The great debate
The great debate
1st Season >> 3rd Season >>> dogshit > 2nd Season
It never should've gotten a second season, let alone a third.
Season 2 was a lame rehash
Season 3 was kinda fun but ultimately dumb and predictable as fuck
1st season > generic boring series > 2nd & 3rd seasons
It's funny that people even have to argue this since most of us can unanimously agree that neither of these 2 seasons are at the quality of the first season
>mfw love them all
Season 2 is the worst, tho. Too much of a retread.
Season 2 is underrated
Season 3 is overrated
2 has probably the worst episode in the series. 3 is full of commies getting fucked up and ragged on. The decision is easy.
i dont get the hate for season 2, billy was a great addition and it's where steve and dustin become bros
2 was absolutely pointless
this bitch is 24 and she looks 54 wtf
What did billy do in season 2 exactly? I honestly can't remember
he was being a chad
1 was good.
2 fucking sucked.
3 was okay but too political
I hope season 4 doesnt pull that shit again
Aww, do you need your safe place snowflake?
Literally nobody thought 2 was better. It wasn't even supposed to be a continuation of the first season but the characters and setting became so popular that they decided to continue it and it feels like they didn't have the time to write a proper season and it just felt like a mediocre rehash. Season 3 went in a completely other direction, and while it was a lot more fan service and humor/meme bait, it also had some of the best moments of the series so far. Easily the best season finale. And if you didn't like Suzie the show was probably never for you.
Season 3 was definitely better than 2, but probably only because it did something very different and it also didn't give Eleven a shitty subplot.
I thought the monster design in 3 was boring though.
Made sense for it to take a physical form, but it was just boring to look at and you knew everything it was capable of.
Season 2 mind flayer was top tier design and you had no idea what the fuck it was or could do
I don't remember much about season 2 other than not liking it. Season 3 is so stupid and annoying that it took me three sittings to finish episode 2. Haven't bothered going further yet.
Both are better than 1
She looks like a Dishonored character.
but millions of people watched it and many enjoyed it and its making money for netflix so I don't understand your assessment
>its making money for netflix
This is a myth. Netflix is in debt
3 episodes into season 1, I am reaching the levels where I am actively rooting for the monster, which is usually what I get whenever a horror movie takes place in a teenage drama setting (last time I felt this was Until Dawn)
Does it get better afterwards? Should I finish the season and watch the next two? Or just season 1?
The target audience isn't zoomers. Stop watching it if you don't like it.
>implying I'm a zoomer because I'm not enjoying a shitty netflix flick
Not even trying to be cool or different as I like loads of normie shit but stranger things is fucking trash from start to finish
>boring schlock with no human villains and a lame Sean Astin cameo
>commies getting dabbed on by based Americans
There is no contest
Season 2 without episode 7 > Season 3 >>>>>>> Season 2 Episode 7
Based Smirnoff, he was the most likeable character in the third season.
He died like a true American
2 is underrated.
Yes it is largely an obvious retread, but the Halloween theming is top tier and the concept of a secret upside down invasion is appropriate for a larger scale version of season 1. The missing sister plotline is underrated. Episode 7 is fine. People just were more interested in the other plotlines but ffs it's a binge show it's not like 1 hour is going to kill you. Also Sean Austin fits into the show very well and adds a nice layer of levity to everything.
Season 3 is stranger things turned up to 11. It feels so extremely serialized in comparison to even season 2. It's darker but at the same time also campy-er and more rediculous. Almost every single episode ends with the same cliffhanger. There are too many characters so the show is forced to keep them all apart on their own adventures for 90% of the season. Oh, and that other 10% of the time when multiple groups of characters converge is some of the most corny, almost 4th wall breaking fan pandering moments in the show. These moments feel very much like Game of Thrones season 8 where the show is so self aware and because there are so many of them all each one is allowed to do is whatever their steriotypical trope is. I don't think Will does much of anything in the last 2 episodes other than feel the back of his head and say "he's here". And while I don't mind the forced Trump/Russia allegory it does seem like they spent more effort making that fit than successfully landing the theme of growing up and growing apart which dominates the first half of the season but then is immidiately dropped and not brought back up again. It's not a bad season. I'm just saying neither is season 2. They are both flawed for different reasons, but they also have different strengths.
>that fucking sign
>Working with "evil Russians"
>the main woman gets to beat the shit out of him
jesus christ the fact that they lied and said it wasnt a trump reference just makes them look even worse imo.
His character felt more like a Bush reference though
shot at a public event?
Yeah season 3 is getting too much love
I feel like stranger things is stuck right now in a very specific niche about how every episode needs to feel and the season 3 finale was just that tripping over itself. It can't be too horror, too campy, or too mysterious. It's like season 3 is when stranger things started drinking and 5 episodes in the effects start to take hold and by the finale it's stumbling around.
