ITT: Movies with no females.
ITT: Movies with no females
Wasn't one of the dogs female?
Die screaming
disgusting fucking incel
who hurt you
flood yourself to rid yourself of your phobia of vaginas.
>3 leading ladies....kino movie
Ive seen a single film with no women and it was one of the best i've ever seen, thats not a coincidence. Its about ships too.
A woman built the UFO model in that movie.
Glengarry Glen Ross
The alien was female
you forgot the Thing.
Why was Jed such a good actor? Deserves an animal Oscar.
Not a single roastie in the entire movie
Towards the end of the movie, when they were running the Mogadishu mile, there was a Somali woman who picked up one of the AK-47s, and earlier in the movie, there was a female school teacher.
Have you also read the book the movie was based on? A lot more women were in the novel.
First blood
Its been ahwhile but i could have sworn they cut to one of the wives at home.
The Thing is asexual and can assume any gender shitlord.
That was The Hurt Locker