Why does Yea Forums like this movie so much when it's basically hard satire of /r9k/ and waifufags lol
Why does Yea Forums like this movie so much when it's basically hard satire of /r9k/ and waifufags lol
Other urls found in this thread:
same reason they love fight club, american psycho and starship troopers: no self awareness
>Video Game Iconography
>Dishonest Cinematography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as Incel entertainment/Beta Powerplay
>Barking indefinite hipster score
>Neo Yea Forumseddit hangups: camera schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Quip syndrome (refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan)
>Post-Capeshit inversions
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic imdb fetish
These are the eight cancers of neo-capeshit, 2049 indulges all of them repeatedly, its fans are proof of its disease. Watch better movies than post-marvel junk, IMDB.
It's a good movie. It's certainly better than the original, which had a boring ass plot (good premise and setting, but boring plot).
Incels think they're Ryan Gosling lel
>implying a entire website of different people all have the same opinion
we're not reddit
it was decent kino not as good as the first film
Well, the first one wasn't pandering in the slightest, so it had that going for it.
strange how different people pick up different things from the same movie
>it was decent kino not as good as the first film
You're right; it's far better. Harrison Ford at least tried in this one.
The second one pandered to whom, and how did that negatively affect the movie?
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
How are themes of finding identity and purpose in life through your own actions a satire of /r9k/ and waifufags?
It's boring and awful
Incels love it
Because they have video game sensibilities and usually like dishonest trash
too true
Lol this movie does neither
It didn't negatively affect the movie, but it was definitely pandering to /r9k/, giving them "le depressed doomer who realizes that NOTHING MATTERS ANYMORE ebin" main character bro with perfect AI waif to perfectly represent them. In the first movie, Deckard was an unlikeable asshole, which is technically a type of pandering, but at least he wasn't nearly anything as much as a meme typecast as "le doomer" Ryan Gosliong is in his movie.
>tfw no gf
Deckard was just a more antisocial version of Han Solo.
It does, strictly male themes of isolation/alienation, finding purpose, selfless morality and self-sacrifice for the greater good.
Not like you phoneposting trannies can comprehend such things.
I sincerely hope you're merely baiting and that you don't actually operate on mental midget buzzwords exclusively.
>who realizes that NOTHING MATTERS ANYMORE ebin
And what does then happen? He finds both purpose and meaning.
Your "le doomer" brainfarts mean nothing.
To incels and Nolanbabbies who graduated to Villenplebe
now THIS is some lynchian shit right here
How can cinematography be "dishonest" its said alot here i dont understand the criticism
That's gibberish.
based and truthpilled
Basically /r/movies
isn't that phone of yours all sweaty and disgusting by now
How is this shit not dishonest camera placement and lighting?
I'm posting from my computer.
So your complaint is that a movie strikes a cord with some people? Isn't that the entire point?
Because it's patrician, OP
the whole movies is so dishonest, it makes me angry just looking at these
>dishonest camera placement
that's a new one
you mental midget schizos amaze me
That image makes me feel extremely old. Maybe because all of oldfag Yea Forums moved on or something and got replaced by Disney and Marvel addicted drones.
i enjoyed the first film more cause the antagonists felt like they had actual meaning
in 2047 the main villain just has a generic god complex and wishes to rule the world
Wallace is not a villain
He's a replicant not a man you stupid bastard.
It's dishonest predictable meme camera placement and shitty video game lighting a la guardians of the galaxy posters
wow zachary calm down with your tranny brainfarts
Is that supposed to be good?
>Why does Yea Forums like
I don't know. Why don't you go there and ask them?
What's his face gives one good speech and dies. The antagonists have a more interesting motive in 2049, and Luv has a good dynamic with K.
>He's a replicant not a man
wow man what incredible insight, it's almost like that's the entire point huh?
Wow so deep just like the replicant revolution build up that went nowhere
what did i miss
this.. this is based... this is deep
>kills a robot designed to live on other planets by drowning it
Simply epic best movie ever he has a sex bot just like me
The resistance serves a narrative purpose, they are there to show how K has to make an individual decision not depending on anyone to truly become special so he denies both Wallace and the rebellion. They are a crucial part of his final character development, where they appoint him to go kill Deckard and he does the literal opposite. Also to show how both sides (Wallace and the rebellion) want to use K as a tool for their own goals, which is reflected in the fact that they both are in water reflected settings and both the rebellion bitch and Wallace are blind in some way or another.
replicants are not robots you pea brain
Yeah they are dumb shit they were created to be slaves on mining colonies in other planets.
