Look how they masscred my girl...
Look how they masscred my girl
Other urls found in this thread:
Jon got a shit ending, too. George is a hack.
>gets to live beyond the wall with his bros despite committing regicide
oh boo hoo poor jonny
I mess her in a way that you wouldn't believe.
Is this the Emilia Clarke shitposting general?
Wheres the ecg bros
>Please, please, Viserys, I don't want to, I want to go home.
Daenerys...Daenerys had a hard life
idk this is a got thread
Jon never wanted that. That shit was introduced 71 episodes into the series. Jon isn't a fag who cries about incest. Jon isn't a fag with no ambition. That is literally a show invention.
pack it in, this ain't it
I'm glad that dragon whore died
she deserved to be happy, she was good
that fat man will pay
GURM and D&D tried to make her the villain. The public said fuck you and love her now more than ever.
I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted. Someone took her away from me, and seven kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind.
is emmy going to win the emmy?
reminder that she was the bad guy the whole time and if you didn't realize that you're a brainlet
Simple as
>Tsundere Dany
>Mad Queen Dany who was basically bullied into what she became (and it still didn't make sense)
I am glad about the backlash.
I sure hope so
>Rhaegal Dead
>Viserion Dead
>Jorah Dead
>Missandei Dead
>Jon doesn't love her
>People of Westeros don't love her
>Advisers trying to poison and murder you
>Advisers protecting your enemy
She had all the reason in the world to do what she did
Yes, she deserves it. It's the missing piece, after that she can retire and start a family.
>that hand
Jon, i'm already a demon
luv da norf
luv muh famly
luv winnerfell
ate da souf
ate da lannies
ate da frone
simple as
It's not like she killed anyone of value.
>I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted. Someone took her away from me, and seven kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind.
>b-but the books will be different!
>they screwed final season so everyone will buy the books, it was an agreement they made back in S1!
>the final books will deliver the story we always wanted!
jon got fucked too, the starks fucked him and the lion tricked him into murdering his real family
>“I don’t enjoy fans calling me ‘the Mad Queen,’ ” she said.
>“I wanted to show her as we saw her in the beginning: young, naive, childlike, open, and full of love and hope. I wanted so much for that to be the last memory of her.”
if anyone has any good youtube amvs of daenerys with music girls like showing her tragic downfall please link
I miss dany
>forced to watch a shitty awards show just so I can cheer on my waifu.
What is this feel, lads?
Yeah but they turned Jon into a cuck in s8. Sadly he was my favorite
Daenerys never lied to him. Daenerys never withheld information. She believed in him more than the Starks ever did. She was his family, but the show didn't acknowledge that.
what the FUCK was he doing during the battle of winterfell? larping into some crows?
fucking D&D
>Dany - My Immortal [AMV]
>Be with me. Build the new world with me, this is our reason. It has been from the beginning, since you were a little boy with a bastard's name, and I was a little girl who couldn't count to twenty. We do it together, we break the wheel together.
holy shit it does really exists
it's not like I'm crying or whatever
>bad guy
>Saved all the good guys
tyrion is the worst lannister and bran is easily the most evil character in the entire setting
It shows, too. Dany was rarely genuinely happy through the course of the show. Winning the Iron Throne (if only for a short time) and wanting Jon Snow to rule with her was one of those moments she was at her happiest.
And then she was gone...
oh fuck, bookmarked
I just can't...
Name their baby.
>War criminal gets her just desserts.
I dont see the issue
what really pissed me off is how the writers couldn't get away from the nazi clichè
I mean c'mon, is this the best you can write?
Dany talking in a harsh language to his army?
they took her character development, and throw it into trash
I figured that for awhile and thought it would be a cool twist. There was some video I saw years ago, probably was just some faggot bitching about how she's arrogant and entitled or something, but I agreed with it at the time
Now I'm still depressed about it 2 months later
damn. when you put it like that, i really feel bad for her
Rhaegar II
How can one demonstrate that Dany does whatever Jon says, and then turn around and say, "Dany was always supposed to go mad, and there was nothing to stop her"? The ending is flimsy. Period. I don't care if it's what George wanted, because he wanted shadow babies, too.
>be the only proper character arc
>normies hate it
*march of the gladiators playing*
fuck... i haven't even started the second season yet
you had 8 fucking years user
>I won, better commit mass murder now
>character arc
Don't. Let your last image of Dany be the naked hero stance with dragons surrounding her.
yeah, but i get lonely and sad a lot.
