Yeah, I’m thinking he’s back.
Yeah, I’m thinking he’s back
Other urls found in this thread:
what's with the weeb decor
What do you call this aesthetic?
Hana bi is so fucking good.
Hyde fans are as pathetic if not worse than Snyder fans.
looking beefy
literal fat cunt
w2c Hana-bi poster
Lol so randumb, he's being ugly ironically such a comedic genius
what mode is this?
Absolute kino
>Thinking that’s ugly
Poast Physique
>not knowing sam-sama is a student of NIPPON and master of the hand forged genki steel katana
Don't need a show as long as I got my Calvins
>guy who's old twitter handle was a song from an anime and went to school for animation is a weeb
Aeon Flux mode
Post body
why do people hang movie posters on their wall? do they need to be constantly reminded what their favorite movie is? especially neckbeards like sam, no one is ever stepping foot in his room besides himself
where are the fucking tranny posts dammit?
Dead career mode
Sam is ugly and has roid acne, stay mad gymcels.
Why do fat ugly guys get on roids and get tit surgeries? It looks ridiculous.
yeah seriously, the thread hawk is sleeping today
Post body
>you will never be this washed up
his nips look like they've seen some shit
They look cool and represent things you think are cool? Is your apartment 100% utilitarian?
Are you an idiot perhaps who actually thinks he has a point?
They're relocated from gyno surgery, they remove them and sew them back on when they remove breast tissue.
I want to repeat this to my friends. Can you show evidence to back this up?
You have thought he was back for the past 4 years, and he has remained obscure. Face it: that guy is not funny, and he's not coming back.
buy oil paintings and hang up art from your local community instead of jewish product.
I have gook cartoon posters up
He doesn't have any chest muscles how is that possible?
>local artists
>not jews
>thinking he has roid acne and not acne from eating fast food for literally every meal
>thinking Sam in natty when hes got the typical hgh fat-head
Wait really? I got gyno but idk if its worth my nips being perma-erect and looking like I rubbed them with sand paper.
why is this man not in jail by now?!
He is jewish
If you cut off a nipple, does it grow back nipply? Or does it grow back as scar tissue?
He's had that fat head since World Peace was cancelled. I think he's just fat. I don't believe he actually cares enough about his physique to get on HGH or tren.
Theater of the Aire is the best stuff he’s done since WP got cancelled
I'm pretty sure he at least roided to make himself look more bloated and ugly.
How is this Yea Forums related?
It's been like a month and no paycuck have spilled KSTV2 E02 yet.
Fuck Sam for making his shit on gumroad instead of patreon where we could just scrap it.
Comedic actor that was on adult swim and had his own show
that would honestly be really fucking stupid. like the stupidest use of test i've ever heard.
Honestly, how strong is he? He looks like he could rip a car in half.
-Is a devout Christian
-Even though his beliefs are evolving constantly in the redpilled direction, he's not afraid to openly state and defend them at any given time.
-Is a father and has a family, respects traditional values and honesty.
-Is actually funny and can do a decent standup routine without needing to read his jokes off a sheet of paper.
-Doesn't beg for money.
-Values his friends.
-Godless nihilist.
-Anal fetishist, obsessed with gay lifestyle humor and probably a full on bisexual
-Doesn't do interviews that aren't softball wankfests, interacts with his fans in the most opaque ways possible with meaningless twitter jabber (he probably secretly hates his fanbase)
-Abuses his eceleb status to buttfuck his teen fangirls instead of getting into a stable, child-bearing relationship.
-Lost his comedic luster years ago (probably because he fried his brain with steroid injection abuse), hides behind whats left of his comedy to the point that you wonder if he actually believes anything at all.
-Acts like a complete kike, where he literally pretended to be poor for fan sympathy/donations even though he's crypto-rich.
-Alienates people that get close to him and only keeps company with sycophants.
I think I know who I side with now. Owen today is funnier than Sam has ever been:
Actual schizophrenic
>after Sam's WP show got aborted Charls pitched his own show idea to AS, and instead of supporting his friend in this, Sam had his employees sign a contract to never work with Charls and he fucked Charls out of merch/book profit sharing
what a great guy, totally not the kike he makes fun of in his comedy
only a 405 squatter and deadlifter, fairly weak for someone who squatted 315 in 2015.