>what does it mean to be dishonest
>hah how is this NOT dishonest
Answer the question pleb
no i liked Luv and K a lot
but the antagonists in the first film had goals that were more understandable
they wanted to be able to live longer like a real human
after learning that he is doomed to die and the loss of his lover he goes into a rage
in the conclusion of the fight scene the main antagonist lets Decker live because he realizes there's no way for him to extend his life and he's come appreciates life so he does not wish to end someone else's prematurely like what will happen to him.
it fits the films theme of replicants being able to ''become'' human mentally even if they are not physically human
Are you baiting? Have you actually seen any Blade Runner film?
Replicants are bio-engineered human beings. They function in the same way as humans, they also need food to operate and lungs to breathe. You thinking that they're actually some kind of steel mechanical robots with human skin is just laughable.
>they were created to be slaves on mining colonies in other planets.
No, every replicant is created for a specific need. Some could be made strictly for combat, some as sex bots. They all operate with organs like humans no matter what is their function.
Nice excuse for a forgotten sub plot.
nvm not Luv i ment Joi
i just didn't really care much for Luv
Oh dear looks like the incel thread got deleted
Have you? Do you not remember anything from the first movie?
It means it's pretentiously not honest
>your average Yea Forums poster
>using left brain/right brain bullshit
Blade Runnerfags are truly desperate.
Don't fall for the bait.
Luv's motivation is wanting to be special just like K wants to be, but her only way of becoming special is by being "the best one" to Wallace, which is the tragic existence of her character.
She's like a 12 year old girl trapped in a killing machine body desperately wanting to prove herself while being unaware of the moral severity of her actions.
>buzzword buzzword
>buzzwordous buzzwordery
>buzzwordous buzzword buzzword
>buzzword and buzzwordy buzzword
>buzzwordous buzzword
>buzzwordish buzzword: buzzword
>absolute buzzwordery
>buzzwording despite buzzword's buzzword
BR2049 fags can't use both parts of their brains lol
now that's a funny post haha how can I upvote it
Imagine not understanding cyberpunk to such a degree that you think it's satire of 2019 hypergamy.
Everybody uses parts of their brains. Even vegetables do. That pic is nonsense. The creator might as well have appealed to Astrology.
>that pic is nonsense
But it's correct about the story coming first in blade runner 2049 and the story being subordinate in the actual blade runner kino
Oh, a movie has a good story! How terrible!
>good story
>muh resistance and muh long lost child
Literally force awakens tier story
Kek you just proved yourself DUMB
the resistance is like 0.1% of the almost 3 hour long film and they get BTFO literally right after their scene my dear phoneposting tourist friend
The first Blade Runner is literally about killing people on a list. Don't go into story, faggot, or you will surely lose.
The first blade runner is about humanness not being restricted to humans
I like it because it's a good movie with great visuals and atmosphere. Incels like it because they think their situations are in any way comparable to the life of a genetic freak that is considered less than human and can't find love.
Post ONE (1) good shot from BR2049.
No meme compilations, just one good picture you think looks worthy.
What difference does that even make in your opinion?
And the second isn't? K believes that he is the chosen one, but he isn't. That doesn't stop him from giving his own life meaning.
hol up, hol up
so where's the noir in this movie?
did i get scammed by angry incels?
never change america
because incels have low IQ and didn't get the joke
Exactly, the second is literally copying the themes from the first movie that were done better.
>imagine being this mad about getting outed as an incel
It's expanding on the themes of the first one, like a proper sequel should.
The first one being about what it means to be human, while the sequel deals with how memories form identities, what it means to be "special" or individual, and does it matter if you're programmed or not. Or the first one being about the human-replicant relationship, the second one extending it about the replicant-AI relationship and the nature of programming itself, which is not so prominant in the first one.
god damn that is me
>muh close up
>Not noticing that Roy batty didn't kill Deckard because he grew humanity. He had empathy in that last fight, like a real human unlike Deckard who would have killed him without a second thought.
>it's basically hard satire of /r9k/ and waifufags lol
that's just the narrative you are trying to force
oh I know, I should've posted a negative space silhouette wide shot in order for Yea Forums to think it's "le great cinematography" am i rite
It is the dumbest identity movie there is, while the first movie conveys it a lot better. All the replicants in the first movie had a lot more character and personality than K.