Can they bring back mustache man and get rid of everyone else but Winona Ryder? The show would be way better if it was just those two going around solving strange mysteries. They could call the show Mustache Ryder.
it was trying to look like itself
the season 3 finale was horrible fan service
The only good part was Billy's redemption.
It was just fun, a big love letter to old spy movies and they did it pretty well
Is it true they made one of the kids gay in season 3?
they even confronted the actor about it and he denied it
That's pretty obvious, doesn't mean the end result wasn't boring
i never saw season 2 can i still watch 3?
3 > 1 > 2
>The reddit debate
literally no
Season 2 and 3 are one longer story. Season 3 is literally Season 2 Part 2.
>great debate
>implying there's any debate to be had
s2 will never be forgiven because of its slow start and the paki sister story
It's pretty clear that the upside down is the near future and big mind flayer is made up of a huge population of people that were flayed and melted together.
Eleven can see the "present", spying on people in the black void place, she looked into the past in Billy's childhood. Upside Down being the future fits.
you can skip the scenes in season 2 involving punk indian girl cuz it's not really relevent to the story
the rest you should watch to get season 3
fuck, even the weird rando pajeet episode?
The advantage season 2 has over season 3 is that in season 3, the 80's nostalgia is more than just set dressing. It's just too over the top.
Got in just the last 2 eipsodes, it really beats you over the head with it.
Hey remember Back to the Future?
Remember the Neverending Story?
Remember the New Coke?
Remember Day of the Dead?
Remember Alien?
Remember Terminator?
Remember the USSR?
Remember Goldeneye?
might as well watch everything
It ties up where 11 came from which is somewhat interesting. Also the stuff about her Mom is really sad.
>It's pretty clear that the upside down is the near future and big mind flayer is made up of a huge population of people that were flayed and melted together.
Interesting concept. And I'm guessing they would have to stop that future from happening
this show was never good
2 was worse but also had the best scene in the entire series. The kids were at that perfect age where they still had kid charm but were also coming of age to realize they like girls.
Will we actually get some R rated shit when all the kids are adults?
>Ditching the Halloween setting for a happy Summer Setting
>Entire plot baked around Trump/Russia collusion with Russians
>Growing Pains sets up an interesting and somewhat uncomfortable relationship between friends but then says "fuck it we've got to be friends again because monsters"
>all those shots of characters constantly posing in order of their importance to the plot
>every character being 1-note for the last 2 episodes of the show to the point where they're like characters in a Sonic game
>All those forced desktop wallpaper tier shots
>That long long drag on at the end for the characters death
>oh wait he's not really dead hee hee
>that cliffhanger that makes it obvious the writers don't even know where they are going with this
Season 3 is the worst season. It's not bad, but it's worse than 2. And spare me the whole "Season 2 is just season 1 again" because we're being dishonest if that logic doesn't also apply to season 3.
Stranger Things has a very recognizable 3-tier system for its seasons. The campy 80's kid tier. The mysterious government agency tier. And the horror-esq supernatural tier. Literally the only thing season 3 does to give off the illusion of difference is that it re-skins the middle government tier to be the Russian government. Nothing is actually changed. It's just an aesthetic filter.
3 ruined Hopper turned him into a comedic buffoon and the break ups with the kids was cringe. Billy and the ice cream gang was good tho
>all those shots of characters constantly posing in order of their importance to the plot
>All those forced desktop wallpaper tier shots
I agree these things happened way too much in 3
This show needs deeper lore in regards to the upside down and the things in it
They keep rehashing the same creatures and villains
>ice cream gang was good though
hello r*ddit.
S1 > S3E4-7 > S2E1-6&8-9 > S3E1-3 > S2E7 > S3E8
Season 3 was very inconsistent. It had higher highs and lower lows than season 2. The season finale especially was way too self aware with the fandom pandering. It was not dark enough for the stakes that were happening compared to how dark the previous 2 seasons were. Also, the plot armor is starting to get a bit strong for these characters.
this aside from the shit
season 2 is misguided
So are they really just recycling these monsters in and out like Saturday Morning Cartoon Villains?
Mind Flayer is not done... right?
The mind flayer was literally created to be the main antagonist for the series after they abandoned their original idea to do a anthology series that would have different characters and settings every season. So no he's not done. Demogorgan will be in season 4 but the mind flayer is still the final boss.
It's literally the Halo campaigns
The second game has a better average level but Halo 3 has the 2 best levels in the trilogy. The problem is every other level in Halo 3 is meh tier.
That's Season 3. When it's good, it's great. But it's not always good.