>an arc is one event
Dun dun dunna nunna nuh na nuh nuh
don't make the mistake of falling in love with Dany
Yet you cling on that one event as evidence. Pick a lane. None of that shit made sense. Dany should have married Jon, and the only reason she didn't is plot contrivance.
Kingslanding was merely the peak of her tragic life
Dnd doing a bad job of executing doesnt render the underlying arc bad
She descended into the madness of her family despite being fully aware of it and thinking she was justified while massacring people
Its the type of poetic gotcha that rotund retard loves.
This is as opposed to the other characters whos arcs are either ruined or stupid. Name a better main character arc
trips of truth
Once you ring that bell, it can't be un-rung.
>let's undo everything from season 7 and hope the audience doesn't notice
>daenerys was also a arrogant CUNT that rode easy froms seasons 3-7 and halfway through 8
everyone else on that list wasn't as much of a OP bitch with 8 inch thick plot armor except maybe Arya then when the plot needed another ''twist'' all that plot armor disappears and she get's killed in the most retarded way possible
fuck this show
fuck kikes
fuck niggers
>Dnd doing a bad job of executing doesnt render the underlying arc bad
Yes, it does. GRRM wants to turn into a shaggydog story where only the Starks are qualified to rule. Take that shit and shove it up your ass, because I ain't buying.
And fuck these smug pricks
Finish what you started first, you fucking cunts.
You just know the cast wants to unleash on them, but most are holding back in case they cast them in the next SW trilogy.
Name ONE thing she did wrong! Besides not feeding all the niggers to her dragons
She's lucky Draco never got ahold of her
burned the based Tarlys
listened to Tyrion's advice on anything.
Who gives a shit about her being arrogant honestly, all the lannisters are arrogant and no one hates them for that, she had a way shittier life overall than any other character except maybe Mel and davos
Cmon dude, Dany plot in s2-s6 was boring
Yeah I wasn't paying much attention since it was distracting from westeros, now that the main westeros storyline goes nowhere and has zero rewatch value its all ruined, I'd only ever rewatch her shit now
>my girl
She wasn't "your girl" for eight seasons and 4 episodes.
Also me on top
shut up dothraki sandnigger
I started watching at season 6 and waifu'd her at season 7, fuck off Momoa
is this series over yet?
Hi Jason. You think you can get me Emilia's number?
nah we're good
Would be a great edit if she's peeking into Cersei and Jamie fucking in the tower
Fuck you then, Justice League was shit.
You're married to Lenny Kravitz sloppy seconds Momoa, now, get me Emilia number please
the Lannisters own up to their arrogance and shittyness they don't act like they're saviors of the world while attacking entire cities
imagine marrying Lenny Kravitz roastie instead Emilia. you're worst than kit
Oh wow great writing D&D and GRRM.
nah it's gonna have the same gay end with better execution
except the Lannisters didn't act like they were saints
they knew they were shitty people and a
The only lannister who did that was Jaime only at the very end
not true
all understand that they are morally wrong they just don't care about it
the only one who didn't was Jofferey
season 6 they rebounded a bit though
I was ready to shit on this show but all the other characters also lost things and they didn’t go full Hitler on an entire city
I'm really more upset with how they handled Tyrion than anyone else. They completely eliminated the Tysha story. It never comes up when Jaime frees him or when he kills Tywin, hell it's a joke in a drinking game in season 8 that nobody cares about. In the books this absolutely breaks Tyrion when Jaime tells him, and in "revenge" he tells Jaime that Cersei has been fucking everything with a penis in Jaime's absence, which sets up Jaime finally leaving Cersei and being a decent man for once.
Instead we get the two tearfully embracing becuz dey wub each other so much, then Tyrion goes and murders Tywin because he called the whore Tyrion hired a whore, and Jaime stays in love with Cersei for ever and ever
If you ever cared about le funny midget man's story you deserve to be upset.
Nah they're all delusional and self righteous in different ways, especially Tyrion is the worst second to Tywin. They just have a different moral code, like cersei pretends she loves her children more than anything when she doesn't care at all what tommen wants and drives him to suicide and blames him for it, tywin pretends he's doing everything for his family and not spite, when he failed as a father to his family, Tyrion thinks Dany is completely to blame with no self awareness for his shit advice she always listened to and protection of cersei fucking everything up.
Sansa's ending is retarded
>could have had strong position within a royal court directly tied to her by blood
>both branches of the family would reinforce each other
>instead she decides to isolate herself politically and weaken the main line for some brief independence.
