what's the best X-Files episode?
What's the best X-Files episode?
Season 4 Episode 2 "Home"
any Vince Gilligan or Darin Morgan episode
I want Scully to be my mother and peg me. Hard and rough and sweaty at first. Slapping me and calling me a whore while she mercilessly pegs my boipussy. Eventually she'd slow down and get all slow and sensual and while she's giving me a reacharound, as I cum she will whisper "Good boy" into my ear.
>being this wrong
The episode where molder and scully completely fill a paper bag (think grocery sized) with shit, leave it at the aliens' door step, set it on fire, ring the bell and hide in the bushes wile the snicker at the ensuing hilarity.
the one with the inbred hillbilly family
I just rewatched the episode and thought it was pretty underrated
The movie.
I bet she is into rough stuff. Some guy on here always claimed how he had sex with her in the mid-90s at some awards show in Germany. I don't even doubt it that much.
>it's a "cigarette smoking man is in skinner's office up to no good" episode
I didn't get too far in the show but Eve was good
He was like the original JJ Abrams in terms of hyped mysteries that went nowhere
Holy based
s5e17 All Souls
"Jose Chung's From Outer Space"
is the only good answer.
Funny, smart and meta.
Clyde Bruckman's
this episode invalidates the whole series in a way
>check out what david has been up to since x-files ended
>he dropped acting and is now touring in europe as a vocalist for his band
I know a lot of people hated it, but I loved the conclusion of Mulder's sister's storyline. It was extremely emotional.
She probably would.
Mulder there's no such thing as aliens.
i demand her webm where shes masturbating a banana NOW
>"Our goal is not to build a platform; it's to be cross all of them."
Damn that one was fucked up
I really liked Musings too
look 5 posts above yours dummy
die hand die verletzt
for me it's Die Hand Die Verletzt
cancer man was always such a good fucking character, pretty good backstory too
Paper Hearts.
Patricians will agree
You should get your eyes checked user.
In the pilot episode there is a scene where she is in her cotton underwear.
Bad Blood
overrated. it's pretty good, but not the best. imo.