I don't need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn't work about A WRINKLE IN TIME

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Other urls found in this thread:


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what does she have against 40 year olds?

I like the way she said she wasn't "taking away any seats", just "adding more", but she literally tried to take away the proverbial seat by saying that she doesn't care about 40 year old White men's opinions and saying that a wrinkle in time was not for them.

Do liberals ever actually notice their non stop contradictions?

she old and busted

Imagine having Brie say mean things to you, disregarding your opinions, and humiliating you every day. That would be so awful, haha.

>that blind item of her pissing into a champagne glass and making a guy drink it at a wrap party

And yet
>dated a 39 year old man
>defends men on twitter
Yeah, I'm thinking she's misunderstood based

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haha wouldn't it also be funny if she sexually harassed you for being a straight white male every day. Like she would squeeze and touch you without warning haha that would suck

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That's the thing people here don't seem to get about her, she's not a rabid SJW, she's just a liberal who tries to do what she thinks is right

her problem is more a general lack of charisma than her SJW politcs

Exactly. On top of all that, she's has dat dere autism. Too bad you gotta burn your hand at the stove to realize it's hot.

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>Hey user, want to play with me?

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Because she played Captain Marvel and my favorite youtuber said CM didn't smile nearly enough!


Here’s a 28-year-old white man telling you what didn’t work about A Wrinkle in Time


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She also doesn't need to pass on her genes.

She might not have immediate charisma, but she's real as shit, and very conscientious/perceptive/sensitive/kind. Just a shut in and very anxious.
You realize that after going through some interviews with her.

But she will with me one day


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>people keep posting that photoshopped image
This is Daisy Ridley's chompers all over again


God I'd love to wrap my thumb and forefinger around her wrist. It looks so delicate

Brie a cute

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so cute

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I don't care what some 30 year old white chick thinks about Joker, its not for them

She's so based! I agree that people should only associate with their own race

She would know about wrinkles and time.

have s3x

Who would like something like that or Brie slapping you and publicly talking down to you and telling you how worthless you are and really embarrassing you in front of everyone? No one, I bet.

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Nah you just need 40 year old white dudes to create films so Hollywood isn’t complete and utter shit.

Calling themselves liberals is a huge contradiction, so no.

>people have bad photos

Then how is he still making videos?

Man it would be really terrible if she went on a drunken rant about how worthless you were and how you don't pleasure her well enough

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I actually like that photo. She looks like Jenna Fischer (in a good way) on it.

If anything, props to her for unjusting herself. Had a similar period in HS. Upgraded my looks in college.

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Thanks for posting another cute Brie, user

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>cute Brie
hahahahahaha you incels sure live in denial land.

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based and briepilled thread

Post more cute Bries, user. You're doing well.

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here you go tranny

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This was always the only endgame liberal capitalism could have ever had. They've made capital uniform and instantly transferable and now they will make labor that way as well.

Thanks for all the bumps and qt Bries, user.

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>leaked Hereditary alternate ending

Who else /paimon/ here?

Go back to your subreddit shill

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i remember to sage ;)
>implying you use that shit website and waste time looking at retardecelebs
hahahahaha keep trying incel

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How much does Geek + Gamers pay you for each post, shill?

It's okay, I bump when I reply to your posts :^)

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The left can't meme.

more then you can dream of, soye boy, are you jealous?
only one bumping a shit thread is one fast way to end up in the 10th page.

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>implying we do this for money

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Low effort reddit post.
Have sex.

I bump too

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Incels can't have sex or ever be happy.

Like you retards can even tell left from right at this point.

Not sure I understand what you mean but have another Brie pit.

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Lol, i actually do. Low effort is literally the name of the game around here faggot.

Let’s ask her what Indians thought of Basmati Blues.

>You can't tell left from right
>we literally conquered the USA routinely expose leftist lies and corruption.

Go back to your containment board

Kek, you can always tell which one these bitch-made nerds got their feelings hurt by how fast they respond

She's not wrong

>Everything I don't like is the left
okay Sargon

im always happy to spew hate against that shitty person, so yeah lets keep going, Yea Forums will eventually hate her even more.

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Being attacked by a giant dumb liberal text shit doesn't upset me, it makes me laugh lol

>we literally conquered the USA routinely expose leftist lies and corruption.
Based nonsense poster

God, I'd love to wrap my erect dick around her neck and then spin around and send her flying.

she's cute, but a cunt

No, the left just simply can't meme. You are terrible at communication.