A generation or two down the line fresh king will decide to reacquire his ancient ancestral lands and will stomp the fuck out of Sansa's branch.
>fresh king
You know the last 3ER lived for 1000 years, right?
Nah, she to exactly what she deserved.
I hate Jon more than any character ever
All she ever wanted was live in the house with a red door
Her season 7 wig kind looked like shit, desu.
Season 7 Dany is arguably the cutest Dany
>all my advisors are wrong about everything
>If I listen to them I lose
>if I don't listen to them I'm mad and power hungry
Season 1 is the best Dany.
It's the pinnacle of the human beauty, we shall never see another woman so beautiful again.
damn i love her so much guys
The last 3ER wasnt a king, bran is never going to live that long. His own grandchildren and nobles will gut him when they figure out he's not dying.
Seek solace in that fact that she would love you too if she knew you, user.
you doesn't understand. i want to marry her
You don't think you're the only one, do you?
>Hnnng...Burn peasants! Haaa Bow to your new queen! Hnng Hahahaaa
Indoctrinated at an early age. Poor kid.
Always live your life by this rule.
>That kid
Poor little dude
looks that he's trying to draw her attention so hard. poor kiddo
Cutest Nominee
>You wish now that our places had been exchanged. That I had died and Viserys had lived.
>Yes. I wish that.
>Since you are robbed of Viserys, I will do what I can in his stead.
does she have chance?
Yes, unless they decide to turn into politics
There's also a black actress nominated so...
>tfw her acceptance speech includes the phrases "human beans" and "electrocardiogram"
You forget she is 1/8th
Yeah but i would be more worried about that Jodie something
That would be pretty fucking based
Damn she probably will talk about Reddit and /r/freefolk
Holy fuck we need a millionaire user to donate some good amount to SameYou in name of ecg
Glowniggers did this
1/8th brain damaged resulting in 100% cute?
She even has a link to their fundraiser on her instagram account. Goddammit.
1/8 indian making a cointerpoint to the bong genes making her extremely cute
>8 years of calling her a bitch
>*one hitler allegory later*
>daily waifu threads and declarations of love
What did you people mean by this?
Emiliachads are truly blessed by the gods
I never did and always was bothered with the blind hate on her
>leaving a bunch of actors/actresses to the wolves
Cowardly faggots
At least Emilia won't be there, forced to defend them.
and Kit won't be there because Emilia won't be there.
it was kino
now that the dust finally settled, why Yea Forums hated her in the past?
>Actors Iain Glen (Jorah Mormont), Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei of Naath), director Miguel Sapochnik, and dual writer-producers Benioff and Weiss are no longer attending, HBO revealed in a revised panel lineup on Wednesday.
Holy shit, they're all abandoning ship.
Most still do hate her
I never got the hate either, was reading the archived the other day and made me feel bad. Saying shit like the aneurysms was due coke overdose and that she was a shit actress that was cast couched
You fantasy nerds make me sick. Harry Potter? The Lord of the Rings? Game of Thrones? Pleb trash. Absolutely disgusting.
Has she ever revealed what actually caused them? Was it genetics, or something in her lifestyle, or was it just some random freak thing?
Hopefully the 3 that end up going just sit there and shit on D&D with the fans
It can happen to anyone at anytime, but her mom had one too so It must be genetics
Probably genetic since she claims she knew she was suffering from a brain injury as soon as it happened
You could have aneurysms in your brain right now waiting to burst
Genetics. She said somewhere that she has migraine with aura since she was teenager and already fainted some times
>he doesn't know the purpose of the thread
>She said somewhere that she has migraine with aura since she was teenager and already fainted some times
Here: health.com
>ywn meet and fall in love with Emilia during the holidays
Feels awful man
>ywn meet and fall in love with anyone during the holidays
Damn, this movie is looking more and more kino the closer we get to its release.
Kit and Emilia romcom when? You just KNOW Emilia is dying to do that movie. Can't blame her.
They didn't have a dragon
w-what's the purpose of the thread?
Kit, its late on bongland dude. Are you getting drunk again?
Kit pls
Go to bed, Kit.
Look at that nigga face, he's completely fallen for her. Its almost sad
t-they told me that she was hit the wall
She's got too much make up on, for me, it's the less made up look Lou has
Anyone watched anything with the male lead yet? I dunno how good he is. I hope he's more like Will Traynor's actor than well....Jon Snow's.