Aww, do you need your identitarianism shoved into everything?
the biggest piece of shit I've been tricked into watching in the last few years
>the biggest piece of shit I've been tricked into watching in the last few years
Yeah. Season 3 was a huge letdown
Season 3 was pretty much a rehash too retard
>muh Season 3 was too political
Season 3 was nothing but everyone dunking on communism all the time, that more that made up for the Trump shit for me
It even showed a former commie falling in love with America, brought a tear to my eye
everyone is bitching about season 3 jim but i thought he was still pretty good
>a Mind Flayer is a pushover bitch in all editions of D&D
>Demogorgon (the proper name of an actual demon prince) is one of the toughest niggas around, yet the Stranger Things monster is literally nothing like that
Any better/more fitting monster names they coulda went with?
Agreed, I think it showed variety and actual character change, plus it was very entertaining.
>t. never seen a 54 year old
She looks young she’s just way too skinny
>he didn't detect the huge anti-western/capitalism message in season 3
Go rewatch episode 7 and listen closely to what Murray says to Smirnoff. Also while the Trump thing isn't actually that badly done, realize that the 80s were dominated by conservatism and ideas of American exceptionalism. So by attaching Mayor Tru-erm, I mean Kline to the face of all that what they're essentially doing is just taking a huge dump on the west.
What's the floating eyeball with tentacles called?
The monsters are too shallow and jobbers, they should make them more mysterious because right now they're just salty shadow animals and person
Bauman gives that anti capitalist speech but based Alexie proves him wrong
>taste this shit
and you people wonder why you get filtered
3 = 1 = 2 = shit
Season 2 and 3 have alternate problems
2 really dragged until after 11 comes back to Hawkins then it ramps up for the best season finale we have had so far. (pic related)
Season 3 meanwhile was entertaining up until the last 2 eipsodes when it became pure gooey reddit fanservice. Those last two episodes I can just imagine being shown at that Game of Thrones normie bar because there were so many 4th wall breaking moments and capeshit tier quips.
2 is literally the best season. It has the most emotional weight by far.
>El and Hopper storyline where he's being too controlling cause of his dead daughter and so El rebels, then their reconciliation when Hop finally opens up and says he thinks he's a black hole and he's sorry.
>El and Mike desperately needing one another, and their eventual reunion.
>Literally everything Will goes through, especially when he's possessed and so they tie him up and try to bring him back from the brink. Joyce literally stabs him with a hot poker to save him.
>Death of Bob
It's also so much more threatening that the other seasons. The mindflayer and the government are scary as fuck. In S3 the bodysnatchers thing is underused and the evil government is cartoonishly not scary.
nah season 1 was good
the rest can fucking burn
>the main villain of s3 is max’s racist and mildly abusive brother
>don’t focus on his relationship with his sister at all
>give him one scene of backstory and a weird sequence about milfs
>waste a shitload of time that could have been spent on exploring the character on shots of red jello monster
what a fucking waste
None of the monsters in S3 were that scary, and the body horror elements are disappointing because the mass of sludge has no recognizable human/animal parts. Would have been way better if there were random limbs, eyes, etc poking out of the creature. The design was disappointing, the premise was disappointing, and the most interesting storyline (Will and Dustin drifting away from Lucas and Mike) didn’t go anywhere.
Would Season 4 be better if 11 still didnt have her powers
They would be forced to make it more grounded I think which would be a nice change of pace
El will be the main antagonist at the end of the series. The ending of Season 2 hinted at Dark Phoenx arc. She even lifted off the ground and started flying.
ep7 doesn't make S2 suck that bad you can literally just skip it and it makes just as much sense
Season 2, Billy is kino
show went downhill with the introduction of girlfriends. totally not interested in a relationship melodrama let alone one with preteen wankers.
season ones horror elements were the best part of the show.
Eleven will get her powers back at a time when she is emotionally distraught. She is likely going to be in high school and get bullied for being weird. She will probably have her Carrie moment and that's when her powers will come back. From then on it will just escalate/downward spiral into a series of bad events, eventually setting up for the final season.
this. season 3 is trash
Season 2 had more shit that actively bothered me, but the high's were way higher than Season 3
They will bring back Brenner as the S4 villain, screencap this
People need to rewatch this scene at the end of season 2
El is retardedly powerful. Like capeshit tier powerful. Nobody that powerful can ever live a normal life. I fully expect her dark side arc to start next season. I just hope they do it properly and don't pull a Season 8 Daneyrus.
My ideal Season 4
>El and Mike are drifting apart after the move
>Will is jealous that he has to share Jonathan and Joyce’s attention with the same girl who stole his best friend
>Max is dealing with Billy’s death and her best friend moving away
>Her stepdad starts hitting her and her mom because Billy is no longer around to take out his anger on
>We get more backstory on the labs and what the government is planning
>Hop running around the upside down killing monsters like he’s Doomguy
>Set-up for an eventual Russian government vs. American government face off with the main characters caught in the middle
Holy shit I forgot she actually floats
Yeah she's super strong. 50 bucks says she gets someone killed by accident at her new school.
