Can he get any more based?

can he get any more based?

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he likes to fuck dogs


he fucks dogs like our current janny which is why these threads never get deleted tv related shows on the other hand

le dog fucker

he's deleting tranny reality tv shows now
makes you think huh

i simply can't wait for next season and spam this shit in his face

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Why did a music hipster ever decide to make a movie review channel?

>mfw he fucks dogs

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Anyone got the posts the friend he fired made? About how he was in tears trying to get him to agree that animals can consent?

How do plebs like IHE and YMS become the authority on films on YouTube?

What happened?


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no but I was there for that thread and it was great

because their audience is full of plebs

At least Adam actually knows the bare minimum when it comes to cinema. I Hate Everything doesn't seem to like / watch movies. He's just another 'le cynical british guy' on YouTube.

Yeah what's the deal here

because the majority of their are kids / plebs who exclusively watch capeshit or the latest blockbuster (sort of like Yea Forums)

Did you know he fucks dogs?


I believe he fucks dogs

Lol he doesn't though. He thinks old films are worse just because they're older and said all films prior to Citizen Kane was just people fooling around on camera. The man knows nothing.

Wait, does he really have sex with dogs?


yes he litterly fucks dogs

Oh my god I can't believe this. What the fuck was he thinking? Unsubscribed.


I like his videos. But he fucks dogs

What does Yea Forums think of ralph?

He’s never admitted to it, but he defends the practice way more than someone who hasn’t would.

If you make a post/video anywhere criticizing him for it he’ll show up with his dicksucking fans and argue about it to the death.

Scar from Lion King is also his ideal husbando, so y’know not like he denies wanting to do it.

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i'm thinking dogs

>because they sacrificed the water buffalo instead of fucking it

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Because all e-celebs think they're multi-talented geniuses

He was blown the fuck out by that feeder fetish pedophile Joshua Moon on social media.

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No one actually likes them, or most movie reviewers for that matter. They like the movies they talk about since they're basically just showing them in full anyways.

>I personally like to take an objective approach
oh no NO NO

yeah these videos are basically plot summary with little analysis

>measuring art objectively

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Hey, Yea Forums here to say that I like ralph.


hey ralph, user here die soon!

Used to be good before he got cucked by the homo furry and moved to Los Angelaids

Everyone knows you start these threads yourself, dogfucker.

based trontposter