this specific case its because RLM shat on captain marvel. To be fair they shat on the "bearded white guys" who made many many bait videos capitilizing on the situation.
>yikes but with a k instead of a y
Fuckin lol what
the quality of being easily broken or damaged.
Fragility is a real word.
Jay finally hit the wall at age 39.
You Had a good run, brother.
This person is so fucking lying. Everyone of their kind I always see shitting on RLM because of the plinket review style and them saying something that can be deemed offensive according to them on HitB and BotW for years.
>It’s like pressure is building and something is going to explode soon.
I doubt it, that would be exciting at least. I think a far more likely scenario is a long slow decay as the various internal factions value getting one over on the other factions they hate than confronting real problems and foreign enemies. We are witnessing a real example of a rome style collapse, caused by the central pillar culture declining far enough that the minority cultures smell blood and start fighting for the top spot.
no, what happened?
My boy Jay is looking good, I'd eat his asshole.
>I haven’t caught
This is a huge indicator of how these people live, they dont enjoy things, they dont feel art. They are always half looking at their ever evolving checklist always at the border of hysteria, desperate to find something to get angry at.
How can you love kino if you are always on edge?
>Friendly reminder that RLM videos about STD are banned on the official trek subreddit.
Fucking lol, why?
>let's have a long argument that I know will get you banned
>*doesn't respond*
>bans them anyway
friendly reminder that jadusable has now been permanently banned following etika's suicide where he dropped his act and overtly called out the entire community, therefore setting the reset era challenge record at 1028 posts.
I don't know how they can do it, just constantly walking on eggshells, always looking over your shoulder to make sure you pass all the super strict rules you have to live by. You can't just enjoy something ever, just always pushing through bullshit you don't like for brownie points and then one day you're called a Nazi and banned from your long time hugbox because one time you said the wrong thing.
unironically based
resetera is cringe kino
Super kek
name one (1)
It’s not orthodox Islam vs. LGBT It’s just Islam vs. LGBT
Janny help!!!
This fucker sucks.
>Muslims have repeatedly had LGBT education curriculum removed from British schools
when did you realize muzzies were based?
Progressive islamists are more than fine.