>tfw no goth gf to treat me like a sex slave
why even live?
That is cause K is still a slave, they killed his personality on purpose did you forget the scenes where they test to see if he is still emotionless and inhuman.
>Roger Deakins is an dishonest cinematographer
Please tell me your pretenting to be retarded.
>an dishonest
Why does Yea Forums like Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Answer to both is emotional masochism, probably.
K diverging from the plan is good in itself. There is emotional weight behind his abandonment of protocol.
Wow good point man, you noticed a grammatical error.
He is though, literally reddis favorite dishonest cinematographer
>reddit likes him
Guess that means all his awards an accolades are worthless.
>it's popular so it's bad
mental midgettry x3
Tell me why is a film like The Assassination of Jesse James shot "dishonest"
It's so baffling how people cling onto buzzwords. "Reddit" doesn't mean anything as an adjective. It has as much value as "hipster". It literally just means "what I don't like".
He was questioning stuff since the start of the movie with Battista. When was it ever stated that replicants were brainwashed? I figured cells scene was just him keeping his emotional responses under control. Plus he only reacts to love based questions in the second cells scenes.
>Guess that means all his awards an accolades are worthless.
Obviously are you a fucking retard who thinks any film awards are legit? Stop being so fucking cringe
It doesn't. He breaks out of control because he wants to be "special". It's like entering another slave mentality because not even in the first movie NOBODY was special, but they can reach that by doing something extraordinary, like when Tyrell tells Roy that he's the brightest flame... And he is, because he loved, he protected and he forgave. K doesn't do nothing of that, just wallows in his "love" for a program. That's the other thing that was extremely stupid for me, his relationship to joy or whatever. He got her from a retailer... It's only NATURAL to think there might be a ton of copies of her, she's a program after all. So the reveal that she's just a mass marketed AI fell so flat. Compare that to the scene where Rachel realizes that she's a replicants with tyrells niece in her. That was beautiful and emotionally heavy.
>search "dishonest cinematography" on youtube
>second result Filmmaking and Cinematography Techniques: Blade Runner 2049
Because it looks like basic bitch boring shit.
BR2049 fags utterly BTFO
>but they can reach that by doing something extraordinary,
Like K dismissing both his superior and the rebellion and making his first individual choice of his life by reuniting a father with his daughter?
>K doesn't do nothing of that
What? K didn't live Joi? K didn't care for Deckard and Ana?
>So the reveal that she's just a mass marketed
Reveal? That's a direct fact from her first appearance. K's perfectly aware she's a product from the start. K most probably saw that ad about a thousand times before. His awareness of her programming and being a corporate product is obvious in that scene where Joi tells him that she loves him and he replies "You don't have to say that". I mean he literally passes by the Joi ad in his Spinner and has voice messages from his boss while he's with Joi in the rain.
It's a good cyberpunk movie. I don't understand what your complaint is.
It didn't kept the blue vs red color play that the original 80s movie has and try to add more coloring therefore being dishonest to its predecessor and ultimately to its fans
that's completely retarded
K dismisses his superior while she genuinely cared for him. He did all that of helping Deckard and his daughter because it was selfish. I see it that way anyway. He also lost everything in his life, his job, his "love", his fantasy and so he was willing to kill himself. Roy starts selfish as hell in the start, but at the end he's redeemed not because of his selfishness, but because he had empathy for Deckard, he wanted to share with Deckard and teach him that just because he's a replicants doesn't mean he is beneath a human. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it well, but k only cared about Deckard and Ana because it would make him special by proxy.
The moment when k sees the huge hologram, he realizes Joi was all based on a lie and a mass production. All his life was based on a fake relationship and he had an expression like he never knew about this.
unironically looks better even though it's not great
He knew that from the start as I already said.
Joi was a physical extension of K's character development. What K yearned for, she expressed.
Yes at the start his Joi was a blank slate just like that giant ad, but through all their interactions and K's genuine "I'm special" beliefs (which he doesn't have anymore at the bridge scene) his Joi became special, unique and "real" to him specifically, seeing that entire scene as a mirror of Deckard meeting the fake Rachael, which is most evident by the completely black eyes of the giant Joi, where K could've easily had the same exact "I know what's real" line like Deckard did with the fake Rachael there.
well yeah i should've worded my reply better
but in the final fight it was Roy that came off more human then Deckard which was a great ending for the movie
I've never seen a single men's movie on this list.
