What's the chance that this will be not shit? The trailer looked pretty good
What's the chance that this will be not shit? The trailer looked pretty good
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goddamn handsome motherfucker
Low, considering its been delayed about 5 times. but trailer looked better than expected
They did reshoots to make the MC less autistic and more likeable. It'll be shit.
have some high hopes. looks like it could be interstellar but not shit.
looks like a gravity rip off desu lads
>5 times
literally ad astra per aspera
High-concept scifi is hard to do. It gives me "Contact" vibes and will probably be decent plot but a high amount of goober.
Can't take him seriously with that tryhard hair lmao.
Hes kinda had that hair since before you were born.
Just looking at it, I can tell someone spent a lot of time making it look appropriately landscaped.
doesn't look very good but it's brad pitt so i'll watch it anyway
My hair literally looks that right right now, and I haven't touched it for days.
You have to touch your hear to put hairgel in there.
>astronauts on rovers with guns
seems kinda silly.
For me? It's RPat.
He's looking much more handsome in that pic than how I remembered him.
When was the last time we got a good SciFi movie ?
Among big hollywood films, blade runner; interstellar before that.
City of Z was complete trash, so chances are not high.
watching the trailer
>what can you tell us about the LIGMA project
don't fall for it, brad
It'll probably be good but it will be the biggest box office bomb of the year behind High Life
looks like shit tbff
what's the twist
Fuck off Brad Pitt
What movie had same plot with evil father floating somewhere in the orbit waiting to do some evil shit. Was it Contact? Independence day? Or some Emmerich flick. I can't remember.
Not that I'm complaining but there seems to have been a surge in space films lately; was this brought on by sunshine? gravity?
looks like a shitty blockbuster
50-year anniversary of the moon landing perhaps.
Men shouldn't wear a boy's haircut.
Interstellar you retard
This is exactly how I feel. For starters, I get the feeling it's got a story to tell that's actually compelling.
It's easy to get hair like that and you don't even need products
Just read an early draft dated in 2016. AMA.
is it good
It’s fine. I mean, at most it’s entertaining and good; I wasn’t bored reading it.
Maybe, but in that pic it's obviously overwrought.
Does it have potential? Will it surpass interstellar?
>inb4 some faggot with shit taste says that interstellar was shit
lol they have a car chase gun battle in space with lunar rovers. I thought for sure Fast and Furious would do this stunt first
>Does it have potential?
I think so. It seems like Disney is dumping it because they don’t know how to market it (an issue Fox had, among others). I don’t think it’s going to be a huge box office hit.
>Will it surpass Interstellar?
Honestly, it might, depending on the viewer. Interstellar was definitely the first film that came to mind when reading it and there’s similarities in ideas and themes I’d say.
>Also, I loved Interstellar
I'm pretty fucking amazed a movie is coming out in 2019 with a white fucking male in the lead role. Is it a low budget flick or is brad pitt party funding it?
so it's fucking trash, huh?
Have you seen Lost City of Z or any other Gray movies?
When I read the description way back, and saw that Tommy Lee Jones was the dad, I could envision it being really good.
One of the very few the things I liked about Interstellar is the unpredictable feeling in the journey.
But James Grays films seem always to never reach their full potential, they're never directly bad, but they could be so much better, I want to like them more than I do, but maybe this will be his best.
The World War Z reshoots were what made it an ok film.
Nah. It’s not convoluted or anything, fairly straightforward, some twists, but it had a genuine story that was heartfelt and touching and I liked that. A lot of the science fiction and world building is interesting and fun.
Sadly, no. Only seen We Own the Night, which I really enjoyed. I’m aware of his others but I just haven’t sought after them. Definitely always intrigued me as a writer.
>Lost City of Z was complete trash
Did you get lobotomized?
That movie was absolute, unadulterated Kino.
One of the best movies in years.
>its called the LIGMA project
what did they mean by this?
Considering most movies are thought up like 2 years before we even see footage, interstellar is the most likely culprit. But really who knows how hollywood executives works, they make the strangest decisions.
At least the Trailer for Ad Astra doesn't tell you the entire plot from beginning to end.
Why is his nose so big here?