Owen does have a shitton of cringy songs though
his new material is great:
fuck off with your meme actor
It's not.
guy has the tits and torso of an FTM
Isnt this that faggot that has sex with men that dress like women.
all of that top stuff is gay nerd shit, and all of that sam stuff is based
Also he’s like 270
Dude’s really fucking weak for his size
is sam jewish? srs question
Sucking a trannies dick isn't gay? Didn't know.
I mean, literally just look it up? Look up botched gyno/gynecomastia surgery if you want to see how it looks when they fuck it up, which is very common. You can get 5 inch diameter nipples, or massive holes in your chest, or worse.
Mirin dat sparkling water
Who is being communicated with, here? Channing? Andy Ruse? Joel?
>discord trannies trying to false flag sam
I don't even like the guy and I'm cringing at the autism
It could also be somekind of side effect from Sam taking roids.
I think it's probably Channing
I always felt pretty bad, for her. It's clear she had some sort of crush on Sam and followed him around like a puppy and he seemed to just use her as some sort of house-slave. Wouldn't surprise me if he fucked her a few times just to keep her on board.
Sam looks fucking jacked. Good for him.
He always had big tits, they probably got bigger from roids, so he finally removed them.
he probably just doesn't give enough of a shit to do proper strength programming. he's very tall, so the fact that he has the same deadlift as his squat is puzzling, since he could easily pull more if he just tried.
>dude he’s just ironically fucking trannies
wait a second nvm he actually does take roids what the fuck. then he truly is weak as fuck.
What's funny is I imagine he got half of his supplement advice from Charls, who is a fucking nutcase about that shit (though useful for getting me into it).
Life is peachy poster in the back
He could take you all, 2bh
Owen is 1/4 ethnic Jew
>a man denied by the industry
where does Charls talk about supps?
>Is your apartment 100% utilitarian?
having shit all over your walls is certified onions bugbrain shit
rumor is that he didn't even take the roids to beef up, he took them because he's a weak ass soi boy with low T and his dick stopped working right and he wanted to try to ward off the gay (and it didn't work either apparently).
That's how you know a zoomer made this macro.
schizophrenia is based and redpilled and the final step of human intellectual evolution
what are you, some sort of autistic who doesn't "decorate" his own quarters?
good on you, Sam represents the complete opposite, and he's a hypocrite at that
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.
Its been a long time rumor that he has extremely bad porn dick from people saying they're his ex's
wtf why this thread discussing mass shooter still MOD delete this
You mean he doesn't talk about them, anymore? I remember a lot of his early streams and vids on bombstrap were full of sup stuff (I haven't watched him in ages, he got a little too nutty for me).
He lives in a shit hole. Is that by choice, or what?
It's so tiring to have to put up with you /pol/ crossposting incels every fucking day of the week, I don't know if I want to keep visiting this board anymore. Every day you are bitching about something new, something that doesn't affect you in the slightest, and then you have the nerve to call other people 'sensitive' or 'snowflakes'. There's always something race or gender related bothering you, and for some reason you come to bitch here instead of staying in your containment board. You always come here and post the same comments, the same old memes, it doesnt matter what the subject is, you are going to say the same shit regardless. You're all so boring and repetitive, like an old broken record.
You are legitimately taking the fun out of this place. This board used to be great, but now it's turning to shit. You are driving old posters away and replacing them with more like-minded incels. I dont like this board anymore.
He has a really dumb haircut
This board is a fucking cancer chamber and I hope it gets taken down.
All you guys do is steal Sams content and fucking shit on him, what the fuck have you ever done? Why do have such an elevated sense of entitlement?
Were you all deeply personally wronged by Sam?
How many of you are Joe Bernstein or a girl he fucked?
The funny thing is, I know for a fact that the reason you have no take-away from his content is because you are all completely uncreative, for a creative person HydeWars is a fucking goldmine of solid advice you really will not find anywhere else from a dude who is EXTREMELY prolific despite what you fucking retards claim.