Sorry user, but have you seen the threads about her? More and more anons here like her everyday. I'm afraid you're in denial

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We literally have a shit poster in the White house. We literally fucking conquered you.

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>No, the left just simply can't meme. You are terrible at communication.

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I will only like brie larson the day that she gets put in my brap barn sanctuary to fulfil her duty to me as a brap sow.

Imagine posting something like this ironically. Pol, not even once.

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More like an Israeli puppet in the white house
You need to go back to you're containment subreddit:reddit.com/r/thedonald/

>More and more anons here like her everyday.
you mean more and more bots are created and filled with scripts to post? or more and more indian telemarketers are hired to shill this thread for her?

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she the type of person i would say is hot for a mom

Wew laddy, maybe get some medication for you delusional thoughts.

You guys literally support feminizing hormone therapy yet you attempt to throw our anti-onions meme back at us by calling us basedboys even though it's only considered offensive if you disagree with the feminization of men by messing with peoples hormones...

See, this is exactly what we mean when we say you can't meme. Your brains just don't process logical sequences. You cannot 4d chess.

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Why do Indians/Pakis find this movie racist? Is she our girl?
Basmati Blues (2018)

He'll probably off himself quicker than a post-op tranny. The world be will be so much better when the incel menace is eradicated.

You need to go back to the toilet of failure.
stfu brap cow.

>pic related

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>4d chess

Cringe as fuck incel

>get rid of incels
>toasties no longer get beta bucks
>porn industry collapses


Lol, best one yet. Love it sweetheart.

Okay this is epic.

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She looks like my 60 year old mother in law

Look at those dead eyes.

Brie has the pretties eyes, hasn't she?

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I loved that fact she bullied very Broken white men as Bullies ..

Beautiful hazel eyes

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>I loved that fact she bullied very Broken white men as Bullies ..
Brie Laughed and said lets STOP an Destroy them not needed in Thise ...New Stars Wars !

perfectly perfect.

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she posted that thise .. lol

>This is a 10 in America

Before this get deleted I just want to say something.

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Imagine choosing this as your waifu. Holy shit.

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based user having a stroke but still brieposting

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>>This is a 10 in America

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>I don't need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn't work about A WRINKLE IN TIME
No one needs anyone to tell them; it's pretty fucking obvious. Also she's still an entitled cunt.

You don't choose ur waifu, user

Know your place Danny fag.

Where did you read this?

This is white boys queen?! This bitch looks 40 herself wtf she talking about lmao. White girls age horribly and talk the most shit

Listen Need to say , I said an all in text is Rt / an I said ok ..
this alt left filth will hate you an then in court try make u a nazis,.. Nah Not here , I begg them them to do That .. ..Me .. ???????

>brie btfo-ing other waifus since time immemorial
Yep, I'm thinking she's papa blessed

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Crazy days and nights right around when endgame came out. There was a series of posts about the massive wrap parties

cope boyo

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Are you a thot with big milkies?

Yes but what is the sauce for her peeing into a glass? Or was it just shit made up in the threads?

she Ruined in Kike wood , No one likes here =director cos she has so many issues a personall an no/no means No .. an she Yes .. ! she broken
Told she going in dem politics now

that image is fake.

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It’s not made up. The author of the blog is legit and has predicted a ton of shit. I will try to dig up the exact links but it was posted here a lot when it first went up

Based Ayy posting in Brie thread for no reason.
She's never going into politics btw. Hasn't been political in a year now.

no/no means No....an she Yes !

But I know best .. top kek

Her movie made more in 5 days than Alita did in its entire run

cry more incels

Check the 7:00 mark and see for yourself if it's fake.
(ironically, the image you posted is actually fake, wherein Tom Holland's ass has been touched up)

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>be sexually harassed at work again
>"be a man, user. Deal with it"
>wake up the next morning
>Beyonce and friends staring at me
>they start over-singing at me
>ask them to leave
>they call the cops
>typing this from prison
>a six foot seven black guy called Molly said he's gonna make me a survivor
>can't get his genitals out of my body
>can't get that stupid song out of my head

She's right, ya know.

That’s actually not true

fake news

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Not him, but I can tell you what's not true. That's she's a feminazi who hates men.
Took me all of 2 days (48 hours) to do my research and come to the conclusion. 5 months ago.