>This show feels like it's trying to cater to younger audiences far too hard
Fucking this!
I feel like it's going through the same PG-13 filter that capeshit and Nu-Star Wars is going through.
I want Will to have a blond blue-eyed boyfriend.
This. If the stranger things writers are still somewhat competent they'll bring back brenner
The petty squabbling between the kids (especially that girl power bullshit with the redhead), the overly cartoonish characters & dialogue and the inconsistent writing were a huge turn off for me this season. This show feels like it's trying to cater to younger audiences far too hard. Season 2 had its flaws but at least I came out of it feeling somewhat fulfilled.
>star wars
>franchises created for literal children
I agree user. There was no plot improvement on the upside down lore in season 3. This was actually one of the key plot points in the previous seasons. We learned about how it operated, what laws it followed, etc. I thought the progression of understanding the upside down was great until season 3 where it just served as a background setting rather than its own character that you got to know over time so to speak.
What debate? 2 was shit.
just give me a spin off show completely focused on joyce
sorry I thought I had double posted
Yeah I'm not feeling too confident in S4 because of this, the writers are now relying on what they think the consumers want rather than a good story and what makes ST different from every other sci-fi show on the market. The whole feminist and lgbtq representation that was introduced this season is a clear indication that things are going to go down hill pretty soon.
s2 was by far the worst
s3 wasn't needed and the stronk wymyn themes were really tiresome but it was an improvement
>the writers are now relying on what they think the consumers want rather than a good story
They've kind of being doing that since they vastly increased the importance of Steve and Barb in 2 because the fanbase latched onto those characters.
How does the post-credit scene in season 3 factor into this do you think?
It’s gotta be Hopper or Brenner, with Brenner clearly being the underdog.
Maybe if they’re really pandering to 2000s kids they can have all the kids in the show become Black Ops characters ala Mason, Woods, and Hudson, and break into the Russian gulag via going through the upside down to extract “The American”. Once they get the American they call in the Napalm strike, cut to scene of the Flayer still in the upside down and set up season 5 lmao.
1. The post-credits scene in 3 takes place well into season 4
2. Nobody cares enough about the call of duty stories to even know who you're talking about
I think it’s definitely Hopper. I’d like to see more of the Upside Down and the idea of a survival horror subplot where Hopper tries not to die for the whole season appeals to me. The characters on the outside face the threats posed by the human governments while Hopper tries to fight the monsters from the inside.
I know the Scoops Troop are popular around here but that was one of the worst parts of this season to me imo. If the kids break into a top secret military base and knock out some Russians again I am going to neck myself. It better be subtler and more insidious than that.
Everybody played Black Ops 1 bucko but that poster is wrong, the show NEEDS to stay in Hawkins or the atmosphere is ruined
>they can have all the kids in the show become Black Ops characters
Oh God. I can actually picture the scene where Dustin tortures some random mook into talking by singing movie soundtracks while everyone grins at the camera.
>El and Mike are drifting apart after the move
>Will is jealous that he has to share Jonathan and Joyce’s attention with the same girl who stole his best friend
I like the rest but scarp the tween drama plot. mike and eleven can be endgame because it doesn't really affect the general plot that much and Will needs to grow up already, flesh out his personality and become more likeable next season.
Of course the show needs to stay in Hawkins, but I wouldn’t put it past the Duffers to write some retarded plot line in another country. They already wrote one in another city in season 2 with El, pajeet, and the band of misfits. What’s a different country to writers like these?
>the show NEEDS to stay in Hawkins
I did actually wonder with the Byers+El (the people who care most about Hopper) moving away if they might go for a more Escape from New York thing and have everyone else visit them in a city for season 4.
Nah man season 3 is season 2. Season 2 is season 1 part 2.
The original script for the show was for a place called Montauk so I guess that could be neat? But at this point I feel like it probably wouldn’t work out so nicely. Would just be another open plot thread.
3 is better than 2 by far
No. Season 3 is season 1 part 3.
I wanna know what happens when all these kids go through puberty at different rates. If they film this within the next 2 years we’re gunna have some funny lookin “kids” in season 4.
They only waited 2 years because they really wanted the July 4th release. If they're Going Thanksgiving/ Christmas they can probably do it for late 2020.
Lmao Millie about to look like a 40yo milf while Finn still looks like some emo prepubescent shithead.
go away skelleton
THIS is why you don't do drugs.
Neither, they both sucked.