Based and lessmakeup pilled
Here's a recent picture of her with minimal makeup
Don't all for Yea Forums's lies
he was in that asian film that critics all liked
t. Catelyn
less makeup you say
what dis from?
Lou is life. Lou is love.
yeah you sit on the ground like a bitch!
>yellow umbrella
Emilia pls
>no cute Kit/Emila midget babies running around
Maybe in another lifetime, Kit.
imagine her being discovered in your bed haha
Season 2, when she's in Qarth and high on painkillers, apparently
>On the set, I didn’t miss a beat, but I struggled. Season 2 would be my worst. I didn’t know what Daenerys was doing. If I am truly being honest, every minute of every day I thought I was going to die.
what a fucking ball and chain lmao
Impressive method acting because I'm pretty sure Dany would have felt the same way in Qarth
>Feig describes Last Christmas as “a romantic comedy plus,” buoyed by the specificity of the script, co-written by Thompson and playwright Bryony Kimmings with input from Thompson’s husband, Greg Wise. “We refer to it as a dramatic romantic comedy,” says Feig. “It’s got the idea of romance, but also of somebody trying to repair their life — of familial tensions and how a family is falling apart and what it takes to put a family back together and dealing with the aftermath of difficult situations.”
Hopefully Kate gets a happy ending.
goddam how dnd butchered her
she cute
oh no
>LAST Christmas
Some serious shit's gonna go down, boys.
Not being a dick to her after she saved your life is really demanding
>dramatic romantic comedy
oh no no no not again
Reminder this skull has a titanium plate in it.
catelyn was right, this fucking bastard is a piece of shit
no one was a dick to her she was just isolating herself
she must beep at airports
>Falls asleep with a book in her hand
>light isn't left on
I can't abide by these continuity errors
titanium doesnt beep dumdum
Jon turned the whole north against and threw her to the wolves and ran away from her the whole season
She most likely has a medical card she needs to show when she goes through security.
>she will never accidentally bump heads with you and give you a concussion
Although it's not likely since she's 5'2"
she did that herself and I think you mean sansa
Not unless you're a manlet, Kit.
There was literally no reason for da norf to not trust her after their "king" bent the knee and she saved them from a world ending threat
No she didn't, she showed up and was totally passive while Jon lied saying he had to bend the knee for her help, and lied to Sansa about it
No he's right. Jon didn't even try to vouch for her really. He is Warden, it should be his job to bridge the gap. He acted like she forced him to finally bend the knee when he did it himself, then he just hid in a basement. He took the "I don't want it" shit to another level. Seems like he was getting ready for retirement soon and checked out completely.
she only agreed to help if she would be queen
>she doesn't like communication over the internet, etc and prefers being with someone physically
>she'd make sure you came along with her whenever she went away for work
>ah bloo bloo big powerful dragonlady needs manlet to introduce herself to people before she can act human to them
According to season 8 season 7 never happened so yeah I guess
And Jon was fine with that after she risked her life to save him but Jon decided to explain this to no one
This is exactly why she doesn’t want to date actors anymore. Their schedules are too conflicting. She’d rather date a nobody she can bring with her wherever her job might take her.
Yeah he needs to bridge the gap otherwise she's just talking to a bunch of people who hate her which will just make them hate her more
>she only agreed to help if she would be queen
Please, find the moment in season 7 that proves that that was true. In Beyond The Wall, she pledged allegiance to Jon without forcing him to bend the knee.
>you will never be part of Emilia's luggage
damn what if you accidentally hit her head with your elbow and she start having a stroke
Jon last episode of season 7 after sabotaging a truce he pushed for
>"We need to be honest with each other if we're gonna fight together"
First episode season 8
>"I had to bend the knee to save the north"
That's not what happen at the end of season 7.
The Northerners are a fickle bunch. Jon is their leader, it's his job to communicate clearly with them in order to reduce the tension. He did not give them any reason to buy in, just was passively hoping something would go right.
Then you will be executed for crimes against humanity.
Dany actually gave Jon the OK at the Dragonpit to agree with Cersei's terms. What happen after the war was another topic altogether for each kingdom but she was going to fight the NK and his army whether Jon invited her or not.