Still handsome as fuck but he always has a small button nose, here it's like a whole potato.
Oh, there’s a whole lot more shit that happens in it.
Feminists are gonna hate this movie, brave strong men, sensitive women staying behind at home telling men they love them, all that traditional shit.
wide angle lens
LIGMA balls
your nose and ears are the only things that keep growing until you die
Watch The Yards.
The trailer looks like shit
But I hope the movie is good
Love me some good scifi
Watch We Own The Night.
I bet all of those space battles are just trailer bait and the movie is not about that at all.
the only redeeming quality of that movie was the daughter she a cute
The premise of the movie is that NASA is building a 100 km tall tower on Earth to detect gravitational waves or something and then an explosion near Neptune causes earthquakes on Earth. This is why they then send one man teams to Neptune to investigate, first Tommy Lee Jones then his son Brad Pitt who btw has legit Assburgers.
>movie is called Ad Astra (to the stars)
>they only go to Neptune
imagine being this autistic. not everyone is bald you fucking weirdo hahahahahaha
Not true. What is up with all of these absolute brainlets and tastelets on this board recently? It's fucking sad.
I liked Lost City of Z but I fucking hated this movie. I went into it expecting big things considering the cast but holy shit was it boring.
The leaks from the script indicate its going to be UTTER SHIT. DUMBEST CHARACTERS EVER. Sci-fi? More like shit-fi because gravity waves are magic, satellites that orbit inside Neptunian atmosphere, radio messages from 1930 that for some reason only now reach Neptune, stoner astronauts doing crazy shit just because they are bored, things that make no sense but in the script just because it looks crazy...
Explain the movie, don't just post a bunch of random shit. You type like a deranged faggot
But was she funny?
How do you explain the whole movie from script leaks, moron?
I assume you were trying to reply to me but are too dumb to figure out how. Just learn how to organize your thoughts in a coherent manner otherwise you come off as a deranged faggot, that's all :3
Looks like goofy shit, even more so since Gray said it's going to be "the most realistic space movie ever"
>gun fight car chase on the Moon
Jesus Christ
I'm more interested in Herschlag in the Sky in Diapers
Fuck off James, The Immigrant was maybe the worst period movie I've ever seen
i know that its not scientific, because they rape science in that movie. Science is like a hurdle and they break it and the visuals are not even great since they have to show the face of that autist instead of vistas and planets.
what do you want me to explain? the magic alien device the found on the moon of neptune? how the turning on of that device destroyed satellites of neptune by changing their orbits? the mission of bradd pitt charackter? im using a retarded ipad, so thats why i type funny. its just nothing makes sense in this movie, astronauts on the moon and mars act like idiots who dont value their life and as if no one cares if they are alive or dead. they are just dumb meat on the screen that dies stupidly and everyone shruggs shoulders, because they are not main character.
> Old enough to be a grandfather
> Muh daddy issues. Abloo bloo!
he is fucking lying, Gray doesnt understand space which is why he says its realistic, but its just a bait. If you go to the cinema thinking its some realistic sci-fi, you are going to be MAD AS HELL, facepalming and swearing because there is no science other than mentioning gravity waves and first half of the movie space launches, second half of the movie is shit just because
I am so fucking tired of these big, dumb space movies with super short vague titles. Oblivion, Interstellar, Arrival, The Martian, Gravity, Life, etc. Also, why do all these movies try to glorify and "beautify" space travel like its so elegant and wondrous. Outer space is a 99.999999% a deserted fucking wasteland, an absolutely inhospitable place with danger lurking for every facet of human existence. The only movie to touch on the raw brutality of space was Gravity.
holy fuck you are a deranged faggot. I've literally stated I hated we own the night and now that you mention it I really didn't like The Immigrant either. Just because you embarrassed yourself doesn't mean you have to continue digging yourself into a hole.
using an ipad makes it so you can't spell?
Hey James, how does an explosion on Neptune cause earthquakes on Earth?
gravity waves, its alien technology, turn off your brain!!! ITS THE HEART OF DARKNESS IN SPACE TURN OFF YOUR BRAIN!
The trailer looks good. I'm interested since I saw the synopses one year ago.