Please find it I need to read it

>live video
>it's fake y'see
People's bodies generally tend to fluctuate while they're alive user. If you're so concerned about the state of her ass, call her up and set an appointment with Pierce Brosnan.

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Calm down as this is


You shit post here ....You Go Jail !
I jailed many mutts here ok
we asking Can the hollywood player be asked after role .. stop the gangs an crime an white .folks .. Oh WAIT YOU HATE THEM /Fact ..

You intrigue me. I've spent many a day and night on this website but I don't believe I've encountered you in particular. I'll keep a close eye on you.


>People's bodies generally tend to fluctuate while they're alive user
lol, not asses

Yeah bro, they remain the same

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Wtf are you talking about

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Give her 5 years, man. She's just about hitting the wall, and soon the declining fertility signs will be popping up and her cute little face will turn into an old dried up raisin.

ah bloo bloo

She's past the first stop already. The bitchy face and attitude and dead eyes are a pretty good sign.

>incel talking about declining fertility
Dare I say it, pottery.

wtf is that thing

>m-muh bitchy attitude
As opposed to you niggers? Don't make me laugh user

they're called fake panties user, grow up a bit please.

they're named FAKE PANTIES

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It's a machine that makes your ass bigger.

I never claimed to be something else. Brie is an intensely unlikable person and watching her get shit on in cast interviews for Avengers Endgame was pretty hilarious.


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I noticed your thirst for (You)'s since the first reply, but you're getting too desperate.
It's a subtle art form no different than humor or flirting. Get good and come back.

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not happy but I will kill aLL

Why are the gentlemen of black persuasion so obsessed with buttocks?

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not happy but I will kill aLL ...

>Brie is an intensely unlikable person
If she'd be any more likeable, she would probably get shot for being an anomaly in Jewlywood. True story. Don't know how she came to be in the spotlight but it's unnatural.

Isn't that racism and ageism?

She has pathetic tits
t. White male

okay, "white male"

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She looks 40.

I like em

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not only black men, but also latinos, that ass is pitiful
t. white latino.

>White women

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>Don't know how she came to be in the spotlight but it's unnatural.

She probably sucks and fucks better than Jlaw. Can't wait for The Fappening 2: Brie's Butthole Boogaloo

it takes a lot of time and effort for that to change someone's ass..also, squats don;t do that much, hip thrusts and donkey kicks work better.

some say that she likes to piss on bottles, i bet shes a pissfag.

i hope some day she pisses on my face.

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Or.. you can just eat more.

Well let me tell you about the wrinkles beside your eyes darling


>she has a plump ass

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Pilates is for women and fags. If you're not blowing out spinal disks you're not working out.

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No waifu thread will ever be as comfy as a Brie thread, because you can see all kinds of posts and opinions here.
And Yea Forums shat on Emilia when she had her head busted, but suddenly liked her when the normies got pissed off by the shitty GoT ending. Top fucking lel.

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Delightfully devilish Zorak

no u

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I want Brie to pepper my dick with red kiss marks

>Not him, but I can tell you what's not true. That's she's a feminazi who hates men.

Oh, it's very true. I'd wager any other woman in the MCU is bigger bitch, in fact. Or at the very least a bigger NPC.



>Yea Forums is one person

How do you know that?

>you can see all kinds of posts and opinions here
>Yea Forums is one person

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Oh god this might be one of the best photos of Brie ever

The absolute look of smug sexiness and power she exudes as she clearly notices you staring at her pits and is getting ready to taunt and smother you with them

By consuming interviews?

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Whoa. She cute

By listening to her say a bunch of retarded shit? She's a fucking celebrity who has been in one movie that people saw.

Yes, but no different than that cute autistic child who almost gets run over by a car. A car that the kid was driving by itself. Luckily she had an airbag and is making a recovery.

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She looks like she's getting ready to do a big brapshit.

Doesn't strike me as a celebrity at all.


Only mistake she made was being in that one movie you're referring to.

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Trips of truth. Bring old Brie back! Fuck Hollywood!

why do people like this "woman" so much?
she looks like a dude
she has a bigger jaw than most dudes.

her face is very narrow and plain.
when does put a pound of make up and highlights, she looks like a granny going through a mid life crisis.

oh and no ass.

I literally do not see it. I don't know how you can be a Brie fag, and not be a little gay or facially blind.

I refuse to believe people unironically like Brie Larson

What's wrong with being a 40-year-old white "dude," exactly? Better than being a single, childless 30-year-old cunt.