>functional heroines.jpg
Watching some of his interviews you can see him sniffling and rubbing his nose a bunch. It’s quite comical.
Shoulda looked more like this
yup not at all what was good about the show. i liked the kids being mature for their age. looks like thats long gone.
The difference in sets, costuming, atmosphere etc from S1 is stark, the first one felt grimy and obscure and relatively grounded, the Russians and everything about them this season felt like something out of Austin Powers
Am I crazy, or do I remember seeing a shot during a trailer of the meat monster running amok at the fair? I kept waiting for that to happen, and it never did.
He was still great, it was just jarring at first when he was louder and crazier than usual
There's a moment near the climax of every season where the cast has assembled and they're making their plan, when the dialogue abruptly turns to absolute shit. They keep interrupting the important dialogue with agonizing "jokes" where the characters needlessly nitpick each other's words and go off on irrelevant tangents.
it was deceptive editing you arent crazy
Every season follows a formula:
>muh 80's establishment
>a monster has entered our world
>characters are introduced and they crack jokes
>something seems off and they go investigate
>they search for clues and find monster
>monster chase sequence
>all characters get together and form a plan while making awkward jokes in-between
>they split up into teams and work together
>monster is defeated and world is safe
>muh happy ending and sequel tease
You’re right that we’ve seen enough of El and Mike but I’d really like a Byers Family Bullshit plot. It’s so strange to me how Jonathan/Will and Nancy/Mike are siblings but never interact unless it’s in a giant team-up of their respective friend groups. It feels especially weird that Will and Jonathan don’t interact when one of the most memorable scenes in the first season was Jonathan’s pep talk to his younger brother. A new adopted “sister” gives the family a different dynamic and it would be a good time to showcase some interactions that should have already happened in season 3
not to mention the flayed having some hive mind connection that is established, barely explored, and hardly utilized.
maybe the duffers are hacks
They cast him perfectly, reminds me of the kid that road my bus that was dirt poor and in special ed.
Exactly what I was thinking, maybe even throw a fully recognizable human face in the side of it or something. Red goo is not scary, super gay concept
that would explain the writing in S2 and 3.
The monster was the weakest part of s1. Does it get any better reddit, monster wise? I'm prepping for season 2 binge as we upvote.
Worst part of season 3 was making the 10 year old black girl act like the worst 45 year old black woman you've ever met, stuttering out insults and political discourse.
the scene in season 1 where they find wills "body" in the quarry is better than everything in seasons 2 and 3 combined that doesnt have to do with steve
based steve
No the monster in season 1 was the best one. Season 2 and 3 monsters lack any sort of mystery, in fact in season 3 you always know when the monster is gunna be there because Will lets you know!
Designing a monster like THAT would imply the duffers actually had creativity and apparently they weren't aiming for that.
The Twist: The American the Russians have locked in the gulag is Bob.
I hate how drawn out the seasons are, yet how they still manage to show nothing important, e.g. Millie and Noah have been best friends for 4 years now and we still haven't seen them interact in the show, I wouldn't mind if the show was even more drawn out if it meant we got to see the characters interact more in personal ways
It's like GoT when they found the time to drone on endlessly about unimportant shit like "TMATH THA BEETULS" or tons of plots that went nowhere, and then skimped out on the stuff the entire show was building up to
most people play the mp either only or only play campaign once and forget it
That looks like a reject from Howard the Duck much less spooky. It's too busy, in a word.
one of my big gripes about the transition between season 2 and 3 is that they didn't even think about getting the other psychic people involved. which just makes that whole development in season 2 seem like it was for nothing. the world is in threat of ending, and you don't think of asking for help from other powerful people?
but that also threatens to open the world up too much and make it even harder to wrap up anytime soon. i wish those people would have just been average punks who took in 11 as one of their own rather than fellow psychic people, i feel like they'll never address that again in a satisfying way
season 3 took too long to get started. compare that to season 1. s1 had the perfect balance between character interaction and plot ramp up. shit was already real by episode 3. in season 3 barely anything has happened by episode 3, AND you dont care about most of the characters because theyre just bogged down in useless drama and none of them are as good as steve
There’s other directions to go with a monster that absorbs humans. What we got was objectively the most boring thing they could have done
There shouldn't be any other psionic people
This show doesn't need to become capeshit
Designing this must have cost an arm and a leg. I wonder if they seen eye to eye on it?
Season 2
>Billy was an amazing character with a commanding personality and he also served as a great human antagonist that shifted the dynamic of Steve being the macho guy of the school to being the guardian figure of Dustin
>Hopper's relationship with El is wholesome and sweet as El learns more about the strange world she lives in (post her life w Dr Brenner) as Hop grows more as a person as he has more personal responsibility and is able to have the life of a father that he never had before because his daughter died (he also grows and moves on from this as well)
>Will is back with original crew and we see how he deals with the new issue of the shadow monster as well as re-adjusting to being with his friends again and going back to school
>Bob and Joyce have great chemistry - Joyce learns to try and enjoy herself more while not worrying as much about Will.
