What is Yea Forums's preferred Pokemon partner? I think I'd go with something pretty basic like a Pidgey. It's whole evolutionary line is simple yet aesthetic and when it's fully evolved you can fly on that motherfucker.
What is Yea Forums's preferred Pokemon partner? I think I'd go with something pretty basic like a Pidgey...
for me, it's gengar
easy maintenance, cool design
Hypno. You know fucking well why.
Machamp has been my bro a long time.
For me it’s ditto. I can have him transform into all my waifus (with a stinky braphole as an extra plus) and fuck his jiggly pokepussy as if I was having sex with the real thing!
Korviknight. Or Mewtwo.
Ditto would leave you
Based and Chadpilled
Yikes and Havesexpilled
Beeheyem. It would be cool to have an ayylmao companion
>Baizuos claimed this shit is gonna make billions
>anyone with a brain knew that abstract pokemon mixed with ugly mutt nigger lead wont sell especially not in asia
>current total is a bit over 400 million
imagine if they hadnt made pokemon degenerate and the protagonist had been white/asian
Luxray. A real nigga.
My giant wife Celesteela, of course.
Trevenant, obviously
A Swablu! It's cute and eventually evolves into Altaria.
This Chad right here.
>anything after Gen 2
underage get out.
I don't even like most of Gen 2, but it came out when I was 11 so it was still okay to play it. Once you hit 13 you should quit playing Pokemon.
one of the comics had ash with a poliwag/poliwhirl and it learned ice beam and it made him a bridge cheat during a bicycle race. i want a poliwhirl
Infernape, love me some journey to the west.
inb4 special snowflake eevee faggot who doesn't know he's gay
Growlithe is very based and bropilled
For me it's Ampharos
Say what? Torterra is the only grass choice.
Swablu is the only shiny I've ever looked for. Never did get one, but a cute gold cloud dragon would have been worth it.
Torterra is also great, yes. Trevenant is just my favourite Pokemon in general.
bulbasaur. Or pidgey.
>pic related
Am I to assume from the name that Trevenant is a Grass/Ghost type?
took them 6 gens but Grass/Ghost is an unexpectedly kino type combo
It has a cool shiny.
humanshape pokemonfags are so gay.
Anything else is gay as fuck.
Unless it is atherous.
Then your are a chad.
>Mew gave birth thousands of years ago to a Pokemon that looks like a sunken and forgotten anchor from the 1500s europe
i don't buy it
I’d want a Rowlet
I'll choose Arceus so all others pokemon have to obey me
If not, Gardevoir as my sex partner
That ditto was from the experimentation laboratory, so it could change at will, including humans. Regular dittos can only transform as other pokemon.
That's not how it works...
Are you also implying that Mew gave birth to a dead child's soul trapped in a tree stump?
yes, since that is what the original explanation was. mew is the mother of all pokemon, even the ones we didn't know about yet.
Think of the utility
It'b be a Diglett.
Nope, none of the Pokedex entries say "Mew gave birth to all types of pokemon".
The closest you'll get is "Mew contains the genetic code of all pokemon" (which explains why it can learn every move) or "There are many scientists who believe Mew is the ancestor of all pokemon" (which is not the same as giving birth to all of them.
Animeshit doesn't count.
>since that is what the original explanation was
according to fucking what
He won't give a shit about my disgusting neet lifestyle
Out of the way fuckers. All he needs is a cigar.
the pokemon is the seaweed, the anchor is something he's attached to
>decent tier
baby pokemon
cute pokemon
pokemon that aren't just Regular Pet + Element
>bad tier
canine, feline, bird pokemon
legendary pokemon
>shit tier
female pokemon, you perverts
I like fire.
>Decent tier
>baby pokemon
>Implying baby pokemon aren't derivative shite.
i want to fuck that girl
I found a shiny of this guy
Jigglypuff because of the stand-up comedy
Probably vulpix
Humanoid mons are cringe
I don't know what the first one is
I don't know what that is
I don't know what that is
Based But You're A Tripnigger So I Won't Respond To You
This is fucking gay
So about those feminine pokemons
male pikachu
female machoke
>Sleeping With Your Pikachu: Cute
I'd say they made it through Generation 3 or 4 before the quality control plummeted and they started turning out more misses than hits. And even the later generations have some good stuff.
>t. user who only actually played/watched Gen 1
i want a flygon so bad bros
then you don't know what you're talking about. I was 8 when R/B came out, prime age. Watched the anime, played the game, collected (but not played) the cards.
I'm not saying the quality can't plummet, I'm saying you have no frame of reference if you only played Gen 1, especially if you weren't 8-12
Wow what a fucking faggot.
Fucking based