I'm in a very different field to him but the advice has been totally transferable and increased my productivity ten fold.
Don't even fucking reply to this because I'm not coming back, you can all rot in your echo chamber of malicious, vindictive criticisms whilst simultaneously spending HOURS of your pathetic lives consuming his content and gossiping about him.
I might email him to see if he can get this place nuked.
Get fucked.
Just like me!
Serious question. WTF has MDE been doing since world peace ended?
Looks like an insane asylum room for a child.
imagine training for years to get your squat from 315 to 405 while on gear. he probably couldn't take on a 5' manlet
Can you recover from porn dick?
Explain the nick angle you trannies.
ya cant
epic copypasta
Porn dick is just an excuse degenerates come up with to rationalize their fucked up fetishes. If porn dick was a thing, most men would be unable to perform.
Nick moved on and did his antique store thing, which he sold and he might be into properties/cars now. Still sometimes does stuff with Sam.
Sam is scamming his paypigs with his paywall shit, instead of using the money to make his videos better, he's hiring other people to do everything so he can work on videogames (seriously, he admitted he wants to do this full time)
Charls got fucked over by Sam because he tried to make it on his own and pitched his own show to AS (causing Sam to get jealous (even tho the pitch failed), not give Charls his share of merch/book money, having ppl sign wavers not to work with Charls, etc), now he's relegated to being a twitch streaming cult leader.
lmao he doesn't know the bitchute
is don jolly still on good terms with sam?
I think its a case of things didn't work out between them considering he got fired by Sam.
>wants to take shirtless pics and post them online like an e thot but has to mask it with a transparent wacky random Photoshop
I agree, but this thread is hardly the pinnacle of /pol/ annoyingness. It's the relentless kike and WWII threads they have that are tiring.
oh damn. Don seems weird from at least this short clip, recording sam and apparently shitting on a guy (cam?) about killing himself. But its only a couple seconds so idk.
Sam is the one that did the recording because the roids have turned him into a paranoid Nixon-type, there are even stories that he installed key loggers and shit on his employees PC's to monitor if they shit talk him behind his back.
The full recording is here:
oh fucking weird
Why would Nick still be friends and occasionally do videos with Sam if Sam fucked over Charls?
Remember that Nick was Charls friend first, that is how Sam met Charls through Nick. No way Nick would still hang out with Sam and follow him if Sam had fucked over Charls like that.
Same for the inverse, why would Charls still hang with Nick if Nick is still part of Sam, the same guy that supposedly fucked him over. It doesnt add up guy.
is he juicing?
yes, but doing it badly
i wish my prison bed was so tidy
No context but sam sounds reasonable so far.
Yeah, nothing unreasonable about surreptitiously recording your employees and posting the convo online. Totally normal. Is he accepting applications? I'm afraid I might not be creative enough, since I make a good salary and have savings. Is that ok?
You've clearly never been in a situation in a group of friends where two of them go at eachother and you try to be a neutral in it.
The swap limb routine.
white bull
It's not very reasonable to secretly record conversations like this and use people like door mats like he's obviously doing to this beta-boy Don guy. Since Sam is the one doing the recording obviously he's gonna word things as carefully as possible to look like he comes out on top.
Why does Sam leave youtube comments on random Charls twitch reuploads saying how great a skit writer Charls was and he would welcome him if heever wanted to do comedy again?
Bear mode
Dude definitely lifts but doesn’t diet like he wants to look aesthetic. He’s pretty big tho
This isnt some pissy fight about an impasse at dinner dude.
Sam had told EVERYBODY to blacklist Charls and shit-talked Charls to EVERYONE. He also stole his fucking money from merch/sales. Allegedly.
Thats totally different situation than a friend just trying to stay neutral between a spat between two mutual friends.
Why did the SuperBestFriends break up?
how often per day does sam browse teevee? did he make this thread?
What did Sammy boy mean by this?