I've seen 11 on the women's list.
I feel like such a failure guys :(
I'll watch all the male movies starting tomorrow.
Hm, I've never thought of Joi as k's desires made corporeal. But didn't they already have a lot of years being together for Joi to be seen as a blank slate? I figured since she wanted to do a threesome/sex with her personality it meant they had some years into it.
I never thought of that scene like that honestly, I thought k was heartbroken because he saw Joi for what she really was.
You expanded on it, so no worries. I agree, the first movie is a beautiful experience and I specifically loved it. It's one of the movies that show instead of say and it's breathtaking. I'd even go so far as to call the first Bladerunner muy favorite movie.
Oh yeah and also because of what you said, that Roy came out as being more human than Deckard being human, why the theory of Deckard being a human a lot more interesting. I thought Deckard was a replicants in my first viewing but after a lot more views Deckard being human makes a lot more sense and it makes it a lot more emotionally engaging.
im not really following you here. What you posted here makes the movie look beautiful.
>movie about a man finding purpose in this world and realizing he has a true identity and agency
>yet ultimately the Goose is the one who has agency as compared to the tribes of replicants who hide underground
its unironically so close to home, some of us want to have some role on this planet but most of us are just meaningless, ugly peons. We all want to figure ourselves out like K did but we have nothing he does.
How do you not see it? Everything from not being interested in 3DPD to paying a prostitute to dress up like your waifu is /r9k/ (and 4chummer in general) as hell, how can anyone watch that movie and not cringe at it?
He didn’t pay or even call the prostitute, his Joi did that. And he has his Joi at default state and let's her choose to dress or act however she wants
>dishonest camera placement and lighting
I don't even know what that means but what you posted looks beautiful so I don't see a problem with it
fucking this,literal word soup from this faggot who cant elaborate on critique without made up words like fucking "neo Yea Forumseddit hangups" like christ what a dumb nigger
>the main replicant has a hologram wife so the entire movie is a satire on /r9k/ and waifu fags
being this retarded to being with
you're just jealous of my (you)s
this movie is nothing compared to reality
>ugly old spic VS young white angel made by god himself
>super advanced hologram VS shitty, low res and short videos.
talk about hard times, the futur looks bright to me
Yikes, imagine inventing all these pseudointellectual buzzwords just to describe shitposting on imageboards
> Yea Forums hates this movie now
pretty sure they hated it when it came out. probably the best indicator that something's good
You keep saying lol after your posts, what is the affected nonchalantness hiding?
I'm pretty sure it's more about the differences between replicant and AI and further blurring the lines in relationships than being a condemnation of incels. It's more Her than Cam
Could you define "dishonest" in the context of this post?
it's not satire of internet culture, it's critique of post-modernity, and of course aspects of internet culture are referenced. K represents the average male, and while his early character is criticized as being escapist and indulgent, the core of the message is about the fucked up world around him and how he should deal with it.
Trips of truth. Answer: masochism
>woman watch BR for the first time
I sleep
This is a great shitpost not gonna lie
nice bait OP 11/10 you’ll get at least 200 replies
Threads were comfy for about two months and then the pirated digital release opened the floodgates for poorfags, neets, and autists.
Those of us who appreciated it early and saw it repeatedly in theaters knew that it had a challenging narrative that would only appeal to a few and a theatrical aesthetic that would severely diminish any enjoyment of a home viewing, let alone a pirated one.
Yea Forums usually follows a pattern where the pirated release permanently ruins threads but with BR2049 we enjoyed an unusually long run of good threads because there was never a decent camrip (I resorted to making my own for chrissake) and the digital release was never leaked before release. We were reminiscing about it in the Alita generals which had an even longer run, so long that it spoiled us rotten and the neets and poorfags brought an improvement.
Anyways, Alita and BR2049 both feature protagonists who bravely pursue personal integrity in a world that would kill them and the people they love for it, and the narrative takes a firm stand on it still being worth it despite enormous costs. No other films do this and in this age of capeshitting sacrificial altruism and hero-underpants-wearing retards the value of these films will go largely unnoticed except for a few conscientious anons who frequent our little dark corner of the internet.