Season 3
>dialogue is often forced and uneven and usually just a way to push the plot forward and not say anything meaningful about the characters
>Hopper is always arguing with Joyce - we are supposed to believe that there is some love conection but it just looks like they hate eachother
>No longer wholesome relationship between Hopper and El as Hop overreacts and gets mega assblasted about Mike dating Eleven... Hop does have his moments in S1&2 but he went full retard this season
>Other parents are aware of their children's relationships except that never comes in to anything - e.g. what does Max's dad say about Max dating Lucas??
>El gets bossed around by Max - this is supposed to be seen as empowering and freeing but it is really just El getting bossed around by Max
>Mike cares about Eleven and wants whats best for her - not overusing her powers, spending time with her, basically being a comfy teenage couple (this what the end of S2 set up for the audience...) but Mike is made to look like the bad guy even though he's right most of the time
>Will only exists to show the audience that something bad is about to happen with his spidey senses at the back of his neck
>Lucas doesn't really do anything this season except his cringey coke speech
>Erica was annoying as fuck and ruined 95% of the scoops troop scenes
S3 cont.
>Billy is turned into a zombie and loses his best traits that he had from S2
>The only reason Billy becomes a zombie and the plot of S3 is set in motion is because he wanted to fuck Mrs Wheeler, a meme subplot that should have stayed in S2
>Alexei only has about 20mins screentime and is a fully underutilized character
>Have sex man is only used for comic relief and to advance the plot... also an underutiziled character
>Newspaper guys were beyond cartoony and were used to make the audience side with Nancy but it just made me despise Nancy more
>Jonathan follows Nancy around blindly and just generally doesnt have an opinion on anything. basically a blank character
>Whole premise of underground russians was cringey and predictable
>Since Billy, Jonathan and Steve are all either lifeless or following around strong womyn there doesn't exist a human antagonist in Hawkins that is known to the characters (i.e. S1 was steve, S2 was billy, S3 ......... ?)
>ending was formulaic and hollow and also wasn't really deserved because of all of the glaring problems in it
Oh, gods... your pic. I hate that lotus pod look. I forget what it's called, but I believe I'd just get annoyed and angry by being grossed out by that, than ass biting the seat spooked.
billy was not a great character, he was a great plot device. if they had given him more pivotal moments he would have been better set up for season 3, which still gave him an excellent set up for season 4 redemption...but hes dead
Yes, everything was perfectly wrapped up after season 1.
>Remember Goldeneye
that was the 90's
My main problem with Billy is how shit his redemption is. Will gets a love tagteam in season 3 that lets everyone beat the monster.. Billy gets Eleven mindraping him and talking about surfing. Would it have been so difficult to have Max do something rather than that?
But reddit. Those open ended alludes.
>Whole premise of underground russians was cringey and predictable
I wouldn't have had a huge issue with the Russian plot if they hadn't been camped up so badly. I thought it was dumb as hell how they ran around in uniform, when their whole operation hinges on them covertly operating in the middle of enemy territory. Not to mention their underground base looked cheesy as hell, like something from an Austin Powers movie as another user pointed out.
completely agree. El had literally no contact with Billy during S2 it makes no sense. It probably would have been better if Billy doubled down on being a cunt in S3 and they didnt try to redeem him at all
they moved to Chicago
Season 4 will be about El being at a big city school, getting bullied because she's quiet and dresses the way she thinks make her look "pretty". Then she will get bullied by white conservative mean girls and her powers will suddenly come back and she will kill one of them in a fit of accidental rage. Then she will run back to Hawkins and reunite for the end of the season.
All I wanted from S3 was a rematch between Billy and Steve, whereas Steve got his ass beaten in S2 he'd win this time in S3.
But no, that shit NEVER happened because that scene otherwise would've been exciting and we'd be rooting for Steve all the way.
The duffers are such fucking kucks!
that's sort of what i meant. Dr Brenner&co in the labs was done very well in S1. the way they executed the russian subplot was just a complete mismatch of tones
>what does Max's dad say about Max dating Lucas??
I didn’t realize what a missed opportunity this was until just now
Where did the parents even go? They're not around at all this season. I would have figured that Billy would have brought them in to be absorbed by the meat monster, but I guess not.
>infinitely deep elevator
>infinitely long hallways
>goofy transport vehicles
>stock toxic green goo
>hammy general
>off-brand Hugo Strange
>truth serums
>Empire officers from Star Wars
>everything is perfectly clean and tidy
>bright vibrant colors
>every interaction with Russians was comedy relief
What were they thinking?