Because he's a controlling sociopath and knows the fans would like it if Charls came crawling back.
looks fake. also doesnt the edited mean you posted it yourself
*tranny has left the chat*
>hana bi
>roiding for this
it's still pretty believably considering the stuff that's actually happened
What would a young Sam Hyde say to the current day Sam Hyde?
Literally the only people I know that work out beyond a year do so for themselves and not women
Cope more you sex obsessed white knight
“Can I suck your dick?”
this, Sam is probably repressing his homosexuality and it's fucking his dick up.
Nice Babylon 5 poster on the wall.
What would he look like without the goatee?
Charles was always funnier and better looking
hi sam
i really liked smocaine3
Matt’s wife.
he definitely gave the best performances in WP
you go to, you'll be a monster.
Sam the forbidden one
Just think, somewhere out there, there's a person who had absolutely nothing better to do with his time than to make that image. Really makes you appreciate your own life.
took me 5 minutes that I could have used to bang your mom
>who is a fucking nutcase about that shit
been watching a lot of charls' stuff lately and i truly cannot tell how much of it is an act and how far off the deep end he really is.
you're still some eceleb's cuck
hard to get more pathetic than that
Reminder this is one of the best videos on the internet.
The Ross
sam hyde is going to die childless...:(
why to libtards/leftycucks hate sammyboy so much?
It was like a 6/10 ep. KSTV2's been kind of disappointing me so far but the last Happy World Daddy was pure kino.
tit surgery?
I don't know but them being this ass hurt over him is funny as fuck.
how did he manage to clear his face up? im still stuck with acne
sam is over, it's all about my best friend nick mullen now
aborted fetuses
quick rundown on nick mullen's politics
He's a z-list personality that hasn't had a mainstream presence since his Adult Swim show. He doesn't register on libtards' radars at all.
Most of the hate Sam gets comes from former fans who have been scammed by him, disappointed in how lazy and shitty his content has gotten, or disillusioned by seeing the huge hypocrite he is.
to me his best stuff are the youtube videos, never watched the adult swim stuff
>Hana-Bi poster
That's pretty fucking based
How'd this even get out there?
please go away tranny
I still don't even really understand why. I know Charls is pretty weird, but enough to treat him so poorly?
I really appreciate the strange pictures Sam releases of himself
Pretty much this. He does have the potential to and occasionally creates some incredible things, but largely squanders his talent. Since breaking off with MDE he's kind of surrounded himself with yes men and become kind of paranoid. I'm friends with a guy who was working with him for a bit but they had a falling out. Sam recorded all of their conversations at the studio in secret for some reason, very weird situation. But some of the stuff he does is still very good.
Nobody knows for sure, some people suspect that this email caused Sam to leak it as a veiled threat/shot across the bow against Don, implying that he might have recorded Don saying something embarrassing and he wants him to shut up (or else the more embarrassing stuff will come out).
Other ppl have speculated that someone on the inside leaked it out and more might come. Who knows.
guy heaven
To my knowledge Don has completely broken ties with Sam as well as Dagger magazine.
fuck off schizoid
What im saying is that I dont think Sam scammed Charls. No way Charls and Nick would still be friends if Sam had fucked over Charls like that.
any proof that Sam even wrote this?
Theatre of Air >>>> anything else Sam has done since WP. Reminded me of 2012-2014 Sam.
really? i find HWD to be better.
idk, sam is not too great at long format skits.
I asked Don and he said Sam was the one leaking them on viiichan as payback for looking into the rumors about banging trannies/underage fans, I guess he was writing an article on the Hyde phenomenon and that was one of the threads. Not on good terms but I think he still respects Sam as an artist.
bloat baron
I enjoyed HWD, idk, something about Theatre of Aire I really enjoyed. I’m just glad he’s making quality skits at all now.
are u amish
>believing that was his post
pathetic gullible zoomer spotted
Harkonnen Heavy.
... that's a FTM tranny on top wtf
ok cringe
This. I'm not some tranny, I'm just sick of what a fucking baby he's become. I'd even be more willing to pay for his content if it wasn't revealed what a giant hypocrite he was. He just expects his fans to rollover and accept it, too, which was the big one for me.
jesus christ thats pretty cringe
go to bed sam
Don’t reply to him, he shills here.