You forgot,
>effeminate pacing
I have several physical copies of 2049
What is effeminate pacing?
Long brooding shots that outstay their necessary time until the whole movie is bogged down in melodramatic faux-self pity and ego-stroking of its own brilliance not unlike a girl talking only about her pain and awesomeness.
Me too. I own the normal blu ray and the steelbook one
I didn't feel like the movie had that.
What a pleb opinion. Its a sequel, not the same movie
beautiful physical copy, i have that one too
I get them all if a single one were open matte.
My nigga I flew 700 miles just to see it one more time in an IMAX rerelease.
do you even know what satire is?
The desert and disco scene.
The Elvis scene was absolutely perfect pacing and tension wise. Every single insert of silence and onslaught of glitched out noise interchanged perfectly as the confrontation continued.
As for the entire film, I wish it was longer.
I think this is as close to a perfect movie as I've seen,
>inb4 I haven't seen many movies
based trips I only like marvel and batman world it is best lol
How do you even come up with these words
I liked Deckard, he's pretty cool and doesn't afraid of anything.
He does very clearly afraid of anything, if he was fearless, he would have climbed back down and picked up his gun after he dropped it.
Great. Now try to explain the meaning of all those empty terms and how it applies to this movie specifically.
You really should, the men's list is full of kino.
He is a man. Replicants are not robots, they are organic beings crafted in lab that because of moralistic bullshit and legal mumbo jumbo, are seeing as nothing more than property.
looks like pure uninspired obvious boring meme shit. "reddit kino"
>while being unaware of the moral severity of her actions.
Doesn't she cry when she kills the police chief or when Wallace kills the newly birthed Replicant?
I think she is aware on some emotional level what she is doing is wrong, but she does them anyway because that is the life set for her. Kind of what K does in his job in all honesty, until he has the awakening (which is self preservation btw, he never had any moral objections to killing or the system he worked for)
K transcends himself by sacrificing himself in battle for the sake of another. He doesn't want to die, he wants to live, but he was willing to die in order to serve a noble purpose that he individually decided upon.
Luv stays within her destined box.
Nice rebuttal you fucking idiot
>no All Quiet on the Western Front
Fuckin plebs.
dont use words you dont understand
Yea Forums is fucking dissapointing, HOW THE FUCK can you like this piece of shit? The only good part of this movie is Ana de Armas body
>all those Adam Sandler movies
>all the Fantastic Four movies
>Hobbit any of em
>Ghost rider 2
>maximum contrarian
Her body is kinda average to meh though, she is "girl next door" material. The good thing about her character is the caring, loyal, and lovable personality, not her appearance on itself.
Only serves to show how much of a brainlet you are.
>Video Game Iconography
- The framing brings forth a suavistic “coolness”, think of Alan Walker and his music videos.
>Dishonest Cinematography
- Deakins goes all out, see the problem? Think of yourself trying to impress someone with your talents, is that honest? Is that you? Exactly.
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as Incel entertainment/Beta Powerplay
- This is genius, it cuts straight into what the K effect is. An obfuscated protagonist who plays an underdog, why onions then? Because he chases the product, not the person.
>Barking indefinite hipster score
- Had it been Johansson, this critique would’ve rang hollow, but alas, we have Zimmer, trying to emulate Deakins’ approach, he turns from a veteran to a try-hard.
>Neo Yea Forumseddit hangups: camera schizophrenia and meme dialogue
- Camera zooms in on points that feel out of place e.g. the orange city, inside the water sanctum, as if the idea of letting the camera wander dictates rather than the director. Meme dialogue applies to all films post 2010.
>Meta-Quip syndrome (refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan)
- This is so true, the quip syndrome permeates everywhere now, the reason is the current milieu though, the film being a stark contrast to the contemporary zeitgeist.
>Post-Capeshit inversions
- Thinking back on this, it just becomes more and more true, inverting the capeshit aftermath in dialogue and pacing, we have something that is capeshit. How? Same coin different side. Don’t play the game, don’t become the fool.
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic imdb fetish
Can’t disagree here, I blame the Gosling-factor. He peddles his own stoic merchandise, engineered to bump his IMDb popularity whenever he’s relevant. It’s disgusting.
>meme speaking
>Yea Forums lingo
>repeated phrase
>>Meta-Quip syndrome (refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan)
>- This is so true
You get it. You passed the test. Well done, user.