Every time I bump my head on a taxi, I think it's this thing. It's taken me a number of years to get past that. After my dad died, I started getting optical migraines, which is a stress response. You might have them for a month and they go away. But that's a completely separate thing. The "Game of Thrones" set can be tense, so there's a lot of pressure and there are moments in the day when I'll think, "Oh God, this is it," when logically I know that it's just an anxious response. I'll suddenly get a tension headache and I'll turn to someone who's near me _ God love every hair and makeup girl I've ever had _ and say, "I think I'm having a brain hemorrhage, but I'm not. Can you just hold my hand and look at me and tell me I'm going to be fine?" And I'd just try to relax, take some deep breaths and get through it.
Why was she so perfect?
what northeners other than the two goblina sisters hated dany?
I want to hold her hand and tell her how much the world loves her.
>ywn be woken up in the middle of the night to emilia meekly asking you for comfort her during a panic aneurysm ptsd attack
>you tell her things are going to be okay as you hold her close and drift off to sleep together
She’s so cute. I want to tell her that she’s going to be ok and cheer her up.
He'd just be Rhaegar I, since his grandpa/uncle never sat the throne. God damn, Targs were fucking weird.
Lena Headey should be glad that she got millions of dollars to do nothing. Cersei had no business making it this far.
Regal, beautiful, austere, professional. Qualities that Cersei had and Daenerys never had.
Agreed but Dany looked aesthetically pleasing.
>you will never bump into Emilia wandering around L O N D O N aimlessly after reading her character's fate and notice the tears in her eyes and then she explains everything to you and you spend the rest of the day comforting her
*kills your dragon and negress maid*
What now fat whore
For me, it's Lou.
This might be the most unrealistic and garbage scene in the whole series. Literal Yea Forums party meme used for character development in a scenario more unbelievable than white walkers and Dragons
Left or right?
>I don't read anything, not even the good stuff. I didn't know there was a petition [to redo Season 8]. I truly have no idea. The fans are glorious and people are kind, but I don't need to hear the one ... who says that I'm a fat cow that can't act. I've got plenty of my own thoughts that say exactly that. I try to be just present in the moment with what is going on. Life's too short. When I was just starting out, I was so freaked out most of the time, like a rabbit in headlights. And one of my oldest, best friends told me, "You need to remember these extraordinary experiences." It woke me up. I went through a phase when I would write postcards to myself so I would have a little memento of a memory that wasn't related to work.
>the Cerseifag is back.
Meh better than a Sansafag I suppose.
>gets fined for violating her NDA and forfeits any royalties going forward.
>She hates you forever
Daenerys should’ve died in season 1.
Emilia Antigone Juliet Ophelia Clarke
Septa Lemore is Ashara Dayne, right? It would make sense she'll fake her death to breastfeed baby Y. Griff after her stillborn dead.
She said she ended up telling her friends before it aired and it's not illegal if no one knows
Cersei literally broke kaloreesi.
Lou is not for lewd
Jon got to be with the people he feels closest to in the end, and surely will be the same in the book, plus the hot Val who would like his dick.
HE killed Dany you absolute unit.
The sansafag killed himself after those pics of her looking like a 40 year old man blowing a Jonas brother came out
How it should had happened.
He mastered being a dramatic bitch. Lord Bloodraven would be proud. Always bet on the guy Bryden chooses.
Pic possibly related
Dany and Jon were fucked the moment Lord Bloodraven passed them over Bran as his protege. The only reasons Aegon IV's trueborn kids kept the throne was him.
>betrays dany, having a large portion of her army killed and her cuc.k bodyguard by the undead
>kills her dragon
>kills her negress maid
>has her chimp out on kings landing like the weak-willed fat whore she is
>as a result, this makes her a genocidal tyrant that has her killed by her mongoloid incest nephew
>Cersei was the first woman who ruled Westeros for a good amount of time, Daenerys barely touched the throne for a split second before getting killed like the fat dumbfuck loser she is
Reminder that Cersei lost all 3 of her children, her father, her mother when she was young, and was mistreated for years by Robert, and was publicly humiliated in front of a whole city while being nude, yet she still maintained her composure and strength. She rose up and became Queen despite of all the difficulties she faced.
Daenerys lost her mind and dignity like the weak bitch she is while Cersei remained strong after everything she went through.
Cersei died in the arms of her lover. Daenerys died in anguish.
Cersei won.
>keeping her hands inside her sleeve
I tend to do that do. Is it autism?
>You know the last 3ER lived for 1000 years
No the collective is thosuands years old. The last 3eyed raven is actually a bit under 200 years old, and he was hand of the king. But the show like never explored his backstory.
or its just cold
That's from early 2018 in Hollywood
She looks like a kid wearing her mum's jacket here
I still think Melissandre is his daughter with Shiera.
