When is the new seasons of I am Jazz? What do you think it will be centered around? What are your predictions and hopes?
When is the new seasons of I am Jazz? What do you think it will be centered around? What are your predictions and hopes?
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Next season will be centered mostly around Ari breeding
thats so fucking hot, holy shit
she's built for it
ari is a confirmed breedslut
God look at her body... she is just a baby making machine. I want Jazz to fuck my ass while this bitch sucks my cock. Then they'd switch positions so jazz fucks my mouth and Ari fucks my with a strap on. Imagine them making out while Eiffel towering you, I'd cum so hard that my sperms would break through the time/space continuum and open a fucking portal to another dimension.
>ah jazz or some jarron do you prune our threads?
>no we shall not abandon the nightmare
Peak Lynchian
what's that smell?
>As he takes another bite of his fifth McDonalds™ Quarter-Pounder, the fat around Jaron Bloshinsky's festering open wound jiggles with revelry, as every bite convinces him more and more that he was born female
>His man-hands, covered with hair and now grease, struggle to grip the keys and turn them in the ignition. Years of mind-altering drugs, hormones, and a corn-syrup based diet have left him with the motor skills of a 3-month-old encephalitic child
>He finds it gets harder and harder to artificially raise his voice's register as the fat around his neck now begins to gyrate from apparent glee, and he can feel pain in his maggot-infested, decaying wound. To a normal person, that pain would mean that something is wrong. But to Jaron, it convinces him evermore that he is in fact a female
>His face, bloated from the aftereffects of decades of pill-pushing Jewish doctors, lights up with the idea that no one could possible dispute the femininity of his ogre-like figure. He gives up, finally, on starting the car, and decides a sixth McDonalds™ Quarter-Pounder will solve everything.
why the sneed do they do this to themselves
it's already cut off
turned inside out
that place looks pretty based for reddit; how is it still up?
I've recently wondered who is less of a man, Jazz Jennings or Warwick Davis. On the one hand Warwick retains his midge-sized cock and ample exposure to testosterone during development combined with good fashion sense and an expensive tailor gives him a dignified masculine appearance but for his stunted frame. Jazz meanwhile has been thoroughly emasculated. Dressed as a girl since childhood and encouraged to be as feminine as possible, Jazz has now been literally unmanned through surgery with only a festering wound in place of his prepubescent micropenis and testes.
Despite all of this Jazz could effortlessly crush Warwick in a fight. With female hormones coursing through Jazz's veins, with fatty tissue replacing what would've been muscle, his towering 5'5" relative hulk of a body gives the “man” Warwick a costly education in physics. Warwick soars through the air after Jazz bodyslams him with the grace of a linebacker. Warwick lies on the ground as Jazz prepares to deliver the coup de grace with his foot. Warwick looks up Jazz's dress to see the grisly gelding and realizes what a lie his life has been, that even this pitiful eunuch so easily bested him. In this moment he knows that he was never even capable of being a man with his miniature body and his seed only capable of producing miscarriages and deformities, while Jazz at least can have healthy children via Ari's fertile womb. Jazz delivers the fatal blow proving that he is more masculine than the midge.
Honestly I'd rather be a midge than go through what Jazz has been put through.
Curious as to what subreddit this is from. I'm genuinely amazed such content is even allowed on reddit at this point.
HER cult
>I'm genuinely amazed such content is even allowed
It's text on a computer screen.
It's hate speech shitlord. Someone send this poster to the tolerance cubes.
EEEEW its wound is leaking
and exploded
Blacks usually stink
Still better than rotting crotch wound.
>It's A Girl balloons
Is Jazz assuming her teratoma's gender? That's pretty fucking transphobic if you ask me.
Now this is a daring synthesis if I've ever seen one.