Pbjordan needs to go fuck himself

>she has a bigger jaw than most dudes.
no one ever thinks of this but looks like this dude

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Fair enough. It looked like shit and I never saw it.

>why do people like this "woman" so much?
Because soul.
>she looks like a dude
No, although her wardrobe is occasionally unisex to the point where all her femininity is hidden. This was the case with Captain Marvel and that awkward non-fitting heavy leather suit.
>she has a bigger jaw than most dudes.
Depending on someone's taste, wide jaws can be patrician.
>her face is very narrow and plain.
She is plain for Hollywood standards, particularly when it comes to her personality, which makes her stand out in a good way once you get to know her. She doesn't belong there.
>I literally do not see it.
I don't see a lot of appeal in Emily Blunt either, but people go crazy over her. That's the human condition.

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That's because you think she's a bitch. She's not. Probably the only reason I changed my opinion on her.
It wouldn't make sense for me to like her otherwise.

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So you like homely ugly women, which your mind tricks you into believing they are attainable? Roger.

There's no woman that is unattainable. But yes, I like homey women and people in general. There aren't many of the sort in Hollywood and the entertainment industry.
If fawning over vapid instagram thots is your thing, that's fine, but I've outgrown that phase. If you've ever lived long enough with a woman, you learn really quickly that they all have flaws, sometimes maddeningly so. But if you strike a compromise you can have a pretty fulfilling relationship with one. Brie reminds me of the kinda women I'm wired to get along with.

>I like homey women

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>Another thread where Brie triumphs over delusional incels
feels real good to be a BrieBro

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>I like homey women and people in general.
disingenuous faggot.
coping much

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Nice catch. Homey women can be kino.

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Are we living on the same planet? Brie has one of the most stereotypical resting bitch faces on the planet. And she is on record being a huge nasty bitch (putting some poor TSA worker on blast for flirting).

And you think that's a woman who is wholesome and actually nice deep down inside? Lol, dude. Lel.

>disingenuous faggot
How exactly? The whole point is being transparent.

>Brie has one of the most stereotypical resting bitch faces on the planet.
She also has a beautiful smile
>And she is on record being a huge nasty bitch (putting some poor TSA worker on blast for flirting).
Is she not allowed to complain about things that annoy her?

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>And you think that's a woman who is wholesome and actually nice deep down inside?
Yes. It's clear to me that most celebrities try their hardest to put up that exact same image, and I've never bought it for a second (with some exceptions). But the irony with Brie is, she seemed like the polar opposite of that at first, and then I pretty much "dug up" the fact that she's alright. Her argument for the TSA thing was that the guy was in a position of power, so basically as if a cop had asked for her number.
I didn't say she hasn't done dumb shit either. It's incredibly hard to gauge what her true personality is like from the post-Disney interviews.

is she really this insufferable or is it just an extension of the roles she is taking where the higher ups are telling her to act that way outside of the work to build up hate and hype?

>Is she not allowed to complain about things that annoy her?
It's not even that. In her eyes, she's trying to do the right thing and help a certain demographic, but she simply came off the wrong way/preachy.
Her oddball behavior in some of these interviews, like the Wired one, is explainable as well. But most common people (not just normies, but anons too) simply don't have the eyes to see that. To them she's that one feminazi bitch with the PC ramblings.

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My guess is that it's a combination of pressure to be a "strong confident female role model" + anxiety. But the magnitude of the role definitely plays a part in this, because she wasn't like this in the past.

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See this makes more sense now when you realize that Brie is literally autistic

Based Brie.

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>*Snap* Yep

It would make no sense for someone who knows the whole world's watching to purposefully be insensitive towards a dead person though. Even if she had some malicious intent it still doesn't make sense to go public with it. So my guess is she didn't mean any harm with that post but didn't think it over very well either.

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Guys I think I'm in love what do

Just keep watching her movies

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Or she’s just a narcissist who thought, ‘oh some famous guy died. Good time to show off my purse and shoes.

She's just genuinely socially inept in some situations. There's tons of people like that, but they don't have eyes on them 24/7. Doesn't mean she should be immune to criticism, but people blow things out of proportion.
This is a case of Mel Gibson to me.

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Why are you so obssessed with her?

Mommy Brie

She's not.