The Jew and the Thot fear her
Cast her, folks. The most beautiful woman ever.
She's too smol
Literally thot patrol, holy based
No need to be rude. I like Lena Headey too. We can celebrate these wonderful women together.
>The Game of Thrones star recently opened up about why this is so dangerous and toxic, saying that apps like these should be made ILLEGAL
She's literally going to destroy them
Get in faggots
Ill stop once this board acknowledges that Cersei is better than Dany.
Fine, be a dick then.
>Based rightful Queen
Some fat, drunk usurpers Brood Sow
thats a powdered colemans casserole mix. god bless her.
Amanda Seyfried would be a good Shiera Seastar.
It’s Hot Chili Con Carne
Her ancestors hailed from the spicy shores of india
Who the fuck cares? Show has been nonsense for years
bad idea
more enhanced version
>pineapple shirt, earrings and watch
>bee socks
shes actually very good isnt she
>ywn carry groceries for dany
>bee socks
>pineapple earrings to match her shirt
>yellow purse and green & yellow watch to match the pineapple theme
She's just so precious.
>she stops smiling when she notices Jon isn't smiling
This pierces my soul
>ywn carry her
Yes, hopefully she gets the Emmy
It's much more likely Jon ends up back at the Wall as LC, is where D&D got that idea initially from. His name is likely Aemon Targaryen, who yielded the throne to his brother as well and ended up there until he died. It makes a lot of sense if the fatasses story is more complex and we don't have a NK exploding and taking with him an entire civilization of ice elves in one pop. Also wars are settled by fighting, but also when terms are agreed upon. I would bet if KL is a bloodbath, than the end of the Long Night will be a result of a pact after much fighting has taken place. So then a Wall should be rebuilt and Jon is there to help rebuild it in self exile against of being a cuck that gets sent there in the show.
D&D likely chose Aegon for similar reasons as to why Asha can't exist if there's Osha already.
Reminder in one of D&D's ends, Jorah was also slated to go hang out with Wildlings for no fucking reason when he was a hero that was welcome back on Bear Island most likely. That shit screams D&D original content.
I saw Emilia Clarke at a grocery store in L O N D O N yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “It's fine! I don't mind at all!”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she cut me off and laughed and pulled me in for a selfie. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her laugh and wave at me as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” She turned around and said "I'm so sorry! I'm so scatterbrained, I didn't mean to!"
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she realized she had forgotten her credit card in her car. I offered to pay for the Milky Ways and she said "Wow, you're so sweet!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I will never wash my face again.
Yes, hopefully I get an Emmy-lia
>you will never be big brother Jason
Jon won't have a claim in the books
I would allow Dany to have sex with me
She’s fuck awful and every one of you knows this.
i don't like the way mamoa stares her
When your Kaiserin wants something you don't have a choice
Nah, she's good
I always hated Daenerys, although I have to admit that seeing her nuking kingslanding gave her A LOT of respect points in my book.
But, she is still a useless bitch and deserved all the suffering. Her chapters in the books were the second worse, only after Sansa.
That's not how you wear a tie Emilia
Look how she navigates a shitty awkward interview while still being sweet and fun. i love her.
Compared to a lot of her outfits, she looks downright conservative there.
She doesn't use thot outfits
I always thought like that, but then I realized that I have always seen her as a crazy bitch because I read the books before watching the series. In the books there is a clear progressing to show that Daenerys will eventually lose her shit, with constant examples of it being shown progressively.
BUT, the tv show ditched that and always showed Daenerys as a blank female self insert for the most part of it's running. No wonder show only brainlets think that her fall into the rabbit hole was sudden, the hacks who write it made a shitty job in portraying her character.
There's no chance she knows what a rockroll is and she's just nodding and saying yes to his joke
She does wear some revealing dresses at events
Yeah but those are literally taped
post some
I also think that the North seceding is D&D content, but if George intends it, he is a moron. Actually, the entire elective monarchy ending is moronic.
yummy! I need moar!
>all that tape
>ywn help her get the tape off after a event
The white dress is lewder
My lord that side torso is just begging to get tickled
waited years for the end. multiple rewatchs over the years, havent seen the last 4 episodes more than the once. shits fucked.
Jorah isn't as heroic as show Jorah, though.
I think Jon won't have a claim because of the already complications about annulment (requires the HS and the King's permission in case of princes) and how it's not possible to have two wives just because even if one is a king. But he'll mirror Bloodraven instead who was sent to the wall after kinslaying.