He probably made the thread or someone did it ironically.
Well he has a lot of that shit in his cupboard back when he lived with Andy Ruse, including Apple Cider Vinegar, of all things (which I normally associate with like, moms who go to farmer's markets). He also used to wear a compression sleeve regularly because he believed his blood wasn't circulating properly. He also works out in an odd way, as well, he doesn't lift or do bodyweight exercises, but I can't remember what it was, exactly. So even if he is faking a lot of it, that stuff he's pretty serious about.
I don't know how much he does it nowadays, but he used to randomly scream as loudly as possible because he said it made him feel better in the middle of streams. He's an odd duck, and I tend not to watch him nowadays because he's now ironically gone in Sam's direction and has formed his own cult of personality, which soon looks as though it may just straight up be a cult.
protected by $waglord
you can look up the shit yourself lol. Who else ran
Sam's dick suckers really are insane cultists
Yea no shit Sam loves trannies, funny that his dick suckers accuse everyone of being a tranny when the guy literally has a fetish for them
hyde has always been a cryptojew
his fans are just too stupid to realize
Theater of the Aire is off to a good start, and the production value on KSTV is noticeably better.
A polished turd is still a turd.
Ego-maniac who ran out of good ideas/was too stupid to develop anything beyond recording it on his phone.
The roids will stop his heart dead soon enough, thank fuck.
Answer me frens,. Should I watch this hanabi movie
Warning peeps lookout for the paid anti Sam Hyde shills in this thread.
enraged tranny autists doing it for free I could believe, but paid? come on.
RapeApe's always been the Sam Hyde fan 2bh
The only paid shills are the ones Sam's has working for him making threads like these.
Channing seemed to have been in a relationship with him at some point. But after breaking up they just hung out as friends/co-workers.
Holy fuck, interesting. From what I seem to understand, his overall paranoia is because people take big shits on him. It seems to backfire, because even if he pays, people still take a shit on him online, so it's not only the money, but also because he doesn't seem to build proper trust with his crew and tries to control them too much.
Why there's no trust is an intriguing question. Maybe the rumored shady moves were absolutely real at some point (and it could explain Channing, James and Zack leaving), making the rest of the new guys uncomfortable knowing there were also issues with people like Charls.
Don fucked up lol. In the audio he clearly wasn't feeling confident, and this mail seems to be proof of the awkwardness he was feeling working with him.
Overall, Sam seems to be trying to make this actually professional stuff. The problem is, the people he got isn't necessarily the most professional (the biggest issue with his outsider art type of thing he sometimes does), and trying to police them too much has bit him in the ass, and the transition from fun project by friends to professional hasn't been smooth at all.
realist take in this entire thread
>he has extremely bad porn dick
wtf is that?
who the fuck is don?
it's when one average woman can't turn you on because you've been spending hours at a time staring at dozens of hot ones getting fucked in whatever position you felt like seeing. you've fried your receptors. only several models spreading their legs for you in quick succession or all at once can still get a rise out of you. erectile dysfunction due to desensitization.
Don's the guy from Dagger magazine. He's been involved in some HydeWars episodes and the Theater of Aire. Appreciates Sam's work.
>Why yes, I lift for strength, how could you tell?
Sam “Pimple Nips” Hyde
course you can. from what ive read a lot of people can recover from it within a few month of abstaining from porn. i would bang some tinder girls or prostitutes while youre abstaining to kind of get used to the switch. getting off from sex versus getting off from jerking off is a different process and requires different kinds of thinking and experiencing.
Autism is magical
Jokes aside, it looks like he has ogre strengtht/build and I would not fuck with him. Like a Lenny that could pop a head off with a hug.
i went to a mental ward that looked like that
I didn't like ToA that much so far, but the other stuff has been getting a little better. I want to see more Jan involved, desu.
Lol I knew you were the anti-Sam schizo spammer the whole time and to look here to add to my cringe comp. Hey m8
BASTE non-degenerate funnyman here guys
Owen's comedy is shit, but at least watching him unironically crash & burn while turning into a headcase is entertaining.