>no billy steve fight in front of the mind flayer
>steve wins even though billy is powered up
>mind flayer then bashes steve aside still allowing a severely injured billy to have the sacrifice scene he did
i was literally waiting for this to happen
Will will get a blond blue-eyed boyfriend.
now that would be kino
They were thinking of fun and it was, even if it was goofy
i'm a couple episodes into season 3 right now. it's kinda shitty so far but there are a few good things about it. i am a fan of boomer hopper and the scoops ahoy russian translation plot so far. also will and the plight to just play some fuckin D&D.
is there an episode that stands out as being noticeably worse than the others this season? like episode 7 i think it was from last season, the one with the stupid rogue experiment gang shit.
At least wait until they turn the lights down. That's public jacking 101.
>prepubescent shithead
if you watch any interviews with him, thats exactly what he is. hes a d bag.
everyone is saying they turned will gay, wasn't there a scene in season 1 where will and mike are about to kiss and dustin walks in? I remember seeing the webm here complaining about that in 2016.
Finn Wolfhard comes across as a massively pretentious douche, which is weird because he's only a kid.
But he seems like a really douchey kid
too bad they made him a protagonist
>Remember the USSR?
>80's nostalgia
This, that season finale had a very well executed climax, still get chills hearing that music as the interdimensional gate gets closed. Season 3 finale was fuggin dogshit
exactly man
I thought the whole point of Stranger Things is it's meant to be Spielbergian like the Goonies, but from what I've seen so far S1 had some of those elements, S2 had none, and S3 tried way too hard forcing it in.
What is this show trying to be even?
Name a bigger cuck than steve
Given the recent Netflix news, there might not be an S4
Never seen the show. Is it truly worth watching?
Agreed. People rip on Millie, but some of that might be people just wanting to hate on her because she's successful. She comes across quite well in interviews and imo I don't really have a bone to pick with her. Meanwhile Finn comes across as a total douche who doesn't have time for anyone and thinks it's a waste of his time to interact with any human that's not in his cringy high school band.
That band also peeves the shit out of me because if it weren't for Stranger Things no one would even know they existed.
Nah fuck you.
Tryhard. Not based at all.
Kek they even tried bringing the Peter Gabriel "Heroes" cover that played in that s1 scene back for the s3 ending. The raw emotion and heartfelt sincerity in the former scene just isn't there in the latter
season 2 and 3 look better when you stop focusing on them individually and instead think of them as parts of a more serialized show which to be fair is what the show is at this point. There will not be another season quite like 1 but that's because there really can't be now that the show is thos extensive. So I guess I'm bring admittedly glass half full about it but in my opinion the show is still good. It's not perfect, but it's good and despite anything we can say about it critically, it still at least manages to scratch that itch that only stranger things can deliver.
What news?
what happened to this jonathan. now hes such a useless faggot
>Given the recent Netflix news, there might not be an S4
there is no way there isn't a season 4
The bigger question is if there will be a season 5
whats news limppet
>because he wanted to fuck Mrs Wheeler
Billy was killed for Hogging.
this. he literally follows Nancy around and doesn't do anything
Your coffee shop au isn't real fujofag
Season 1 super fun KINO and redpilled as fuck
Season 2 is very meh
Season 3 super fun, had the best special effects, story felt a bit too safe. based negro anti communist pro capitalist was a nice touch but muh russians was a nod to normies
Millie is kind of awkward and acts kind of cringe in interviews at times, but it's easy to let it slide because she is still just a kid who got famous overnight.
Wolfhard just seems like he's really self-important and full of himself. But that kind of goes hand in hand with being in a shitty indie band
Finn always seems to be the nicest kid in the group. He’s always the most levelled head one in interviews. Looks like a genuinely nice and kind kid.
Millie was a really annoying shithead before but I think everyone has told her and she’s been more self aware now
Noah is the worst one for me, just seems like an annoying little shit all the time
Season 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whore shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seasons 2 and 3
Haven't seen Season 3
Stop projecting lies.
>having such a hate boner for a kid you don’t even know
That only makes you look like an underage jealous cunt
>hold hands
>I was obsessed with you and knew what you brought for lunch every day!!
>just kidding im lesbian hehehe
This is the correct answer.
I wouldn't have a problem if he would just stop acting like a weirdo in interviews.
>first episode of season 2 shows a group of psychics that just rob banks and shit
Instantly stopped watching
He's a hyper 14 year old. Seems like he could use some Adderall half the time. His actual personality doesn't seem that bad though.
Steve cant catch a break
That or just an obsessive butthurt fan of other kids talking to himself.
This is quite funny idk why you people always seem to want to tear each other apart within the same fandom
Came here to post this.