>not cute

>"user, it hurts when you say things like that"

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>that birth control stare

You say this, but you post an adorable pic of her

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Only thing that's insufferable is the overblown negative reaction to her. Cancel culture was a mistake. Both sides are equally as guilty in this.
No different than the entire media painting Donald Trump to be Satan.You can sneeze and be convicted of murder tomorrow.
When the bombs start dropping, this pussified society will see what's really worth complaining about.

Why do I find this adorable?

Are the puffy cheeks coming back, bros? I miss them so much.

Oh god. I don't like her, but I wanna hate fuck her.

God I hope so

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Women always hate being "challenged". Ironically, you can get a woman to sleep with you using a very similar method, if you're sly enough.
Try alternating between "I hate you" and "I like you" and see what happens.

I saw Brie Larson at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When the girl took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, Brie stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Brie kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

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Tanner Hall

>ruddy face
lesbian confirmed

>horrible skin, acne scars and grease, plus flat ass and goblin feet, a confirmed mudshark too

lol /nu/tv incels are thirsty as fuck,

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>dat fucking jaw
she's venomous

Attached: snakehds.jpg (400x261, 64K)

What am I supposed to get from this?

>That pretty golden hair
>Those cute rosy cheeks
>The perfectly chiseled jaw
>That beautiful smile
>Those gorgeous hazel eyes
Yep, it's Brie Larson

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I honestly don’t get the hate. She obviously has social anxiety and maybe some light autism. She’s adorably awkward. And she has a subtly sexuality about her and people realized this during that scene in Endgame. You know the one.

Why can't Yea Forums stop talking about her lately?

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>le ebin autist gf
>shes just liek me!

shes a roastie, she sent nudes to other guys, she dated black dudes

sorry to burst your bubble :-)

so? we’re never gonna meet her.

They are generally more successful than her.

it depends, are u black?


lol no, brown like a dogs eyes


you mentioned black men twice, dude. is there something you wanna tell us?

tfw your ovaries are drying up and you will never have children.

i am black
and brie larson likes black guys
too bad her ass is non-existant lol

Please tell us more, this is all very interesting.

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>I am black

Don’t steal any bikes



this is why women are insane and irrational, they all know deep down inside their clock is tick tick ticking and soon they will expire

your "waifu" is sexually attracted to the BBC

I'm black and i have never had a white girl. My dick is average too.

brie managed to expire at 27
kinda impressive

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Cute bitch

lol you are probably a simp ass nigga
ps: sorry about your dick situation

Shes in her prime and cute. Would breed.

>tried to take away the proverbial seat
absolute incel lmfao

Stop reminding me why I used to hate her.
So anyway, she's cute, has daddy issues, and is kind of autistic. Hot.

just an image and a thread header not even a topic, no source. the fucking state of tv. absolutely disgusting.

>a 30yo
>in her prime

shes an old catcher mitt
even sophia boutella (37) looks younger than her

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Wow, Brie looks like THAT at 30 yo?
How does she do it bros?

but a 60 year old white guy wrote the script, and a 50 year old white guy produced it

Holy shit, why is this so hot?

The way the tittymeat pushes upward...me gusta...

of course they don't
the perfect illustration (true story) is when a high school's boys sports team (don't remember the sport - probably baseball) got new bleachers because the parents ran a huge fundraiser
the parents of the girls team (probably softball) put up a huge stink because there was now inequity
you know how the school solved the inequity?
they tore down the new bleachers for the boys team and put ones up identical to the girls team.
that's what they're doing across society.

She's so perfect it hurts

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>there are "people" in this thread, viewing these photos and claiming they don't like Brie

Yeah, I'm thinking they need to go back.

Seriously, Brie sticky when?

>271 Replies
>86 IPs

..imagine their sad lives

g r e a s y

>Sad lives
Ain't no sunshine when Brie's gone.

Hard to be sad as a Brietard to be honest

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Alright, all jokes aside. Is it possible Brie Larson knows she has a fan club on this board? Like, do you think she maybe even has browsed here to see what we think of her?

I have it on good authority that she's at least browsed /pol/ and Yea Forums

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where do you think you are, sweetie?

I unironically love Brie, I used to hate her and find her obnoxious but I came around on her so hard and she's a fucking vision. I wish I could date a girl like her

The fact that Brie Larson and Emilia Clarke went from being the two most hated actresses on this board to having almost daily waifu threads never ceases to amaze me

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Based. For me it's when I learned she was part French and her humor is mistaken for bitchiness.

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