Finn Blowhard
the only good part of season 3 at all was Billy - he had to carry the emotional weight for the entire cast because the rest of the writing was so fucking terrible and hamfisted
The only likeable kid in the cast is the mutt, oddly enough. He's the only one who doesn't act like a douche or a tard
There seems to be a lot of haters of this kid lurking on here and twitter, idk what’s the beef they have with him. People who’ve worked on the set always think he’s one of the nicest guys in the cast
Nope. And we all spent so much time waiting for it to happen that we got blindsided by a different character that actually does come out as gay.
Billy is an asshole. I'm glad he's dead.
>pranks you on your first day of your job
Stop being such a discord tranny faggot.
They're jelly.
wagies eternally btfo
just as they deserve
well he and Millie are the biggest stars of the show, they draw a lot of attention.
It probably makes them seething even harder when they found out they’re actually good persons irl and not the stuck up celebrities they had been imagining in their heads
Why does every ST thread always end up with people yelling about which kid they like? It only ends up giving the real retards an excuse to start spamming from their 1tb Finn/Millie folder.
Overrated average show for manchildren that feed themselves on nostalgia
unironically this I can remember masturbating to the scene of him lifting and smoking whilst checking himself out. Made me think of best boy Bale from american psycho
>best season finale we've had so far
11 makes really hard faces for two minutes straight and wiggles her hands - amazing cinema
she was literally the ONLY good thing about S3.
the Coke product placement was so cringe inducing, I wished they stopped the show at S1.
I want her to bear me many strong, tall and healthy children so bad bros
>character ruined in episode 7 was the only good thing in the show
Everyone loves him because he seems smarter than the average teenager, but he honestly is the epitome of Reddit. Anyone who repeatedly hangs out with Game Grumps is Reddit.
>millie defence force got butthurt again after someone called her looking like a 40 yo for the 200 times so they let it out on her costar
>the followers of Finn defended his honour to their last breath
That’s basically every ST thread for you for the last couple of years, better get used to it
This tbqh, definitely after Season 1 at least, when it started reading like fanfiction.
>picking sides on what teenager on a tv show is better and playing it out like its some kind of epic battle
shaking my head to be honest family
while I'm posting her, here's a clip you can fap to.
finn sounds based. funny they didnt mention Caleb, Gaten or Noah. telling how they are irl vs what people think of them from interviews and social media
I’ve picked up a few good films from his recommendations. Kid has got good taste in films
Such as?
At least this one managed 200 posts of plot discussion before we got to Finn Wolfhards taste in films.
She's like Uma Thurman, only perfected.
Genetics are so crazy
Well, she was a product of the movie Gattaca after all.
Gaten was probably away from the kids because they have different scenes, Noah was probably with Millie shitting up the set
I guess she just couldn’t care less about Caleb
One of them I watched was Harold and Maude, then clerks, Idr the rest but he’s posted some on his Instagram before
I notice magic pajeet and her squad didn't show up in season 3; have we seen the last of them?
We can only hope
>gay pedos vs straight pedos
i think they planned on elaborating on them in s3 but the episode was so poorly received that they ditched it altogether. we'll get more of el's backstory in s4, but i don't think the ragtag homeless-chic squatter gang will be coming back. maybe the girl, though.
Guess I’m the only faggot that liked season 2, even if the beggining was slow as fuck
How have I never seen this
>3 was okay but too political
Are you talking about the commies or about the lesbian character?
I liked S2, I just think S3 is a little better by virtue of not having a pointless episode like the Kali one to derail any momentum the season had.
From what I’ve gathered everyone seems to like Finn, he’s the only one who’s good friends with both the teenage group and the adult group
>no human villains
the fuck was Billy?
Is it me or did they not even let the black kid kiss the redhead in season three after the backlash when they forced the ginger to kiss Lucas in season two?
I pirated it.
The Russian plot was the best part of season 3
Can the show just be about based Steve?
Heart attack caused by high levels of cholesterol?
Personally, I don't understand the draw of following the lives of child actors in any way. Whether they turn out to be brilliant little balls of sunshine or big diva assholes, it just seems cringe to follow it. I would seriously rather invest myself in the lives of adult YouTube stars than child actors.
why does she look like malcolm in the middle?
That episode was horrible. Not because of the premise (Eleven discovering herself is an interesting concept) but they put as the almost last chapter of that season. And them they never mention again that ghetto or wathever the hell it was. Maybe if they developed it for half the season, it would have been better
it's retarded how she went from this to Hopper disallowing her to go to more populated places
>entire thread isn't just pictures of Robin
What a bunch of gays you are.
the lack of robin in this thread is pretty disappointing tbqh
How do I become a Chad like him?
just be yourself